B - Coalfield River Corridor Landscape Character Type

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1 B - Coalfield River Corridor Landscape Character Type Landscape Character Type - Coalfield River Corridor The Coalfield River Corridors Landscape Character Type is located in the two converging valleys associated with the Rivers Don and Dearne on either side of Mexborough. They are characterised by sand and gravel deposits over coal measures and are associated with the meandering and gently curving watercourses that sit in the flat valley floor floodplains with sections of canalisation and embankments. There is a mixture of large to small scale arable land with some willow biomass crop and pasture. There is also some mixed scrub, carr woodland, riparian trees and vegetation concentrated alongside watercourses. At the eastern side there is a restored spoil heap with immature tree planting at the confluence of the Rivers Don and Dearne. There are few roads crossing the valley floors and the areas are popular for recreational use. There are no settlements and few other buildings. Some views of the surrounding settlements and other manmade intrusions affect the otherwise naturalistic feel of these valley floors. The Coalfield River Corridors are physically separated from each other by an area of elevated coalfield farmland but converge at their eastern extreme and are as follows: B1 Don Coalfield River Corridor B2 Dearne Coalfield River Corridor Part 4 - Page 31 of 199

2 B1 - Don Coalfield River Corridor Key Characteristics Sand and gravel drifts over coal measures. Meandering river with a straighter navigation watercourse in a flat valley floor. Some areas of flood defence embankments and canalisation. Restored spoil heap at eastern end. Mix of irregular shaped arable fields and pasture at the western end. Areas of rough grass, pasture, small carr woodland, immature scrub woodland and a small area of willow biomass. Popular for other recreational activities including fishing, boating and walking. No settlements and few other buildings with the valley floor separating the adjacent settlements of Conisborough and Mexborough outside the LCA. Rail corridor along valley floor. Major road crosses valley floor but otherwise no road access. Part 4 - Page 32 of 199

3 B1 - Don Coalfield River Corridor Landscape Description This area is defined by the geology of sand and gravel drifts over coal measures which lie in the valley bottom of the River Don. The River Don meanders along the valley floor and a straighter navigation watercourse runs alongside it with some waterbodies. In places there are flood embankments. The landscape has a very naturalistic character especially where the river has not been canalised. The flat narrow floodplain of the valley floor is enclosed by the sloping valley sides outside the LCA and trees. At the eastern end are the slopes of a restored spoil heap near the confluence of the Rivers Don and Dearne. At the western end of the area are a mix of large irregular arable fields and pasture. There are areas of rough grass, small fields pasture, small areas of carr woodland, immature scrub woodland and a small area of willow biomass. The river is navigable and is frequented by many canal boats. It is popular for other recreational activities including fishing and many informal footpaths alongside the river. There are no settlements within the LCA with the landscape separates the settlements of Conisborough and Mexborough which are on the valley sides outside the LCA. The few buildings within the LCA include a leisure centre with associated car parking. A railway runs along the length of the LCA and a main road runs along the edges of the valley floor and crosses it in one place, but there are no other road access. The area is very rural and tranquil in areas with slow moving water and navigation boats. There are some slight intrusions due to some views of adjacent retail and industrial units and associated noise. Recent Landscape Impacts Construction of a traveller s site adjacent to the main road where it crossed the valley floor. Areas of fly tipping, piles of manure and rubbish. Leisure development and associated parking. Part 4 - Page 33 of 199

4 B1 - Don Coalfield River Corridor Landscape Value and Quality This rural natural corridor appears under pressure from the changing land use and urban influences of the adjacent areas. There is some slight degradation in places due to tipping and burning, and overall the landscape is judged to be of moderate landscape quality. The tranquility of the area is disturbed by noise from the nearby roads and urban areas. There are a few designated sites including the Old Denaby Nature Site which is of local importance. The landscape is judged to be of moderate value. The landscape strategy for B1 Don Coalfield River Corridor is to Conserve and Strengthen. Viewers There are many sensitive recreational viewers including, cyclists, dog walkers, fishermen, residents of the traveller s camp, houseboats and other waterway users. Also residents on the edges of the nearby settlements of Consiborough and Mexborough. There will also be some less sensitive viewers from adjacent roads and railways. Part 4 - Page 34 of 199

5 B1 - Don Coalfield River Corridor Broad Landscape Capacity for Housing Development Settlements are not present in this LCA and housing development would detract greatly from the naturalistic qualities of the landscape. It would increase the diversity, sense of enclosure and fragment a small area that is already under pressure. It may result in the merging of the settlements of Mexborough and Conisborough which would disrupt the green corridor. It would impact on the amenity value of the area and physically fragment the landscape and the experience of it from the recreational route that runs along it. Visual impacts are considered to be high despite the enclosure provided by trees and landform as the recreational users in the area are considered to be highly sensitive viewers. The potential for mitigation is considered low and in addition to the development guidance detailed in part 3 of this document it could be achieved by the following: Build on a much smaller scale to reduce landscape and visual impacts. Use of screening of a similar character of existing vegetation. Development should be on a much smaller scale. Follow the contours of the landform and course of the river in the layout. The landscape capacity for housing in B1 Don Coalfield River Corridor is judged to be low to none. Broad Landscape Capacity for Strategic Employment This kind of development is not characteristic of this LCA, although it is present in immediately adjacent areas on the edges of Mexborough and Conisborough. It would increase the diversity, sense of enclosure and fragment a small area that is already under pressure. It may result in the merging of the settlements of Mexborough and Conisborough which would disrupt the green corridor. It would impact on the amenity value of the area and physically fragment the landscape and the experience of it from the recreational route that runs along it. It would have a major impact on sensitive viewers. The potential for mitigation is low and in addition to the development guidance detailed in part 3 of this document it could be achieved by the following: Build on a much smaller scale to reduce landscape and visual impacts. Use green roofs to integrate the development into the landscape and help to create a sustainable image for Doncaster Borough. Use of wetlands characteristic of area as part of sustainable urban drainage system. Use existing tranport routes for access. Plant more trees characteristic of the area to create additional screening for sensitive viewers. The landscape capacity for strategic employment in B1 Don Coalfield River Corridor is judged to be low to none. Part 4 - Page 35 of 199

6 B1 - Don Coalfield River Corridor Broad Landscape Capacity for Mineral Workings This development would not be in keeping with the character of this LCA particularly the simplicity, tranquillity and scale of the landscape. It could also have a major impact on recreational use of the valley floor. It would be highly visible and increase levels of movement and noise for many sensitive viewers. The potential for mitigation is low and in addition to the development guidance detailed in part 3 of this document it could be achieved by the following: Screening by additional trees and hedges that are characteristic of the area. Use existing roads for access. Restore to an appropriate ecological habitat. The landscape capacity for mineral workings in B1 Don Coalfield River Corridor is judged to be low to none. Broad Landscape Capacity for Compost facilities An assessment was not carried out as there are no farms in this area. Broad Landscape Capacity for Windpower This kind of new development would disrupt a narrow, undeveloped and relatively intact landscape. The scale of the development would be too imposing for such a small area, small scale pattern and in view of the close proximity to the settlements of Conisborough and Mexborough. Their simple form may fit with the simple landscape but the movement may induce a further loss of tranquillity. Visual impacts would also be high due to high visibility, and the presence of many sensitive viewers including the many recreational users. The potential for mitigation is limited and in addition to the development guidance detailed in part 3 of this document it could be achieved by the following: Install fewer smaller scale turbines. Locate away from settlements. Layout along the river corridor. Locate on the wider areas of the valley floor. Screen lower parts using existing vegetation and possibly plant additional vegetation of a similar character. Avoid nature sites. The landscape capacity for windpower in B1 Don Coalfield River Corridor is judged to be low to none. Part 4 - Page 36 of 199

7 B1 - Don Coalfield River Corridor Broad Landscape Capacity for Biomass A small area of willow biomass is already grown in this LCA and it is in keeping with the ecology of a river valley floor. As a monoculture it would not wholly fit with the existing naturalistic tree cover. Its presence would not affect long distance viewers from the Conisborough and Mexborough edges but it may affect other closer users by increasing enclosure for recreational users. Larger scale planting is not appropriate as it is not in keeping with the present scale and pattern of land use. Introduction of incinerators and chimneys would not be appropriate in this small undeveloped character area. The potential for mitigation is moderate and in addition to the development guidance detailed in part 3 of this document it could be achieved by the following: Plant away from designated areas Smaller scale planting interspersed with existing carr woodland areas Using existing trees to screen and prevent enclosing existing open views. Planting in long irregularly shaped patterns in keeping with existing watercourse planting. Smaller scale planting of a similar scale and pattern to existing landscape elements interspersed with existing carr woodland areas might add to the changing experience of a riverside journey. Plant away from recrational users to reduce the effects of enclosure where views presently exist. The landscape capacity for biomass in B1 Don Coalfield River Corridor is judged to be moderate. Broad Landscape Capacity for Large Scale Forestry Tree cover in the area consists of small areas of carr woodland and immature scrub woodland. Large scale forestry would not be in keeping with the scale or naturalistic qualities of the LCA. There would not be space for a large amount of additional forestry planting without loss of existing naturalistic tree cover. The many recreational users of the area would be particularly affected by this change in character of tree cover. The potential for mitigation is low and in addition to the development guidance detailed in part 3 of this document it could be achieved by the following: Include mixed species planting characteristic of the valley floor especially around the edges to blend with existing tree and hedge cover Plant mixed species planting characteristic of the valley floor especially around the edges to blend with existing tree cover Locate away from existing recreational areas to limit visual impacts. Plant so that edges follow existing landscape elements such as the landform and watercourse. Reduce scale and plant in linear blocks of mixed species to follow land form and other landscape elements similar to existing patterns. The landscape capacity for large scale forestry in B1 Don Coalfield River Corridor is judged to be low to none. Part 4 - Page 37 of 199

8 B2 - Dearne Coalfield River Corridor Key Characteristics Sand and gravel drifts over coal measures. River Dearne takes a gently curving course along the flat valley floor. Enclosed by the gently sloping valley sides outside the LCA. Flood embankments alongside watercourse. Arable farmland in an irregular patchwork of varied field sizes with missing or fragmented hedges. Nationally important wetland nature site fed by meandering branch off from main river. Restored spoil heap at eastern end. No settlements or other built developments. Limited road access with one busy minor road crossing the valley floor. Popular recreational corridor with the long distance footpath. Lines of trees alongside watercourse. Part 4 - Page 38 of 199

9 B2 - Dearne Coalfield River Corridor Landscape Description This area is defined by the geology of sand and gravel drifts over coal measures which lie in the valley bottom of the River Dearne. The landscape is enclosed by the gently sloping valley sides outside the LCA. The River Dearne which is lined by flood embankments along much of its length takes a gently curving course along the flat valley floor. The river is lined by trees and beyond the flood embankments is arable farmland in an irregular patchwork of varied field sizes with missing or fragmented hedges. A meandering watercourse branched off from the main river feeds a wetland which is a nationally important site for nature conservation. There is also associated car parking, an area of biomass planting and a small woodland adjacent to the wetland. At the eastern end are the slopes of a restored spoil heap with immature tree planting on its slopes near the confluence of the Rivers Don and Dearne. A single busy minor road crosses the valley floor at the eastern end. It is a well used recreational corridor with the long distance route of the Trans Pennine Trail running along its length. The area is very rural and tranquil with the slow moving water and an absence of settlements and other built development. There are some slight intrusions at the eastern end due to the busy road and views of adjacent industrial units. There are areas of visual enclosure due in main to trees along water courses, as well as some more open views of the valley and river. Recent Landscape Impacts Litter near car park. The addition of willow biomass planting to the area. Areas of fly tipping. Busy minor road. Motorbikes on the public rights of way. Part 4 - Page 39 of 199

10 B2 - Dearne Coalfield River Corridor Landscape Value and Quality The landscape of this rural natural corridor is slightly degraded nature in places due to tipping is judged to be of moderate landscape quality. The area appears less remote and tranquil due to the noisy roads and motorbikes on the public rights of way but with the designated Denaby Ings wetland which is of national importance is considered to be of a high landscape value. The landscape strategy for B2 Dearne Coalfield River Corridor is to Conserve and Strengthen. Viewers There are many sensitive recreational viewers including, cyclists, dog walkers and fishermen. There are many less sensitive viewers from the busy roads crossing the few bridges across the valley floor, along with the residents on the edge of Mexborough to the south overlooking the valley floor. Part 4 - Page 40 of 199

11 B2 - Dearne Coalfield River Corridor Broad Landscape Capacity for Housing Development Settlements are not present in this LCA and housing development would detract greatly from the naturalistic qualities of the landscape. It would increase the diversity and sense of enclosure and would disrupt the green corridor. It would impact on the amenity value of the area and physically fragment the landscape and the experience of it from the recreational route that runs along it. Visual impacts are considered to be high despite the enclosure provided by landform as the recreational users in the area are considered to be highly sensitive viewers. The potential for mitigation is considered low and in addition to the development guidance detailed in part 3 of this document it may partially be achieved by the following: Build on a much smaller scale to reduce landscape and visual impacts. Use of screening of a similar character of existing vegetation. Development should be on a much smaller scale. Follow the contours of the landform and course of the river in the layout. The landscape capacity for housing in B2 Dearne Coalfield River Corridor is judged to be low to none. Broad Landscape Capacity for Strategic Employment This kind of development is not characteristic of this LCA, although it is present in immediately adjacent areas on the edges of Mexborough. It would detract in a major way from the naturalistic qualities, increase the diversity, sense of enclosure and would disrupt the green corridor. It would impact on the amenity value of the area and physically fragment the landscape and the experience of it from the recreational route that runs along it. Road access is currently very limited in this area and the construction of additional access roads would also be detrimental to the landscape character. It would have a major impact on sensitive viewers. The potential for mitigation is low and in addition to the development guidance detailed in part 3 of this document it could be achieved by the following: Build on a much smaller scale to reduce landscape and visual impacts. Use green roofs to integrate the development into the landscape and help to create a sustainable image for Doncaster Borough. Use of wetlands characteristic of area as part of sustainable urban drainage system. Use existing transport routes for access. Plant more trees characteristic of the area to create additional screening for sensitive viewers. The landscape capacity for strategic employment in B2 Dearne Coalfield River Corridor is judged to be low. Part 4 - Page 41 of 199

12 B2 - Dearne Coalfield River Corridor Broad Landscape Capacity for Mineral Workings There has been some previous mineral workings at the western and eastern edges of the area. However, it is considered that this type of development would not be in keeping with the naturalistic character or the scale of a large proportion of the valley floor. It would detract from the simplicity and tranquillity of the landscape and could also have a major impact on recreational use of the valley floor. It would be highly visible and increase levels of movement and noise for many sensitive recreational viewers. The potential for mitigation is low and in addition to the development guidance detailed in part 3 of this document it could be achieved by the following: Screening by additional trees and hedges that are characteristic of the area. Use existing roads for access. Restore to an appropriate ecological habitat. The landscape capacity for mineral workings in B2 Dearne Coalfield River Corridor is judged to be low to none. Broad Landscape Capacity for Windpower This kind of new development would disrupt an undeveloped and relatively intact landscape. The scale of the development would be too imposing for this relatively small and narrow area and in view of the close proximity to several settlements. Their simple form may fit with the simple landscape but the movement may induce a further loss of tranquillity. Visual impacts would also be high due to high visibility, and the presence of many sensitive viewers including the many recreational users. The potential for mitigation is limited and in addition to the development guidance detailed in part 3 of this document it could be achieved by the following: Install fewer smaller scale turbines. Locate away from settlements. Layout along the river corridor. Locate on the wider areas of the valley floor. Screen lower parts using existing vegetation and possibly plant additional vegetation of a similar character. Avoid nature sites. Broad Landscape Capacity for Compost facilities An assessment was not carried out as there are no farms in this area. The landscape capacity for windpower in B2 Dearne Coalfield River Corridor is judged to be low to none. Part 4 - Page 42 of 199

13 B2 - Dearne Coalfield River Corridor Broad Landscape Capacity for Biomass Willow biomass is already grown in this LCA and is in keeping with the ecology of a river valley floor. Its form and texture as a monoculture would not fit wholly with the naturalistic mixed trees growing along the water courses. Visually it would not affect long distance viewers from Mexborough edge, but would affect other closer users by increasing enclosure on public rights of way and reducing the pattern of fields by hiding hedges. Introduction of incinerators and chimneys would not be appropriate in this undeveloped naturalistic character area. The potential for mitigation is moderate and in addition to the development guidance detailed in part 3 of this document it could be achieved by the following: Plant away from designated areas. Using existing taller hedges and trees to screen and prevent enclosing existing open views. Planting in long irregularly shaped patterns in keeping with existing watercourse planting. Smaller scale planting of a similar scale and pattern to existing landscape elements. Locate away from existing public rights of way to reduce the effects of enclosure where views presently exist. The landscape capacity for biomass in B2 Dearne Coalfield River Corridor is judged to be moderate. Broad Landscape Capacity for Large Scale Forestry There is little woodland in this are with just a small area at the eastern end near the Denaby Ings nature reserve. Trees in this area are also found are mixed deciduous trees in lines immediately adjacent to the River Dearne. Large scale forestry would not be in keeping with the character of the existing tree cover, the scale or naturalistic qualities of the LCA. It would enclose existing views particularly affecting those sensitive viewers using public rights of way. The potential for mitigation is low and in addition to the development guidance detailed in part 3 of this document it could be achieved by the following: Mixed species planting characteristic of the valley floor especially around the edges to blend with existing tree and hedge cover Locate away from existing public rights of way. Plant mixed species planting characteristic of the valley floor especially around the edges to blend with existing tree cover. Plant so that edges follow existing landscape elements such as the landform and watercourse. Reduce scale and plant in linear blocks of mixed species to follow land form and other landscape elements similar to existing patterns. The landscape capacity for large scale forestry in B2 Dearne Coalfield River Corridor is judged to be low to none. Part 4 - Page 43 of 199

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