IFA2 UK Onshore Development Planning Statement. May 2016

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1 IFA2 UK Onshore Development Planning Statement May 2016

2 IFA2 UK Onshore Development Planning Statement Document reference IF2-ENV-STM-022 Version 1.0 Prepared by Address TEP on behalf of National Grid IFA2 Ltd Genesis Centre Birchwood Science Park Warrington WA3 7BH Telephone Fax Contact IFA

3 Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. The Project Need Case 3 3. The Proposed Development 4 4. Planning Policy Context and Response Introduction National Policy Fareham Borough Local Plan Daedalus Solent Enterprise Zone Gosport Borough Local Plan Hampshire Local Transport Plan Hampshire Minerals and Waste Plan Summary and Conclusions 32 Insets INSET 3.1: Plan of Proposed UK Onshore Development INSET 4.1: Proposed Development on Extract of Local Plan Part 2- Development Sites and Policies INSET 4.2: Proposed Development on Extract of Daedalus: A Vision and Outline Strategy INSET 4.3: Daedalus Solent Enterprise Zone Figures FIGURE 1: Daedalus Area Planning Context (Inset 11 from Fareham Borough Council Local Development Plan Part 2 Development Sites and Policies) FIGURE 2: Chilling Area Planning Context (Inset 4 from Fareham Borough Council Local Development Plan Part 2 Development Sites and Policies

4 1. Introduction This Planning Statement has been prepared by IFA2 to support a planning application under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to Fareham Borough Council (FBC) for the construction and operation of the UK components of an electrical interconnector. The Proposed Development covered in this Planning Application comprises two geographically separate areas: one at Daedalus and one at Chilling as outlined below. The Proposed Development is entirely within the administrative boundary of FBC, on the boundary with Gosport Borough Council. A large part of the proposed onshore HVDC underground cables, the Converter Station, the open space, and a large part of the first section of onshore HVAC underground cables are in the Daedalus airfield area which lies between the Stubbington and Lee-on-the-Solent settlement areas. The second section of onshore HVAC underground cables (where they emerge from the sea in the Chilling area) is also within the administrative area of Fareham Borough Council. This area is outside defined settlement boundaries. Despite being geographically separate it would not be possible for the proposed development to operate without the development of both parts. All parts of the proposed development are therefore being considered in a single planning application. This planning application is a hybrid application seeking full planning permission for the installation and operation of the underground cables at Daedalus and Chilling, and outline planning permission is sought for the converter station and open space at Daedalus. The siting, design, access and landscaping for the converter station has been considered in producing an outline scheme which is technically achievable and minimises effects on the local environment. The outline design forms the Rochdale Envelope basis for this assessment. The detail will be confirmed by the preferred contractor on the award of the contract and the detailed design will be secured through reserved matters applications. The need case for the proposed development is set out in Chapter 2 with a description of the development proposals in Chapter 3 and a consideration of the relevant planning policy context in Chapter 4. The purpose of this Planning Statement is to consider the proposed development in the context of planning policy at a national and local level. It is one of a suite of documents that accompanies the planning application. The planning application form, drawings, notices and schedules should be read in conjunction with this Planning Statement together with the documents listed below. Page 1

5 Environmental Statement (May 2016) The Environmental Statement (ES) sets out the likely significant effects of the Proposed Development, as required under Schedule 4 of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2011 (EIA Regulations). EIA is an iterative process which seeks to identify the potential sources of environmental effect during the design of a project in order to avoid or minimise adverse effects. The ES identifies the baseline environment and assesses the potential effects on the environment as a result of the Proposed Development. It seeks to address unavoidable effects through mitigation. Non-Technical Summary (May 2016) The Non-Technical Summary (NTS) provides a summary of the ES in nontechnical language in accordance with the EIA Regulations. Design and Access Statement (May 2016) The Design Access and Statement has been prepared in accordance with sections 62 and 327A of the Town and Country Planning Act The Statement considers design principles and concepts and explains how design and issues relating to access have been addressed within the final scheme design. Consultation Report (May 2016) The Consultation Report sets out the ongoing community engagement and stakeholder consultation process the Applicant has undertaken in order to progress the Proposed Development. It summarises the responses gained during the consultation process and how these have been addressed in the proposal put forward in the planning application. Arboricultural Impact Assessment Report (May 2016) The Arboricultural Impact Assessment Report considers the arboricultural implications of the Proposed Development in accordance with BS 5837:2012 Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction Recommendations. Flood Risk Assessment (May 2016) The Flood Risk Assessment is site-specific and sets out how the Proposed Development will incorporate measures necessary to ensure it will not increase the flood risk elsewhere, to satisfy the Exception Test. It is required in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework and is in line with Environment Agency standards. Page 2

6 IFA2 EIA Summary (April 2016) The EIA Summary document provides a summary of the EIA for the whole project comprising UK onshore, UK marine, French marine and French onshore components. 2. The Project Need Case The European Union has recently agreed its 2030 energy and climate framework, which refers to Member States achieving 10% interconnection by 2020 and aiming for 15% by IFA2 is one of a number of proposed new interconnectors that would increase the capacity of interconnection to a level of 10% and bring benefits to electricity consumers in the UK and France. Interconnection provides three important benefits to the national energy requirements as shown below. Affordability Through connection of the UK to France, which in turn connects to the wider European electricity market, IFA2 should help create downward pressure on wholesale electricity prices. Fluctuations in the wholesale electricity price leading to higher costs of energy in either France or the UK have the potential to be reduced. For example, the price of wholesale electricity in Great Britain is currently forecasted to be higher than in France for a number of years and it is estimated that 1,000 MW of new interconnector capacity has the potential to reduce wholesale prices by up to 2%. Security of Supply Interconnection gives access to a wide range of electricity generation sources and provides a means to bring in extra supplies from elsewhere when not enough is generated to meet need at that time. This increases our energy security if demand rises or energy generation falls suddenly in either country. Sustainability Interconnectors help manage the fact that not all electricity sources can generate consistently and predictably and that electricity cannot yet be stored efficiently on a large scale. They do this by providing a means to pass on surplus energy between countries when too much is generated at once to be used domestically. This should make a significant contribution to forging a lower carbon economy both in Great Britain and Europe. Page 3

7 3. The Proposed Development The UK onshore elements of the proposed development include the parts of the IFA2 project from the Mean Low Water Springs ( low water ) inland. There would be underground high voltage cables and subsea high voltage cables. High voltage direct current (HVDC) cables would run between the converter station in the UK and the converter station in France. High voltage alternating current (HVAC) cables would run between the converter station at Daedalus and the new substation at Chilling. The main components of the UK Onshore Development are set out below. Subsea HVDC cables between low water and the landfall at Monks Hill Beach; Onshore HVDC underground cables between the landfall at Monks Hill Beach and the converter station; A converter station in the northeast of Daedalus Airfield Open space to the north of Daedalus Airfield; Onshore HVAC underground cables between the converter station and the landfall at Monks Hill Beach; Subsea HVAC cables between Monk Hills Beach and the low water; Subsea HVAC cables between low water and landfall at Chilling; Onshore HVAC underground cables between the landfall at Chilling and the new substation. The new substation at Chilling is not part of the UK onshore development for which IFA2 is applying for consent. The new substation will be built and operated by National Grid Electricity Transmission (NGET) adjacent to its existing compound at Chilling. A map showing the cable route and main components between Daedalus and Chilling is shown at Inset 3.1. A full description of the proposed development components is provided in the Environmental Statement which accompanies this planning application. Page 4

8 Inset 3.1: Plan of UK Onshore Proposed Development Page 5

9 4. Planning Policy Context and Response 4.1 Introduction This chapter presents a summary of the local planning policy relevant to the Proposed Development. These policies provide the context in which the project proposals have evolved. 4.2 National Policy The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) published in March 2012 sets out the Government's planning policies for England and is a material consideration in planning decisions and guides the development of Local Plans. The NPPF highlights the importance of delivering and planning for sustainable development and places a presumption in favour of sustainable development at the centre of the planning system. Paragraph 14 of the NPPF states that for decision makers the presumption in favour means that where proposals accord with the development plan, they should be "approved without delay". This is also stated in Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, which places a statutory duty on local planning authorities to determine planning applications in accordance with the development plan unless material planning considerations indicate otherwise. The NPPF is purposefully positive; opportunity focused; and pro-growth in seeking to facilitate development which contributes towards wider Government objectives, particularly around economic growth and stabilisation. This is reflected in both the presumption in favour of sustainable development and in the 12 Core Planning Principles that under-pin plan making and decision taking. The following principles are particularly relevant to the Proposed Development: "Proactively drive and support sustainable economic development to deliver the homes, business and industrial units, infrastructure and thriving local places that the country needs; Seek to secure high quality design and a good standard of amenity for all existing and future occupants of land and buildings; Support the transition to a low carbon future in a changing climate ; and Contribute to conserving and enhancing the natural environment prefer[ing] land of lesser environmental value where consistent with other policies in this framework". The NPPF sets out 13 sub-topics beneath the goal of Delivering Sustainable Development. The most relevant to the Proposed Development are set out below: Section 4: Promoting Sustainable Transport; Section 7: Requiring Good Design; Page 6

10 Section 8: Promoting Healthy Communities Section 10: Meeting the Challenge of Climate Change, Flooding and Coastal Change; Section 11: Conserving and Enhancing the Natural Environment; and Section 12: Conserving and Enhancing the Historic Environment The National Planning Policy Framework must be taken into account in the preparation of local and neighbourhood plans, and is a material consideration in planning decisions. The ES includes assessments which demonstrate the effects of the Proposed Development on the most relevant topics in the NPPF as set out above. Transport is addressed in Chapter 14 Traffic and Transport. The design of the proposed Development is described in Chapter 4 Project Description which demonstrates the proposal is appropriate to its specialised function and incorporates measures to avoid or reduce environmental effect; this also is considered in the Design and Access Statement. The aspect of climate change which is likely to pose greatest potential risk to the project is the risk of flooding which is addressed in Chapter 13 Hydrology and Flood Risk. The natural environment is considered in Chapter 7 Ecology, Chapter 8 Landscape and Chapter 9 Views, while the historic environment is considered in Chapter 10 Historic Environment. The NPPF is underpinned by Planning Practice Guidance notes. Those relevant to the Proposed Development are detailed below: Air Quality This provides guiding principles on how planning can take account of the impact of new development on air quality, including the impact of increased traffic movements in the immediate vicinity of a development proposal. This guidance has been considered as part of the Transport and Air Quality Assessments (Chapters 14 and 16 of the ES respectively). Climate Change The guidance on climate change advises on how planning can identify suitable mitigation and adaptation measures in plan-making and the application process to address the potential impacts of climate change. It cites Environmental Impact Assessment as a useful tool for testing the integration of mitigation and adaptation measures and the long term implications of decisions. The greatest potential risk to the Proposed Development in terms of climate change relates to flood risk. This has been considered in the development of the project proposals and is considered as part of the Hydrology and Flood Risk Assessment (Chapter 13 of the ES). Page 7

11 Conserving and Enhancing the Historic Environment This forms an important component of the NPPF s drive to achieve sustainable development and has been considered in the development of the project proposals and is considered as part of Historic Environment Assessment (Chapter 10 of the ES). Design Good quality design is considered to be an integral part of sustainable development and is a Core Planning Principle in the NPPF. The guidance advises on the key points to take into account in terms of design which includes: Ensure development can deliver a wide range of planning objectives; Enhance the quality of buildings and spaces, by considering amongst other things form and function; efficiency and effectiveness and their impact on wellbeing; and Address the need for different uses sympathetically. Information on the design of the Proposed Development is set out in the Project Description and the appearance of the Proposed Development is considered in the Landscape and Views Assessments (Chapters 8 and 9 of the ES). The design and appearance of the Proposed Development has been an important consideration in the development of the project and is outlined in the Design and Access Statement. The final design and details of the proposed converter station development would be confirmed as reserved matters. Environmental Impact Assessment The requirements of the Town and Country Planning (EIA) Regulations 2011 are explained within this guidance. It also sets out the stages of EIA, the types of development covered by the regulations, details of what an ES should contain, as well as providing details on the procedures for submitting an ES. The format and contents of the ES that accompanies this Planning Application fully accords with the requirements set out in the EIA regulations. Flood Risk and Coastal Change Advice is provided on how planning can take account of the risks associated with flooding and coastal change in plan-making and the application process. This guidance has been taken into consideration in the development of the proposals and is considered as part of Chapter 13 Hydrology and Flood Risk of the ES and in the standalone Flood Risk Assessment. Page 8

12 Health and Wellbeing This guidance requires local planning authorities to consider health and wellbeing and health infrastructure in local and neighbourhood plans and in planning decisions. This is considered across several Chapters in the ES including Chapter 15 Noise and Vibration, Chapter 16 Air Quality and Chapter 17 EMF. Natural Environment This guidance references the Biodiversity 2020 Strategy and guidance on statutory obligations and it supports one of the Core Principles in the NPPF which is to recognise the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside. This guidance has been considered in the development of the proposed development and the assessment of effects is set out in Chapter 7 Ecology, Chapter 8 Landscape, Chapter 9 Views Assessment and Chapter 11 Land Use Assessment of the ES. Noise This note advises on how planning can manage potential noise impacts in new development. The noise impacts of the Proposed Development have been considered in the development of the proposals and are assessed in Chapter 15 Noise and Vibration of the ES. Open Space, Sports and Recreation facilities, Public Rights of Way and Local Green Space This note provides support for Public Rights of Way as an important component of sustainable transport links, seeking protection and enhancement where possible. The guidance also provides details regarding the protection of designated Local Green Space that are of particular importance to communities. The provisions of this guidance have been considered in the development of the project proposals and potential effects on this aspect of the environment is assessed in Chapter 8 Landscape, Chapter 9 views and Chapter 11 Land Use of the ES. This is also considered in the Design and Access Statement. Travel Plans, Transport Assessments and Transport Statements The guidance provides information on what these documents should contain and has been considered in the transport assessment which informs Chapter 14 Traffic and Transport. Water Supply, Waste Water and Water Quality This guidance advises on how planning can ensure water quality and the delivery of adequate water and wastewater infrastructure. The potential impacts of the proposed development on water quality are assessed as part of Chapter 13 Hydrology and Flood Risk Chapter. Page 9

13 4.3 Fareham Borough Local Plan The Development Plan for Fareham Borough comprises the following adopted Development Plan Documents (DPDs): Local Plan Part 1: Core Strategy (adopted 4th August 2011) Local Plan Part 2: Development Sites and Policies Plan (adopted 8th June 2015) Local Plan Part 3: The Welborne Plan (adopted 8th June 2015) All three parts of the Borough s Local Plan, together with the Hampshire Minerals and Waste Plan (2013) and Hampshire Local Transport Plan , provide the statutory framework for guiding decisions on planning applications in the area. The Welborne Plan is related to the major new community being planned to the north of Fareham and is not directly relevant to the proposed development. Local Plan Part 1: Core Strategy The Fareham Borough Council Core Strategy was adopted by the Council on 4th August The Core Strategy is a key part of the Fareham Local Development Framework (LDF) to help to deliver the spatial elements of Fareham's Sustainable Community Strategy. It identifies the Borough's development needs up to 2026 and sets out how the spatial strategy for how this will be delivered. The policies and allocations most relevant to the Proposed Development are outlined below. Policy CS12 Daedalus Airfield Strategic Development Allocation Policy CS12 states Daedalus Airfield is allocated for strategic employment development. Development will be permitted where: it is demonstrated that it does not adversely affect the existing or future potential general aviation operation of the airfield; it does not unacceptably diminish the integrity and function of the strategic gap between Stubbington/ Lee-on-the-Solent and Fareham/ Gosport; it does not adversely affect the integrity of the landscape character of the countryside; it can demonstrate that there will be no adverse impacts on European designated sites; primary access is from Broom Way (Hangars East) and Gosport Road (Hangars West); it does not have an adverse impact on air quality; prior consideration is given to the potential extraction of mineral deposits; it incorporates the site's heritage where feasible; Page 10

14 both archaeological and contamination assessments and evaluations are carried out prior to the commencement of development; it delivers, or facilitates the delivery of high quality development including: a. employment development that retains and strengthens the marine and aviation employment clusters, particularly those that require direct access to an operational airfield; b. between 10,000 sq.m and 33,000 sq.m of net additional general, or light industrial or warehousing (associated with aerospace or marine) employment floorspace with only ancillary office accommodation, to contribute towards the overall provision set out in Policy CS1; c. the creation of local employment opportunities that take advantage of and develop local skills, including during construction; d. open space accessible to residents particularly those of Stubbington and Hill Head; e. landscaping and green infrastructure including allotments together with linkages to the existing footpath network and the Alver Valley; f. environmental and biodiversity protection and enhancement; g. minimising increases in traffic levels and congestion, through sustainable transport arrangements; h. a reorganisation and consolidation of existing and new floorspace, including the phased removal of some existing built structures to create an efficient arrangement of buildings and associated activities sympathetic to the landscape and strategic gap, whilst having regard to the specific space and operational requirements of aviation related employment uses; i. appropriate utility service provision (water, waste water, energy and communications). Replacement and new buildings will be energy efficient and be designed to reflect existing building heights and mass and take advantage of site topographical and built features that help to reduce adverse impacts upon residential amenity, landscape character and the integrity of the strategic gap. Development must take account of the odour contour on the north of the site from the Peel Common waste treatment works. Daedalus Airfield is allocated for strategic employment development and two principal development areas are identified: Hangars East and Hangars West. The proposed converter station site lies on land to the north of Hangars East. An outline planning permission for the development of Daedalus Airfield was submitted in 2011 and approved in The key objective for the site, as outlined in paragraph 5.56 of Policy CS12, is to provide local employment opportunities that take advantage of the unique characteristics of the site by exploiting its coastal location for marine uses and its Page 11

15 airfield for aviation uses, whilst respecting the countryside location, maintaining the integrity of the strategic gap and ensuring that development and access arrangement do not cause a significant adverse impact on the settlement of Stubbington. Paragraph 5.66 of the policy states that the land outside Hangars East and West comprising the airfield, the MCA and driving school operations, scrub and farming land, with the exception of land identified on the Proposals Map, shall remain free from development. Development will be required to contribute towards biodiversity and habitat creation on existing scrub and farmland to the north of the airfield operation subject to the safe operation of the airfield. The Proposed Development is within the Daedalus Airfield Strategic Development Allocation. The proposed underground cables are routed through the airfield with the proposed converter station proposed to the north of the Hangars East employment allocation. The Proposed Development has taken account of the aviation use of the airfield and IFA2 is working with the operator to ensure that the Proposed Development does not adversely affect the aviation use of the airfield or result in adverse effects on the environment or other employment development on the Daedalus Airfield Strategic site. It would not compromise the aspirations set out in points (a), (b) or (h) of the policy. Further discussion of the effects on the strategic Gap set out in point (h) is included under Policy CS22. Typically land is not allocated in development plans for converter stations (or substations, underground cables or overhead lines). Site searches for suitable land for infrastructure such as converter stations generally are guided by availability of land with allocations for development sharing some of their characteristics. These allocations generally fall under employment allocations. The converter station development would be consistent in appearance with existing development on the airfield site and that coming forward on the adjacent Hangars East site, albeit at a larger scale. The siting, design and appearance of the proposed converter station has been considered during the development of the project to ensure that it is of a high quality design that would not act as a disincentive to other prospective developers looking at the Daedalus site. The final design and details of the proposed converter station development would be confirmed as reserved matters. The proposed development is a large engineering project which would create employment opportunities during construction and it would create a small number of jobs when it is operational relating to its operation and support which is consistent with point (c). Whilst the Proposed Development is not strictly a marine development as set out in point (a) of the policy, the nature of the project and Great Britain being an island nation requires at least part of the Proposed Development to be in a coastal location. The document Daedalus: A Vision and Outline Strategy, 2015 shows an area called Daedalus East area which extends further north than Hangars East Page 12

16 identified in Policy CS12 discussed above. Fareham Borough Council has consulted on this draft vision for Daedalus (summer 2015) and whilst it is not currently adopted it sets out clearly Fareham Borough Council s vision for how the Daedalus area could be developed together with objectives to achieve this development. The proposed converter station site is at the northern extent of Daedalus East adjacent Daedalus North. The location and extent of Daedalus North and Daedalus East in the Vision and Outline Strategy is not consistent with that shown in the development plan although the total extent of land in Daedalus East is greater than the existing allocation of employment land allocated in Hangars East. The proposed development is outside the area currently allocated, and consented in outline, for employment at Hangars East. It is however within the larger area identified as Daedalus East for employment in The Daedalus: A Vision and Outline Strategy, The Daedalus site also has enterprise zone status and this is considered further in Section 4.4. The proposed development also comprises an area of open space consistent with that outlined in the Daedalus Vision. The detailed design of this open space would be developed in consultation with stakeholders, however it offers the opportunity to provide accessible open space for local residents (point (d)); landscaping and green infrastructure (point (e)), and enhancement of biodiversity (point (f)). These elements are considered further in the Design and Access Statement. Policy CS14 Development outside Settlements Policy CS14 states that Built development on land outside the defined settlements will be strictly controlled to protect the countryside and coastline from development which would adversely affect its landscape character, appearance and function. Acceptable forms of development will include that essential for agriculture, forestry, horticulture and required infrastructure. The conversion of existing buildings will be favoured. Replacement buildings must reduce the impact of development and be grouped with other existing buildings, where possible. In coastal locations, development should not have an adverse impact on the special character of the coast when viewed from the land or water. The strategy is to concentrate development into the existing urban areas and strategic sites and the discussion of the policy states at paragraph that a review of the settlement boundaries will be undertaken in the Site Allocations and Development Management Development Plan Document. The parts of the development that would be visible following construction are the converter station development and associated access and open space. These elements are outside defined settlements however they are within the Daedalus Airfield Strategic Development Allocation. These elements of the Proposed Development are therefore considered to be outside the scope of Policy CS14 and are considered in the context of Policy CS12. Page 13

17 The underground cables at the coast close to Daedalus and at Chilling are outside defined settlements and the Daedalus Strategic Development Allocation. These elements will be installed below ground and will not be evident development following the installation and the present land use will be reinstated. The underground cables would not adversely affect the landscape character, appearance and function of the countryside and coastline and are not contrary to on this policy. Policy CS21 Protection and Provision of Open Space Policy CS21 states that the Borough Council will safeguard and enhance existing open spaces and establish networks of Green Infrastructure to add value to their wildlife and recreational functions. Development which would result in the loss of or reduce the recreational value of open space, including public and private playing fields, allotments and informal open space will not be permitted, unless it is of poor quality, under-used, or has low potential for open space and a better quality replacement site is provided which is equivalent in terms of accessibility and size. Proposals for new residential development will be permitted provided that, where existing provision is insufficient to provide for the additional population, public open space is provided as follows: Parks and Amenity Open Space 1.5 ha / 1,000 population Outdoor Sport 1.2 ha / 1,000 population Children s Play Equipment 14 pieces of equipment per 1, year olds Youth Facilities 1 youth facility/muga per settlement area In addition to these types of open spaces, where existing provision is insufficient to provide for the additional population, the Borough Council will seek the provision of accessible greenspace which meets the standards set out in the South East Green Infrastructure Framework including Accessible Natural Green Space standards. This policy has been considered in the allocation of an area of new accessible open greenspace on the Daedalus site to the north of the Hangars East development area. This is considered in the following section Local Plan Part 2 Development Sites and Policies, Policy DP12 Public Open Space Allocations. Policy CS22 Development in Strategic Gaps Policy CS22 states that land within a Strategic Gap will be treated as countryside. Development proposals will not be permitted either individually or cumulatively where it significantly affects the integrity of the gap and the physical and visual separation of settlements. Strategic Gaps have been identified between Fareham/Stubbington and Western Wards/Whiteley (the Meon gap); and Stubbington/Lee on the Solent and Fareham/Gosport. Their boundaries will be reviewed in accordance with the following criteria: a) The open nature/sense of separation between settlements cannot be retained by other policy designations; Page 14

18 b) The land to be included within the gap performs an important role in defining the settlement character of the area and separating settlements at risk of coalescence; c) In defining the extent of a gap, no more land than is necessary to prevent the coalescence of settlements should be included having regard to maintaining their physical and visual separation. The policy justification states that gaps between settlements, particularly those between Fareham and the Western Wards and Stubbington, help define and maintain the separate identity of individual settlements. They do not have intrinsic landscape value, however they are important in maintaining the settlement pattern, separating individual settlements and provide opportunities for green infrastructure, green corridors and additional public access. The gap between the settlements continues into Gosport Borough as Settlement Gap identified in the Gosport Borough Local Plan. This is considered in Section 4.5. Policy CS22 states the development proposals will not be permitted where it significantly affects the integrity of the gaps and the physical and visual separation of settlements. Policy CS22 does not provide a basis for the designation of any Local Gaps that are outside the two Strategic Gaps between Fareham/Stubbington and Western Wards/Whiteley (the Meon gap); and Stubbington/Lee on Solent and Fareham/Gosport. The part of the Proposed Development at Chilling is not within the Strategic Gap identified on the proposals plan in the Local Plan Part 2 Development Sites and Policies. In any event, this part of the proposals comprises underground cables and would not give rise to permanent effects as the landscape would be reinstated following the installation of the underground cables. The detailed boundaries of the strategic gaps have been reviewed in the Local Plan Part 2 Development Sites and Policies through a set of criteria and are identified on the Proposals Map. The Daedalus airfield site is within an area of Strategic Gap identified in the Proposals Maps. A consideration of the effect of the proposed Development against this policy is considered below. Effect of the Proposed Converter Station Development on the Integrity of the Strategic Gap The Strategic Gap policy is considered in terms of landscape and views in the ES in Chapter 8 Landscape and Chapter 9 Views. The proposed converter station development would introduce large-scale buildings into the northeast part of Daedalus Airfield which is currently undeveloped. It would result in the permanent loss of arable land and open grassland within part of the Strategic Gap. The airfield forms part of an urban fringe landscape and the security fencing and existing airfield buildings are visible from the B3334 Gosport Road and sections of Page 15

19 the B3385 Broom Way and Stubbington Lane. The central part of the airfield is very open in nature particularly when viewed along the runways. The proposed converter station site is in the northeast corner of the airfield. This area is currently open farmland however it is close to mature woodland to the east and southeast (associated with the Alver Valley and Lee-on-the-Solent Golf Course) which minimises its openness and screens some views between settlement edges. The converter station would relate to existing and proposed development in Daedalus East although it is recognised that the buildings may be larger than any existing or planned development and would extend built development further north. The Daedalus Vision does however support development in this location. It would affect the perceived openness in the northeast part of the airfield, however it would be adjacent to the woodland associated with the Alver Valley Lee-on-the-Solent Golf Course which is less open in nature. The Proposed Development would not result in the extension of development further west into the open airfield. The open nature of the Strategic Gap through the airfield north towards Fareham would be retained. An area of open land south of Gosport Road, to be laid out as public open space consistent with Policy CS12 and the Daedalus Vision, would be retained as part of the development proposals. This would retain the open nature and sense of separation between the settlements of Stubbington and the western edge of Fareham and Gosport. The proposed converter station would be perceived as part of the airfield, rather than being part of any settlement and it will not affect the visual separation between Stubbington and Fareham or Gosport and Fareham. Effect of Underground Cables on the Integrity of the Strategic Gap The proposed underground cables would not give rise to permanent effects on the Strategic Gap as the existing land use would be reinstated following their installation. The area where the cables are installed would continue to fulfil its function as Strategic Gap in the same way as before. Cumulative Development Effects on the Integrity of the Strategic Gap The policy also states that Development proposals will not be permitted either individually or cumulatively where it significantly affects the integrity of the gap and the physical and visual separation of settlements. The proposed converter station development would be viewed adjacent other consented development at Daedalus East and the wider consented redevelopment proposals for Daedalus Airfield. The open area of grassland and hardstanding across the majority and central part of the airfield would be retained, and the northern part of the airfield will remain undeveloped. This would ensure that the visual separation between Stubbington and Lee-on-the-Solent is maintained, and the airfield will continue to contribute to the visual separation between Stubbington and Gosport. An area of open space also would be retained along Gosport Road as part of the Proposed Development which would Page 16

20 further retain the integrity of the Strategic Gap and is included within this application. The mature woodland to the east of the airfield (associated with the Alver Valley and Lee-on-the-Solent Golf Course) would continue to provide substantial screening of views between Stubbington and Gosport, and Lee-on-the-Solent and Gosport which would be further enhanced with mitigation planting proposed as part of the converter station development. North of the airfield the proposed Stubbington Bypass and the potential for residential development at Newlands Farm (if consented), would affect the visual separation between Stubbington and Fareham. Mitigation planting proposals would help to screen views in the narrower remaining gap, however this would also have an effect on the perceived openness of the remaining gap. If all the proposed developments in the area are implemented, then cumulatively they would reduce the separation between settlements. The proposed converter station would make a small contribution to the cumulative effect on the strategic gap which would remain effective in its function. Summary The Proposed Development is within the Strategic Gap however it would not result in the coalescence of settlements and the physical and visual separation between settlements would be retained through the wider airfield and the open space along Gosport Road. It would not significantly affect the integrity of the Strategic Gap. This is also considered in relation to the Settlement Gap identified in the Gosport Borough Local Plan in Section 4.5. Other Policies Other policies in the Local Plan Part 1: Core Strategy have been taken into account in the development of the project proposals and are considered in the relevant Chapters of the Environmental Statement. These policies include CS1 Employment (ES Chapter 19 Socio-economic); CS5 Transport Strategy and Infrastructure (ES Chapter 14 Traffic and Transport); CS15 Sustainable Development and Climate Change (ES Chapter 4 Project Description and Chapter 13 Hydrology) and CS17 High Quality of Design (ES Chapter 4, Project Description, Chapter 8 Landscape, Chapter 9 Views and the Design and Access Statement). Local Plan Part 2 Development Sites and Policies The Development Sites and Policies Plan sets out the Council s approach to managing and delivering development identified in the Core Strategy for the borough to It identifies development sites and provides development management policies for the borough in order to deliver the Vision and Strategic Objectives set out in the Core Strategy. The purpose of the Development Sites and Policies Plan is threefold: Page 17

21 1. Allocate sites for housing, employment and retail and other community facilities as necessary; 2. Review and designate areas in the borough such as settlement boundaries and strategic gaps; and 3. Set out Development Management policies by topic areas including Design and Town Centre Uses The Plan does not allocate sites in areas covered by other plans including the strategic allocations in the Core Strategy, such as the Daedalus Strategic Allocation (Policy CS12). A summary of the key policies relating to the Proposed Development site follow below with extracts of the Proposals Map presented on Figure 4.1 for the Daedalus area and Figure 4.2 for Chilling area. The Strategic Gap As stated in Core Strategy Policy CS22: Development in the Strategic Gap, the detailed boundaries of strategic gaps have been reviewed in the Development Sites and Policies Plan and boundaries identified on the Proposals Map. The consideration of the Proposed Development against Policy CS22 is considered in paragraphs above. Policy DSP9: Economic Development Outside of the Defined Urban Settlement Boundaries Policy DSP9: Economic Development Outside of the Defined Urban Settlement Boundaries states that proposals for new economic development outside of the defined urban settlement boundaries (as identified on the Policies Map), will only be permitted provided that a sequential test has been carried out and no more preferable sites have been identified and, subject to the scale of the proposal, an impact assessment has been carried out and it has demonstrated that there are no significant impacts taking account of relevant national planning policy. The supporting text to the policy states that proposals within the policy boundary of the strategic employment allocation for the Daedalus Airfield should have regard to Core Strategy Policy CS12: Daedalus Airfield Strategic Development Allocation. The proposed converter station is outside the defined settlement boundary however it is within the Daedalus Airfield Strategic Development Allocation. These elements of the Proposed Development are therefore considered to be outside the scope of Policy DSP9 and are considered against Policy CS12. Notwithstanding the proposed development is outside the scope of Policy DSP9, the site selection and alternatives are presented in Chapter 6 of the ES and the impacts of Proposed Development taking account of planning policy are set out in the ES and this Planning Statement. Page 18

22 Policy DSP12: Public Open Space Allocations Policy DSP12: Public Open Space Allocations states that the following sites are allocated for new public open space and they will be safeguarded from development in order that they can be implemented during the plan period: i. Allotments, community orchard, natural green space and extension to East House Avenue public open space at Daedalus; and ii. Play space, sports pitches, cemetery, woodland, allotments and informal recreation land at Coldeast. The Adopted Local Plan Part 2: Development Sites and Policies identifies land which is stated as 1 hectare comprising community orchards and 14 hectares of proposed natural green space to the north east of Daedalus to address the shortfall in public open space provision in Stubbington. The land at Daedalus is safeguarded for "allotments, community orchard, natural green space and an extension to East House Avenue public open space". The shortfall in provision in Stubbington is largely being addressed by one hectare of new allotment provision (including a community orchard) and fourteen hectares of natural green space as part of the development at Daedalus Airfield. The proposed converter station site (comprising 3.5 hectares) is partly on the open space allocation at Daedalus. The allocated area is described in the policy as totalling 14 hectares. The proposed converter station footprint would result in the loss of 3.2 hectares of this allocated area. The Proposed Development would result in the loss of around 23% of this Public Open Space Allocation as illustrated on Inset 4.1. Page 19

23 Inset 4.1 Proposed Development on Extract of Local Plan Part 2- Development Sites and Policies The Proposed Development is contrary to the Public Open Space Allocation in the adopted local plan. It is however consistent with the area of open space (Daedalus North) identified in Daedalus: A Vision and Outline Strategy, 2015 document which is summarised in the following paragraphs. The proposed Page 20

24 approach to address the non-compliance with the Open Space policy is discussed in the section titled Proposed Approach to Address the Provision of Open Space. Daedalus: A Vision and Outline Strategy (Consultation, 2015) Fareham Borough Council has consulted on a draft vision for Daedalus which explains its objectives for the site; how it intends to achieve them; and the types of development and businesses it would like to see at Daedalus. Consultation on this vision and outline strategy was undertaken in summer 2015 with consultation responses submitted by 23rd September In preapplication discussions, Fareham Borough Council has reported there were high levels of support for the Vision. Whilst this development strategy is not an adopted part of the development plan for Fareham, it sets out Fareham Borough Council s most contemporary and clear vision for how it wishes to see the Daedalus area developed together with objectives to achieve the vision. The Daedalus vision sets out four core areas comprising Daedalus West (aviation and business), an extended Daedalus East (aviation, business, innovation and education), Daedalus North (community greenspace) and Daedalus South and the airfield (airfield and related development). The vision plan is strategic rather than precise but the proposed converter station site appears to be largely within Daedalus East adjacent to Daedalus North. The location and extent of Daedalus North and Daedalus East is not consistent with that shown in the development plan. The total extent of land to comprise open space in Daedalus North as shown in the Daedalus Vision is greater than the existing allocation of protected open space and is greater than that shown in the outline planning permission for the development of Daedalus Airfield (submitted in 2011 and granted permission in 2013). The vision for Daedalus North is for it to become an attractive and accessible area of natural green space, which provides a strong and safe link between the community of Stubbington and Alver Valley. The area will provide a rich habitat, balanced with facilities that will be attractive and encourage local people to enjoy the natural environment offering a formal park space that will be well-landscaped to help mitigate the visual impact of the development elsewhere at Daedalus. The proposed converter station site lies adjacent the boundary of Daedalus North within the extended Daedalus East area as illustrated on Inset 4.2 below. Daedalus North covers an area of 18 hectares of which 10 hectares are within the existing Public Open Space Allocation and 8 hectares extend to the west of the existing allocation. Page 21

25 Inset 4.2 Proposed Development on Extract of Daedalus: A Vision and Outline Strategy Page 22

26 Proposed Approach to Address the Provision of Open Space It is acknowledged that the Proposed Development would result in the loss of 3.2 hectares of the Public Open Space Allocation in Policy DSP12. The allocated open space presently comprises agricultural fields and is not publicly accessible and is not laid out as public open space. The Proposed Development would not result in any loss of the Daedalus North Community Greenspace comprising 18 hectares as set out in the Daedalus Vision. Daedalus: A Vision and Outline Strategy (2015) has been subject to consultation and is the most contemporary expression of how Fareham Borough Council sees the Open Space being developed to meet needs. However this is not currently an adopted document and the Public Open Space Allocation in the Local Plan Part 2 - Development Sites and Policies is afforded more weight than the Vision. The proposed strategy to address this conflict with planning policy is outlined below. This planning application includes the full extent of the Daedalus North Community Greenspace (18 hectares) to assist in securing its delivery in full. IFA2 is seeking to implement areas of landscaping within the eastern part of Daedalus North to screen the proposed converter station. Landscaping would take the form of mounding and native woodland planting immediately north and east of the proposed buildings and native planting along the western edge of Broom Way to Peel Common roundabout and along the southern edge of Gosport Road. This would be implemented by IFA2 as mitigation to ensure that effects of the proposed development are mitigated. The remainder of the existing green space to the north of the proposed converter station would comprise grassland, hedges, scattered trees and tree groups with paths to enable public access. The final design of the open space would be determined at a later date in consultation with landowners, the Local Planning Authority, the Airfield operator and other key stakeholders; the mechanism(s) through which it would be delivered are currently subject to discussion and agreement with FBC. The applicant proposes to fund and deliver a portion of this open space at the eastern end of Daedalus North. The provision of this area of public open space would be a demonstrable increase from the present situation in both quantitative and qualitative terms. IFA2 considers the funding and delivery of the eastern portion of the Daedalus North open space would address the impacts of its proposals on planning policy and landscape and views. The western portion of the open space for which outline planning permission is also sought could be delivered by the funding stream which was identified in Fareham Borough Council s Daedalus Vision document. The document explains that the Council has secured funding for the open space at Daedalus North for community benefit. IFA2 is prepared to enter into a Section 106 Planning Obligation to secure the funding, delivery and future maintenance of part of the eastern section of the public open space. Negotiations are continuing in respect of this. Page 23

27 Requirement for Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANGS) The section 106 agree pursuant to the outline planning permission relating to the development of the parts of the Daedalus site in Fareham requires the land allocated as open space on the Daedalus site to be provided as SANGS (suitable alternative natural green space) in connection with a development by the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) in the neighbouring borough of Gosport (the Daedalus Waterfront development). Condition 23 attached to the outline planning permission (11/00282/OUT) for this residential development requires appropriate mitigation for residential disturbance to be approved prior to commencement, and carried out prior to occupation, but does not refer specifically to any particular site. The Daedalus Waterfront development has recently been announced as one of five projects in the Prime Minister s pilot scheme of direct commissioning of affordable homes, so has Governmental support. Planning permission was approved on 28 January 2016 following the completion of the relevant s106 agreement, which is understood to include the provision of SANGS. The delivery of SANGS sits with the HCA and Fareham and Gosport Borough Councils however the Proposed Development will not obstruct the delivery of the open space as SANGS. Policy DSP14: Supporting Sites for Brent Geese and Waders Parts of Fareham Borough comprise internationally important wintering locations for Brent Geese and wading birds particularly in Solent coastal areas within and around the designated Special Protection Areas (SPAs). Under Policy DSP14 studies will need to demonstrate that the site is not of importance or planning permission will only be granted on important sites where: "It can be demonstrated that there is no adverse impact on those sites; or Appropriate avoidance and/or mitigation measures to address the identified impacts, and a programme for the implementation of these measures, can be secured". The Daedalus airfield site is identified as being an uncertain Brent Geese and Wader site. Parts of the Chilling area are identified as being important Brent Geese and Wader sites with others identified as uncertain. These sites have been taken into consideration in the development of the project. Extensive winter bird surveys have been carried out in consultation with Natural England to ensure that there is no adverse impact on these sites. This is demonstrated in Chapter 7 Ecology of the Environmental Statement, April 2016 (and associated technical appendices) and in the Report to Inform Appropriate Assessment, April Page 24

28 Policy DSP16: Coastal Change Management Areas (CCMAs) Policy DSP16 states that any proposals for new dwellings, or for the conversion of existing buildings to residential use, will not be permitted in the Coastal Change Management Areas set out below and identified on the Policies Map: 1. Hook Spit to Workman's Lane; and 2. Hook Park to Meon Shore. All other new development, redevelopment, extensions to existing property, and development or intensification of land uses will only be permitted where it can be demonstrated, through the submission of a Coastal Change Vulnerability Assessment proportionate to the scale and cost of the development, and the level of impact from and to coastal change, that it will result in no increased risk to life or significant increase in risk to property. Proposals for new or replacement coastal defence schemes will only be permitted where it can be demonstrated that the works are consistent with the management approach for the frontage presented in the relevant Shoreline Management Plan, and that there will be no material adverse impact on the environment. Excavation activities should be avoided within the Hook Park to Meon Shore Coastal Change Management Area, unless it can be demonstrated, through the submission of a Coastal Change Vulnerability Assessment proportionate to the scale and cost of the development, that it will result in no increased risk to life or significant increase in risk to property. Planning applications for all development within the Coastal Change Management Area identified on the Policies Map should be accompanied by a Coastal Change Vulnerability Assessment. The proposed landfall at Chilling is within the Hook Park to Meon Shore Coastal Change Management Area. The North Solent Shoreline Management Plan, 2010 identifies this as an area of greatest potential for coastal change due to the rollback of cliffs. Predictions have been used to create precautionary banding for cliff retreat for short, medium and long term predictions which includes a retreat of up to approximately 20m in 20yrs, 50m in 50yrs and 100m in 100yrs as the worst case estimates. The landfall technique proposed at Chilling has taken account of the cliff retreat predictions. A Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) trenchless technique is proposed which would enable the cables to be installed beneath the present and anticipated future cliff profile. There would be no disturbance to the cliff structure which could potentially speed up cliff retreat. Policy DSP16 requires planning applications for all development within the Coastal Change Management Area identified on the Policies Map to be accompanied by a Coastal Change Vulnerability Assessment. This is included in Chapter 12 Geology and Ground Conditions of the ES. Page 25

29 Policy DSP56 Renewable Energy The NPPF states that to help increase the use and supply of renewable and low carbon energy, local planning authorities should recognise the responsibility on all communities to contribute to energy generation from renewable and low carbon sources. This policy states that when considering proposals for renewable and low carbon energy development, any negative impacts at the local level will be carefully balanced with the wider benefits of providing renewable energy. This will include consideration of the cumulative impact of proposals. Proposals for renewable and low carbon energy development should ensure that there are no significant negative impacts upon: i. The character and sensitivity of the surrounding landscape and designated landscape features; ii. Designated and undesignated heritage assets; iii. Ecology, including the habitats or flight paths of birds and bats and designated biodiversity sites, species and ancient woodland (where appropriate); iv. The amenity (including air quality, waste and noise) of local residents and businesses; and v. Traffic arising from the maintenance of the development and/or, where appropriate, the transportation of fuel. IFA2 is not a renewable energy development as described under this policy however as set out in Section 2 referring to the Need Case, the Proposed Development will support the development and use of renewable and low carbon energy sources and would facilitate a more efficient use of resources. The impacts of the proposed development are considered in the ES. With reference to the aspects listed above, the character of the landscape is considered in Chapter 8; heritage assets are considered in Chapter 10; Ecology is considered in Chapter 7; the amenity of residents is considered in Chapters 9, 15, 16, and traffic is considered in Chapter 14. Other Policies Other policies in the Local Plan Part 2: Development Sites and Policies have been taken into account in the development of the project proposals and are considered in the environmental assessment as set out in the relevant Chapters of the Environmental Statement. These policies include DSP1 Sustainable Development and DSP 2 Environmental Impact (addressed across the ES Chapters); DSP 5 Protecting and Enhancing the Historic Environment (ES Chapter 10); DSP 13 Nature Conservation (ES Chapter 7); and DSP 49 Improvement to the Strategic Road Network (ES Chapter 14). Page 26

30 4.4 Daedalus Solent Enterprise Zone The Daedalus Solent Enterprise Zone is one of 24 Enterprise Zones in England designated by Government as a high growth location that offers support to businesses by providing discounts from business rates, enhanced capital allowances and other incentives, such as streamlined planning. The Solent Enterprise Zone (Inset 4.3) is divided into three separate development areas: Daedalus East is currently where the main development activity is taking place. Fareham College opened in September 2014 and the Innovation Centre opened in April 2015 with other development underway. Daedalus West comprises 14 ha of land available for development near the airfield, to the western boundary of the site. The Waterfront is at the southern end of the Solent Enterprise Zone, bordering the Solent coastline. Inset 4.3 Daedalus Solent Enterprise Zone The Proposed Development, comprising underground cables and the converter station, is outside the development areas identified in the Solent Enterprise Zone. It would not result in the loss of any of this development land. Page 27

31 4.5 Gosport Borough Local Plan The proposed development is within the administrative boundary of Fareham on the boundary with Gosport Borough Council. The following policy in the Gopsort Local Plan (adopted October 2015) is considered to be of cross boundary relevance. Policy LP3: Spatial Strategy This policy sets out the 11 points of its development strategy for the borough, of which points 3, 10 and 11 relate to the area of Gosport close to the boundary bordering the proposed development: Point 3 Brownfield land within the urban area of the Borough will be the priority for new development. This new development will be focused within the following Regeneration Areas: a) The Gosport Waterfront and Town Centre (mixed-use); b) Daedalus (mixed-use employment led); c) The Haslar Peninsula at Royal Hospital Haslar (mixed-use medical/health/care led) and Blockhouse (mixed-use leisure/ maritime led); and d) Rowner (mixed-use residential led). Point 10 The character and function of the settlement gaps (as shown on the Policies Map) between Gosport/Fareham and Lee-on-the- Solent/Stubbington will be preserved. Point 11 The Alver Valley is identified as a Regeneration Area for Green Infrastructure and includes a Country Park. It forms part of the Borough s strategic green infrastructure together with Browndown, Stokes Bay and Lee-on-the-Solent seafront. Policy LP3 Point 3 prioritises development in regenerations areas including the Daedalus site. The proposed development is consistent with this. Policy LP10 Point 10 states that the character and function of the settlement gap between Gosport/Fareham and Lee-on-the- Solent/Stubbington will be preserved. The policy states a key strategic consideration is to retain a significant gap between Gosport/Fareham and Lee-on-the-Solent/Stubbington in order to protect the identity of each settlement and ensure proposals do not physically and visually diminish these open areas. This settlement gap is considered of sub regional importance and is identified in the South Hampshire Strategy. The local Page 28

32 boundaries as defined on the Policies Map have been defined in cooperation with Fareham Borough Council to reflect the cross boundary extent of the gap. The Borough Council will work with partners to explore opportunities to enhance the multi-functional benefits of this area as part of the wider PUSH Green Infrastructure Strategy initiative of the green grid (see Policy LP41). Whilst the IFA2 development is not within the Settlement Gap it is within the Strategic Gap within Fareham Borough (Section 4.3) which jointly form a separation between the settlements. The proposed converter station site is in the northeast corner of the Daedalus airfield. The converter station would relate to existing and proposed development in Daedalus East although it is recognised that the buildings may be larger than any existing or planned development and would extend built development further north. The Daedalus Vision does however support development in this location. It would affect the perceived openness in the northeast part of the airfield, however it would be adjacent to the woodland associated with the Alver Valley Lee-on-the-Solent Golf Course which is less open in nature. The open nature of the Strategic Gap through the airfield north towards Fareham would be retained. An area of open land south of Gosport Road would be laid out as public open space. This would retain the open nature and sense of separation between the settlements of Stubbington and the western edge of Fareham and Gosport. The proposed converter station may be visible from some areas of the Alver Valley however it would be perceived as part of the airfield, rather than being part of any settlement and it will not affect the physical or visual separation between Gosport and Fareham and/or Lee-on-the-Solent and Stubbington. A consideration of the effects on the landscape character and views from the Alver Valley is set out in the Environmental Statement (Chapters 8 Landscape and Chapter 9 Views). Policy LP3 Point 11 identifies the Alver Valley as a Regeneration Area for Green Infrastructure. The policy states: The Alver Valley represents the main area of separation between Gosport and Lee-on-the-Solent. It is a former quarry and landfill site and consequently has been identified as a Regeneration Area for Green Infrastructure and will be the main focus for green infrastructure in the Borough linking with the wider strategic and local open space network. The Alver Valley Country Park has been identified on the Policies Map with further details contained in Policy LP8. It will include a range of recreational opportunities, offering the potential to increase local biodiversity. It is likely to attract local visitors and thus potentially reducing the need to travel to such facilities outside of the Peninsula and ease pressure on more sensitive habitats in the sub region. It will be necessary to consider improving linkages between the urban area and the wider countryside beyond the Borough boundary as well improving access to local open spaces from residential areas. The area of open space to the south of Gosport Road (consistent with Daedalus North Community Green Space in the Daedalus Vision) is included within the outline application, with the precise detail and funding to be agreed. The intention is that it would be laid out as public open space which would retain the open nature and sense of separation between the settlements of Stubbington and the Page 29

33 western edge of Fareham and Gosport and would also provide improved public access, recreational opportunities and help increase local biodiversity. Whilst this is not within Gosport Borough it provides potential to strengthen links with the Alver Valley in accordance with Policies LP3, LP8 and PUSH Green Infrastructure Strategy initiative of the green grid (see Policy LP41). A consideration of the links with the Alver Valley is considered in the Design and Access Statement. 4.6 Hampshire Local Transport Plan Hampshire County Council s Local Transport Plan (LTP) was adopted in February It sets out how the transport network of Hampshire will be developed over the next 20 years, with shorter time frame action plans. The LTP builds on previous local transport plans and seeks to make improvements, to the transport system which will benefit people living and working in Hampshire. Hampshire County Council Improving Access to Fareham and Gosport (2013) Several road improvement schemes are proposed in the local area to improve traffic management and access in the area. Those most relevant to the Daedalus area are the Peel Common Roundabout improvements (currently underway) and Stubbington Bypass and Newgate Lane South improvements. The planning applications for both schemes recently have been approved by HCC. These developments have been taken into considered in the cumulative assessment of the EIA. 4.7 Hampshire Minerals and Waste Plan The Hampshire Authorities (Hampshire County Council and its partner authorities Portsmouth City Council, Southampton City Council, New Forest National Park Authority and the South Downs National Park Authority) adopted the Hampshire Minerals and Waste Plan in October The Plan sets out a vision, objectives, Spatial Strategy and policies to enable the delivery of sustainable minerals and waste development up to The Plan comprises three elements: Strategic approach and policies; Strategic sites allocations considered necessary to deliver the Plan objectives; and General and site-specific development management policies. Viable mineral resources are safeguarded under Policy 15: Safeguarding Mineral resources and states that development is not permitted without prior extraction unless: Page 30

34 It can be demonstrated that the sterilisation of mineral resources will not occur; or It would be inappropriate to extract mineral resources at that location, with regards to the other policies in the Plan; or The development would not pose a serious hindrance to mineral development in the vicinity; or The merits of the development outweigh the safeguarding of the mineral. The Hampshire Minerals & Waste Plan Policies Map, October 2013 (Adopted) identifies existing quarries and extensions and areas of safeguarded mineral deposits. There are no existing quarries in the area however there are areas of safeguarded sand and gravel across this area. There is an area of safeguarded sand and gravel to the east of the Daedalus airfield with small pockets extending into parts of the airfield. These are however small areas and do not appear to extend into the area of the proposed converter station site. If a mineral resource was encountered during construction on the site the resource would be extracted insofar as practicable and put to suitable use. The proposed cables route at Chilling is within an area of safeguarded sand and gravel. The cables would be installed at a depth of approximately 1m which would likely be in the overburden (clay or topsoil band) as opposed to the sand and gravel resource. The cable installation would not permanently sterilise the mineral resource as the project is not permanent. The route of the proposed cables is considered unlikely to pose a serious hindrance to mineral development in the vicinity. It follows an existing agricultural field boundary which is formed by a track with mature hedgerows and woodland. If land in this area was quarried it is likely the mineral would not be worked in the vicinity of this track. Page 31

35 5. Summary and Conclusions This Planning Statement has been prepared in support of the planning application submitted by IFA2 for the construction and operation of the UK components of an electrical interconnector. The Proposed Development is in accordance with European Policy. Operational and economic studies have shown an increasing need for, and benefit of, further interconnection from GB into the European market. A number of new interconnectors are proposed that would increase the capacity of interconnection to a level of 10%. The European Union recently agreed its 2030 energy and climate framework, which refers to Member States achieving 10% interconnection by 2020 and aiming for 15% by IFA2 would positively contribute to that objective for GB. Compliance with national and local planning policy has been a consideration in the feasibility and development of the project. Whilst typically land is not allocated in development plans for converter stations (or substations, underground cables or overhead lines) site searches for suitable land for infrastructure such as converter stations generally are guided by the availability of land with allocations for development sharing some of their characteristics. These allocations generally fall under employment allocations. The proposed converter station site is within the Daedalus Airfield Strategic Development Allocation (Policy CS12) although it is outside the area currently allocated, and consented by outline consent, for employment at Hangars East. It is however within the larger area identified for employment as Daedalus East in Fareham Borough Council s document Daedalus: A Vision and Outline Strategy, The proposed converter station development is within the strategic Gap (Policy CS22) however it would not result in the coalescence of settlements. The Daedalus Vision supports the extension of development in this area of the Strategic Gap. The Proposed Development would form part of the wider airfield development and the physical and visual separation between settlements would be retained through the wider airfield and the open space along Gosport Road. Its development would not significantly affect the integrity of the Strategic Gap. The proposed converter station would result in the loss of 3.2 hectares of the Public Open Space Allocation (Policy DSP12) however it would not result in any loss of the Daedalus North Community Greenspace comprising 18 hectares as set out in the Daedalus Vision. Daedalus: A Vision and Outline Strategy (2015) Whilst this is not an adopted document it has been subject to consultation and is the most contemporary expression of how Fareham Borough Council sees the Open Space being developed to meet needs. This planning application includes the full extent of the Daedalus North Community Greenspace to assist in securing its delivery in full. IFA2 is seeking to implement areas of landscaping within the eastern part of Daedalus North to screen the proposed converter station with the remainder of the area to comprise grassland, hedges, scattered trees and tree groups with paths for public access. Page 32

36 The final design of the open space would be determined in consultation with landowners and other key stakeholders. IFA2 is prepared to enter into a Section 106 Planning Obligation to secure the funding, delivery and future maintenance of part of the eastern section of the public open space and negotiations are continuing in respect of this. A development by the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) in the neighbouring borough of Gosport (the Daedalus Waterfront development) requires this land allocated as open space on the Daedalus site to be provided as SANGS (suitable alternative natural green space). IFA2 is seeking to identify a mutually acceptable solution to the open space which delivers the SANGS commitment; secures planning consent for 18 hectares of open space consistent with the Daedalus Vision; and provides landscape and visual mitigation for the proposed converter station development. The proposed underground cables have been routed to prevent conflict with existing development or land allocated for future development. Policies to ensure the protection of the environment have been given due regard in the identification of detailed cable routes and in identifying installation techniques to minimise effects on the environment. The Proposed Development has been through an extensive public and stakeholder consultation process and the proposals have developed to respond to issues raised. This particularly relates to the design and appearance of the buildings which is considered further in the Design and Access Statement. Details of the environmental effects which were raised as concerns during the consultation process are set out and assessed in the ES. The Proposed Development is considered to be acceptable in planning policy terms and is critical to the delivery of the European Policy to achieve 10% interconnection by Page 33

37 IFA2 UK Onshore Development Figures Planning Statement May 2016 Page 1

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