Follingsby Park South Environmental Statement: Volume 1: Non Technical Summary (March 2018)

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1 Follingsby Park South Environmental Statement: Volume 1: Non Technical Summary (March 2018)


3 1.0 Introduction and Methodology 1.1 This document is a summary in non-technical language of an Environmental Statement ( ES ) prepared on behalf of Follingsby International Enterprise Park Ltd ( the applicant ). 1.2 This document sets out the findings of an Environmental Impact Assessment ( EIA ) of proposals for an employment development on land south of Follingsby Lane in Gateshead, hereafter referred to as Follingsby Park South ( the site ). 1.3 On the basis that the proposed development represents an industrial estate development project on a site exceeding 0.5ha, the proposed development falls within part 10 (a) of Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 (EIA Regs). Part 1 of the EIA Regs confirms that all development falling within Schedule 2 comprises EIA Development if it is likely to have significant effects on the environment by virtue of its nature, size or location. It has been agreed with Gateshead Council ( GC ) that the proposed development had the potential for significant effects due to the scale and nature of the development. As such, the proposed development is considered to be EIA Development. 1.4 This EIA considers the likely significant effects arising during the construction and operation of the scheme and the potential cumulative effects which may arise when considered with other relevant nearby development proposals. The schemes to be assessed as part of the cumulative effects assessment have been agreed with GC. Where significant adverse effects on the environment are identified, the assessment process establishes mitigation measures to prevent, reduce, and where possible, off-set the effects. Monitoring measures necessary to monitor significant adverse effects on the environment of the proposed development have also been identified. 1.5 This document includes the following information: - 1 Section 1.0 background to the assessment process and the scheme; 2 Sections 2.0 to 3.0 description of the site and the current proposals; 3 Sections 4.0 to 11.0 a topic by topic review of the findings of the EIA; 4 Section 12.0 a review of whether other direct or indirect effects may arise when the scheme is considered with other schemes in the area; and 5 Section 13.0 outlines the proposed mitigation, monitoring and conclusions of the EIA and details of how to obtain a full copy of the ES; and 6 Appendix 1 provides a copy of the Parameters Plan, EIA Process 1.6 The ES sets out the findings of an EIA of the development. 1.7 The EIA process aims to ensure that any significant effects arising from a development are systematically identified, assessed and presented to help a local planning authority, statutory consultees and other key stakeholders in their understanding of impacts arising from development. If measures are required to minimise or reduce effects then these are clearly identified. 1.8 For this development, EIA has been carried out to consider the likely significant effects that may arise during its construction and operation due to its potential relationship to relevant nearby Pg 1

4 development proposals. It has been completed with regard to best practice and relevant legislation and has addressed the following matters to assess the impacts of the development:- 1 Transport; 2 Biodiversity 3 Heritage 4 Landscape and Visual Impact; 5 Air Quality; 6 Water Resources; 7 Noise; and 8 Socio Economic. Background to the Scheme 1.9 The application site is allocated for Employment Land under Policy KEA2 South of Follingsby Lane of the Core Strategy and Urban Core Plan for Gateshead and Newcastle upon Tyne (CSUCP), which was formally adopted by Gateshead Council, on 26 March The policy requires the site to be comprehensively planned and proposes the delivery of 22 hectares of new developable employment land for B8 uses to deliver 90,000 square metres of warehouse premises When the site was allocated for employment use the amount of floorspace specified in the policy was based on the Council s assumptions relating to the number of single storey units which could be physically accommodated on the site In total, the net developable area was estimated to be 22ha (i.e. the gross site area minus the requisite landscaping and ecology buffer, highways access and service arrangements). The Council concluded that, at a typical site density of 40%, the site could therefore accommodate circa 90,000 sqm (gross) warehouse premises (B8 Use Class) On 5th January 2018 outline planning permission was granted on the site for Use Class B8 and B2, along with associated offices, internal roads, car parks, infrastructure and landscaping, with all matters reserved except access. The application (ref DC/17/0111/OUT), was accompanied by the Follingsby Park South ES (October 2017) and subsequent supplementary ES (November 2017). The application included a number of design parameters which enabled a worst case scenario to be tested through the EIA process. The outline permission allows up to 90,000 square metres external gross floor space of which not more than 27,000 square metres can be used for Class B2 uses. Again, this assumed that the development would be single storey Whilst these assumptions were valid at the time the policy was drafted, and the earlier outline planning application prepared, the applicant has now been approached by a potential end user whose plot ratio is much higher than this due their requirement for the inclusion of multiple mezzanine floors within their unit. The applicant is currently in discussion with this prospective occupier in respect of a proposed unit. Whilst at this stage no formal agreement has been reached, it is in direct response to the specific requirements of this occupier that the current application has been prepared Based on their established operating model, the requirement for this potential end user is for a single unit with a ground floor footprint of circa 53,000 sqm incorporating mezzanines able to accommodate a total of circa 187,300 sq.m floorspace. This is achievable within a 28m high building which was judged to be appropriate for the site under the previous planning permission. Pg 2

5 1.15 This leaves sufficient land within the wider allocated site to accommodate additional units. A masterplanning exercise has established that the remaining site area has capacity to accommodate a further 36,830 sqm of additional floorspace bringing the total ground floor footprint to the 90,000sqm envisaged when Policy KEA was drafted. It is on this basis that the current application is being progressed. 2.0 Site and Surroundings Site Surroundings 2.1 The site is located immediately to the south of Follingsby Lane and the existing Follingsby Industrial Park, approximately 6.1km to the south-east of Gateshead town centre, as shown in Figure 2.1. Figure 2.1 Surrounding area 2.2 It is bound: To the north by Follingsby Lane and the 32ha Follingsby Industrial Park, which includes a range of manufacturing, storage and distribution uses, associated access roads and parking; To the south by the River Don, beyond which lies agricultural land, woodland, playing fields and residential areas of Washington; To the west by the farm buildings associated with the site, beyond which lies Follingsby Lane, the A194 (M), Heworth Golf Course and the residential areas of Wardley and Heworth; and To the east, by the former Leamside Railway Line, with the former Wardley Colliery Disposal Point and the suburbs of Sunderland beyond. Pg 3

6 2.3 Nissan is located within 4km to the south-east of the site and Heworth transport interchange, including Heworth Railway Station and Metro Station is located approximately 4km to the north-west. The Site 2.4 The development site comprises 37.6 ha in total and is shown on Figure 2.2. Figure 2.1 Site Location Plan 2.5 The site comprises Grade 3 agricultural land and is currently occupied by arable farmland with a mix of medium to large arable fields, which are delineated by hedgerows of varying quality. The site is sloped with ground levels falling in general from the north-west corner to the south-east corner. 2.6 Access to the site is provided from the A194(M)/A195 interchange or from Follingsby Lane which connects to the A19 Downhill Lane junction via the A1290. There are farm access gates off Follingsby Lane for farm vehicles and a track runs from the access gates through the centre of the site, towards the River Don. Two disused buildings are located adjacent to the track that runs through the site. 2.7 On the southern boundary of the site lies the River Don. The area immediately adjacent to the River forms its flood plain, so there is a small area of the site, adjacent to the River Don, that lies within Flood Zones 3b and 2. The majority of the site, however, lies within Flood Zone The site is not subject to any statutory designations of national or international importance. There are no Scheduled Monuments or Listed Buildings located within the site boundary and the site does not lie within a Conservation Area. 2.9 The site is located within a wildlife corridor. There is a Local Wildlife Site and candidate Local Wildlife Site located on the banks of the River Don. The site lies within a SSSI Impact Risk Zone. However, there are no SSSI s within 2km of the site, with the nearest being The West Farm Meadow SSSI, which lies approximately 5km to the north-east of the site. The Northumbrian Pg 4

7 Coast SPA & RAMSAR site and Durham Coast SAC and The Teesmouth and Cleveland Coast SPA and RAMSAR site are located on the coastline to the east of the site There are a range of utilities on the site. Overhead electricity cables cross the site running on a generally east to west direction. These cannot be diverted. Below ground a high pressure gas mains runs across the site again in a generally east-west direction. Connecting to this a mediumpressure gas mains runs south to north through the site. 3.0 Description of Development 3.1 The planning application description of development comprises:- Outline application for Use Class B8 and B2, along with associated offices, internal roads, car parks, infrastructure and landscaping, with all matters reserved except access and landscaping of the Green Infrastructure Zone. 3.2 A Parameters Plan (Ref: B) has been prepared to seek a balance between the need for some flexibility to be maintained to allow the detailed design to be reserved for subsequent approval, whilst defining the key principles of the development in enough detail to allow the likely significant effects of the development to be assessed. Detailed plans have been submitted for the access elements of the scheme and a detailed landscape masterplan (NT )shows how the landscaping would look. The Parameters Plan and landscape masterplan are contained at Appendix 1 and 2 of this NTS and have formed the basis of the EIA. 3.3 The Parameters Plan defines two areas of land use: built development zone comprising 23.60ha and green infrastructure comprising ha. 3.4 The built development zone Parameters include: A maximum floorspace of 225,000 sqm of Use Class B2/B8 floorspace, to include warehouse/distribution and industrial uses, with Use Class B2 floorspace limited to 12% of the total floorspace (e.g. 27,000 sqm). Associated car parks, service yards, internal roads and formal landscaping will also be provided, including planting along the Follingsby Lane frontage and within car parking areas; The number of units to be developed will range from two (minimum) to four (maximum); The maximum height of the buildings will be 28m above the proposed maximum finished floor level and the finished floor levels will range from 52.5m AOD (minimum) to 55.0m AOD (maximum); and Light spillage at the boundary with operational areas will be less than 10 lux, except adjacent to Follingsby Lane. 3.5 The green infrastructure zone will allow for a mix of SUDs features, space for any potential future improvements to the River Don, landscape planting and habitat creation. Full landscape details for this area are provided as part of the application. 3.6 Full details of the building design will be agreed at reserved matters stage but sufficient information has been made available to ensure EIA can be carried out at this time. A landscape management and maintenance plan has also been prepared. 3.7 The proposed access arrangements include: 1 Vehicular access from Follingsby Lane, via six priority access junctions, comprising shared car and HGV accesses and a maintenance access; Pg 5

8 2 Pedestrian and cycle access via a proposed shared footway/cycleway along the southern side of Follingsby Lane, extending the full length of the site frontage, connecting to the existing footway provision on approach to the junction with Follingsby Avenue; 3 Providing single carriageway roads within the built development area to connect the car parking and servicing areas with the access points, with a minimum of one access per building; 4 Widening Follingsby Lane to 7.3m from the Follingsby Avenue junction to the west, all along the site frontage to the eastern boundary of the site, tying into the existing carriageway widths to the east and west; 5 Reducing the speed limit along Follingsby Lane from 60mph to 40mph; and 6 Providing a new bus layby approximately mid-way along the site frontage to accommodate the potential for an extension to the existing bus services. 3.8 The proposed development may operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. As a result, it is anticipated that the external operational areas (including servicing yards) within the area of built development zone will be appropriately illuminated during periods of darkness. 3.9 The development will ensure the relevant sustainability standards are adhered to throughout the project. Reduction in CO2 levels will be achieved through energy efficient measures in the scheme design and a travel plan and elements such as water consumption will be restricted through design measures. Construction Methodology 3.10 For the purpose of this EIA, construction of the development is anticipated to take up to 4 years, including site preparation, enabling works and construction, including groundworks, foundations, steel framed and clad buildings and external service yards and car parking. The EIA has been prepared on the basis that construction works will commence in quarter 3 of 2018 and will end in Construction plant and machinery is expected to include excavators, dump trucks, fork lifts, cranes, Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs), concrete delivery HGV s, light transit vehicles, generators, pumps and compressors. The core construction hours will cover 07:30 18:30 on weekdays and 07:30-13:30 on Saturdays and there will be no working on Sundays, Bank or Public Holidays The contractor will be required to produce and agree a Construction Environmental Management Plan ( CEMP ) to describe how construction will be managed to avoid, minimise and mitigate any construction effects on the environment and existing surrounding communities, businesses and residents of the area. This will include details of communication, general dust management, monitoring (if required), preparing and maintaining the site, operating vehicles/machinery, operations, waste management, demolition, earthworks, construction and trackout The information assessed in the EIA will form part of the tender documentation to be issued to potential contractors and they will be required to comply with the outline methodology described, as well as any relevant planning conditions. Alternatives Considered 3.14 It is good practice to consider alternatives for the proposed development. This helps in clarifying the main advantages for taking forward the current scheme, taking account of the environmental effects. Pg 6

9 3.15 An alternative site assessment was undertaken and documented in the Land to the South of Follingsby Lane, Gateshead Development Brief in July This assessment concluded that the development site was the most sustainable and appropriate site to meet operational and employment land requirements for Gateshead The Parameters Plan and design parameters have evolved in response to discussions with consultees, including Gateshead Council, Highways England, the Environment Agency and the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), as well as a potential occupier Key alternatives considered as part of this process include: No development : resulting in the loss of significant environmental, social and economic benefits on the site and surrounding areas. This, in turn, would not assist with GC s aims of delivering a Key Employment Area to support local economic growth; Development of the approved scheme (Ref DC/17/01117/FUL): creating less jobs, but no difference in biodiversity, archaeological, heritage, landscape and visual, air quality, water resources, noise, ground conditions effects. No requirement for mitigation to the Follingsby Lane /Follingsby Avenue junction; Alternative green infrastructure (50-100m even buffer around the edge of the site): creating no difference in transport, archaeological, heritage, landscape and visual, air quality, water resources, noise, ground conditions and socio-economic effects and reducing the scope to deliver larger blocks of habitat likely to be of higher value to biodiversity, particularly to wading birds, as now proposed; and Higher number of units (e.g units) within same floorspace: creating no difference in biodiversity effects, archaeological, heritage and landscape and visual effects. A scheme containing a higher number of units could potentially create more jobs, generating increased noise and air quality effects due to increased traffic flows, as well as requiring a greater volume of surface water attenuation 4.0 Transport 4.1 This chapter assesses the potential effects of the proposed development on the local highway network surrounding the site during the construction and operational phases of the site. 4.2 The chapter describes the assessment methodology, the baseline conditions at the site, the potential effects brought about by the proposed development, the mitigation measures required to prevent, reduce or offset any potential adverse effects, and the likely residual effects after mitigation measures have been employed. 4.3 The chapter outlines the baseline transport conditions at the site including the local highway network; namely Follingsby Lane, the A194 (M), the A195 and the A184. There are also existing facilities that encourage sustainable travel to and from the site including footways in the vicinity of the site, public rights of way footpaths, nearby cycle routes and bus/rail services. The baseline conditions incorporate information taken from traffic surveys at the identified study highway network including growth to future years of 2022 and 2030 and the latest five-year Personal Injury Accident (PIA) data. 4.4 The assessment found that during construction, the number of large vehicles and private cars accessing the site could result in a Minor Adverse impact on the local highway network, highway safety and sustainable travel. 4.5 During operation, it was found that, in comparison with the baseline position, the traffic flow increases associated with the proposed development are relatively low and could have a Minor Pg 7

10 Adverse impact on the local highway network and highway safety. In relation to the average hourly traffic flows for the 2030 future year it has been demonstrated that, aside from the proposed site access, as a result of the proposed development just one of the links in the study area is predicted to exceed a change in traffic flows above the 30% change threshold suggested by the IEMA guidelines. The key junctions are predicted to continue to operate within capacity with the exception of: The capacity assessments that have been undertaken for the Follingsby Lane/Follingsby Avenue simple three-arm priority junction have shown that the junction will continue to operate within capacity for the majority of the assessment scenarios. However, based on the bespoke traffic generations associated with the potential end user the junction is predicted to operate above capacity during the development s specific peak hours, namely the shift start / end periods at hours and hours. On this basis, it is recognised that a junction improvement mitigation strategy will likely need to be delivered as part of a s278 agreement to address the capacity issue during this particular assessment scenario. The additional traffic flows through the A195 New Road / B1288 Leam Lane / A195 Lingey Lane signalised junction as a consequence of the development are not material in comparison to the base flows through the junction and would be indistinguishable from typical daily variations in background traffic. However, assessment of the junction undertaken in the TA and included as Appendix D1 to the ES has shown that it currently experiences some capacity issues and that the growth in background traffic up to the assessed future year 2030 will exacerbate the capacity issues. In discussion with Gateshead Council Highways it has been recognised that there is an opportunity to upgrade and make modifications to the signal equipment and controllers at the junction in order to mitigate the development s traffic impact. It is envisaged that a planning condition will be attached to any approval requiring details of the upgrade / modification to be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. 4.6 In terms of sustainable travel to and from the site, it is proposed that improvements will be made around the site, including new footways/cycleways and the potential for re-routing of bus services onto Follingsby Lane. These improvements were assessed as having a Minor Beneficial impact on sustainable transport provision within the vicinity of the site once implemented. 4.7 The chapter concludes that the environmental impacts of the proposed development in terms of transport are acceptable and not significant. 5.0 Biodiversity 5.1 This chapter of the ES considers the impact of the proposed development upon biodiversity. The site and its setting have been subject to a range of ecological surveys to inform allocation of this green field site for development. In addition, a range of surveys have been undertaken to support other planning applications in the local area, providing more up to date information on species such as great crested newt and reptiles. 5.2 From surveys and desk studies the key ecological constraints were identified as being: 1 The River Don corridor and its associated water vole population which is considered to be of regional value. The River Don is in poor condition and improvements are needed to meet the requirements of the Water Framework Directive. 2 Local great crested newt populations which are considered to be of district value. Arable land will be of very limited value to the population, and arable cultivation operations are likely to result in the loss of newts from those areas each time the land is ploughed. Pg 8

11 3 Farmland and woodland edge birds which are considered to be of up to district and county (willow tit) value respectively. This assessment is precautionary as limited data are available on breeding populations, and it is likely that willow tit populations in Durham are under-estimated. 4 Otter and bats which use the River Don corridor. 5 The presence of the invasive aquatic plant Crassula in South Follingsby Farm pond, and Himalayan balsam on the River Don which are likely to invade wetlands in the local area. 5.3 Development will result in the loss of all arable land and the internal hedgerows. These areas will be replaced by the development together with hectares of green infrastructure on the eastern and western boundaries and along the River Don. 5.4 Mitigation measures are proposed to protect the river corridor and other habitats around the margins, and to protect species such as great crested newt, otter, water vole and bats. The area of green infrastructure will be key in delivering this mitigation and in increasing the quantity of wetland and wet grassland habitats. Also important will be the provision of a financial contribution towards off-site compensatory habitat creation. 5.5 With the implementation of the proposed mitigation and compensation no residual adverse construction effects of above Minor significance are anticipated. 5.6 Key residual ecological effects during operation are: 1 Potential benefits of the provision of green infrastructure along the River Don are considered to be of Moderate Beneficial significance with good detailed design, implementation and management. 2 Potential beneficial effects on great crested newts of Moderate Beneficial significance in the long term if aquatic and terrestrial habitat creation is of good quality. 3 Potential beneficial effects on water vole of Moderate Beneficial significance in the long term through enhancement of water quality and habitat creation. 4 There is a risk of adverse residual adverse effects if invasive species such as Crassula and Himalayan balsam are not controlled during construction and operation of the site. Measures are proposed to mitigate this risk. 5.7 With good detailed design and implementation the proposals should conserve biodiversity overall, and provide opportunities for enhancement for the River Don, water vole, and great crested newt. 6.0 Heritage 6.1 The historic environment includes a wide range of features resulting from human intervention in the landscape, varying in scope from buried archaeological remains to late 20th century industrial and military structures. 6.2 The ES Heritage Chapter describes the assessment methodology, the baseline conditions at the site and its surroundings, the potential environmental effects, the mitigation measures required to prevent, reduce or offset any potential adverse effects, and the likely residual effects after mitigation measures have been employed. 6.3 The assessment has established that the site has low potential for archaeological remains from the prehistoric, Roman and Saxon periods. Pg 9

12 6.4 There is a moderate archaeological potential for remains associated with the early Follingsby village in the far north-west of the site. Therefore, there is low potential for below ground remains of Post-Medieval/Modern date within the site. 6.5 Development of the site would result in the removal of any buried archaeological remains present within it. Their loss has been mitigated via the normal mechanisms afforded by the planning process, where suitable steps were taken to determine the nature and significance of any remains present and mitigate any impacts as appropriate. This has been achieved by a programme of archaeological investigation works (comprising geophysical survey and targeted trial trenching). 6.6 The geophysical survey identified nothing of specific archaeological interest, apart from a possible ditch, though this could be a trench associated with World War II activity. 6.7 An archaeological evaluation was subsequently undertaken in order to evaluate any surviving remains that were highlighted by the geophysical survey and aerial photography. There were very little archaeological remains recorded; mostly plough furrows and an undated linear feature. 6.8 It has been confirmed that given the negative results from the archaeological desk-based assessment, geophysical survey, and archaeological evaluation, no further archaeological mitigation work is required for the site. Following the mitigation measures highlighted above, there will be a Neutral impact on non-designated heritage assets. The residual effect is Not Significant. 6.9 There are no Conservation Areas, Registered Parks and Gardens, Historic Battlefields and World Heritage Sites either within the site or its surroundings that will be impacted upon by the proposed development Bowes Railway and Wardley moated site Scheduled Monuments, the Grade II* Scots House and many Grade II Listed Buildings located within 2 km of the site have the theoretical potential to have their settings and significance impacted upon by the proposed development Bowes Railway Scheduled Monument lies c. 1.2 km west of the site. The lay of the land and the A194 which lies to the west of the site screen the southern route of the railway from the site. Modern built development surrounds the northern route of the railway. Therefore, the impact of the operation phase of the proposed development on the southern route of Bowes Railway is assessed to be Negligible The scheduled Wardley moated site is located c. 1.8 km north-west of the site. This is situated far enough away from the site so that there is no inter-visibility between it and the site. Modern built development to the north-west blocks views to and from the site in this direction. Therefore, the impact of the construction phase of the proposed development on Wardley moated site is assessed to be Neutral The Grade II* Listed Scots House and all the Grade II Listed Buildings are far enough away from the site so that their settings and significance are not impacted upon by the proposed development. The lay of the land and either modern built development (within the surroundings of the site) or woodland (which lies to the north-east of the site) screen all the Listed Buildings from the site. There is no inter-visibility between any Listed Buildings and the site. Therefore, the impact of the operation phase of the proposed development on these designated heritage assets is assessed to be Neutral. Pg 10

13 7.0 Landscape and Visual Impact 7.1 This chapter of the ES considers the effects of the proposed development on landscape receptors, such as areas of strong or special landscape character and on visual receptors, specifically the people in the landscape who will see the proposed development. 7.2 The landscape surrounding the proposed development has been evaluated by gathering relevant information and by observations made on site and within the 5km radius study area. The site is located within the eastern edge of Gateshead but the study area includes land within Gateshead, South Tyneside and Sunderland. 7.3 The landscape within the site is assessed as having low sensitivity to the proposed development and the landscape sensitivity of the surrounding area is primarily of low sensitivity due to urban influences, except for farmland around the Leam area of Gateshead which is mainly of medium sensitivity with one small area of high sensitivity around the Leam Farm residences, as informed by Gateshead Council s Landscape Character Assessment At site level, there will be a fundamental change from agricultural land to an employment development with large scale industrial buildings, infrastructure and parking within the developed area on the Parameters Plan. However, the Green Infrastructure area offers landscape and ecological enhancement opportunities. 7.5 Potentially significant landscape impacts of a Substantial Adverse nature at a site level would occur for a temporary period, during the construction period as the land would be altered within the site and on the edges of the proposed development, including the widening of Follingsby Lane. 7.6 During the operational period, after completion of the buildings and the landscaping within the Green Infrastructure area, landscape impacts at site level would be initially significant, with effects of a Substantial Adverse nature. It is anticipated that as the landscape becomes established and matures, landscape effects would progressively reduce to Moderate Adverse (but not significant) and then ultimately Neutral and permanent. 7.7 There would be no significant impacts on landscape receptors within the rest of the study area as the site is already enveloped in trees belts and existing built development, there are already large scale industrial buildings within the study area and there are also mature physical barriers such as the tree belts on A194(M) corridor, the higher ground to the north east of the site and the trees within the golf courses which collectively help to reduce the influence of changes in character within the site, on surrounding landscape receptors. 7.8 The assessment of the effects of the proposed development at Follingsby, on the landscape amenity of the area, has concluded that although the development, once operational, would alter the local landscape character within the site boundary there would be no significant adverse effects on the landscape character of the wider area, as a result of the proposed development. 7.9 The visual assessment involved the identification of representative viewpoint locations which were agreed with Gateshead Council. These are focussed on locations where people are likely to be present in the landscape In addition to this, potential views from roads, public rights of way, homes, listed buildings and historic sites were considered, as applicable. The visual assessment considered the visibility of the existing and proposed site. Predictions were made in relation to how people are likely to see to the proposed development. Judgements were made on how and to what extent people will be affected and whether effects will be negative, neutral or positive. Pg 11

14 7.11 The visual assessment concludes that during the construction period there would be substantial, adverse and temporary visual effects experienced by people close to the site. In locations further away, visual effects are predicted as moderate, adverse and temporary Over time, as the development becomes an established part of the landscape through integral landscape enhancement s including green infrastructure and safeguarding of the existing trees within the site boundary, any adverse effects will decline and become Neutral Opportunities within the development can be enhanced by the retention of existing woodland along the water course and on field boundaries with additional green infrastructure, as proposed in the detailed landscape plan for the substantial undeveloped area of the site In conclusion, it is usual that higher landscape and visual effects are found near to development sites where construction work will take place and permanent structures are erected. However, considering the semi-urban and industrial character of the surrounding landscape and the presence of existing visual barriers in the landscape such as trees and buildings, the proposed development is assessed as being appropriate to the location proposed from a landscape and visual viewpoint. 8.0 Air Quality 8.1 This chapter of the ES predicts the potential air quality effects associated with the construction phase (dust and particulate matter) and operational phase (vehicle emissions NO 2, PM 10 and PM 2.5) of the proposed development. 8.2 A Construction Environmental Management Plan has been prepared for the site, which includes a Dust Management Plan. This mitigation is embedded into the design of the scheme and provides measures to ensure dust arising from the development will be controlled, limited and reduced. This will result in a Negligible impact for dust and fine particulate matter at nearby sensitive receptors. 8.3 The operational phase assessment has predicted the concentration changes for the 2022 Opening Year and a 2030 Future Year for the Without Development and With Development scenarios. Air quality concentrations have been assessed at twelve locations on roads which may experience increased traffic generation from the development. The assessment also considers the potential impact at the Lindisfarne Roundabout Air Quality Management Area in South Tyneside Council. The assessment has been undertaken using the latest Defra vehicle emissions which provide a much more conservative and realistic prediction of future air quality pollutant concentrations 8.4 The air quality assessment predicts there will be a Negligible impact on concentrations of NO 2, PM 10 and PM 2.5 at all twelve existing sensitive receptors considered in 2022 and 2030, with the proposed development in place. The air quality assessment predicts that all pollutant concentrations at the existing sensitive receptors considered will be below the air quality objectives (NO 2 and PM 10) and target level (PM 2.5) with the proposed development in place. 8.5 Overall the assessment has demonstrated that the proposed development will not lead to an unacceptable risk from air pollution. Pg 12

15 9.0 Water Resources 9.1 This chapter of the ES assesses the impacts the development may have on the water environment, covering resources such as nearby rivers, groundwater aquifers and the public sewer network. 9.2 The site is located close to the River Don, which flows along the southern boundary of the site. Any flood risk associated with the river is limited to the river corridor and most of the site is considered to be an area at very low risk of flooding (Flood Zone 1). 9.3 Impacts during the construction phase of the development mainly consist of potential pollution incidents. This includes mud disturbed by vehicles or construction activity ending up in the watercourse when it rains, or fuel and other substances ending up in the river or sewers. 9.4 If mud enters the river, then it could cause harm to the fish and plants living in or near the river but would be a short term impact until the sediment settles in the river. Oil, fuel and chemicals could cause more harm to the river, and if they enter the nearby sewers could have an influence far away from the site. 9.5 However, haul roads are being provided for areas with a lot of vehicle movements on site and the proposed drainage features are part of the construction works that will be completed first. Where possible, electrical generators will be used in preference of petrol/diesel powered ones and machinery will be regularly inspected and maintained to minimise the risk of oil or fuel spills and leaks. 9.6 During the operational phase i.e. when the development is finished, the impact assessment has identified a number of long-term benefits that will be created. 9.7 Firstly, the proposal would not compromise any improvement works alongside the River Don carried out by the River Don Catchment Partnership and their goals to improve a large section of the River Don. The development will be set back from the river by a considerable distance, leaving plenty of space to encourage wildlife and public access. 9.8 Secondly, the proposed surface water drainage strategy is based on sustainable drainage principles. Rain falling on to the site will be captured by drains in the usual way, but will then be stored on the site in features like ponds and basins before being released into the river at a low and controlled rate. 9.9 This has benefits in terms of flood risk by managing the water entering the river and holding it on site for longer. It also means the quality of runoff making its way to the river is improved; currently there is little control on the runoff from the agricultural fields which may include fertilisers and other organic material. The proposed drainage strategy ensures that sediment and other pollutants are removed from the runoff before it makes its way to the river Any surface water which infiltrates into the ground will also be of better quality. This will help to improve the water quality of the groundwater in the aquifer below the site Northumbrian Water manages the sewers and sewage treatment works in this area. Any foul water generated by the development will be directed to Howdon Sewage Treatment Works via the public sewer system. Northumbrian Water have identified that the development can be completed without any negative impact on the sewage treatment works Overall, the development is not considered to have any significant impacts on water resources in the area. There are also some beneficial impacts associated with the scheme such as the improvements to the river and water quality in general. Pg 13

16 10.0 Noise 10.1 This chapter of the ES considers the potential noise and impacts resulting from the operation of the proposed development Construction work including site preparation, road widening and unit construction to the site will involve the use of heavy items of plant and will generate noise that has the potential to disturb local noise sensitive receptors, including residential dwellings and existing commercial premises at Follingsby Industrial Park. However, due to the separation distance from the site of nearby residential dwellings, enabling and construction activities will be below criteria to be significant. For the existing industrial units at Follingsby Industrial Park there is the potential for highways and proposed unit construction to approach criteria to be of significant noise levels, when working in close proximity or undertaking concurrent activities. However, careful management of on-site construction activities through adoption of the construction environmental management plan will further reduce these effects. For much of the time construction activities will be of sufficient distance from residential and commercial premises to not unduly influence the noise climate Worst case assumed vehicle movements associated with the construction of the development will be below the level of change that is perceptible in the short term at residential receptors and commercial premises at Follingsby Industrial Park Based on the existing noise climate during the day and night-time period, at the nearest residential dwelling to the proposed development, operational noise levels have been suggested. At these levels the operations will be of low impact to residents at external areas during the day and inside dwellings during the night-time. Dependent upon the layout of the proposed units and internal access there may be a requirement for mitigation to protect residents but this will be addressed once development operations are established at the detailed design stage The change in traffic noise predicted due to the worst case number of vehicle movements associated with the proposed development will be perceptible at two residential dwellings on Follingsby Lane Based on the results of the assessment, impacts from construction noise and vehicle movements have the potential to increase the noise climate. However, these effects will either be temporary in nature, highly localised or limited to a small number of identified receptors Socio-Economic 11.1 This chapter assesses the likely socio-economic effects of the proposed development, both during its construction and operation During construction, it is anticipated that the effects of the proposed development could include: A total construction cost of million, which is expected to support 370 construction jobs and 555 spin off jobs each year over the duration of a 42 month build period. This is considered to represent a temporary, short term and Minor Beneficial effect; and Generate 48.6m of additional economic output (Gross Value Added) per annum over the duration of a 42 month build period. This is considered to represent a temporary, short term and Substantial Beneficial effect. Pg 14

17 11.3 The site is currently in agricultural use. It will not be possible to farm the site during (or after) construction. The scale of the enterprise responsible for farming the site and the structure of their workforce means that no jobs will be lost. This represents a permanent, Negligible effect During operation, it is anticipated that the effects of the proposed development could include: Accommodate 3,225 total (headcount) jobs on-site. Adjusting for part-time workers, this is likely to equate to 3,013 Full-Time Equivalent (FTE jobs); Taking account of any displacement effects (reduced demand or labour shortages in competitor firms) and supply chain linkages, it is estimated that the development could support 2,841 net additional FTE jobs. This is considered to represent a permanent and Substantial Beneficial effect; It is estimated that the FTE jobs to be accommodated on-site could generate 129.5m of economic output (Gross Value Added) per annum. This does not allow for any displacement or supply chain effects. It is considered that this represents a permanent and Substantial Beneficial effect; and The proposed development could generate 4.75m of additional business rate revenue per annum. A proportion of this would be retained by Gateshead Council. Revenue may be lower in the short-medium term, however, as the site is located within an Enterprise Zone and occupiers may therefore be eligible for business rate discounts for a five year period. It is considered that the effect of the proposed development in relation to local authority revenues will be permanent and Moderate Beneficial The proposed development is not anticipated to give rise to any adverse socio-economic effects. As a result, no mitigation measures are considered necessary Cumulative Effects 12.1 An assessment has been carried out to establish whether any cumulative effects may arise from the proposed development when considered with various other schemes in proximity to the site, including the Legal and General scheme approved immediately to the north and the International Advanced Manufacturing Plant (IAMP) Phase One for which a planning application has been submitted. The objective is to identify whether impacts from several developments which individually might be insignificant could, when considered together, cause a significant indirect and cumulative impact requiring mitigation The table below reviews whether the inter-relationship between effects arising from the development may give rise to additional impacts not previously identified. It also considers whether effects may arise when the development is considered alongside other schemes or proposals in the surrounding area, the likelihood of the other developments proceeding and the ability or necessity of the applicant to mitigate any such effects for those other sites. Table 12.1 Summary of Residual Effects and Cumulative Effects Environmental Topic Construction Phase Operational Phase Cumulative Effects Transport Neutral/Negligible Neutral/Negligible to Minor Beneficial Biodiversity Minor Adverse to Moderate Adverse Neutral to Moderate Beneficial Negligible during Construction Minor Adverse and Minor Beneficial during Operation Short term Moderate Adverse on farmland birds. Minor Adverse during Construction Pg 15

18 Heritage and Archaeology Landscape and Visual Minor Beneficial once Operational Negligible to Neutral Negligible to Neutral No cumulative effects Neutral to Substantial Adverse Neutral to Substantial Adverse Minor Adverse during Construction Minor Adverse during Operation Air Quality Negligible Negligible Negligible during Operation Water Noise Minor Adverse to Minor Beneficial Negligible to Minor Adverse Minor Adverse to Minor Beneficial Negligible to Minor Adverse Socio Economic Negligible Negligible to Substantial Beneficial No cumulative effects Neutral during Construction No cumulative effects during Operation Substantial Beneficial during operation 12.3 The analysis above has identified that there is no requirement for the identification of additional mitigation measures to address effects arising from the inter relationship between impacts on sensitive receptors Overall, the proposed development represents a significant new capital investment in the area providing significant local employment opportunities and expenditure in the local area without creating significant adverse effects on existing facilities. Overall, therefore, the cumulative effect on the local community is viewed as a positive one Conclusions 13.1 This ES, prepared on behalf of Follingsby International Enterprise Park Ltd sets out the findings of an EIA of the proposals for Use Class B8 and B2 development, along with associated offices, internal roads, car parks, infrastructure and landscaping 13.2 The ES has assessed the potential for the effects in relation to the following environmental matters: 1 Transport 2 Biodiversity 3 Heritage and Archaeology 4 Landscape and Visual Impact 5 Air Quality 6 Water Resources 7 Noise 8 Socio Economic 13.3 A range of mitigation measures have been identified throughout the ES which are capable of being enforced through planning conditions or other contributions in relation to the development Negative residual effects remain in relation to specific sensitive receptors in relation to landscape and visual and noise. These arise from the location of nearby sensitive receptors such Pg 16

19 as nearby properties, however only at particular receptors. These negative effects are broadly the same as those that would occur if the approved outline planning permission was to be implemented. All other effects are Negligible, Neutral or Beneficial. The adverse impacts should be balanced against the significant beneficial environmental effects in terms of socio-economics, specifically related operational employment and the labour market, as well as the benefits in respect of biodiversity and water quality along the River Don corridor The relationships between the effects identified on site do not give rise to a need for additional mitigation measures There are identified cumulative effects in respect of transport, landscape and visual and biodiversity arising from the development when considered with other developments in the surrounding area. However, none of these cumulative effects will be significant. No additional mitigation measures are therefore required that have not previously been identified in this ES or already put forward as part of the development proposals for the cumulative schemes. Availability of Environmental Statement 13.7 A paper or electronic (CD Rom) copy of the full ES can be obtained from:- Lichfields, The St Nicholas Building, St Nicholas Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1RF (Tel: +44(0) ) 13.8 Reasonable printing and copying costs will be applied Information on the planning application and the ES can also be viewed on the website of GC at: All comments on the ES (and planning application) should be issued to GC directly. Pg 17

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