Kirkcaldy South West. Invertiel and Tyrie Farms. Environmental Statement Non Technical Summary. Volume 1

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1 Kirkcaldy South West Environmental Statement Non Technical Summary Volume 1 Invertiel and Tyrie Farms August 2010


3 CALA Homes (East) Ltd and Mactaggart & Mickel Ltd Volume 1 Non Technical Summary Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 EIA Process and Methodology 3 3 Environmental Conditions at the Site 5 4 Description of the Proposed Development 7 5 Phasing 17 6 Design Evolution and Alternatives 23 7 Environmental Effects 25 8 Next Steps 29 UK Issue: 2

4 Volume 1 Non Technical Summary CALA Homes (East) Ltd and Mactaggart & Mickel Ltd UK Issue: 2

5 CALA Homes (East) Ltd and Mactaggart & Mickel Ltd Volume 1 Non Technical Summary 1 Introduction 1.1 An Environmental Statement (ES) has been prepared on behalf of CALA Homes (East) Ltd and Mactaggart & Mickel Ltd in accordance with the statutory procedures set out in the Environmental Impact Assessment (Scotland) Regulations 1999, as amended, in support of an application for Planning Permission in Principle, to Fife Council. 1.2 The applicant is seeking permission for a residential and mixed use development, including neighbourhood centres, a primary school, and commercial/leisure space. Landscaping and openspace and associated ancillary works are also proposed as part of the Planning Application. In summary the Proposed Development as shown will include; 1,000 residential homes, comprising a mix of residential types and tenures including affordable housing (up to 15%) and care for the elderly; A primary school with associated recreations and play facilities; A Neighbourhood Centre including commercial, retail, bar/restaurant and/or community uses; A Local Centre including commercial, retail and/or community uses; Four Local parks providing for play and a variety of open spaces; A linear park encompassing Invertiel Quarry Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI); Playing fields and children s equipped play parks; Sustainable Urban Drainage facilities (SUDs); and A core network of distributor roads, and a network of local roads, cycleways, and footpaths. 1.3 A Masterplan has been prepared to accompany the Planning Application. It envisages development in two phases; the Proposed Development, as described above, and an extension to the development. This is identified as an area of Potential Future Growth in which a further 600 residential units could be accommodated. The Planning Application addresses only the Proposed Development at this stage; permission is not being sought for the area of Potential Future Growth. 1.4 This document is the Non-Technical Summary (NTS) of the ES. Its aim is to summarise the content and the main findings of the ES in a clear and concise manner to assist the public in understanding what the environmental impacts of the proposals are likely to be. It provides: a summary of the EIA process and method that has been adopted; a summary of the main environmental characteristics of the site; an outline of the main elements of the Proposed Development, including phasing and alternatives that were considered in the design process; and finally ; UK Issue: 2 1

6 Volume 1 Non Technical Summary CALA Homes (East) Ltd and Mactaggart & Mickel Ltd a summary of the main environmental effects, positive and negative, which are considered likely to arise in connection with the Proposed Development. 1.5 The ES comprises two documents: a non-technical summary (Volume 1), the main report and supporting technical appendices (Volume 2). The full ES and supporting technical appendices provide a more detailed description of the application area, the characteristics of the development proposals, and the findings of the environmental impact assessment (EIA). The two ES documents, together with the Planning Application and associated documents, will be available for viewing at the address below for a minimum of sixteen weeks: Fife Council Fife House North St, Glenrothes, KY7 5LT, United Kingdom 1.6 Copies of the NTS are available free of charge from ENVIRON using the contact details at the end of this report. Copies of the main report and supporting technical appendices are available at a cost of 10 for an electronic version on CD or 350 for a full paper copy from ENVIRON. Site Location 2 UK Issue: 2

7 CALA Homes (East) Ltd and Mactaggart & Mickel Ltd Volume 1 Non Technical Summary 2 EIA Process and Methodology 2.1 Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is a process that identifies the potential environmental impacts (both positive and negative) of a Proposed Development and aims to prevent, reduce and mitigate any adverse environmental impacts. 2.2 Consultation has played a key role in the development of the Masterplan. Extensive and ongoing consultation has been undertaken with a variety of groups, including the community, the Council, statutory consultees such as Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA), Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH), Scottish Water and Historic Scotland, and other stakeholders with an interest in the proposals. Consultation has informed both the development of the Masterplan framework and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process. 2.3 Informal consultation with the Council and statutory consultees was undertaken early in the development process on the options for the draft MasterPlan and to identify key issues and impacts on which the EIA process would focus. 2.4 Formal consultation with the Council and statutory consultees was undertaken via a scoping process. Scoping is a mechanism by which key authorities in the EIA process are informed about the development and the potential environmental impacts arising from it, and have a chance to comment on what key issues the EIA should focus. A scoping report was issued to Fife Council and a variety of statutory authorities and non-statutory organisations (See Table 2.1 below). The full list of responses to this process is set out in Appendix 2 of the ES. Table 2.1: List of consultees to the Scoping Report Statutory Consultees Fife Council Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Health and Safety Executive The Scottish Government Scottish Water Historic Scotland Non-Statutory Consultees Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) First Scotrail National Rail Lambert Smith Hampton Kirkcaldy Community Council Spokes Scotways JMP Consultants Limited UK Issue: 2 3

8 Volume 1 Non Technical Summary CALA Homes (East) Ltd and Mactaggart & Mickel Ltd 2.5 The scoping process concluded that the following key environmental issues associated with the development should be addressed in the EIA: Socio-Economics; Landscape and Visual; Ecology; Ground Conditions; Agriculture and Soils; Water Resources and Flood Risk; Transport and Access; Noise and Vibration; Air Quality; and Archaeology. 2.6 In addition, the potential for impact interactions (or cumulative impacts) to arise as a result of the Proposed Development and other consented schemes within the area was also identified. Cumulative impacts as a result of traffic were the only potential cumulative impacts identified, but were subsequently ruled out on the basis that the contribution form the Proposed Development to local traffic was negligible. 4 UK Issue: 2

9 CALA Homes (East) Ltd and Mactaggart & Mickel Ltd Volume 1 Non Technical Summary 3 Environmental Conditions at the Site General 3.1 The Masterplan site (163 ha) is made up of the Proposed Development site (104 ha) and a Potential Future Growth Area (59 ha). The Proposed Development site is the subject of the Planning Application and the Future Growth Site lies to directly to the west. 3.2 The site is bordered to the north by the Tiel burn and Balwearie Golf Course and to the south by the Tyrie burn. The eastern edge of the site is bounded by the main east coast rail line that runs between London and Aberdeen, via Edinburgh. To the south and west is agricultural land. The site is connected by two main roads; it is crossed by the B9157 (Invertiel Road) and Jawbanes Road, which leads in south-westerly direction. Landform, Landuse and Ecology 3.3 The site lies on the rural urban fringe between the Cullaloe Hills and Kirkcaldy, and occupies an area of predominantly open farmland from Invertiel and Tyrie farms. The landform is undulating, with slopes falling away to the north and south from a central ridge. 3.4 Up to 3km surrounding the site has been considered in this assessment, much of which is designated as an Area of Great Landscape Value (AGLV). AGLV s are a regional designation protected through the Kirkcaldy Area Local Plan (March 2003). However this landscape is typical of other parts of the Fife landscape and has little specific sensitivity. 3.5 The topography across the Proposed Development site varies significantly. To the north are steep slopes associated with the valley of the Tiel burn. This area also supports scattered patches of woodland along the burn corridor and the disused railway line. South of Invertiel Road, the site is defined by an undulating agricultural landscape and fewer trees, with the exception of two broadleaved plantations along field boundaries (Hoggie and Tyrie). Many of these field boundaries are well defined in the form of hedgerows and stone dykes. 3.6 Other landform features include Inverteil Quarry (SSSI) situated south of the B9157 on the eastern side of the site and the dismantled Auchtertool railway to the north of the site. 3.7 The ridges running through the site offer extensive views although there are no extreme high points that would afford long range views. The most extensive views open out towards the North Sea and Firth of Forth. 3.8 The Proposed Development site is predominantly in agricultural use and contains both grazing land and arable fields. There are a number of farm buildings and residential properties on the Proposed Development site, including; Invertiel Farm Cottages, located to the north of the Proposed Development site between the disused railway and the B9157; Tyrie Farm and Tyrie Farm Cottages, located to the south east of the site. In addition, Invertiel Quarry, which is currently disused is located to the east of the Proposed Development site, the northern edge of the quarry borders Invertiel Road. UK Issue: 2 5

10 Volume 1 Non Technical Summary CALA Homes (East) Ltd and Mactaggart & Mickel Ltd 3.9 The woodland and scrub support most of the animal species found on the Proposed Development site and the Potential Future Growth site, located along the Tiel Burn corridor. Ecological surveys found 45 bird species, most of which breed on site. None of these species are a nationally protected bird species, however many are species of either high or medium conservation concern as a result of decreases in their national populations Two species of bat were recorded foraging and commuting on or immediately adjacent to the site and a bat roost is suspected in an out building of Tyrie Farm. Anecdotal evidence suggests European otter may infrequently use the Tiel burn although surveys found no direct evidence of usage. Similarly, no evidence of water vole was recorded. No badger activity was recorded on site despite its apparent suitability for the species. Cultural Heritage 3.11 Twenty sites of archaeological interest were identified by the archaeological study, sixteen being within the Proposed Development site and four within the Potential Future Growth Area, but there are no Scheduled Monuments, Listed Buildings or Non-Statutory List sites present within the Proposed Development site or within the Potential Future Growth Area and no part of the Proposed Development or Potential Future Growth Area would lie within a Conservation Area or Garden and Designed Landscape. A number of archaeological remains are known to exist on site dating from prehistoric to medieval and later time periods. There is a high potential for as yet undiscovered buried remains of medieval or earlier archaeological sites to be located on site Environmental Quality 3.12 Air quality across the site is very good, with annual mean concentrations of the main air pollutants well within national Air Quality Standards The dominant sources of noise within the site are along Invertiel Road, and adjacent to the railway line There are no records of contamination at the site. 6 UK Issue: 2

11 CALA Homes (East) Ltd and Mactaggart & Mickel Ltd Volume 1 Non Technical Summary 4 Description of the Proposed Development Land Use 4.1 Table 5.1 presents the elements of the Proposed Development together with the additional elements of Future Growth. Table 4.1 Summary of Land Uses - Proposed Development and Area of Potential Future Growth Land Use The Proposed Development Future Growth Proposed Residential Development Blocks ha (1,000 units) 37.3 ha (600 units) Proposed mixed use Neighbourhood Centre (Block B) 5.94 ha - Primary School 2.0 ha - Primary Open Space ha 9.84 ha Structural Woodland planting 6.81ha ha Existing woodland (retained within the Masterplan site) 3.50 ha 0.35 ha Core roads and infrastructure corridors 5.86 ha 0.42 ha Land to retained for existing properties at Tyrie Farm and Tyrie Farm Cottages Land retained for future redevelopment of Invertiel Farm 0.76 ha ha UK Issue: 2 7

12 Volume 1 Non Technical Summary CALA Homes (East) Ltd and Mactaggart & Mickel Ltd Land Use Housing 4.2 The housing will be located across seventeen residential blocks (Blocks B R), and a range of unit types and sizes will be provided, including apartments, townhouses, detached and terraced houses. Up to 15% of housing will be affordable (discounted sale and rented accommodation). The density of housing will vary across the site, ranging from higher densities (30-40 units/ha), concentrated around the Neighbourhood Centre, the strategic approach to town along Invertiel Road and on bus routes connecting to Kirkcaldy, and will comprise predominantly terraces and courtyard type developments, town houses and some semi detached properties of typically no more than three storeys. 4.3 A secondary Local Centre is proposed at Jawbanes, and will form the focus of a second area of higher density. This will comprise apartments over mixed use commercial accommodation. Blocks will be mainly three and four storeys with occasional higher buildings in key locations. 4.4 The majority of the site will accommodate medium density development (20-30 units/ha), comprising mainly detached and semi-detached houses, and also some terraces, some flats and town houses on key streets. They will be typically two to three storeys. 8 UK Issue: 2

13 CALA Homes (East) Ltd and Mactaggart & Mickel Ltd Volume 1 Non Technical Summary 4.5 Lower density (15-20 units/ha) housing is proposed where local context and environmental conditions such as south facing slopes and areas of steep landform require lower densities. The majority of dwellings in these areas will be detached and semi detached properties. Example of Low Density Housing Example of Medium Density Housing UK Issue: 2 9

14 Volume 1 Non Technical Summary CALA Homes (East) Ltd and Mactaggart & Mickel Ltd Example of High Density Housing Community and Commercial Uses 4.6 Commercial uses will be in Blocks B and N.. Invertiel Farmhouse and Buildings are specifically excluded from the Proposed Development. The Farm buildings are capable of being redeveloped at a later date, with the Masterplan having respected the setting and provided a context for adjacent residential development. 4.7 A primary school will be located in Block A fronting onto the B9157 with playing fields and open space located adjacent, and is intended to serve the Kirkcaldy south area as a whole. It is anticipated that the primary school facilities (meeting rooms, hall, all-weather pitches, gym and changing facilities) will be used to serve the wider community out with school hours. Nursery provision will be located in the primary school or in an adjacent building forming part of the Neighbourhood centre. A nursing home will be included in Block D at the Neighbourhood centre. Landscaping and Recreation 4.8 Landscaping of the Proposed Development comprises a variety of features including public open space, woodland, recreational facilities, parks, play areas, roadside planting and gardens. Details include: The Tiel burn corridor will be enhanced as a recreational link between the site and Kirkcaldy; Invertiel Quarry will be integrated and enhanced as a feature on the approach to Kirkcaldy. The viaduct, exposed on approach to Kirkcaldy will be retained as an identifiable landmark with the development and Kirkcaldy gateway; The western section of Jawbanes Road will be retained in its current form as a dedicated cycleway so as to retain the character of the stone walls at this location on the site; Development on the southern slopes will, where possible respect the views east and south from the site; The Tyrie burn corridor will be enhanced with additional planting to form a corridor with an ecological focus; 10 UK Issue: 2

15 CALA Homes (East) Ltd and Mactaggart & Mickel Ltd Volume 1 Non Technical Summary Four Local parks a variety of open spaces will be created for play and recreational use; Woodland, trees, hedgerows and field boundaries will be retained where possible; Existing ecological habitats will be retained and new areas of habitat will be created where appropriate; and The existing on and off site public paths and cycle network will be integrated within the Proposed Development, providing access from surrounding residential areas. Transportation and Movement 4.9 The access and transportation strategy has been developed to ensure a clear, accessible and safe network of streets, pathways and public realm. The access strategy is designed to give pedestrians priority through the Proposed Development and identifies a clear hierarchy of routes, both vehicular and pedestrian which connect to the wider network of roads and footpaths making the Proposed Development a well connected part of Kirkcaldy. Pedestrian and Cycle Access 4.10 Jawbanes and the Disused Auchtertool Railway will be developed as the main paths within the Proposed Development forming links through the main residential areas to the south and north of the site, to the Neighbourhood centre, the primary school and associated playing fields and further into the existing town of Kirkcaldy. Both paths will be designed to accommodate cyclists and pedestrians and will be accessed through a series of access points within the Proposed Development. Jawbanes path will follow the alignment of the existing Jawbanes Road, which will be upgraded along its alignment providing a local distributor road and will be maintained as part of the National Cycle Network There is a network of existing Public Rights of Way and other paths around and upon the site. These will be integrated within the proposed path network and connected at strategic locations, used to create links between the Proposed Development, the surrounding area and the town centre Safe walk to school routes will be established, for both the primary school and Balwearie High School. The safe walk to school routes will be well lit and designed to pass through residential streets to ensure safe and direct routes to school. Vehicle Access 4.13 Invertiel Road (B9157) is the primary road within the Proposed Development. It provides the link between Kirkcaldy and the motorway network, and currently operates as a district distributor supporting traffic at 60 mph. It is proposed that this route is altered to act as a core local road within the settlement, slowing traffic from 60 mph to 30 mph and 20 mph in some areas. The approach to Kirkcaldy along Invertiel Road will be designed to provide a clear transition from rural to urban. Traffic will arrive at the western roundabout of the Proposed Development and pass adjacent the Neighbourhood Centre before approaching the existing town of Kirkcaldy. Vehicle access to the northern part of the site will be from Invertiel Road. The road network has been designed to connect with the A921 allowing UK Issue: 2 11

16 Volume 1 Non Technical Summary CALA Homes (East) Ltd and Mactaggart & Mickel Ltd links to and from the development from the south. The southern access will provide a secondary access to the site. Vehicles will access the southern area of the site from the north via a new junction on the Invertiel Road, located west of the existing junction, following the alignment of the existing Jawbanes Road. The existing Jawbanes Road will be upgraded along its alignment providing a local distributor road to serve the new development. Public Transport 4.14 A local bus network will be provided as a loop though the site on the local distributor roads, connecting the A921 and B9157, this will allow existing bus services to pass through the development area and also attractive routes for new services through the new community. Parking 4.15 All parking will be provided on street. The Potential Future Growth Area 4.16 The Masterplan provides for the extension of the Proposed Development into the area of Future Growth. A further 600 residential units could be accommodated (Blocks AA - JJ) here. The principles outlined above and defined in the Masterplan would inform specific proposals at the appropriate time for the Potential Future Growth Area. 12 UK Issue: 2

17 CALA Homes (East) Ltd and Mactaggart & Mickel Ltd Volume 1 Non Technical Summary Proposed Path Layout Proposed Road Network UK Issue: 2 13

18 Volume 1 Non Technical Summary CALA Homes (East) Ltd and Mactaggart & Mickel Ltd Servicing Utilities Potable Water 4.17 A Drainage Impact Assessment of the Proposed Development has commenced in consultation with Scottish Water. Scottish Water have considered the loading requirements of the Proposed Development and in due course a point of connection for the new development will be identified A network of new potable water infrastructure will be constructed in a phased basis to satisfy the demand from the new development. Foul Water 4.19 In addition, in due course a point of connection for the Proposed Development will also be identified for foul drainage. Scottish Water is considering upgrading the primary foul network at Kirkcaldy. These works would be undertaken with appropriate allowance for the Proposed Development works on this site. It is however noted that there is adequate future treatment capacity within the existing Treatment Works It is anticipated that the point of connection for foul infrastructure is to the east of Invertiel Road. New pumping stations will discharge to the new point of connection. It is proposed that the foul drainage will be adopted and lie within service corridors. Gas and Electricity 4.21 Detailed discussions have taken place with Scottish Gas Networks and Scottish Power regarding the provision of new gas and power supplies for the Proposed Development framework. A supply capacity and connection point have been identified at Heggies Wynd for gas supply and at Bridge Street / Invertiel Terrace for electricity supply A series of local electricity sub stations will be constructed in a phased basis to service the Proposed Development. Drainage 4.23 The surface water generated by the Proposed Development will be handled by means of a sustainable urban drainage scheme (SUDs),comprising a network of grassed channels, ponds and wetland areas which capture, slow and treat run off during heavy rainfall before it enters local water courses. 14 UK Issue: 2

19 CALA Homes (East) Ltd and Mactaggart & Mickel Ltd Volume 1 Non Technical Summary Proposed Drainage Strategy UK Issue: 2 15

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21 CALA Homes (East) Ltd and Mactaggart & Mickel Ltd Volume 1 Non Technical Summary 5 Phasing 5.1 The development is anticipated to be completed by Ten phases of development are envisaged, progressing in a north-south direction. The rate of build will depend on market conditions. The following phasing plan is anticipated: The Initial phase of the Proposed Development shall be within the Invertiel character area of the Masterplan, with access and services provided from Invertiel Road. Development will focus upon the Neighbourhood Centre and provide access to the low density development fronting the Golf Course. SUDs provision and strategic drainage connections will be established along with the foul pumping station. Phase 2 will build upon the Neighbourhood Centre, and include the construction of higher density Market Street, including the continued development of the lower density fronting the Golf Course. A medium density housing area will be developed to the west of Invertiel Farmhouse. Phase 3 shall see the linkage of the Neighbourhood Centre to the Invertiel Farm area and provision of the footway/cycleway along the disused Auchtertool Railway. This phase will also include preparatory works associated the Primary School and formal playing fields. Phase 4 shall see the completion of the Invertiel character area, including the Primary School, all residential and landscaping & open space. Preparatory infrastructure works for Phase 5 will commence, including realigned Jawbanes Rd. Phase 5 will focus development within the Pitteadie character area, development shall commence from both Jawbanes Rd and western access via new roundabout on Invertiel Road. Drainage for foul and surface water continues to flow north towards the established infrastructure within Invertiel. Phase 6 entails the completion of the Pitteadie character area, and built form around the Local Centre on Jawbanes Rd. Landscaping and footpath connections fronting Invertiel Road will be completed within this phase. Servicing infrastructure, including drainage, to serve Tyrie and Jawbanes character areas will also be provided within this phase of development. Phase 7 provides for the construction of the Tyrie character area, making positive pedestrian connection with the Seafield area by using the existing Tyrie Farm underpass. Phase 8 concludes the southern portion of development, including additional SUDs facilities and strategic landscaping. Phase 9 development witnesses development extending up the slopes towards Jawbanes Rd, and provision of the local distributor road linkage. Phase 10 completes the development, by way of completing Jawbanes character area and low density housing affording views across the Forth. UK Issue: 2 17

22 Volume 1 Non Technical Summary CALA Homes (East) Ltd and Mactaggart & Mickel Ltd Indicative Short Term Phasing 18 UK Issue: 2

23 CALA Homes (East) Ltd and Mactaggart & Mickel Ltd Volume 1 Non Technical Summary Indicative Medium Term Phasing UK Issue: 2 19

24 Volume 1 Non Technical Summary CALA Homes (East) Ltd and Mactaggart & Mickel Ltd Indicative Long Term Phasing 20 UK Issue: 2

25 CALA Homes (East) Ltd and Mactaggart & Mickel Ltd Volume 1 Non Technical Summary Future Growth UK Issue: 2 21

26 Volume 1 Non Technical Summary CALA Homes (East) Ltd and Mactaggart & Mickel Ltd 22 UK Issue: 2

27 CALA Homes (East) Ltd and Mactaggart & Mickel Ltd Volume 1 Non Technical Summary 6 Design Evolution and Alternatives 6.1 In accordance with EIA Regulations and of the guidance, the ES includes a discussion of the alternative development options and various constraints and opportunities which influenced the ultimate design of the development now proposed. The do nothing scenario was also considered. 6.2 The key influences to development in this location included the need to provide a sustainable urban expansion to the town, with good integration and links with the town centre and a development that would provide new homes and facilities and also help to regenerate the town. 6.3 During the design work, a number of options for the study area were considered to the south west of Kirkcaldy. These addressed landscape capacity but also features on the ground - watercourses, field boundaries and woodland - to determine the exact boundary to the study area. 6.4 Four options were considered, examining different boundaries, landscape, character and capacity. The options represent broad capacity studies that were considered in trying to achieve a study area that represented a viable and natural area of growth to the south west of Kirkcaldy. The preferred option aims to provide an area for growth that links well with the existing town, focussed around the rail bridges and footpath links to the town. This option also presents a relatively compact growth area that could provide a sustainable urban form all within 3km of the town centre and transport links. 6.5 Under the do nothing scenario, the site would continue to operate as it does at present, as part of the agricultural farms of Invertiel and Tyrie. The result, however of the do nothing scenario would be that the Council would be denied the delivery of new homes provided for by the Structure Plan, with the associated economic and social benefits that would arise. UK Issue: 2 23

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29 CALA Homes (East) Ltd and Mactaggart & Mickel Ltd Volume 1 Non Technical Summary 7 Environmental Effects Environmental measures incorporated into the Proposed Development Design. 7.1 The Proposed Development has been designed deliberately to avoid key areas of environmental sensitivity and impact. The design of the layout has been guided by the contours of the existing landform to create a pattern that fits with the shape of the site. Key aims in developing the design have been to minimise landscape and visual effects by preserving open space in prominent areas. The open ridgeline in particular has been an important feature to preserve, and the majority of development is proposed on the existing slopes so that rooflines do not encroach the skyline. The site design also avoids key habitat features such as the Hoggie and Tyrie woodlands, and has deliberately avoided encroaching too close to the Tiel and Tyrie burn corridors. 7.2 Many features have been included in the design to promote biodiversity on site. These include the installation of alternative roosting/nesting locations for bats and birds, and measures to enhance the Tiel burn corridor for otter and water vole. New wildlife friendly landscaping and woodland areas are proposed through the site and will be strategically placed to make connections with existing woodland areas, which encourages greater movement of wildlife around and through the area. 7.3 A Sustainable Urban Drainage Strategy (SUDS) has been designed to treat rainwater runoff, before it is discharged into the Tiel and Tyrie burns. 7.4 Other elements of the Proposed Development promote physical integration of the existing and new settlements, as well as sustainable forms of transport within the settlement, such as cycle routes and a pedestrian friendly road and path network. Overview of residual environmental effects 7.5 Overall, the Proposed Development brings about a number of benefits to the Kirkcaldy community. It will respond to the requirement for housing in Fife, as identified in the Fife Structure Plan and the Local Plan, increase the choice of community facilities and bring about employment opportunities. The new Neighbourhood Centre and Local Centre will provide facilities for the new residents and those living in the Kirkcaldy south area. The new primary school will help meet the demand for primary school places within the area, and the associated facilities will be available for local residents out with school hours. 7.6 It will, on the other hand, have a number of adverse effects on the natural, physical and built environment, which are an inevitable consequence of development on the scale proposed. 7.7 There will also be a number of temporary effects associated with construction activities, but these will generally be temporary, short term and occasional. Effects will be controlled by adopting standard construction practices. 7.8 The environmental effects of the Proposed Developments are summarised below. UK Issue: 2 25

30 Volume 1 Non Technical Summary CALA Homes (East) Ltd and Mactaggart & Mickel Ltd Positive Effects 7.9 The Proposed Development responds to requirements for housing and shortages in education provision in Kirkcaldy. New community facilities and retail space will provide residents with greater choice and will generate employment in the local area The Proposed Development provides new open space, recreational facilities and new playing fields, and a new park will be created at the Invertiel Quarry Cycleways and footpaths within the development will link the areas of new residential development, the Neighbourhood Centre, Local Centre, the school and the existing town of Kirkcaldy and Kirkcaldy train station. Provisions for a new bus route through the development have also been included The proposals will also enhance existing areas of woodland on site and improve connections between woodland areas, which will benefit biodiversity by enhancing connectivity between woodland areas. The drainage ponds will also enhance biodiversity on site along with the inclusion of bird and bat boxes. Adverse Effects 7.13 There will be significant adverse (negative) effects on the landscape character, in particular the Cullaloe Hills, and within the landscape areas directly surrounding the site. There will also be significant adverse effects on a number of viewpoints within close proximity of the site and from number of routes, these include views from Raith House, Kirkcaldy Golf Club, the East Coast Railway Line, Seafield, Jawbanes and the B9157. Each of these viewpoints will experience a significant change in comparison to the existing view as will users of the following routes, Invertiel Road, Jawbanes Road, and the railway line However, there will be no effect in the main areas of population, with the significant effects limited to those occurring in the rural area where the population is sparse. The majority of people experiencing this landscape are either road or rail users passing through at speed In summary, the significant effects are localised in and around the site. This landscape is typical of other parts of the Fife landscape and has little specific sensitivity. The development will be seen as a logical extension to the existing town of Kirkcaldy and in landscape and visual terms is considered to be acceptable The results of the archaeological assessment suggest that there is a moderate to high potential for the Proposed Development site and the Potential Future Growth Area to contain as yet undiscovered sites or features of archaeological interest, preserved as buried remains. Therefore the Proposed Development may affect any unrecorded archaeological remains There would be direct effects on eight known archaeological sites within the Proposed Development site and two known sites within the Potential Future Growth Area from construction works, however mitigation in the form of archaeological investigation and recording will be undertaken to reduce these identified impacts and as a result the impact is not considered significant. Wider indirect effects on the setting of the following cultural heritage sites has also been identified as significant; Pitteadie Castle, which is a 26 UK Issue: 2

31 CALA Homes (East) Ltd and Mactaggart & Mickel Ltd Volume 1 Non Technical Summary Scheduled Monument and a Category B Listed Building; Raith Park and Beveridge Park Garden and Designed Landscape; and Category A Listed Raith House (9681) The loss of agricultural land will be extensive (approximately 85 ha from the Proposed Development and a further 60 ha from the future growth area). However, there will be no severance of farm holdings and Tyrie and Invertiel will continue to operate as viable farms. A Soil Management Plan will be developed which will set out how soil is to be handled so that it can be conserved and re-used during development or elsewhere The loss of agricultural land, some stretches of hedgerow, and physical changes to the landscape will have an impact on habitats and on species that rely on them for food and shelter. The territories of some bird species will be affected as a result of loss of their native farmland habitat and there will also be an impact on bats using the site for feeding and roosting, in particular with the loss of one bat roost. Mitigation measures such as the inclusion of bird and bat boxes will help reduce the impact of the development on these species and the resulting impacts are not considered significant Some parts of the development, which lie adjacent to main roads may experience elevated levels of noise, from increases in traffic, although there will not be a significant increase in noise levels and it is possible that this can be avoided by the siting and design on individual properties. Minor Effects 7.21 A number of possible effects have been identified, but have been assessed as being of minor or negligible consequence There are no risks of flooding within the development blocks and the Proposed Development will not increase the risk of flooding elsewhere The development will require new water supply, foul sewer connections, gas and electricity. Utility providers have confirmed that the requirements of the Proposed Development will all be met. With regard to the foul sewer connection, initial consultation suggests that Scottish Water are considering upgrading the primary foul network at Kirkcaldy to help alleviate historic flooding and unsatisfactory discharge issues. These works would be undertaken with appropriate allowance for the Proposed Development works on this site. It is however noted that there is adequate future treatment capacity within the existing Kirkcaldy Treatment Works Traffic flows in the vicinity of the site will increase as a result of the Proposed Development. However, modelling shows that although the development traffic does impact on the local road network, the impact can be mitigated in all cases. The residual impact of the development on traffic congestion would be insignificant Traffic generated may lead to localised slightly higher concentrations of nitrogen dioxide and PM 10, although all appropriate air quality standards will be met, now and in the future. Noise conditions as a result of the increased traffic in this area will also be slightly higher, but not to a level which would be perceptible. UK Issue: 2 27

32 Volume 1 Non Technical Summary CALA Homes (East) Ltd and Mactaggart & Mickel Ltd Temporary effects 7.26 Construction activities will have a number of temporary and intermittent effects, some of which may be perceived as significant by the existing community, and potentially by new residents moving into the area as the development proceeds. These effects will be local to construction activities, however and will not be experienced across the whole application site at the same time. They will be short lived. Whilst it is likely to be 2020 before the development is complete, development will proceed in phases and in small blocks. The main effects will be on residential amenity and will result from construction traffic, noise and the potential for dust. Other effects may include the potential for pollution from construction equipment or activities, disturbance to wildlife, and increased construction related traffic. The specific extent of these effects is, however, difficult to predict at this stage. For this reason, the focus has been on how possible effects will be controlled. A Construction Environmental Management Plan will be prepared setting out the policies and procedures for controlling and limiting environmental effects of construction and will be the basis for defining the specific controls and codes of construction practice that will be adopted by individual developers and contractors. Additional Mitigation 7.27 Further assessment and analysis is likely to be required to inform a detailed planning applications, which will come forward under the Masterplan in due course. These are likely to include; Site investigations to establish site specific ground conditions; More detailed assessment of design and drainage structures; Ecological surveys; Selected archaeological investigations; and Site specific noise modelling. 28 UK Issue: 2

33 CALA Homes (East) Ltd and Mactaggart & Mickel Ltd Volume 1 Non Technical Summary 8 Next Steps 8.1 The EIA process provides the opportunity for the public to make comments on the information contained in an ES to the local planning authority. If you have comments you would like Fife Council to take into account when considering this application, write to Fife Council, Fife House North St, Glenrothes, KY7 5LT 8.2 If you require a copy of this NTS or the full ES, write to the address below enclosing a stamped addressed A4 envelope (and payment if requesting the full ES which can be purchased on CD for 10 or in paper form at a cost of 350, cheques made payable to ENVIRON UK Ltd). ENVIRON UK Ltd 7 Walker Street Edinburgh EH3 7JY UK Issue: 2 29

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