Planning Statement. Land at Hookstone Road and Hornbeam Park Avenue. Report. Harrogate College. April

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1 Report First Floor, City Point 29 King Street Leeds LS1 2HL T: +44 (0) F: +44 (0) Land at Hookstone Road and Hornbeam Park Avenue Harrogate College April 2016

2 Contents Contents 1. Introduction Site and Surroundings The Proposed Development Planning Policy Review Assessment of Proposed Development Summary Appendices Appendix I Site Plan Prepared By: Chris Jones Status: Final Draft Date: April 2016 For and on behalf of GVA Grimley Limited April 2016

3 1. Introduction 1.1 Bilfinger GVA is instructed by Harrogate College (hereafter referred to as the College or the applicant ) to prepare and submit a hybrid application seeking outline planning permission for residential development and full planning permission for a new artificial sports pitch on surplus land to the north and east of its main campus at Hornbeam Business Park, Harrogate. 1.2 The application site is immediately adjacent to the existing College building and fronts onto Hookstone Road and Hornbeam Park Avenue (a site plan is attached at Appendix I). It currently comprises former playing fields primarily associated with the site s previous occupier, ICI to the north and ancillary grassed land to the east. The former playing fields have remained unused for many years, principally owing to the sloping topography and poor drainage in certain elements of the site. As a result, they offer no benefit to the College and perform no wider community function. 1.3 In addition, the College is seeking funds for an ambitious investment program including new and improved facilities at their Hornbeam Park campus (currently under construction and due to complete later this year) and infrastructure capabilities, enabling it to better serve the wider Harrogate district community. The sale of the former playing fields will significantly contribute towards the program of works. 1.4 As a consequence, the College is seeking planning permission for: Hybrid planning application seeking outline permission for up to 89 dwellings (with all matters reserved except for access) and detailed permission for an all-weather sports pitch with associated access, car parking, open space, landscaping, drainage infrastructure and demolition of buildings 1.5 The purpose of the application is to secure the principle of the site s development for housing prior to securing a its sale to a developer. This will ensure the College secures maximum value for the land in line with the requirements of public service providers. 1.6 The application is submitted following detailed pre-application discussions with the Local Planning Authority and a thorough public consultation exercise, throughout which the College and its design team have worked positively to prepare a well-considered and balanced application. As a result, the proposed development forming the basis of this application accords with the Council s policies and requirements and responds positively to the feedback received during the consultation exercise. April 2016 1

4 1.7 This Statement will set out the main planning considerations relevant to the determination on the application including: A description of the site and its surroundings and relevant planning application history; A description of the proposed development subject of the planning application; A review of the relevant planning policies and guidance; and An assessment of the proposed development against the policies, guidance and other material considerations. 1.8 The application is supported by the following documents: The application forms and notices; A full set of plans and elevations; Design and Access Statement; Statement of Community Involvement; Sports Needs Assessment Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy; Phase 1 and Phase 2 Geo-Environmental Assessments; Noise Impact Statement; Preliminary Ecological Assessment; Arboricultural Assessment; Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment; Transport Assessment; and Travel Plan; April 2016 2

5 2. Site and Surroundings Site Description 2.1 The application site is located south east of Harrogate town centre and is approximately 3.63 hectares (ha) in size, split 2.66ha for the proposed residential development and 0.98ha for the sports pitch and surrounding facilities (open space, parking and changing pavilion). Proposed Residential Site 2.2 The site is predominantly green field in nature with frontages onto Hookstone Road to the north, Hornbeam Park Avenue to the west and the Crimple Valley to the east. It was previously used for playing fields but has been out of use since circa The site slopes from west to east and hence the topography of the land and its poor drainage makes it unsuitable for more formal use for organised sport. In recent years, the site has been maintained by the College, including mowing, hedge trimming and security, at an annual cost despite the site offering no private or public use. 2.3 The South West boundary of the site has a line of trees which are protected by Tree Protection Orders (TPO). There is also a tree line on the South East side which separates it from the college. The north east and north west boundaries are formed by high hedging and sporadic trees. Proposed Sports Pitch Site 2.4 The land is largely green field, albeit there are some small pre-fabricated structures on the northern part of the site used for the storage of materials. These are to be demolished as part of the proposed development. In addition, the site includes a small area of harstanding used for vehicular parking. 2.5 The north-eastern and south-eastern boundaries of the site are made up of low-hedging and sporadic trees whilst the north-eastern boundary is formed by larger trees. The south-western boundary is largely formed by the college campus, in particular the new Technology Centre (which is currently under construction). Surrounding Context 2.6 The site is located circa 1.5km to the south east of Harrogate town centre. Surrounding the site to the north is a residential area characterised by large detached and semi-detached dwellings with spacious gardens; to the west is Hornbeam Business Park comprising numerous office and warehousing units as well as a pub and hotel; to the south is the Harrogate College April 2016 3

6 campus beyond which is further employment land and a hospice; and to the east is the Crimple Valley comprising generally open fields, woods and the Hookstone Beck. Further to the south east is agricultural land. At the western and northern points of the site are two detached residential dwellings, built of Yorkshire stone and set in gardens. Both dwellings are outside the site. 2.7 The site benefits from excellent public transport accessibility with Hornbeam Park Train Station being less than 200m from the site. It also has strong road links being within close proximity to major A roads including the A61, A661, A658 and A59 as well as being within 10km of the A1(M). Bus stops are located directly adjacent to the northern boundary of the site. It also benefits from substantial road frontage onto Hookstone Road and Hornbeam Park Avenue, providing opportunities for new access points off these roads. 2.8 This site is located close to a number of shops, services and open space including retail units along Leeds Road (circa 500m), a number of educational facilities within close walking distance (including St John Fisher Catholic High School, St Aidan s Church of England High School and Oatlands Junior School) and various GP surgeries, dentists and other necessary community services. It is also in the vicinity of other important open spaces including the Stray, the Great Yorkshire Showground and the Crimple Valley. The site is therefore very sustainably located. Relevant Planning History 2.9 A search of the full planning history of the site has been undertaken using the Council s online planning portal. This confirms that no applications have been submitted in relation to the site The College has previously submitted this site for consideration in the Strategic Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment, albeit the Council s assessment of the site is not yet available for review Planning permission was granted in June 2015 for an extension to the college campus, south of the site (ref: 15/01103/FULMAJ). The application comprised the erection of a two storey extension to the main building, alterations to the south west elevation of the college building and the erection of a detached 'Vocational Centre' workshop building. The enhanced College facilities allow for the relocation of existing space within Hornbeam Business Park to be reprovided on the main campus, resulting in better course interaction and improved student experience Within and around Harrogate, there are a number of applications for residential development at various stages of determination. However, having conducted a desk-based search no April 2016 4

7 applications for major development are within such close proximity to the site as to require consideration of cumulative impact. April 2016 5

8 3. The Proposed Development Background to the Proposal 3.1 In 2014, Harrogate College secured 3m of funding from the York, North Yorkshire and East Riding Local Enterprise Partnership to help deliver a refurbishment of its current facilities and a new Technology Centre for which planning permission was secured in June 2015 (ref: 15/01103/FULMAJ). This LEP funding provided half of the overall cost of the project, the rest provided directly by Hull College Group (the owner of Harrogate College) and the project is scheduled to be operational by September It will enable the College to expand its curriculum areas and improve its ability to provide learners with sought after vocational skills and training. The first phase of its investment programme also means it can create a more dynamic and modern learning environment. 3.2 The College is seeking to continue to deliver on this success with further development of its campus infrastructure. This includes plans to bring forward its long-term investment programme, which includes an all-weather sports pitch for student and community use, an expanded curriculum, and new IT infrastructure to improve the learning experience of current students and allow the College to offer state-of-the art distance learning courses. 3.3 With reductions and changes in public funding for the Further Education sector, the College has sought alternative opportunities to raise the necessary investment funds. This includes releasing the value of unused assets including surplus land such as the application site, which has been unused for a number of years and requires on-going maintenance to avoid it becoming overgrown and untidy. 3.4 On this basis, the College is seeking to sell the land in order to reinvest the funds generated back into the College through improvements to its facilities and infrastructure. This ensures the funds raised will contribute to long-term improvements rather than day-to-day costs. 3.5 As a public sector body, it is necessary for the College to secure best value for the land, which is generated by securing the planning permission for the highest value land use in accordance with the statutory development plan and relevant material considerations. It is in this context that an outline application for residential development has been submitted. This strategy is fully in accordance with the central Government s objective to build more housing on surplus public sector land and for public sector bodies to raise additional funds through alternative means. April 2016 6

9 The Proposed Development 3.6 The proposed development subject of this application is for: Hybrid planning application seeking outline permission for up to 89 dwellings (with all matters reserved except for access) and detailed permission for an all-weather sports pitch with associated access, car parking, open space, landscaping, drainage infrastructure and demolition of buildings 3.7 The proposal is brought together as a single application for the purposes of delivering a clear and defined scheme that accords with the relevant planning policies. It is likely however that the housing and sports pitch will be delivered separately, with the sports pitch delivered directly by the College and the housing delivered separately following the sale of the land. The sports pitch will be paid for directly from the proceeds of the sale of the land to the north of the College and therefore will not be deliverable without the approval of the wider outline application. 3.8 The two elements of the application are set out below. The Outline Application 3.9 The application is for outline planning permission for residential development on the surplus land to the north of the existing College building. The application includes details of the principal access arrangements into the site but reserve the following matters layout, scale, appearance and landscaping. However the application does set out development parameters within which future reserved matters applications should come forward. These are as follows: The proposal is for up to 89 dwellings. In accordance with pre-application discussions with the Council s Planning and Housing officers, the mix of dwellings is not proposed by this application but will be defined at the reserved matters stage. In addition, the affordable housing provision will be 40% subject to a viability assessment on submission of the reserved matters application; The principal point of vehicular access is to be taken off Hookstone Road (a full justification for this is provided in the Transport Assessment submitted with the application) with an additional pedestrian/cycle access point off Hornbeam Park Avenue, the position of which is broadly shown on the submitted plans but is subject to movement in line with the proposed development at reserved matters stage; The layout and scale of development is limited to the details shown on the parameter plan in order to ensure the impact on the landscape character of the surrounding area is acceptable. The parameters retain a buffer to the eastern boundary, to be used for public April 2016 7

10 open space, limit the scale of buildings within the central part of the site and adjacent to Hookstone Road to 2 storeys with roof and the Hornbeam Park Avenue frontage to 3 storeys with roof; and The development proposes to retain all protected trees and other flora of significance around the site. It also identifies existing drainage easements along the southern boundary An indicative site layout plan is provided to demonstrate that the site can comfortably take the quantum of development proposed. This illustrates a potential road layout, housing type and scale, landscaping, open space and drainage and sewerage infrastructure. For clarity the indicative plan does not constitute a formal development proposal against which a decision or conditions can be based. The Sports Pitch 3.11 The all-weather pitch that is proposed is a 3rd Generation Artificial Grass Pitch with floodlights. The playing surface will be 73m by 46m, which is suitable for matches for the 9 v 9 format of football and for training small sided games Surrounding the pitch will be a run-off area circa 3m in width and surrounded by a high fence up to 4.5m in height. 4 No. floodlights of 15m in height will be located at the corners of the pitch to allow for winter and evening games, maximising its use throughout the day The pitch will be supported by the future delivery of a changing pavilion, the details of which are proposed to be conditioned subject to approval of the application. The proposed location of the changing pavilion is shown on the submitted plans, adjacent to the new Technology Centre, and the precise design is to be submitted prior to the commencement of the development of the sports pitch The sports facility proposals have been developed as result of consultation with a range of stakeholders and potential users and are considered to offer a positive sporting impact for the College and for the local community. The community use of the sports pitch can be secured by a Community Use Agreement. April 2016 8

11 4. Planning Policy Review 4.1 The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (the 1990 Act) and the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (the 2004 Act) establish the legislative basis for town planning in England and Wales. Together the Acts establish a plan-led system which requires Local Planning Authorities to determine planning applications in accordance with the statutory development plan (SDP) unless material considerations indicate otherwise. 4.2 The SDP for Harrogate comprises the Core Strategy (adopted 2009) and the saved policies of the Local Plan (adopted 2001). 4.3 A key material consideration is the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), published The overarching objective of the NPPF is the delivery of sustainable development supported by the planning system and the Framework includes a presumption in favour of sustainable development, which means: For decision-taking, approving development proposals that accord with the development plan without delay and granting permission where the development plan is absent, silent or out-of-date (unless it conflicts with specific policies of the NPPF or there are recognised adverse impacts which would outweigh the benefits of approval) (para 14) 4.4 To better determine when policies are out-of-date, paragraph 215 states that, where adopted Local Plans pre-date the NPPF, due weight should be given to relevant Local Plan policies according to their degree of consistency with the NPPF. 4.5 The following planning policy framework can be identified as relevant in relation to the proposed development. National Policy Context National Planning Policy Framework (2012) and Planning Policy Guidance (2014) 4.6 The NPPF states that pursuing sustainable development involves seeking positive improvements in the quality of the built, natural and historic environment, as well as in people s quality of life, including (but not limited to): Making it easier for jobs to be created in cities, towns and villages; Moving from a net loss of bio-diversity to achieving net gains for nature; Replacing poor design with better design; Improving the conditions in which people live, work, travel and take leisure; and April 2016 9

12 Widening the choice of high quality homes. 4.7 The following sections of the NPPF are considered of relevance to the planning application and are summarised below. Promoting Sustainable Transport 4.8 Section 4 of the NPPF sets out that new development should be located and designed to give priority to pedestrian and cycle movements, and have access to high quality public transport facilities; and create safe and secure layouts which minimise conflicts between traffic and cyclists or pedestrians, avoiding street clutter and where appropriate establishing home zones. 4.9 It also states that where practical, key facilities such as primary schools and local shops should be located within walking distance of most properties Paragraph 32 of the NPPF establishes the nature of development proposals that should be supported by a Transport Statement or Transport Assessment. It describes that plans or decisions should take account of the opportunities for sustainable transport, and provide safe and suitable access to the site for all people. It further states that development should only be prevented or refused where the residual cumulative impacts of the development are severe. Delivering a Wide Choice of High Quality Homes 4.11 Section 6 of the NPPF sets out the Government s vision for the delivery of housing. It states that LPAs should deliver both market and affordable housing in a way which is reflective of local need, identifying a five year supply of deliverable housing sites as part of this. In order to ensure choice and competition, this supply is to include an additional 5% housing requirement buffer, or, for LPAs with a record of persistent housing under-delivery, an additional 20%. LPAs are also required to identify broad locations for housing for 6-10 years and, where possible, years The NPPF goes on to state that housing applications should be considered in the context of the presumption in favour of sustainable development, and that relevant statutory development plan policies for the supply of housing should not be considered up to date if the local authority cannot demonstrate a five-year supply of deliverable housing sites Harrogate Borough Council produced an Annual Monitoring Report in March 2016 which confirms that it currently has a 7.2 year deliverable land supply, including a 20% buffer. Promoting Healthy Communities 4.14 The NPPF states that access to high quality open spaces and opportunities for sport and recreation can make an important contribution to the health and well-being of communities. April 2016 10

13 To facilitate this, it requires that existing open space, sports and recreational buildings and land should not be built on unless: An assessment has been undertaken which has clearly shown the open space, buildings or land to be surplus to requirements; or The loss resulting from the proposed development would be replaced by equivalent or better provision in terms of quantity and quality in a suitable location; or The development is for alternative sports and recreational provision, the needs for which clearly outweigh the loss The proposal is supported by a Sports Needs Assessment which clearly demonstrates that the loss of the former playing fields is suitably compensated by the provision of a new sports pitch to be used by the College and the local community. Requiring Good Design 4.16 The NPPF attaches great importance to the design of the built environment and states that good design should contribute positively to making places better for people Section 7 sets out that planning policies and decisions should aim to ensure that developments, amongst other factors, function well and add to the overall quality of the area and respond to local character and history and reflect the identity of local surroundings and materials, while not preventing or discouraging appropriate innovation Beyond aesthetic considerations, the NPPF states that planning policies and decisions should address the connections between people and places and the integration of new development into the natural, built and historic environment. With the application site bordered on three sides by existing development including housing, a business park and the college campus, the development of the site would integrate well with the surrounding urban form. Special consideration will be needed for the treatment of the north-eastern boundary with the Crimple Valley This is further encouraged by the PPG which indicates that for new residential development, well-designed housing should be functional, attractive and sustainable. It also states that affordable housing should be indistinguishable from private housing and not banished to the least attractive part of individual sites. Furthermore, it describes how contextual consideration should be given to the provision of suitable servicing and parking areas. Conserving and Enhancing the Natural Environment 4.20 Section 11 of the NPPF sets out that the planning system should contribute to and enhance the natural and local environment by: April 2016 11

14 Protecting and enhancing valued landscapes, geological conservation interests and soils; Recognising the wider benefits of ecosystem services; and Minimising impacts on biodiversity and providing net gains in biodiversity where possible, contributing to the Government s commitment to halt the overall decline in biodiversity, including by establishing coherent ecological networks that are more resilient to current and future pressures The NPPF also states that when determining planning applications, LPAs should aim to conserve and enhance biodiversity by applying the following principles: If significant harm resulting from a development cannot be avoided (through locating on an alternative site with less harmful impacts), adequately mitigated, or, as a last resort, compensated for, then planning permission should be refused; Development proposals where the primary objective is to conserve or enhance biodiversity should be permitted; Opportunities to incorporate biodiversity in and around developments should be encouraged; and Planning permission should be refused for development resulting in the loss or deterioration of irreplaceable habitats, including ancient woodland and the loss of aged or veteran trees found outside ancient woodland, unless the need for, and benefits of, the development in that location clearly outweigh the loss The application is supported by a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal and an Arboricultural Survey, which both demonstrate that the proposed development will not have a significant impact on the ecological value of the site. Existing boundary treatments will be retained and enhanced and protected tress will be preserved. In addition, open space will be retained and enhanced on site to provide, which can include measures to boost habitat for particular species. Conserving and Enhancing the Historic Environment 4.23 Section 12 of the NPPF states that local planning authorities should set out in their Local Plan a positive strategy for the conservation and enjoyment of the historic environment. In developing this strategy, local planning authorities should take into account amongst other factors, the desirability of new development making a positive contribution to local character and distinctiveness Whilst the site is not located within the Harrogate Conservation Area, it sits within the setting of the southern boundary and hence the Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment prepared as part of the application demonstrates that the proposed development preserve and enhance April 2016 12

15 its historic character through proposed measures to be incorporated into detailed design proposals. Decision-taking 4.25 Paragraph 186 encourages local authorities to show a positive approach to sustainable growth and development, looking for solutions rather than problems and seeking to approve applications that meet the economic, physical and social needs of an area. Local Planning Policy The Statutory Development Plan 4.26 The statutory development plan consists of the Core Strategy (2009) and the saved policies of the Harrogate Local Plan (2001). To determine planning applications, supplementary planning guidance and the NPPF are used alongside the aforementioned documents The above plans continue to provide the planning policy context for the site given the recent decision by the Council to withdraw the Local Development Framework Sites and Policies Development Plan Document (DPD) from examination, and to proceed with the preparation of a new Local Plan Limited weight can be given to the Local Plan as it is dated. Its policies can only be applied with weight according to their degree of consistency with the NPPF. Where they are not consistent with the NPPF they can be given no weight Although the Core Strategy (2009) carries some weight, some of the housing policies within the Core Strategy were deleted in 2014 following the report on the Examination into the Harrogate District Sites and Policies DPD. In particular, the examination noted that the annual requirement for net additional dwellings was insufficient to meet housing demand and therefore should not apply for the determination of planning applications In addition to this limited weight can be given to the emerging Local Plan as it is only in the first stages of production, at an Issues and Options stage, which means it contains no firm policies. Allocations and Designations 4.31 The Local Plan Proposals Map locates the site within the development limits of Harrogate. It is also designated as existing recreation open space, adjacent to a green wedge and special landscape area (Crimple Valley). It lies south of the Harrogate Conservation Area. The relevant policies relating to each allocation/designation will be discussed later in this section. April 2016 13

16 Core Strategy (2009) 4.32 The Core Strategy sets out the Council s strategic policies for the district up to It incorporates a set of 8 objectives that the Core Strategy aims to fulfil. Objective 3 states Subject to the provision of appropriate traffic management and new infrastructure, to focus the District s growth in the town of Harrogate Policy SG1 - Settlement Growth: Housing Distribution establishes that Harrogate will make provision for 390 new homes per annum during the period In doing so it will seek to ensure that about 160 of this annual provision will be homes for local people at affordable prices. It also establishes that over the plan period, 48% of the provision of new homes will be broadly distributed in Harrogate This figure was subsequently shown to be insufficient to deliver housing needed for the district and was one of the main reasons the Sites and Policies DPD was withdrawn. During the Sites and Policies DPD Examination, the Inspector considered that the objectively assessed need was likely to be between 860 and 1090 dwellings per annum and as such he concluded that with the figures used within the Sites and Policies DPD there was only 2.7 to 3.3 years supply of housing More recently, the Council s Strategic Market Housing Assessment (SHMA) published in 2015 and more recent updates has estimated that the objectively assessed housing need for the district is circa 570 homes per year. The recently published Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) states that the housing supply in Harrogate is circa 7.2 years including a 20% buffer. Nevertheless, the Council recognises in its assessment that this this figure is a starting point and that there are a number of factors that might impact on this and could result in a lower or higher figure. Of these factors land supply and viability and deliverability are included. The SHMA also makes clear that there are affordability pressures in the Harrogate district Recent officer recommendations for residential development within Harrogate have recognised that the 5 year supply figure is marginal and dependent on housing need assessment that continues to change. Therefore, to maintain a continuous supply of housing, and thereby avoid speculative development that fails to meet the sustainability and development aims of the Council, new housing sites will need to be permitted. This site, being located within the settlement limits of Harrogate in an area well-served by public transport and community services, can support this requirement with the site very likely to be deliverable within a 5 year period Policy SG2 - Settlement Growth: Hierarchy and Limits indicates that development or infill limits will be drawn around the settlements listed within the policy to allow the sustainable growth and development of those settlements within the District that have the best access to jobs, April 2016 14

17 shops and services. This policy designates Harrogate as a Group A Settlement and states that Group A settlements will be retained as the District s main urban areas and be the focus of growth in the District The site is located within the development limits of Harrogate. Paragraph 3.25 of the Core Strategy states that development within these limits which is compliant with Policy SG4 of the Core Strategy and other relevant DPD policies will normally be permitted Policy SG4 Settlement Growth: Design and Impact states that the scale, density, layout and design should make the most efficient use of land and a) be well integrated with, and complementary to, neighbouring buildings and the spatial qualities of the local area; and b) be appropriate to the form and character of the settlement and/or landscape character. It also seeks to protect visual, residential and general amenity in new schemes, limit environmental impact and avoid addition to pre-existing transport issues The application is supported by a number of documents that together address the above issues, including a Transport Assessment, Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment, a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal and a Noise Impact Assessment Policy TRA1 - Accessibility states that ensuring that the majority of all future development is well related to the existing or extended Key Bus & Rail Network. The site is located within 200m of Hornbeam Park rail station which provides excellent and quick access to Harrogate, Leeds and other surroundings towns and villages. Bus routes serving Hookstone Road also provide access to Harrogate and surrounding areas Policy EQ2 - The Natural and Built Environment and Green Belt seeks the protection of the landscape character of the district including that which is important for the setting of the main towns, its green wedges and its green space generally. However, this should be considered on balance with the need to deliver new development on green field land. In addition, new development should seek to protect the ecological and heritage value of the district, including designated conservation areas and sites of international, national and local nature conservation The application is supported by a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment, which considers the proposed development and the indicative layout plan in the context of the landscape and heritage constraints surrounding the site Policy C1 - Inclusive Communities states that proposals should consider community needs within the district. With regard to the site, this includes for young people, especially in terms of sport and leisure. The site is a former playing field used solely by the College. It has not previously been in community use and there is no intention for it to be brought into community April 2016 15

18 use in the future as it suffers from a sloping topography making it difficult for it to perform a more formal sports function. This will be discussed in more detail later in this section. Local Plan (2001) 4.45 The Harrogate District Local Plan was adopted in 2001 and covered the period up to The majority of the housing policies set out in the Local Plan were not saved beyond The following policies, as detailed in the Local Plan, are considered relevant to the development proposal Policy R1 - Existing Recreation Open Space states that development proposals which involve the loss of existing public and private recreational open space will not be permitted unless it meets one of 4 criteria. These are set out below: a) There is a surplus of recreation open space in the area and its loss would not adversely affect the existing and potential recreational needs of the local population response: there is a recognised need for better quality sports provision within the district and Harrogate in particular, albeit the most recent evidence base does not identify a shortfall in quantity; b) A satisfactory replacement facility is provided in the catchment area which it serves response: this is proposed on land to the east of the College building and the proposed replacement is significantly better, offering year round use for both the College and the community; c) The land by virtue of its size, location and physical condition, is incapable of appropriate recreational use response: it has already been stated in this document that the site is not capable of accommodating high quality pitches without significant investment to correct the topographical and drainage challenges; d) In the case of playing fields, where sports and recreation facilities can best be retained and enhanced through the development of a small part of the site response: given the response to criteria A, B and C, this is not considered necessary to demonstrate In light of the above, we consider that the development of the site would be in accordance with Policy R Policy R5 New Sports and Recreational Facilities supports the development of new sports and recreational facilities provided that: a) The facility is located in or adjacent to built-up areas wherever possible and is well served by public transport; April 2016 16

19 b) The proposal would not give rise to significant traffic congestion and road safety problems; c) New buildings or structures are well designed and appropriately landscaped; and d) The proposal conforms to policies R2 and R3 of the county structure plan The proposed new sports pitch will meet the above criteria in that it is sustainably located and is supported by transport and landscape assessments Policy C2 - Landscape Character seeks to protect existing landscape character and opportunities should be taken for the design and landscaping of development proposals to repair or reintroduce landscape features Policies C9 - Special Landscape Areas and C10 - Green Wedge states that long term protection will be given to these areas, which include Hookstone Valley (a Green Wedge) and Crimple Valley (a Special Landscape Area) to the north-east of the site. The policies relate to development within these areas but it is assumed that development within the setting of such areas will also be considered against the policies, which require development to avoid or mitigate any impact on the landscape and its setting and to maintain its character and openness Whilst the majority of the proposal is in outline form only, the proposed housing element includes measures to significantly minimise its impact both through site layout, scale parameters and future landscaping measures. The sports pitch element has also been designed to minimise its landscape impact. A Landscape and Visual Impact assessment has been submitted to support the planning application Policy HD3 - Control of Development in Conservation Areas indicates that development which has an adverse effect on the character or appearance of a conservation area will not be permitted and this includes (amongst others not relevant to residential development): The erection of buildings out of scale with their surroundings; and Proposals involving the loss of open space, which contributes to the character of the Conservation Area The policy also indicates that applications for development in or visually affecting Conservation Areas will be expected to contain sufficient information to allow a proper assessment of their impact on the character and appearance of the Conservation Area to be made. The policy also sets out details relating to the loss of a non-listed building That part of the proposed development closest to the Conservation Area is the housing, which is proposed in outline form only. Nevertheless, the development of this application site could provide an opportunity for new development within the setting of the neighbouring April 2016 17

20 conservation area to enhance or better reveal its significance, as is in line with the NPPF. In addition, the proposed development includes sufficient design parameters and supplementary information to guide future development at the site and ensure it preserves or enhances the neighbouring conservation area Policy HD20 - Design of New Development and Redevelopment sets out design criteria to be considered when preparing development schemes. Whilst most parts of this policy relate to detailed design issues, it also deals with broader issues relevant to an outline application including amenity and layout. This policy has therefore been referred to during the development of the outline scheme Policy H5 - Affordable Housing states that the Council will negotiate for the provision of an element of affordable housing on suitable new housing developments. It states this will be the case in Harrogate, Knaresborough and Ripon, on housing development of 15 or more dwellings or sites of 0.5ha or more The Affordable Housing Planning Guidance document was adopted in November This supports part A of existing Policy H5 in the Local Plan and seeks 40% affordable housing in new developments The proposed development includes a provision for 40% affordable housing to be delivered on site, subject to a viability appraisal to be undertaken at reserved matters stage. Emerging Local Plan (2015) 4.60 Following the withdrawal of the Sites and Policies Development Plan Document (DPD), the Council is currently writing a new Local Plan for the borough. The new Local Plan is at an Issues and Options stage and has been consulted on during July and August The emerging plan considers objectives relating to sustainable development patterns and housing, in particular with objectives focusing housing and employment in locations which are or can be made sustainable, and allocating land of a lesser environmental value for development. Planning Guidance Documents 4.62 The Council has adopted a variety of Supplementary Planning Documents and Guidance that will need to be considered in preparing the application for development of this site. These include: Provision of Open Space in Connection with New Housing Development SPD (revised 2015) April 2016 18

21 Affordable Housing Planning Guidance (2015) Heritage Management Guidance SPD (2014) Green Infrastructure SPD (2014) Landscape Character Assessment SPG (2004) Landscape Design Guide SPG (1999) Residential Design Guide SPG (1999) April 2016 19

22 5. Assessment of Proposed Development 5.1 This section will consider in detail how the proposed development accords with the planning policy relevant to the site which is set out in detail in Section 4 and is appropriate to relevant material considerations including planning guidance, the context of the site and surrounding area and planning history. 5.2 It will consider the following issues: Principle of the proposed uses; Impact on surrounding uses; Amount, mix and tenure of the proposed housing; Highways impact; Open space, trees and landscaping Ecology; and Flood risk, drainage and ground conditions. The Principle of the Proposed Uses 5.3 The consideration of the proposed land uses can be split into three distinct elements the loss of the existing recreation open space for an alternative use; the proposed housing use; and the proposed sports pitch. The Loss of the Existing Recreation Open Space 5.4 The application site is designated as existing recreation open space. Alternative use of such land is allowable subject to certain criteria being met, these being set out in Policy R1 of the Local Plan and summarised earlier in this statement. 5.5 In addition, the site s historic recreation use and that it has been laid out as sports pitches means it falls within Sport England s definition of a playing field. Sport England s policy allows for re-use of playing fields where exception tests are passed. The relevant exceptions are where an assessment demonstrates that the playing field is surplus to requirements or where replacement provision is provided (subject to that provision being suitably sized, located and of a suitable quality). 5.6 The Sports Needs Assessment submitted as part of the planning application sets out the case for the loss of the former playing fields. It notes (as does this Statement) that there is a very limited chance of the playing fields being re-used owing to the investment needed to bring April 2016 20

23 the pitches up to a suitable standard. This results from the topography and drainage issues associated with the site. 5.7 It also recognises that the most recent evidence base relating to sports pitches for Harrogate identifies that there is a surplus of adult and mini soccer pitches and an undersupply of junior pitches. The application site was not considered as part of that evidence base as the site did not offer any community use. The assessment concludes therefore that the land is surplus to requirements. However, it is acknowledged that whilst there is potentially sufficient pitch space across the District to cater for demand, the type and quality of the pitch stock is not necessarily suited to the actual demand. 5.8 The proposed sports pitch will greatly increase the quality of the facilities in the local area, as the facility will be usable throughout the year and in all weather conditions. The proposal includes ancillary infrastructure including changing facilities and flood lights and the community use can be secured through a formal agreement. 5.9 As a consequence, the existing recreation open space will be replaced by a facility of superior quality and with greater sports development outcome, secured for the community to use. This is considered to comply with the relevant local and national planning policy and meet the requirements of Sport England Therefore, the proposed development accords with Policy C1 of the Core Strategy, Policy R1 of the Local Plan and the aims and objectives of the NPPF. The Proposed Housing Use 5.11 The application site is located within Harrogate s development limits, a Group A settlement in the Core Strategy and the main focus for new housing development in the district. In addition, it is a highly sustainable location within walking and cycling distances to nearby shops, schools and other services The proposed housing use is acceptable in principle and accords with Policies SG1, SG2 and TRA1 of the Core Strategy and the aims and objectives of the NPPF. In addition, it proposes new housing on surplus public sector land in accordance with one of the Government s key proposals for delivering more housing across the UK Whilst it is recognised that the Council currently has a 5 year supply of land for housing, sufficient for it to meet its needs in the short term, it should continue to approve development that accords with the development plan as required by the relevant legislation. In addition, by approving and delivering new housing in the most sustainable locations, it reduces the pressure to allow housing development in unsustainable locations. April 2016 21

24 The Proposed Sports Pitch 5.14 The sports pitch is proposed on green land within the grounds of the College campus, defined as existing recreation open space. It is proposed to mitigate the loss of the existing recreation open space land to the north and provide a new college and community facility The proposal is therefore fully in accordance with Policy R5 and the NPPF and will formalise the use of the land as existing recreation open space. Amenity of Existing and Future Uses 5.16 The character of the area immediately adjacent to the site is mixed with existing housing to the north, a college to the south and a mix of commercial, retail and leisure across the remainder of Hornbeam Business Park The proposed housing use will complement the existing residential area to the north of the site and will not impact on the residential amenity of the existing residents. In addition, the College and hotel uses (directly to the south and west of the proposed housing) are uses that do not conflict with residential development. Similarly, the other uses within the business park, being typically commercial or light industrial are not typically noisy uses that would impact on the residential amenity of the occupiers of the proposed housing A Noise Impact Assessment has been undertaken to determine the level of exposure to noise of the future residents and this demonstrates that the major noise generator in the surrounding area is road traffic, which can be suitably mitigated through boundary treatment and setting back development away from the road edge. The recommendations in the assessment should be taken into account at the detailed design stage The sports pitch has the potential to generate some localised and temporary noise associated with its use and this has been assessed in the Noise Impact Assessment. This demonstrates that the sports pitch and housing can co-exist without harm to the residential amenity of the future occupiers Accordingly, the proposed development accords with Policy SG4 of the Core Strategy, Policy HD20 of the Local Plan and the aims and objectives of the NPPF. Amount, Mix and Tenure of the Proposed Housing 5.21 The proposed development comprises up to 89 dwellings on a site measuring 2.66ha, equating to a 33 dwellings per hectare. This is considered an appropriate density for an urban site which is sustainably located and accords with the NPPF aim to optimise the development of sites. April 2016 22

25 5.22 The indicative layout demonstrates that this can be delivered through a mix of detached and semi-detached dwellings and apartments and includes the required amount of open space in accordance with Harrogate Council s identified need (circa 0.55ha). In addition, the illustrative scheme retains all protected trees and the majority of the boundary landscaping and incorporates a landscape buffer to minimise the wider impact on landscape views. The level of transport impact is also considered to be acceptable with limited impact on the wider highway network The application does not set out a defined mix of units, in accordance with the advice received from the Council during pre-application discussions. Nevertheless, the illustrative layout allows for a mix broadly in line with the requirements of the Council s SHMA, albeit the houses do not specifically define the size of the property and therefore could adequately accommodate units of 2 to 5 bedrooms (depending on the unit) Similarly, as per the advice received by the Council s Housing Officer, the application proposes 40% of all the dwellings on site to be affordable, subject to a viability assessment to be undertake at the time of submission of a reserved matters application Therefore, the proposed development accords with Policy SG4 of the Core Strategy, Policy H5 of the Local Plan and the aims and objectives of the NPPF. Impact on the Highway Network 5.26 The traffic impact of the proposed development has been fully assessed through a Transport Assessment, the methodology of which was agreed as part of the pre-application discussions with North Yorkshire County Council The assessment concludes that the proposed development will have a limited impact upon the highway network in the vicinity of the site. Junction analysis of the highway network with and without the development shows that the construction of the proposed dwellings would not alter the normal operation of these junctions, as estimated Degree of Saturation and queue length values for all scenarios (2016 Base, 2021 Base and 2021 with Development) would be very similar In addition, the indicative layout shows that the quantity of housing proposed can adequately provide the required amount of parking necessary to ensure no impact of the wider highway network As a consequence, the proposed development accords with aims and objectives of the NPPF. April 2016 23

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