Environmental Statement - Non Technical Summary Land South of Atherton. March 2014

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1 Environmental Statement - Non Technical Summary Land South of Atherton March 2014

2 Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Site and Surroundings 2 3. Development Need and Alternatives 4 4. Proposed Development 5 5. Socio Economic Assessment 6 6. Ground Conditions Assessments 8 7. Hydrology Landscape and Visual Impact Ecology Transport Air Quality Noise Heritage Summary 23 Appendix 1: Site Location Plan 24 Contact Sarah Jones sarah.jones@turley.co.uk Client Tarleton Estates Ltd/ Seddon Homes Ltd LPA reference 12 March 2014

3 1. Introduction 1.1 Tarleton Estates Ltd/ Seddon Homes Ltd (the Joint Applicants) have applied to Wigan Borough Council (WBC) for outline planning permission for residential development on land to the south west of Bee Fold Lane, Atherton. 1.2 The description of development for which planning permission is being sought (the Proposed Development) is as follows: Outline Planning Application for the development of land to the south west of Bee Fold Lane for the erection of up to 100 dwellings and open space with all matters reserved, except for access. 1.3 The site comprises safeguarded land and its development will positively contribute to the five year land supply in the borough in line with the requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework. 1.4 A voluntary Environmental Statement has been prepared by the applicant to collect, publicise and consider all the relevant environmental information in the determination of the planning application. Information on the likely significant environmental effects of the Proposed Development has been gathered and presented in the main Environmental Statement (ES) (Volume 1) and Appendices (Volume 2). 1.5 This document has been prepared as a non-technical summary of the ES in order to provide an easily understandable summary of the environmental assessment undertaken. 1.6 The initial sections of the NTS (1-4) describe the site and the Proposed Development; the later sections (5-13) summarise the topic areas assessed in the environmental impact assessment of the proposals. 1

4 2. Site and Surroundings The Assessment Site Location 2.1 The site (Assessment Site) is located on the south western side of the settlement of Atherton to the south west of Bee Fold Lane/south of Hope Fold Avenue. 2.2 The north eastern boundary of the site lies approximately 600m to the south west of the town centre of Atherton which is focused on Market Street. The site location is illustrated on the location plan at Appendix 1. Size of Site 2.3 The Assessment Site extends to approximately 3.6 hectares and reflects the outline planning application site. 2.4 For a number of the environmental topic areas, a wider Study Area has been used for the assessment of baseline conditions at the site and its immediate surroundings. Site Features and Land Use 2.5 The site is broadly triangular in shape and comprises predominantly agricultural land in use for grazing purposes. There is no built development on the site. 2.6 The eastern part of the site includes a copse of woodlands subject to tree preservation order (TPO) along with some boundary hedgerows. A wetland area is also located in the south east corner. 2.7 The site boundaries are defined by the rear of existing properties along Hope Fold Avenue to the north; an unmade track element of Bee Fold Lane to the east; open space/housing to the west and the line of a footpath/cycleway to the south. 2.8 A public footpath runs along the unmade track of Bee Fold Lane; a further footpath shown on the definitive map through the centre of the Assessment Site is not now visible on the ground; it is likely superseded by the surfaced footpath running along the southern site boundary which follows the line of a former minerals railway line. A footpath also runs from Hope Fold Avenue into the west of the site. Surroundings 2.9 The site forms part of a wider area of land that has been safeguarded for future development in the Wigan Replacement Unitary Development Plan (2006); it has recently been retained as safeguarded land to accommodate the future housing needs of the borough in the Wigan Local Plan Core Strategy (2013) The site is located immediately adjacent to the south western edge of Atherton and extends westwards towards the residential area of Howe Bridge Existing housing is located to the north of the site in the 1960s residential development of Hope Fold Avenue and earlier development and to the west are the terraced properties of Bowling Green Row and residential area of Howe Bridge. 2

5 2.12 To the east are playing fields of Atherton Community High School and further agricultural land (the latter forms a continuation of the safeguarded land). To the south is further agricultural land and sports pitches of Howe Bridge Leisure Centre and Atherton Cricket Club/Football Club. Accessibility and Public Transport 2.13 The site is accessible by a range of means Leigh Road (B5215) runs to the west of the site and connects to Atherton town centre and the A577 that continues to the east/south to Tyldesley and the East Lancs Road and Manchester, and to Wigan to the north west/leigh to the southwest The site is well located in relation to public transport and pedestrian and cycle access. Frequent bus services run along Leigh Road and to the town centre providing services to Wigan, Bolton, Leigh and Manchester, including a high frequency service between Bolton and Leigh Public footpaths connect the site to the centre of Atherton to the north east and to the open land to the south. The pathway along the southern site boundary is also a cycle route There are nine primary schools within 1 mile of the Assessment Site; and three secondary schools to within 3 miles. A range of shopping and local services are present in Atherton town centre and the wider town. 3

6 3. Development Need and Alternatives 3.1 The need for the delivery of housing within the borough is supported by national and development plan policy following the recent adoption of Wigan Core Strategy. 3.2 The Core Strategy has confirmed that to meet the housing requirement for the borough, approximately 1,000 dwellings per annum will need to be delivered. It identifies land at South of Atherton as safeguarded land for such development up to The Core Strategy goes on to acknowledge that development may be required within safeguarded land sites in advance of allocation in a Development Plan in order to meet the immediate housing requirement. 3.3 The borough does not have a deliverable five year supply of housing as required by paragraph 47 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). 3.4 The site is identified in the adopted Core Strategy as a safeguarded site for housing development and there is an immediate need for new housing development. There is no requirement to assess alternative sites. 3.5 A "No Development" scenario would result in the current shortfall in the delivery of housing land in the borough being further compromised. It could also result in less sustainable locations for development coming forward, contrary to the development plan strategy and national planning policy aim. 3.6 A number of alternative designs have been considered for the Proposed Development and the illustrative masterplan has been subject to evolution through the design process, to meet the site specific and environmental requirements of the scheme. 4

7 4. Proposed Development 4.1 The proposals are for residential development and open space on 3.6ha of land at Bee Fold Lane, Atherton. 4.2 The scheme proposes 'up to' 100 dwellings and public open space; the precise number of units and format of open space will be determined by subsequent reserved matters applications. The environmental assessment and technical studies have however assessed the impacts of development up to this quantum. 4.3 Access to the site is included for approval in the outline application, to be taken from Bee Fold Lane at its junction with Hope Fold Avenue. The provision of one vehicular access is appropriate for the scale of development proposed. 4.4 All other matters are reserved for subsequent approval. 4.5 The illustrative masterplan sets other parameters for the development including the alignment of principal roads through the site, the location of main public open space and habitat areas and potential locations for surface water storage/drainage. It also confirms a maximum height parameter of 2 storeys. 4.6 The applicant envisages the development will comprise a mix of 2-5 bed units with 25% of units being affordable. 4.7 The proposals will provide for footpath and cycle accessibility to connect the site through to Atherton town centre and the surrounding area. 4.8 The development will be constructed on a phased basis with development anticipated to commence in 2015 and to take c.2 years to complete. 5

8 5. Socio Economic Assessment 5.1 The Socio-Economic Effects assessment gives consideration to effects of the Proposed Development associated with employment levels, additional spend generated by new households, together with effects on the local social and community infrastructure, including health, education and open/play space from an uplift in the residential population. 5.2 The Proposed Development has been assessed against the existing (baseline) socioeconomic conditions within the Atherton Ward and local authority (Wigan) context where relevant. Baseline socio-economic conditions have been established through the interpretation of nationally recognised research and survey information including (but not limited to) a range of Office for National Statistics (ONS) data sets, the 2001 and 2011 Census, the 2010 Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) and Annual Schools Census (EduBase2) data. 5.3 The assessment has been based on 100 new dwellings of which 25% (25) could be affordable housing in line with WBC standards. 5.4 Overall, the potential effect of the provision of new residential units is concluded to be of moderate beneficial significance. 5.5 The construction of the Proposed Development is expected to generate a number of socio-economic effects. The primary potential effect will be the creation of temporary construction employment, which on the basis of construction-related expenditure; will result in the generation of 42 person years of employment, or 4 ten year equivalent jobs at the Wigan level. A Construction Management Plan and Benefits Realisation Plan to secure local employment sources is recommended. 5.6 The Proposed Development is also expected to result in a net additional GVA of 2.7 million during the construction phase at the Wigan Level. 5.7 As a result, the potential socio-economic effect of the construction phase would be of minor beneficial significance. 5.8 Based on ONS surveys estimate of average weekly household spending on local goods and services in the North West, the additional households are estimated to generate 1.3 million of additional expenditure per annum, which at a retention rate of 50%, would result in 0.65 million income to the borough, being of minor beneficial significance. 5.9 The current capacity of GPs within 1 mile of the Assessment Site for new patients for new patients has been assessed and it is concluded that the 230 residents likely generated by the Proposed Development can be accommodated under GP to patient ratios such that there will be negligible effect on local health services The anticipated residential population of the Assessment Site would result in an increased demand for 21 primary and 15 secondary school places, based on Wigan Council's standard planning assumptions. 6

9 5.11 The nine state primary schools located within 1 mile of the Assessment Site together have a surplus of 202 spaces. The six state secondary schools located within 3 miles of the Assessment Site together have a surplus of 839 spaces. Therefore, the Proposed Development would not place significant pressure on local primary and secondary schools. It is therefore assessed that the potential effect on primary and secondary school places is negligible However, it is acknowledged that this assessment is based on current pupil numbers only and does not consider projected school populations that account for changes in birth rate, movement in and out of schools and average pupil take up rates. Discussions with WBC have highlighted that capacity issues may arise in the future. The accepted approach if capacity issues arise is to make a financial contribution to the future education requirement on this basis, discussions can be held with the local education authority during the planning application to determine the education requirements to retain the impact as negligible Significant areas of open/play space are located between km from the Assessment Site. The Proposed Development will include recreational amenity space within the Assessment Site and regard will be had to local standards for on-site provision, or if <99 units are provided, to financial contribution levels for off-site provision. Open space requirements can therefore be addressed. The Proposed Development will also result in a range of significant wider benefits, including: facilitating social networks and cohesion; enhancing community wellbeing; and improving affordability. 7

10 6. Ground Conditions Assessments 6.1 A geo-environmental assessment has been carried out in relation to ground conditions by Wardell Armstrong LLP, a leading environmental and ground conditions consultancy with significant experience in former mining area reclamation/redevelopment. This assessment has encompassed land contamination, geology, mining and hydrogeology/hydrology. 6.2 The baseline conditions at the Assessment Site have been examined with reference to Desk Study researches which have included investigating the site history. Preliminary ground investigations, carried out in agreement with Wigan Council, have also taken place across the Assessment Site and a wider Study Area. 6.3 The Assessment Site is located within an area where mining formerly took place, which included both surface and underground mining. This has been confirmed by results of the desktop researches and preliminary ground investigations primarily undertaken in adjacent land. A trial pit in the south eastern section of the Assessment Site indicates 0.3 metres depth of made ground in this location on the Assessment Site. The made ground is conjectured to be colliery spoil. Zones of potential ground instability are also located on part of the Assessment Site associated with former shallow mine workings. 6.4 A preliminary conceptual site model has been produced which has outlined potential pollution pathways. These are typical of sites in areas with a history of mining activity. Of significance is the fact that soils in the adjacent Study Area are generally very acidic and contain elevated concentrations of contaminants. Preliminary gas monitoring adjacent to the Assessment Site also indicate elevated levels of carbon dioxide, and trace methane gas. A detailed ground investigation will be carried out within the Assessment Site prior to the development of the site in order to confirm conditions within the site. 6.5 The potential significant impacts during the construction phase have been identified. These include risks to groundwater, surface water, human health, and to properties. This is as a result of excavation, ground stabilisation and earth moving activities. 6.6 Potential impacts during the operational phase include contamination of soils in gardens which could result in moderate to substantial adverse impacts. There could also be impacts to the groundwater regime and to local surface waters which could persist following the construction phase. There are also likely to be impacts to the new development as a result of ground gas, at worst these impacts could be moderate to substantial adverse, without mitigation. 6.7 Mitigation will be required to reduce the impacts. The envisaged mitigation techniques are tried and tested and have been deployed on former mined sites with similar profile of potential risks and pathways, including sites in Wigan Borough where a number of the large redevelopment sites comprise former mined areas. 6.8 Mitigation will also be pursued via proper environmental controls as a result of implementing a Construction Environmental Management Plan. A detailed site investigation strategy can also be formulated as part of the detailed design and delivery 8

11 process pursuant to a suitably worded planning condition(s). It is also possible that ground gas protection measures will be required, along with soil treatment/removal, or ensuring that there is a barrier between the soils and residential end-users. The use of sustainable site drainage will also be required. 6.9 Following implementation of the mitigation measures, the residual impacts on ground conditions following mitigation are likely to be negligible. The ground stability will be improved, and controlled waters will be protected by the implementation of a Pollution Control Plan It is unlikely that monitoring will be required during the operational phase of the site; however, surface water monitoring, dust emissions monitoring, and ground gas monitoring may be required during and immediately after the construction phase The risks identified with the Assessment Site are typical of development in former mining areas, including within the Borough of Wigan. Such risks can be successfully mitigated through tried and tested methods and could result in improved ground stability, treated ground contamination, improved drainage and reduced risk to the surface water environment. 9

12 7. Hydrology 7.1 A hydrology and flood risk assessment has been undertaken to determine the effect of the Proposed Development on the baseline hydrological environment of the Assessment Site and surrounding area. 7.2 Review has been undertaken of the Environment Agency Flood Zone map which outlines that the site in within flood zone 1 where development can be located with minimal risk of flooding. This follows the sequential approach of NPPF for residential development to locate in areas at lowest risk of flooding. 7.3 A Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) has been undertaken for the wider Study Area which provides outline details of the likely requirements for the surface water management and drainage design at the Assessment Site. In summary, the key requirement is that surface water flows discharging from the Proposed Development will be restricted to the existing green field rate, with any additional volume of water attenuated on the site for events up to and including the 1 in 100 year event, including an allowance for climate change. 7.4 An addendum to the FRA has been produced to confirm the suitability of the smaller Assessment Site for development on a standalone basis. 7.5 The hydrology assessment involved the identification of sensitive receptors at the Assessment Site, and the key activities involved in the construction and operation of the Proposed Development that may have an effect upon these receptors. 7.6 The significance of these effects has been assessed as a product of the sensitivity of the receptors and the magnitude of the effect upon these receptors, if it were to be realised. 7.7 The primary receptors for the proposals are the local watercourses and the Bee Fold Fisheries Pond. 7.8 The key activities and potential effects from the Proposed Development would be alteration of soil structure, erosion and sediment mobilisation, accidental release of potentially polluting substances and alteration to the surface water flow regime at the site. 7.9 Consideration has been given to a preliminary SuDS drainage scheme for surface water of attenuation pipes with an attenuation pond to be located in the south east corner of the site (a wetland area). This will ensure that risks of flooding to areas downstream of the site is not increased as a result of the Proposed Development Consideration has also been given to foul sewage disposal to existing sewers to the west of the Assessment Site Mitigation and management measures are described which can reduce the significance of the identified effects; after mitigation all of the residual effects are considered to be of 10

13 11 minor adverse significance. The full drainage specifications and design can be determined at the detailed planning stage of the sites development.

14 8. Landscape and Visual Impact 8.1 The landscape context of the Assessment Site is defined by the residential areas of Howe Bridge, Atherton and Hindsford with the edges between the built up area and the countryside being quite abrupt. Land to the south and east is rural in character, defined by large open fields (some in sports use) with enclosing woodland, copse, and mature hedgerows generally confined to the edges. 8.2 The landscape form and features is a result of restoration carried out after previous opencast mining in the area - this largely eradicated previous site features albeit some historic woodlands, hedges and lanes remain. The Assessment Site now restored is mainly open pasture for grazing or grass cropping. The boundary hedgerows vary in condition, particularly on the north side and allow a range of views to be experienced over the Assessment Site from totally open to partially screened. 8.3 The landform is a key feature of the Assessment Site, falling away from the existing residential area thus having the potential to retain views across the new development. 8.4 Established paths are used for informal recreation around the site and to the south. 8.5 The site visibility is limited by the perimeter of residential development and the woodland copse within the Assessment Site to the east and south, and receptors are thus concentrated on the residential edge. There are no designated views identified in local planning policies, although the importance of the setting of Howe Bridge Conservation Area to the west is noted. 8.6 A zone of visual influence of the Assessment Site has been established and considered in the assessment of the impact of the Proposed Development. 8.7 Planning policy criteria support the retention and enhancement of existing trees, woodlands and hedgerows, and promote green linkages in the form of wildlife/habitat corridors and recreational paths. It also seeks to maintain local character, and promote high standards of design which respects the form, layout, siting, scale and design of the surrounding areas and their setting. 8.8 The illustrative masterplan includes a landscape strategy which strengthens the existing pattern of woodland and hedgerows, protects habitat areas and existing recreational space, and introduces new features. A prominent green structure links the residential areas to the surrounding countryside, with associated benefit to wildlife corridors and habitat protection and enhancement. In this context the landscape impact of the site development is thus relatively low. The design principles of the Design and Access Statement and illustrative masterplan including breaks in the development form along the northern edge, a reduction in density moving southwards and a north- south development axis also seek to mitigate the visual impact of the Proposed Development. 8.9 The most notable visual effects of the Proposed Development are to the houses on Hope Fold Avenue, where the existing foreground view of open fields will be replaced by residential development; the visual impact to these receptors is considered moderate and adverse after 15 years albeit somewhat mitigated by the landscape/design 12

15 principles. The 'green lane' character of the northern part of the 'green lane' of Bee Fold Lane will also be changed from rural to urban with the proximity of the new housing. The open space buffer between the new development and Bowling Green Row is retained with the potential for additional planting, and will mitigate the impact on the Conservation Area by maintaining the existing open/screened foreground views The users of the path network for informal recreation will experience a change of character: the north-south links are maintained and enhanced, thus permeability to the adjacent countryside is improved The mitigation measures proposed in the illustrative masterplan and additional planting to be secured via appropriately worded planning condition are considered to respond to the planning policy requirements and the site context. The assessment therefore concludes that the visual change introduced by the Proposed Development including via the landscape strategy would not cause significant or permanent harm to the character and visual amenity of the local landscape. 13

16 9. Ecology 9.1 An ecological impact assessment (EcIA) has been undertaken in accordance with current best practice guidance as set out in the Institute for Ecology and Environmental Management Guidelines for Ecological Impact Assessment (IEEM 2006). It also considers guidance and recommendations made in BS42020:2013 Biodiveristy - Code of Practice for Planning and Development. 9.2 The EcIA comprises collation of baseline information in a defined study area, in this case the Assessment Site and a wider survey area to the east to provide context. A desk based study to obtain details of designated sites and protected and priority habitats and species within 2km of the Assessment Site was also undertaken. 9.3 Baseline surveys were undertaken on the Assessment Site and wider Study Area in 2012 and 2013 and comprised: extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey; badger (Meles meles); bat scoping, roost and activity survey; breeding birds; and, reptiles. 9.4 Baseline conditions within the Assessment Site comprises agricultural and amenity grassland, woodland (W3), swamp (SW1) and boundary hedgerows (H6 and H7). The woodland, swamp and hedgerows are typical and representative of habitats in the wider Study Area and were evaluated as being important at the zone of influence (i.e. site) level. The Assessment Site supports an unexceptional assemblage of breeding birds representing a small proportion of the species present in the wider Study Area, low numbers of foraging bats of common species, and low numbers of common amphibian species. The bird assemblage was evaluated as being of importance at the local level, and bats and amphibians at the zone of influence level. 9.5 Areas/features W3, SW1, H7 and most of H6 are proposed to be retained within the layout of the Proposed Development. Potential impacts at the construction phase comprise temporary disturbance to retained habitats, pollution risk to SW1 and temporary disturbance to foraging birds and bats. Potential impacts at the occupation phase comprise increased urban effects e.g. vandalism and fly tipping, predation of birds by domestic pets and changes in bird and bat foraging behaviour. Amenity grassland (AG1) to the west of the Assessment Site, whilst of negligible ecological value, will also be retained and enhanced. 9.6 Mitigation is proposed to avoid significant impacts comprising: best practice sensitive working methods during site clearance and construction; 14

17 control of public access to retained habitats; use of sensitive lighting to minimise disturbance to foraging bats; and maintenance of site hydrology. 9.7 With mitigation in place, minor residual impacts are anticipated in relation to birds and bats, associated with potential for predation by domestic pets and changes in bat and bird foraging behaviour. It is likely that this would be offset in part by the creation of potential new foraging and nesting habitat in residential gardens and within the retained/improved habitat areas. 15

18 10. Transport 10.1 An assessment of the transport impacts of the Proposed Development has been undertaken which makes use of the Transport Assessment (TA) that is also submitted with the planning application The assessment provides an analysis of the existing transport situation and accessibility of the Assessment Site via a variety of means. It has been demonstrated within the Transport Assessment that the site is accessible by a range of sustainable modes of travel including walking, cycling and public transport The Proposed Development will gain vehicular and pedestrian access from the southern end of Bee Fold Lane with other pedestrian/cycle access points provided around the site linking it to the surrounding area and the existing rights of way networks in the vicinity of the site. These connections will make the site suitable for walking and cycling and will encourage short journeys to be made on foot or cycle rather than by car It has been demonstrated within the TA that the Proposed Development will not have a material impact on the operation of the wider highway network. Locally it has been demonstrated that the existing priority controlled junction with Hamilton Street and Bee Fold Lane can accommodate the Proposed Development traffic with no material impact or vehicular queues. In addition the existing priority controlled junction located to the west of the site with Leigh Road and Hope Fold Avenue can also accommodate the Proposed Development traffic with no material impact or vehicular queues. The impact of the Proposed Development will therefore be negligible From full consideration of the results of the TA, it is concluded that no further off site highways mitigation works are required as a result of the development scheme. It has therefore been concluded that the proposals will not result in significant environmental impacts on transport grounds. 16

19 11. Air Quality 11.1 An assessment of the potential air quality impacts associated with the Proposed Development has been undertaken and mitigation options recommended, as appropriate An assessment was made of potential air quality impacts associated with the construction phase of the Proposed Development. These are likely to include generation of dust during site works, and the generation of exhaust emissions by construction phase road traffic Provided that good practice control measures are implemented via use of a Construction Environment Management Plan, potential dust impacts at receptors surrounding the Assessment Site are predicted to be insignificant Similarly, due to the likelihood of low additional vehicle trips during the construction phase, there is predicted to be a negligible impact on air quality from road vehicle exhaust emissions An assessment was made of potential impacts associated with the operational phase of the Proposed Development. These are likely to include operational phase road vehicle exhaust emissions, associated with people driving to and from the Proposed Development Due to the low additional number of vehicle trips predicted during the operational phase of the development, given the scale of development proposed, there is predicted to be a negligible short- and long-term impact on air quality from road vehicle exhaust emissions. 17

20 12. Noise 12.1 An assessment of the noise impact of the Proposed Development on existing noisesensitive receptors (dwellings) in the area has been undertaken. In particular, it considers two noise issues namely; minimising potential impact of construction noise and assessing any additional traffic noise generated on the local highway network as a result of the completed development The relevant Environmental Health Officer at Wigan Council has been contacted in order to confirm and agree the scope of the noise assessment Relevant national and local planning guidance has been reviewed, together with other relevant documents and British Standards A baseline noise monitoring survey has been carried out (including for a wider Study Area) and results have been considered in the assessment The Study Area for the assessment comprises the Assessment Site and adjacent residential areas plus dwellings on the roads nearest to the Assessment Site. Thus the Study Area includes those existing residential properties that are adjacent to the Assessment Site which will be most exposed to construction site noise, and those adjacent to the roads closest to the site which will be most exposed to any additional traffic noise generated by the operation of the development The methodology for assessing noise impacts of the temporary construction phase of the development has by necessity been qualitative rather than quantitative as, at this stage (i.e. outline planning application), a contractor has not been appointed and there is no detailed information available regarding the type of construction plant, operations, programme, etc. The assessment has therefore focussed on the need to mitigate construction noise as far as is reasonably practicable It has been concluded that, without the implementation of appropriate noise mitigation measures, construction site noise may give rise to short-term noise impacts of up to moderate significance during periods where the noisiest activity is taking place at the closest points to nearby noise-sensitive properties. Therefore, there is a need to mitigate construction noise, as far as is reasonably practicable, by implementing appropriate measures in accordance with the 'best practice' guidance that is set out in BS5228 1:2009; such measures can be detailed in a Construction Environment Management Plan. It has been concluded that with the implementation of appropriate mitigation measures, the residual noise impact at any one location from construction works is likely to be no more than of minor significance and for a temporary period only For the operational phase, potential long term traffic noise impacts resulting from operation of the completed development have been assessed using a comparative approach. This has involved investigating the difference between calculated traffic noise levels for the 'without development' and 'with development' scenarios, based upon the anticipated future traffic flows. Noise impacts have been evaluated for existing dwellings on those roads nearest to the Assessment Site and in the wider area. The calculated increases in traffic noise, using a nationally recognised calculation procedure, 18

21 range from <0.1 to 1.2 db(a). Using the adopted assessment criteria, the noise impact of traffic generated by the development on dwellings nearest to the Assessment Site, namely Bee Fold Lane, Hope Fold Avenue and Hamilton Street (west of Crab Tree Lane), has been found to be minor adverse. The noise impact of traffic generated by the development on dwellings further away in the wider area has been found to be negligible It is therefore concluded that the environmental noise impact of the Proposed Development will be acceptable. 19

22 13. Heritage 13.1 Heritage has been considered in the ES in relation to archaeology and built heritage. Archaeology 13.2 Archaeology has been included because the Proposed Development has the potential to give rise to impacts on archaeological assets at the Assessment Site, and to consider whether the impact may raise significant environment effects All designated and non-designated archaeological assets, both on the Assessment Site and within approximately 500m of the Assessment Site have been identified from desk research A site inspection of the Assessment Site and application of professional judgement has also been applied to assess the significance (value) of archaeological assets on the Assessment Site. This valuation is used as the foundation for assessment of the impact of the Proposed Development on the archaeological assets and a prediction as to whether this impact constitutes a significant environmental effect. This approach is not formulaic and professional judgement has been used Prior to the accurate and large scale mapping of the 19th century, little is known of the Assessment Site, however, it is concluded that there is no evidence of Roman/medieval archaeology on the site. The history of the Assessment Site from the mid-19th century through to 2013 can be summarised with some confidence During the middle years of the 19th century, the Assessment Site was within a rural landscape with numerous field boundaries in the form of hedges and ditches. The building complex of Hope Fold with associated ancillary buildings was present in the south east. A thoroughfare, Bee Fold Lane, forms the eastern boundary of the Assessment Site in an approximate north-south alignment In the 20th century the Assessment Site has been associated with mining activity with a mineral railway running along the southern boundary; the mining use was remediated in the 1980s. It is concluded that the mining use is likely to have removed any surface evidence of archaeology on the Assessment Site should it have been present. The main area of archaeological interest is therefore the area of the former Hope Fold It is determined that the Proposed Development will have a direct impact upon the Assessment Site in developable areas (for dwellings/infrastructure); archaeological assets are not predicted to survive in such areas and the impact would constitute a neutral-slight adverse effect. No development is proposed in the area of the former Hope Fold, therefore the impact on that archaeological interest is considered to be neutral Whilst no significant effects are predicted, mitigation is proposed via use of a watching brief to development, a response commonly utilised within the heritage and construction sectors to assuage effects of development on archaeological assets. This mitigation is proposed as a result of similar actions to development of other former mined sites in the 20

23 area. As a result the overall residual impact would be reduced as a consequence of the mitigation actions such that the application proposals would comply with the spirit and intent of local and national planning policy considerations. Built Heritage The built heritage assessment has considered the environmental effect of the Proposed Development on the significance and setting of identified built designated heritage assets, namely three listed buildings and Howe Bridge Conservation Area to the west of the Assessment Site. There are no designated assets within the Assessment Site itself Full regard has been had to the requirements of The Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, relevant national and local planning policy and English Heritage Guidance. The assessment has been based on desk based research and a detailed visual inspection of the Assessment Site and the nearby heritage assets The Proposed Development will not have a direct impact on any of the identified heritage assets, the focus of the assessment is therefore the impact upon the setting of the heritage assets The Proposed Development will not be visible from the listed buildings on Leigh Road, therefore based on the significance and setting of these assets, the development is concluded to have no impact on these assets There will be distant and glimpsed views of the Proposed Development from the St Michaels and All Angel Church, but due to intermediary landscaping and distance, the proposals will not affect the significance of the building or the ability to appreciate it. Views of the spire will still be present from the site and surrounding land. The church is already set in a context of built development which was present when the building was statutorily listed The assessment also concludes that the Proposed Development will not have a harmful effect on the significance of the Conservation Area due to the distance between the Assessment Site and that the intervening open space will dilute and diffuse visual effects. Open views out of the Area will remain Residential development is consistent with the prevailing building typology and character of the Conservation Area and the Proposed Development will be viewed within the context of other post war development that has taken place to the east of the boundary of the Conservation Area without harming its character and appearance and overall significance. The Proposed Development will result in change within the setting of the Conservation Area, but it is considered this change will not be harmful to the character or appearance or overall significance of the Conservation Area As a result, the Proposed Development will result in negligible effect on heritage assets. It is therefore concluded that the proposals meet the objectives of NPPF with regard to heritage assets. 21

24 13.18 Temporary minor adverse effects that may occur on the Conservation Area during the construction process can be mitigated by appropriate construction management measures. 22

25 14. Summary 14.1 The beneficial effects of the Proposed Development are considered to be: compliance with national and development plan policies, particularly for sustainability objectives and housing land supply; provision of 'up to' 100 residential units including c25 affordable units; inclusion of accessibility improvements to the site and area; land conditions improvements; inclusion of ecology and drainage solutions to benefit the area; generation of jobs during the construction phase Whilst the ES has identified some minor adverse effects, particularly during construction, these are considered to be of minor significance due to their relatively short term nature. Some limited adverse visual effects are also likely to dissipate over time Mitigation measures have been considered for all elements of the environmental assessment and will be incorporated into the design and development as necessary, including those related to the past mining use of the site. In this respect, it is highly relevant that development on former mined areas is common in Wigan Borough and that mitigation measures proposed are tried and tested methods that will enable appropriate development on the site The applicants are committed to ensuring the development is covered by a Construction Environment Management Plan that will clearly set out the methods of managing environmental issues during construction works and into the development/operational phase. The CEMP will be agreed with Wigan Borough Council prior to starting work on site. 23

26 Appendix 1: Site Location Plan

27 BEE FOLD LANE 0 metres 100 Copyright of Turley. (1:2,500) HAMILTON STREET This drawing is for illustrative purposes only and should not be used for any construction or estimation purposes. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. No liability or responsibility is accepted arising from reliance upon the information contained within this drawing. Site boundary ALLENBY STREET LEIGH ROAD HOPE FOLD AVENUE Tarleton Estates Ltd Client: Tarleton Estates Ltd and Seddon Homes.co.uk Project: Land south west of Bee Fold Lane, Atherton Drawing: Site Location Plan Scale: 1:2500 (A3) Status: Final Project Number: TARM2001 Drawing Number: TA02 Date: Feb 2014 Revision: - Plans reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of The Controller of Her Majesty s Stationery Office. Crown Copyright and database right [2013]. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence number [ ]. This drawing is for illustrative purposes only and should not be used for any construction or estimation purposes. Do not scale drawings. No liability or responsibility is accepted arising from reliance upon the information contained in this drawing

28 1 New York Street Manchester M1 4HD T

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The journey so far. The new masterplan for Dargavel Village

The journey so far. The new masterplan for Dargavel Village The journey so far Our vision for Dargavel Village began over ten years ago when the original masterplan for transforming the former Royal Ordnance Factory site into a thriving community was established.

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