978,739. Patented Dec. 18, 1910.

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1 M, 0, GRISWOLD & T, BRIEGEL, DUST COLLECTOR, APPLIO ATION FILED FEB. 5, 1910, 978,739. Patented Dec. 18, SHEETS-SHEET 1. 9 s as s ) itv.coco A7 O. Gasnoa,. v?2% Theodore Ariege,


3 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. MILTON O. GRISWOLD AND THEODoRE BRIEGEL, OF ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS, As SIGNORS TO GRISWOLD MANUFACTURING COMPANY., of Rock ISLAND, ILLINOIs, A CORPORATION OF ILLINOIS. DUST-COLLECTOR. 978,739. Specification of Letters Patent. Patented Dec. 13, Application filed February 5, 1910, Serial No. 542,223. To all whom it may concern: Be it known that we, MILTON O. GRIs of the casing. 1. Within the annular groove WOLD and TFIEODORE BRIEGEL, citizens of the 4 is disposed suitable packing 5, whereby the United States, residing at Rock Island, in lid 3 may have an air tight union with the the county of Rock Island and State of casing 1. The casing 1 is provided upon its Illinois, have invented certain new and use Outer surface and near the upper end there ful Improvements in Dust-Collectors, of of, with diametrically arranged ears 6, which the following is a specification. which have pivotally mounted thereon as at Our invention relates to dust-collectors 7, Screw-threaded pins 8, which in turn O and more particularly to a dust-collector to carry thumb-nuts. 9. The pins 8 are, ar be interposed between a suitable suction ranged to be inserted within diametrically pump and a pneumatic renovating-tool, such disposed slots 10 formed upon the lid 3, and as is used for cleaning carpets, rugs, and the the thumb-nuts 9 may then be screwed up to clamp the lid 3 upon the casing 1. It is like. - 5 An important object of our invention is to obvious that the thumb-nuts 9 may be freed provide a dust-collector, which is compactin from engagement. with the lid 3, whereby its construction and having parts which are said lid may be readily removed from the readily removable for the purpose of cleans casing 1. Upon the inner surface of the ing the same. casing 1 and near its upper end, are fixedly A further object of our invention is to secured spaced brackets 11, which are dia metrically arranged with relation to the provide a device of the above character, em casing 1. bodying foraminous diaphragms, and means for introducing the air to the filter below Arranged concentrically within the cas the diaphragms. ing 1, is a cylindrical cup-like sheet-metal water-receptacle 12, the upper open end of The final object of our invention is to pro which is provided with an outwardly extend vide a dust-collector, which is compara tively simple of construction and highly pro ing flange 13, which is seated upon the ficient in fulfilling its function. brackets 11. The receptacle 12 is much Our invention consists in the combination smaller than the casing and owing to the ar and arrangement of parts to be hereinafter rangement of this receptacle, there is formed an annular space 13' within the casing 1, described. c. * In the accompanying drawings forming a which communicates with spaces 14 and 15 part of this specification, and in which like above and below said receptacle 12. Ar 35 numerals are employed to designate like ranged concentrically within the receptacle parts throughout the same, Figure 1 is a 12 is an inverted cup-like receptacle 16, central vertical section through the dust which is preferably cylindrical and made of collector. Fig. 2 is a fragmentary plan view sheet-metal. The inverted receptacle 16 has of the dust-collector. Fig. 3 is a central a much smaller diameter than receptacle 12 vertical section through a slightly modified and the same is longer than receptacle 12. The form of the device, shown in Fig 1. lower open end of the inverted receptacle 16 In the drawings illustrating a preferred is disposed upon the closed end of receptacle embodiment of our invention, 1 designates 12 as at 17, while the closed end of recep an outer casing which forms a vacuum tacle 16 extends upwardly beyond the open chamber and constitutes the body portion of end of receptacle 12, and is adjacent the lid the device, and which may be preferably 3. It will thus be seen that an annular space made of sheet-metal. The casing is shown 18 is provided between the receptacles 16 as being cylindrical and having its lower and 12. The inverted receptacle 16 is per end closed by means of a bottom 2. The forated adjacent its lower open end as at 19, upper end of the casing 1 is formed open below the water level of receptacle 12, for 50 and is normally covered by a removable cir establishing communication with the re cular lid 3, which is provided upon its under ceptacle 12. The receptacles 12 and 16 are side near its periphery, with an annular provided upon their inner and outer sides groove 4 for the reception of the upper end. respectively with annular ribs 19, which are in horizontal alinement and detachably

4 : pipe 33 also passes through a washer 37, which is disposed between the inverted re downwardly upon the same, ceptacle 16, and the lid 3. Mounted to ro Arranged concentrically within the in tate and telescope within the pipe 33, is a verted receptacle 16, is a sheet-metal cylin pipe 38, which communicates with a cylin- ; drical cup-like dust-collecting receptacle, drical air chamber 39, having a sight open which has a much smaller diameter and lon ing upon its upper end, which is covered gitudinal axis than receptacle 16. The re by a glass dome. The air chamber 39 has ceptacle is provided adjacent its upper communicating therewith a pipe 41, pro end with spaced lugs 21, which lie in the vided with a screw-threaded reduced exten same horizontal plane and serve to remov sion 42, for engagement with a hose or the 75 ably support a ring 22, to which is suitably like, connected to a suitable form of reno secured a foraminous diaphragm 23, prefer vating-tool (not shown). The function of ably formed of a closely woven fabric, such the glass dome is to enable the operator as muslin. The diaphragm 23 is provided at to observe the air laden with dust, as the its center with an opening, and surrounding same is being drawn into the dust-separator. this opening is a ring 24 to which the dia The closed end 2 of the casing 1, is provided phragm 23 is stitably secured. The outer centrally thereof with a screw-threaded pipe ring 22 is to be of sufficient size to fit snugly 43, which is to be connected by suitable within the receptacle ; so that the same means to a desired form of suction-pump 85 may not be displaced by pressure from be (not shown). low the diaphragm 23, while the ring 24 is In the modified form of our invention as prevented from displacement in a manner illustrated in Fig. 3, the receptacles 12 and to be hereinafter described. Below and 16 are dispensed with and the receptacle, spaced away from the lug 21, the receptacle designated in Fig. 3 by 22 is made sufi 90 is provided upon its inner side with an ciently large to be supported by the brack annular fiange, adapted to removably ets 11. The remainder of the structure of support airing 26 to which is suitably se the modified form is precisely like the first cured a foraminous diaphragm 27. The form hereinabove described, and need not diaphragm 27 may preferably be formed be again given. of a closely woven metal fabric, and this in the operation of the preferred form of diaphragm is provided at its center with the device, a suitable liquid such as water an opening, which is surrounded by a ring is placed within the receptacle 12, this wa 28, to which said diaphragm 27 is secured ter being in sufficient amount to cover the by suitable means. The ring 26 is of the perforated portion of the receptacle 16, as 00 proper size to fit snugly within the recep shown at 44. After suitable connections tacle, and thereby be prevented from have been made with a renovating tool and displacement by pressure from below. Dis suction pump, the dust-laden air is drawn posed within the rings 24 and 28 is a tube into the receptacle through the pipe. 29, which is proveded at its upper end with The dust-laden air is thus introduced into 105 a spreading mouth, which rests upon the receptacle below the diaphragms 23 the ring 24 and prevents the upward dis and 27 in a downward direction, which placement of the same. Surrounding the causes the larger particles carried by the tube 29, below the mouth, is a sleeve 31, dust-laden air to be thrown upon the bot which retains the rings 24 and 28 in proper tom of the receptacle, and accordingly...) spaced relation to each other, and also pre collected there. The dust-laden air is then vents the upward displacement of the ring drawn upwardly and by passing through 28. It is to be understood that the tube 29 the foraminous diaphragms 23 and 27 is de fits snugly within the sleeve 31, and said prived of the greater portion of the particles tube 29-may be withdrawn from the same carried thereby. The air then travels down 15 when desired.. wardly within the receptacle 16 toward the The lid 3 is provided centrally thereof, perforations 19. The air then passes with an opening 32, adapted for the recep through the perforations 19, which are be tion of a pipe 33, which extends through the low the water level of receptacle 12 whereby tube 29 and terminates at a central point the air is washed and deprived of all of its within the dust-collecting receptacle. The solid particles. The perforations 19 pre upper end of the pipe 33 is externally screw vent undue agitation of the water while the threaded as at 34, for engagement with a air is passing through the same. The air nut 35 disposed upon the upper surface of then rises above the water within receptacle the lid 3. The nut 35 is employed to prevent 12 and passes through the perforated plate the downward displacement of the pipe 33,, into the casing 1, or vacuum chamber, which is provided near its center with a and then from said vacuum chamber into flange 36, disposed within the mouth of the pipe 43. the tube 29, this flange 36 preventing the In the operation of the modified form of upward displacement of the tube 29. The the device, as shown in Fig. 3, the dust-laden Y. support a metal ring 21, provided with a plurality of openings 22, which are punched ,789 1

5 978,789 air is introduced through pipe 33 in a down ward direction into the receptacle. The dust-collecting receptacle, and means for larger particles carried by the air are depos conducting air out of the outer casing. ited upon the bottom of the receptacle 5. In a device of the character described, and the dust-laden air then passes through an outer casing forming a vacuum chamber, the diaphragms 23 and 27 into the casing or a water receptacle arranged within said vacuum chamber 1, and out of the same outer casing, a dust-collecting Ele 8 through pipe 43. In this form of the in ranged within said water receptacle, strain 0. vention, the diaphragms 23 and 27 are relied ing means arranged within said dust-col upon to remove practically all of the dust lecting receptacle, means for causing air to from the air passing therethrough. travel downwardly and upwardly within It is to be understood that certain changes said water receptacle when passing from the may be made. in the device, without depart dust collecting receptacle to within the outer 5 ing from the spirit of the invention, as set casing, means for directing air into said forth in the appended claims. dust collecting receptacle, and discharge claim:- Having fully described our invention, we means for said outer casing In a device of the character described, 1. A device of the character described, a water receptacle, means to exhaust air comprising a vacuum chamber, a water from the same, a dust collecting receptacle receptacle arranged therein, a receptacle ar arranged within said water receptacle, ranged within said water-receptacle and pro straining means arranged within said dust vided with perforations below the water collecting receptacle, means to cause the air line of said water-receptacle, and a filterin leaving the dust collecting receptacle to receptacle. device arranged within said second ES travel downwardly and upwardly within the water receptacle to pass below the water 2. A device of the character described, a level of said water receptacle, and means to vacuum chamber, a water - receptacle ar tacle. direct air into said dust collecting recep ranged therein, an inverted receptacle ar ranged within said water-receptacle and per 7. In a device of the character described, a forated below the water-line of the same, a water receptacle, a perforated receptacle ar dust-collecting receptacle arranged within ranged therein, a dust collecting receptacle said inverted receptacle, a foraminous dia arranged within said perforated receptacle, phragm arranged within said dust-collect straining means E.g. within said dust ing receptacle, and means for conducting collecting receptacle, means to introduce air air into said dust-collecting receptacle. into said dust - collecting receptacle, and 3. In a device of the character described, tacle. es to exhaust air from said water recep an outer casing forming a vacuum chamber, a water receptacle arranged within said outer 8. In a device of the character described, casing, a perforated receptacle arranged a water receptacle, means to exhaust air within said water receptacle, a dust-collect from the same, a dust collecting receptacle ing receptacle arranged within said per arranged within the water receptacle, a third forated receptacle, and a foraminous dia receptacle arranged within said water re phragm arranged within said dust-collecting ceptacle and surrounding the dust collecting. receptacle. w receptacle to cause air a's the dust col 4. In a device of the character described, lecting receptacle to pass below the water an outer casing forming a vacuum chamber, level of said water receptacle, and means to a water receptacle removably supported supply within said outer casing, an inverted perfo collecting air receptacle. to be strained to within said dust rated receptacle arranged within said water. In testimony whereof we affix our signa receptacle and removable therefrom a dust tures in presence of two witnesses. collecting receptacle arranged within said MIITON O. GRISWOLD. inverted receptacle and removable there from, a foraminous diaphragm removably THEODORE BRIEGEL. mounted within said dust-collecting recep Witnesses: tacle, means for conducting air into said B. J. MITCHELL, G. S. CHAMBERLIN



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