However, I think we can still take heed of the advice and start practising this way of life, especially if you find it hard to relax and unwind.

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1 OM MEE TE BEGIN Wat het die nuwe jaar gebring Twee maande van die nuwe jaar is reeds verby en in hierdie stadium glo ons dat elke Eienaar of Inwoner reeds die vrugte pluk van skouer-aan-die-wiel sit. Ek het gedurende die Desember-vakansie die onderstaande raad op die Internet raakgeloop. Die bedoeling daarvan was dat mens dit op so 'n wyse gedurende die vakansie oordink dat dit uiteindelik 'n gewoonte word. However, I think we can still take heed of the advice and start practising this way of life, especially if you find it hard to relax and unwind. 1. Take a moment, take a breath, take a look - several times each day. 2. Schedule me-time every day to focus on your priorities, to dream, to visualise your future, to grow spiritually. 3. Respect your me-time as you would any other appointment or deadline. It may not be urgent, but it is very, very important. 4. Say no. 5. Simplify. 6. Ask for, and accept help. 7. Don't procrastinate. If there is something to be done, just do it. 8. Focus on one thing at a time. Trying to do several things at once is counterproductive and takes longer. 9. Don't Sweat the Small Stuff. And remember, it's all Small Stuff. 10. Make time to have fun and to play. Life is short, enjoy it today. They say it just takes 21 days to form a habit. Don't you think now is a good time to entrench these ten tips into new habits?

2 VAN DIE VOORSITTER Algemene Jaarvergadering Ons wil Eienaars nou reeds inlig dat die Algemene Jaarvergadering vir Donderdag, 26 Mei 2011 gereël word. Teken gerus solank die datum in u dagboek aan, sodat u dit kan uithou vir hierdie belangrike byeenkoms waar oor die wel en weë van die Landgoed besin word. 26 May/Mei 2011 The Annual General meeting is the once in a year opportunity given to owners where they can discuss matters concerning their chosen residential estate. Especially this year where the upgrading of the security will be discussed, it will be wonderful to have a large number of owners attending. COMMUNICATION There is quite a lot of debate going on in the media regarding going greener by decreasing our carbon footprint. In this month's issue of Gozzip we focus on using solar power as a means to reduce our dependence on electricity, as well as useful tips to compost your green waste. Sonverhitting Weens die vinnige styging in die elektrisiteitstarief is daar baie mense wat dit dalk al oorweeg het om van sonverhitting gebruik te maak te maak om elektrisiteit te bespaar. Die probleem is dat jy nie altyd weet wat die besparing gaan wees nie, veral omdat van die verskaffers nie noodwendig altyd die feite onbevooroordeeld deurgee nie. Een van ons Inwoners wat alreeds hierdie sprong geneem het, het besluit om sy ervaring met die lesers van Gozzip te deel nadat 'n vriend hom sy mening gevra het. Ek het nog altyd geglo dat waterverwarming deur middel van die son werkbaar is, maar het nog altyd die koste ontsien, aangesien ons fokus elders was. Toe ons egter na Zevenzicht verhuis, het ek dadelik n paar dinge gedoen, want as mens eers uitstel kom jy nooit daarby uit nie. Die sonverhitter op die dak was een. Ek kan net sê dat die stelsel beslis baie goed werk. Ek noem aan jou n paar feite wat ek oor die maande sedert Maart-April 2010 waargeneem het. Die bestaande warmwatersilinder word as opgaartenk gebruik, so daar is net n paneel op die dak wat sigbaar is. Die stelsel sluit n pompie in wat die water sirkuleer. Die pomp het ook n sonpaneel wat n battery laai en krag vir die pompie stoor. Die feit dat die pomp ook sy energie van die son kry, bespaar ook krag.

3 Die stelsel is met n Geyser-wise-paneel toegerus wat die heeltyd die temperatuur tussen die sonpaneel op die dak en die water in die warmwatersilinder monitor. Sodra die water in die sonpaneel op die dak 4 grade Celsius warmer is as die water in die warmwatersilinder, skakel die pomp aan en sirkuleer die warmer water vanuit die sonpaneel na die warmwatersilinder en die warmwatersilinder se koeler water na die sonpaneel en skakel dadelik weer af. So gaan die proses die heeldag aan terwyl die son skyn. Ek het die warmwatersilinder se elektriese element geprogrammeer om een uur soggens voordat ons opstaan aan te skakel net om te verseker dat die water se temperatuur op minstens 55 grade Celsius is. Saans gebeur dieselfde tussen 8 en 9 uur. In die somer gaan die hitte in die warmwatersilinder in elk geval so hoog soos 70 grade Celsius en meer. Wanneer ons dus saans stort, sak die hitte in die warmwatersilinder na sowat 40 grade en word baie min krag soggens gebruik om die hitte weer op 55 grade Celsius te kry die volgende oggend. Streng gesproke gaan die element dus baie min aan in die somer. In die winter met baie reën is dit n ander saak en moet die warmwatersilinder se element saans bietjie meer werk. Op n bewolkte dag sal mens egter steeds teen die aand se kant 45 grade warm water hê wat deur die elektrisiteit tot 55 grade Celsius verhit moet word. Die effek op die beursie is as volg: Ons koop elektrisiteit teen die goedkoopste tarief (Lifeline), aangesien ons maandelikse verbruik binne die Lifeline-tariefsone val. Vir R300 kry ons sowat 400kWh en ons kry boonop 50 eenhede krag gratis per maand by die sowat 400kWh wat ons aankoop. Ons is 3 mense en het dikwels gaste wat oorslaap. Ons kom deur op Lifeline. Ek koop tans maandeliks R300 se krag waarvoor ek 441 eenhede kry. Ons het byvoorbeeld op 22 Desember 441 eenhede gekoop en op 23 Januarie was 201 eenhede nog oor. Ek het egter maar weer my R300 se elektrisiteit gekoop en ingevoer. Ek pot krag op vir die winter vir wanneer die warmwatersilinder se element vir langer gaan aanskakel en ons ook die lugreëlaar soms vir verwarming sal gebruik. Ek dink ek bespaar ten minste ongeveer R500 per maand teenoor ander huishoudings wat nie sonverhitting gebruik nie. By my vorige huis het ons voor die laaste prysverhoging ongeveer R850 per maand aan krag bestee. Dit sou nou na die 25% verhoging van Julie 2010 meer as R1 000 per maand gewees het. In terme van my ou huis is dit beslis ook n groot besparing. Ek dink my terugbetalingsperiode is ongeveer 2.5 tot 3 jaar wanneer ek my situasie vergelyk met huishoudings waar die maandelikse elektrisiteitsverbruik ongeveer R800 per maand beloop, sonder om die prysverhoging in ag te neem. Indien ek dit ook in ag neem is dit rondom 2 jaar. Indien ek nou weer moes kies, sal ek dalk een van die stelsels oorweeg wat sulke glasbuise het. Hulle maak die water selfs warmer en bereik feitlik 90 grade Celsius. Die son bereik die glasbuise beter as die stelsels met pype binne-in die plat panele. Ek merk dat daar reeds ten minste een Zevenzicht inwoner is wat die glasbuis-tegnologie laat installeer het.

4 Heat pumps An alternative to using solar power is the installation of a heat pump. It works the opposite of an air conditioner. Instead of cooling the air, it extracts the heat from the air and by compressing it, it gets hotter and this heated air is utilised to heat the water. The better systems use about 1kWh of electricity to produce the same quantity of hot water that will normally be produced by using 4,7kWh of electricity through an element in a geyser. The beauty of these systems is that they retain effectiveness despite cold winter seasons and cloudy days as it is not dependant on the sun. Heat pumps are also utilised for under floor heating. The cost of electricity Residents in Zevenzicht are regarded by the City of Cape Town as domestic customers and pay Domestic Tariffs. Where electricity purchased does not exceed 400 kwh per month (on average), customers receive a free basic allocation of 50 kwh, bringing the total electricity received up to a maximum of 449 kwh per month. Should electricity purchased exceed 400 kwh per month (on average), then the free electricity portion will no longer be made available to the household. The average of 400 kwh per month is an average measured over any consecutive twelve month period. Residents who want to qualify and make use of the Lifeline tariff must therefore use less than an average 400 kwh monthly and the municipality should have their average consumption on record and the local authorities must be approached with an application to change the tariff structure from the Domestic tariff structure to the Lifeline structure. However, the cost of purchasing more than the limit of 400kWh average per month is astronomical. The increase in your electricity bill will translate to 56.2%. Here are the figures: Lifeline Units Tariff Cost 100 R R R R R0 R Total R VAT R Domestic Low Units Tariff Cost 450 R R VAT R R Increase R % Increase 56.2%

5 It could be financially advantageous if the installation of such a system puts you in a position to use less than 450kWh a month, as you would be saving R Should a system cost R12 000, one will be able to recover the capital in less than 6 years not taking into account the cost of capital and future increases in electricity tariffs. SEKURITEIT Sekuriteit binne die landgoed Sekuriteit binne die landgoed is 'n term wat ons soms nie ten volle verstaan of reg interpreteer nie. Vir sekuriteit om te kan werk moet ons as gemeenskap deel wees daarvan. Ons moet verstaan dat sekuriteit by ons eie huise begin en dat ons nie 100% kan staatmaak op die hoë mure of die elektriese omheining of selfs ons wagte nie. Net deur om 'n alarm te aktiveer gedurende die nag of as u nie tuis is nie, is waar dit begin of selfs om net die vensters en deure nie onnodig te laat oopstaan nie is tog die realiteit waarin ons lewe deesdae. Die feit dat ons in 'n beskermde landgoed woon los reeds 'n groot deel van die alledaagse probleem van die kriminele element op, maar om ons belegging te beskerm moet ons as gemeenskap leiding neem. Raak betrokke, al is dit net om die wagte in te lig as daar iets of iemand verdag lyk of optree. Saam kan die Zevenzicht gemeenskap vir mekaar groter gemoedsrus skep en sodoende ook waarde tot ons beleggings toevoeg. Sekuriteitskomitee Na ons Algemene Jaarvergadering van 2010 is daar besluit om 'n sekuriteitskomitee te stig wat afsonderlik van die Trustees sou werk ten einde 'n 5 jaar plan saam te stel wat dan by die 2011 Algemene Jaarvergadering voorgelê kan word. Die komitee het goeie vordering gemaak maar moes as gevolg van verskeie redes vroeg in Desember ontbind. Die Trustees het sedert Januarie tweeweekliks vergader met die doel om 'n werkbare oplossing by die Algemene Jaarvergadering voorgelê kan word. Ons wil graag weereens 'n beroep op Inwoners doen om enige bydraes met die Landgoedbestuurder te kommunikeer, of as u die vrymoedigheid het om by ons vergaderings te kom insit en u insette met ons te deel. Onderhoud Daar is onlangs ekstra versterkings en 'n verandering aan die bedrading van die elektriese omheining aangebring. Die meeste van die versterkings is aan die suide en suidooste kant van die Landgoed aangebring. Daar word 'n beroep gedoen op die Inwoners wat teen die grensmuur woon om enige bosse of takke wat deur die elektriese omheining groei ten minste sowat 300mm daarvan weg te sny en ten alle tye so te hou om die doeltreffendheid van die heining so hoog as moontlik te hou. Die Landgoedbestuurder sal van tyd tot tyd inspeksies doen en eienaars in kennis stel as dit nodig is dat skoongemaak moet word. Die alternatief is dat die tuindienste dit verwyder en dit op u heffingsrekening gevoeg word. Die ingangshekke is ook intussen voltooi en ons verwelkom Inwoners se insette oor die stelsel wat in plek moet kom om die hekkies vir voetgangers te bedryf. Noodnommers / Emergency Numbers Ambulance / Ambulans Fire / Brand / Police / Polisie / Thunder Force /

6 FINANCE Financial Report Levies Thanks to all owners who are keeping their levy accounts up to date. As part of making the levies an easier task to manage we have been investigating the use of levy insurance. It is a very cost effective product and enables the full levy to be received on the first of every month whether all owners have paid or not. This greatly relieves the pressure of having to fund expenses before all the levies have been received. The levy insurance company then takes over the collection of the levies themselves. We have been in contact with an estate currently implementing this system and based on their experience of whether it actually works - and the impact on the homeowners thereof - we will decide to take the matter further or not. We will not make a decision before the service provider and the outcomes of the claims have been thoroughly evaluated. Should you have any further constructive inputs as to the running of the estate currently, or how we can improve the estate in any way, please send your comments to the estate manager. Finances The finances are in good order. The pedestrian gates at the entrance have been completed. Other than routine maintenance and minor garden improvement there are no large expenses expected to be incurred. Budget 2011 The budget has been completed and we are quite pleased that we were able to limit the increase to 5.66%. The revised levy should, barring major changes in service providers, be sufficient to maintain the high standards in the estate. At the Annual General Meeting an outline of future projects will be presented. Homeowners will have the chance to voice their opinions and contribute with constructive inputs. These projects will impact the future levies or require special levies to be raised. We therefore encourage the presence and participation of as many homeowners at the meeting as possible.

7 MAINTENANCE OF OPEN SPACES Recycling Green Waste We live in a world of limited space and depleting natural resources and we need to find ways in which we, as individuals can be more sustainable and run sustainable households. An easy and effective way to do this is to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Composting of our green waste is a great place to start. When green waste, such as garden refuse and kitchen waste, decomposes in landfills, it produces methane gas, a powerful greenhouse gas. By composting this waste we can help to reduce greenhouse gases. There are a number of ways in which to compost your green waste in a limited space. Below are some useful tips. For more info go to Select the type of composter you want You can create a pile of free standing material in your garden You can dig a hole and leave it open or cover it with hessian You can create an enclosed area either made of chicken wire, fencing or concrete blocks, or a wooden structure which will keep the pile neater You can purchase a compost bin - there are a variety of types available from hardware stores or online You can purchase a wormery. Select the space for your compost heap Place your compost 'container' or bin in a well drained area of bare earth - sand or grass - not on paving or concrete. This makes it easier for worms and other creatures to get into your compost. They play a vital role in breaking down your garden and kitchen waste Select a site that doesn't get too much wind. Some views say the bin shouldn't be in too much sunlight while others say that the warmth of the sun assists the composting process. See what works for you. Know what materials you can and shouldn't use for creating your compost. Select the space for your compost heap Place your compost 'container' or bin in a well drained area of bare earth - sand or grass - not on paving or concrete. This makes it easier for worms and other creatures to get into your compost. They play a vital role in breaking down your garden and kitchen waste Select a site that doesn't get too much wind. Some views say the bin shouldn't be in too much sunlight while others say that the warmth of the sun assists the composting process. See what works for you. Know what materials you can and shouldn't use for creating your compost. Use a variety of ingredients to make your compost as this provides even more nutrients for your garden. You need a balance of both green and brown materials in your compost bin.

8 Greens Green materials contain nitrogen Greens rot or break down quickly Greens can become compacted Greens keep the compost moist Greens alone will make the compost slimy and smelly. Mix with browns Green materials include: Fruit, vegetables & peelings Tea bags or leaves Coffee granules Crushed egg shells Garden & house plants Dead flowers Grass cuttings Weeds - don't compost weeds with persistent root systems, and weeds that are going to seed Browns Brown materials contain carbon Browns compost or break down more slowly Browns add texture and structure to your compost Browns create air pockets which are important for air circulation Browns will to be too dry on their own. Mix with greens Brown materials include: Branches & twigs Feathers Hedge trimmings Shredded cardboard & paper Toilet paper tubes Cardboard egg cartons Straw & hay Wood chippings Sawdust Hair & Fur Vegetarian animals' manure - avoid manure from carnivores Autumn leaves Dryer lint Do not add... Meat Fish Dairy products Dog / cat faeces Cat litter Coal ash (used charcoal briquettes don't decay much so avoid using them) Nappies / used tissue Roots of persistent weeds Diseased plants Coloured or shiny paper Plastic Glass Metal Creating your compost heap Place a layer (about 15cm) of brown materials like branches and twigs at the bottom of your pile or bin This will allow air to circulate at the bottom of the composter once more material is added Add green and more brown materials as they become available. Try add equal amounts of green and brown materials This will ensure that your compost is the right texture - not too compacted or too full of large air pockets Add air by turning your compost in the bin using a garden fork or stick or by empting the contents of your bin and turning them with a garden fork then returning them to the bin Check the moisture content Adding material When adding more materials, check that it's not too wet or too dry When you add greens add browns too If you mostly compost greens and you don't have enough garden browns, add in torn up cardboard boxes or egg cartons or toilet paper tubes. Managing your compost The more you attend to or manage your compost heap the quicker you will get usable garden compost If you just leave it you will still get compost but it will take much longer Check the temperature inside the pile either with a thermometer or feeling it with your hand If it is warm or hot, your compost heap is working If it is the same temperature as the outside air, add more greens, manure or ready-made compost mix to stimulate the microbial activity

9 Organic waste needs air and water to decompose to form compost Organisms that decompose organic matter are aerobic - needing air circulation to survive Turn the pile with a fork or a stick Keep the pile as moist as a wrung-out sponge An overly wet pile slows down decomposition as the water replaces the air, creating an anaerobic environment Check the moisture level by gently squeezing a handful of compost. If it's dry and dusty add some water. If it feels slimy or soggy mix in some brown materials like shredded cardboard or small twigs to absorb the extra moisture Too many ants are a sign that your compost is too dry. Vermiculture Vermiculture or worm farming is a composting process that uses worms and micro-organisms to convert organics into nutrient-rich humus Vermi-composting is the practice of using earthworms for the production of compost. The worms consume organic waste and produce castings (an odour-free compost product) for use as mulch, soil conditioner, and a topsoil additive Organisms, such as bacteria and millipedes, also assist in the aerobic decomposition of the organic waste material Home use wormeries are available from a number of resellers Herwinning van papier Zevenzicht is sedert Junie 2010 as woongebied by die herwinning van papier betrokke. In hierdie tyd het ons nou al meer as twee-en-`n-half ton se papier herwin. Baie dankie aan al die getroue ondersteuners van hierdie inisiatief. As mens na die syfers hieronder kyk, lyk dit asof almal nie gereeld daarby inskakel nie, maar tog so van tyd-tot-tyd huisskoonmaak en dan die herwinbare papier vir herwinning uitsit. Datum Gewig Datum Gewig Reeds gelewer November Oktober Desember Oktober Desember Oktober Desember Oktober Januarie November Januarie November Totaal 1460 Groottotaal 2540

10 ONTWIKKELING Bou kwessies Almal behoort onlangs Aurecon se kennisgewing vir die voorgestelde rehabilitasie van die stormwater stelsel tussen Zevendal en Zevenzicht te ontvang het. Die proses is weereens vertraag nadat daar langer met die natuur impakstudie geneem is as wat beplan is. Ons het reeds vir Zevenzicht Landgoed as 'n "interested and affected party" by hulle geregistreer. Die Trustees het die dokumente noukeurig nagegaan en bespreek en daar is besluit dat ons die projek in beginsel goedkeur soos dit voorgestel is, mits daar vir ons die versekering gegee word dat die toegangspad tot sy huidige toestand herstel sal word en dat dit vry sal wees van enige defekte. Tweedens verlang die Trustees dat daar meer aandag aan die deel op Zevenzicht se grond gegee moet word om verdere gronderosie te voorkom. As u enige verdere insette het, kan u dit aan die Landgoedbestuurder kommunikeer sodat ons dit binne die volgende 21 dae tydperk vir kommentaar aan Aurecon kan uitwys. Skakel ook gerus direk met die projekbestuurders as u nog inligting benodig of nog nie 'n kennisgewing ontvang het nie. Die kontakbesonderhede is: Aurecon Mel Pillay Telefoon E-pos OUR LIFESTYLE AND RULES Quad bikes Rules According to a notice to Residents dated 10 November 2006, it granted permission to Owners of quad bikes to use these vehicles with specific provisos. However, the Trustees decided to revoke the ruling that quad bikes are allowed to be driven "once a day (in and out) at a low speed without any noise", as this is contradictory to Municipal regulations which stipulates that NO quad bikes are allowed on public roads. Some Rbesidents replied constructively and gave meaningful inputs after the invitation in the previous Gozzip regarding the review of the rules. The Trustees decided to put the rule review exercise on hold and to focus on alterations that is required in building guidelines first. The rule review exercise will receive attention later in the year.

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