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1 BEFORE THE AUCKLAND UNITARY PLAN INDEPENDENT HEARINGS PANEL IN THE MATTER of the Resource Management Act 1991 and the Local Government (Auckland Transitional Provisions) Act 2010 AND IN THE MATTER of Topic 080 Rezoning and Precincts (General) AND IN THE MATTER of the submissions and further submissions set out in the Parties and Issues Report STATEMENT OF EVIDENCE OF MARTIN PEAKE ON BEHALF OF AUCKLAND COUNCIL 3 DECEMBER 2015

2 1. SUMMARY 1.1 My name is Martin Peake, a Director of Progressive Transport Solutions Limited (PTSL). I have been engaged by Auckland Transport (AT) to assist the Council to assess the traffic and transportation matters on the proposed provisions of the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan (PAUP) for the Wairaka Precinct. 1.2 The Wairaka Precinct, as proposed to be amended by Council following mediation consists of proposed Mixed Use, Tertiary Education and Residential development that will have significant transportation requirements both within the precinct and on the adjoining road network. For this reason it is important that the precinct delivers a functional, integrated, safe and efficient transport network for all relevant transport modes. 1.3 My evidence will address the following matters in relation to the traffic and transportation aspects of the Wairaka Precinct: (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) Assessment of Traffic Effects; Traffic Generation; Car Parking; Roads to be vested; Internal Road Layout; Access Arrangements Carrington Road; New Southern Road Connections to Laurel Street, Renton Road, Rhodes Avenue; Cycling and Walking; Mitigation Measures or enablers ; Other Mitigation Measures. 1.4 The Wairaka Precinct will enable major redevelopment, which, due to the change in land use, density and scale of the development, will result in significant traffic generation compared to the existing Unitec campus. BF\ \3 Page 1

3 1.5 The scale of the proposed change of use for the precinct from that currently permitted is equivalent to a plan change. If a plan change has traffic effects it is a requirement that an Integrated Transport Assessment (ITA) is prepared to evaluate the effects of the change of use on the transport network and identify appropriate responses to align land use with any necessary infrastructure provision. 1.6 An ITA has not been prepared for the Wairaka Precinct and there is insufficient information available to enable an assessment of the traffic effects of the proposed precinct to be undertaken. It is unclear what traffic will be generated by the change of use and what impact that might have on the level of service on Carrington Road and nearby intersections. Therefore the transport infrastructure to avoid, remedy or mitigate the effects of the development of the precinct or the need for these to be staged with infrastructure provision cannot be confirmed. 1.7 Provided there is an alternative mechanism in place to ensure that an ITA is prepared and approved for the whole precinct prior to any substantive development, and any mitigation can be linked to the development of the precinct as a whole, I can support the proposed precinct. Such mitigation may include the internal road crosssections, provision for walking and cycling, intersection design and form, and any mitigation measures required on the wider transport network. The ITA and any mitigation within and beyond the precinct would need to be identified through a future resource consent application in a way that it can be used to inform the future development of the site. 1.8 There has been engagement between Auckland Transport and Unitec through the preparation of the Carrington Road Corridor Management Plan over the last couple of years with respect to a number of possible future transport measures which interface with the site. The focus of this engagement was the CMP and possible future transport measures on Carrington Road and did not canvas the detailed change of use promoted by this proposed precinct. I understand that AT are very appreciative of the input Unitec have had into the CMP process and look forward to continuing this relationship into the future. 1.9 I support the provision of road connections between the precinct and the residential roads to the south. These roads provide a connected network that avoids cul-desacs and provides route choice. This approach is consistent with the Council s policies for transport in the Regional Policy Statement and region-wide sub-division provisions. I also support rules that seek to discourage the use of these connections BF\ \3 Page 2

4 by through traffic or traffic travelling to and from the Special Purpose Tertiary Education Zone. 2. INTRODUCTION 2.1 My name is Martin Peake, a Director of Progressive Transport Solutions Limited (PTSL). I have been engaged by Auckland Transport (AT) to assist the Council to assess the traffic and transportation matters on the proposed provisions of the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan (PAUP) for the Wairaka Precinct. AT is providing the traffic and transport inputs into the Council's position on this precinct. The wider transport obligations and role of AT as road controlling authority will be familiar to the Panel through previous hearings. 2.2 My Curriculum Vitae is included in Attachment A. 2.3 There is a need to ensure that adequate provisions and rules are set in place in the PAUP for the Wairaka Precinct to ensure that the traffic and transportation effects of the precinct are adequately controlled and managed. At the time of the preparation of this statement, there is insufficient information available to definitively confirm the design capacity, and precise alignment of the roading and transportation network for the precinct and the timing and scale of any upgrades to the surrounding road network. Therefore, sufficient objectives, policies, rules and assessment criteria are required to ensure that the transportation network associated with the precinct is established at the time of sub-division and development. 2.4 I have reviewed the Council s latest version of the provisions and consider these are adequate for the Wairaka Precinct to ensure that the traffic and transportation effects of the precinct are adequately controlled. 3. CODE OF CONDUCT 3.1 I confirm that I have read the Code of Conduct for Expert Witness contained in the Environment Court Practice Note and that I agree to comply with it. I confirm that I have considered all the material facts that I am aware of that might alter or detract from the opinions that I express, and that this evidence is within my area of expertise, except where I state that I am relying on the evidence of another person. BF\ \3 Page 3

5 4. SCOPE 4.1 I have been asked to prepare technical transport and traffic evidence in relation to the traffic and transportation aspects of the Wairaka Precinct. This includes: (c) The proposed Precinct Plan showing the indicative alignment of roads and pedestrian and cycle ways; The transport detail provided to date by Unitec; and Requirements for a comprehensive assessment of traffic effects of the whole precinct. 4.2 My evidence is based on the Unitec Submission documents but specifically: (c) (d) Assessment of Transport Aspects prepared by TDG dated 23 September 2015; Proposed precinct plan showing the indicative alignment of roads, pedestrian and cycleways; Memorandum: Unitec Traffic Summary Information prepared by TDG dated 28 November 2015; and Video files of annotation of traffic model for AM and PM peak periods provided by TDG and associated with the 28 November 2015 Memorandum. 4.3 Items c and d in the above list were provided after conferencing with Unitec and their traffic engineers regarding traffic issues. This data provided limited additional information and I understand that this is still in the process of being refined. As a result, no definitive conclusions can be derived from the information. 5. ASSESSMENT OF TRAFFIC EFFECTS 5.1 The Wairaka Precinct will enable major development, which, due to the land use, density and scale of the development, will result in significant traffic generation compared to the existing Unitec campus. 5.2 The precinct is located close to the town centres of Pt Chevalier and Mount Albert. It is well placed to connect to public transport services with the Frequent Network Services (buses) along Carrington Road and Great North Road as well as the Rapid Transit Network (rail) with Mount Albert Station to the south of the precinct. The BF\ \3 Page 4

6 precinct is also well served by existing and proposed cycle routes including the Northwestern Cycleway and the Waterview Shared Path, the latter being due to commence construction in the near future. The precinct has therefore good accessibility and has a wide range of amenity within a short distance. 5.3 Due to the scale of the proposed development, it will require significant transport infrastructure to support the precinct. The transport infrastructure as proposed in the precinct Plan and detailed in the submission documents include: (c) (d) (e) Internal road network within the Wairaka Precinct; Primary access points onto Carrington Road; Secondary access to residential roads to the south of the precinct; Cycling and walking connections into and through the precinct; and Connections to public transport services. 5.4 In addition to the above infrastructure, there is reliance in the submission documents on other transport infrastructure projects to avoid, remedy or mitigate the effects of the development. These projects include: (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) A future bus node on Carrington Road providing connections to the frequent bus service network; Future widening of Carrington Road to provide bus priority lanes and potentially separated cycle facilities and pedestrian footpaths; Upgrade to Woodward Road rail overbridge; Traffic flow reduction on Carrington Road due to the Waterview Connection; The new bus network providing frequent services along Carrington Road (and Great North Road); Three signalised site accesses onto Carrington Road; City Rail Link to increase the frequency and speed of trains serving Mt Albert Station; and A future upgrade to Carrington Road overbridge over the Northwestern Motorway. BF\ \3 Page 5

7 5.5 Auckland Transport and Unitec have been engaging in discussions with respect to the measures listed above along Carrington Road (primarily measures a and b) as to how these would support the precinct. It is noted that at this stage these projects are unfunded and not committed but AT are undertaking investigations to determine what these interventions could look like and if there is a business case for further investigations and possible future implementation. 5.6 To minimise the impacts and effects on the transport network, the submission documents provided reliance on: (c) (d) Connections to buses on Carrington Road and Great North Road and rail at Mount Albert; Connections between the site and the wider walking and cycling network (including the Northwestern Cycle Way and the Oakley Creek Shared Path); Minimising the provision of car parks within the precinct; and Management of parking within the Special Purpose Tertiary Education Zone (Unitec Campus) through strategies such as car park charges, Travel Demand Management and providing accommodation for students on site. Assessment of Traffic Effects 5.7 The scale of the proposed change of land use for the precinct from that currently permitted is significant and equivalent to a plan change. It is a requirement that if a plan change has traffic effects, an Integrated Transport Assessment (ITA) is prepared to evaluate the effects of the change of use on the transport network. This has been a requirement of the operative Auckland Regional Policy Statement 1999 and also the PAUP. Such an assessment has not been prepared for the Wairaka Precinct and therefore the effects of the Wairaka Precinct on the transport network and what mitigation is required are not sufficiently understood. 5.8 Information formally provided to date 1 consists of general descriptions of a number of transport initiatives and infrastructure improvements which I have outlined above. These projects are either directly connected to the proposed precinct or are possible independent projects. 5.9 In discussions with TDG, Unitec's traffic consultants, I have been provided some limited outputs from the traffic model developed to assess the proposed precinct. 1 Assessment of Transport Aspects, TDG, 23 September 2015 BF\ \3 Page 6

8 Additional information has also been provided on traffic flows in residential roads connecting to the south of the precinct and on the forecast level of service for intersections on Carrington Road The analysis used to provide this information is currently being refined and hence it would not be appropriate to draw any conclusions as to the possible effects of the precinct at this stage. Adequacy of other transport provisions in the PAUP 5.11 Section 3.1 of H1.2 Transport Rules of the PAUP set out criteria which would require transport aspects of a proposed activity to be assessed as part of a resource consent as a restricted discretionary activity. The rule sets out thresholds that new development activities would need to exceed. These include site area, number of dwellings, number of students or GFA or where specific activities are not identified in the rule, trip rates of 60 vehicles per hour or more. Where there is a resource consent application under this rule, Special Information Requirements permit the council to require a transport assessment. A Transport Assessment is more limited in scope and would generally not include an assessment of effects on the wider transport network This rule is appropriate for assessing new development but should not be used to comprehensively address the change of land use for a precinct the scale of Wairaka. This is because the assessment for a plan change and that for a resource consent are different. The assessment for the resource consent would be for the effects of the development rather than the effects for the change in land use for the whole precinct In addition, the General Provisions and the Special Information Requirements in the Transport Rule require a resource consent to include an Integrated Transport Assessment (ITA) to Auckland Transport s Guidelines in the following circumstances: (c) Plan change, notice of requirement, structure plan or framework plan; Any new activity or change to an existing activity, which is not specifically provided for in the activity tables for the zone; or Is a non-complying land use activity of 100 or more vehicles per hour (in any hour); or Where specified in a precinct or framework plan requirement (G1.4B.2.b); BF\ \3 Page 7

9 (d) A high traffic generating activity as provided for in the General Provisions ( Table 2) 5.14 An Integrated Transport Assessment (ITA) is a comprehensive assessment of the transport effects of an activity or development on the site and on the wider network. An ITA is much broader than a Transport Assessment which is more limited in scope and would generally not include an assessment of effects on the wider transport network. Relevance to Wairaka Precinct 5.15 Considering specifically the Wairaka Precinct, whilst resource consent activities may meet the threshold to require a transport assessment, this would only deal with that activity which is the subject of the consent. Therefore, the cumulative effects of the precinct as a whole would not be considered. Further, the criteria that require an ITA which would enable the wider transport aspects to be assessed may never be met due to the wide ranging activities that are permitted within the precinct As a result, reliance on the Transport Rules for a precinct the size of Wairaka is likely to lead to a piecemeal assessment of individual parts of the development so that the full effects of the precinct are not fully assessed. The result of which would be to prevent comprehensive planning of the transport infrastructure for the precinct and the wider road network Thus based on only the Transport Rules, there is a significant risk that this would result in inefficient use of resources as infrastructure implemented for one part of the precinct may have to be modified to accommodate subsequent stages for development in other parts of the precinct For a development of the scale and density of the Wairaka Precinct, the most appropriate means of assessing the transportation effects is through an Integrated Transport Assessment (ITA) for the whole precinct. Amended precinct provisions 5.19 Provided there is an alternative mechanism in place to ensure that an ITA is prepared and approved for the whole precinct prior to any substantive development, and any mitigation can be linked to the development of the precinct as a whole, I can support the proposed precinct. The ITA and any mitigation within and beyond the BF\ \3 Page 8

10 precinct would need to be identified through a future resource consent application in a way that it can be used to inform the future development of the site Due to the lack of transport analysis available at this time, a strong objectives, policies and rules framework is required to ensure that the transport effects of the precinct are comprehensively assessed as a whole through an ITA prior to any significant development. The rules in particular should also require an ITA to be produced for the whole precinct (including any sub-precincts) as part of the first significant resource consent lodged for the precinct and adhered to throughout the subsequent development of the precinct The evidence of Mr van Kampen outlines a number of options to amend the planning provisions to address this concern. I acknowledge it would be unreasonable to require that this ITA be prepared before any development can occur and consider that Mr van Kampen's other alternatives are acceptable The ITA would set out the requirements for transport infrastructure (including requirements to be implemented in stages as required by development) and will need to be a framework for further development within the precinct to follow. This would ensure that there is a comprehensive assessment undertaken of both the requirement for on-site transport provision as well as for the wider road network The ITA would sit alongside or within a Framework Plan, if one is produced It is expected that once an ITA is produced for the whole precinct that future resource consents would need to comply with the requirements of the ITA. Although a Transport Assessment or an update to the original ITA may be required for subsequent consents within the precinct, the scope of the assessment should be commensurate to the scale of the development. The scope of the assessment would need to be agreed with Auckland Transport I understand that Unitec may consider that an ITA should not be prepared until the Waterview connection is complete. I agree that the ITA should be updated at that point in time, but I consider it is vital that a comprehensive ITA is prepared in advance of any significant development. Waterview connection may not open until 2017 and there is the chance that significant development could have occurred on the Wairaka precinct before then. More importantly the design of roads and access points will commence in the short term and so needs the inputs and analysis from a comprehensive ITA at an earlier point in time. BF\ \3 Page 9

11 5.26 For Wairaka Precinct the land use changes are occurring as part of the PAUP process and not through a plan change or a resource consent. As no comprehensive traffic information or ITA has been provided as part of the PAUP process it has not been possible to properly consider all the traffic effects of the Wairaka Precinct. Therefore, I consider that prior to any significant development or sub-division on the precinct that an Integrated Transport Assessment should be submitted and approved for the whole precinct.traffic Generation 5.27 Limited information has been provided on the forecast traffic generation from the change of land use for the whole of the Wairaka Precinct with respect to traffic flows on the southern connections into the precinct and on the level of service of the operation of site accesses on Carrington Road. This information is still being refined No other information has been provided with regards to distribution of traffic onto the network, traffic volumes on key site roads or an assessment of the effects of the forecast traffic generation on the adjacent road network Such data is required in order to confirm the requirements of: (c) The internal road layout; The form of site accesses including type of intersection control; and Measures for managing the transport effects of the precinct on the surrounding road network There is insufficient information at this stage to confirm the exact transportation infrastructure required for the precinct or adjacent road network To enable a sufficient assessment of the effects of the precinct to be determined an Integrated Transport Assessment (ITA) would be required as outlined above. Once the effects are known and understood, the transport infrastructure required to support the development and avoid, remedy or mitigate its effects can be determined I support the inclusion of specific objectives, policies, rules and assessment criteria that require the development of an ITA for the precinct as a whole For a precinct of this size, it is likely that the development of the precinct will occur in stages over a period of time. The ITA should address the possible staging and consider possible thresholds of development that would require implementation of BF\ \3 Page 10

12 specific transportation infrastructure or mitigation measures before occupation of each stage As long as the provisions are sufficiently robust to ensure this assessment happens at the appropriate time, I can support the precinct as a whole. 6. CAR PARKING 6.1 The Assessment of Transport Aspects 2 outlines the general car parking provision for the precinct and summarises the approach to managing Unitec staff and student car parking within the Tertiary Education Zone and general car parking rates across the site. 6.2 The development proposes to limit the number of car parks by using rates lower than the maximums required in the PAUP Section H Table 3, as summarised in the table below. Comparison of proposed parking rates compared to the PAUP Activity Proposed Spaces Requirement (Section H Table 3) Residential 1.3 average per dwelling 2 per dwelling (max) for 2 or more bedrooms Commercial Activity 1 per 60m2 1 per 30m2 GFA (for Offices not in City Centre Fringe), 1 per 20m2 GFA for retail except food 6.3 The lower rates are proposed to encourage lower use of private vehicles and to limit traffic generation associated with the precinct. 6.4 It is proposed that the number of car parks within the Tertiary Zone available for staff and students is reduced from the existing 3,200 to approximately 1,450 car parks. In contrast there is an overall increase in car parks across the whole precinct, with a total expected to be in the range of 5,700 to 6, Ibid BF\ \3 Page 11

13 6.5 The proposed car parking provision takes into consideration the Auckland Wide Objective and Policies (Section C.1.2) by using lower parking rates compared to the maximum rates outlined in the General Transport Rules (Section H.1.2). Managing Demand for Parking 6.6 A number of initiatives are proposed for the Tertiary Education Zone to reduce car borne trips and therefore demand for parking. These initiatives include: (c) (d) Possible charging for parking within the Tertiary Education Zone; Implementing a new teaching model; Increased numbers of students living within the precinct; and A dedicated Travel Demand Management post. 6.7 I understand that the teaching model seeks to utilise on-line learning to a greater extent which would reduce the need for students to travel to the site. Further, the model increases the length of the teaching day by extending lectures into the evenings by implementing a greater spread of on-site teaching modules across the course of the day. This would result in a more even demand for parking within the Tertiary Education Zone throughout the day and evening. 6.8 I support the proposed approach to lower car parking rates. The precinct is adjacent to the Frequent Service Network on Carrington Road and Great North Road, is within walking distance of the Rapid Service Network (rail station at Mt Albert) and has walking and cycling links to the wider transport network. These facilities provide accesses to alternatives to using private motor vehicles. 6.9 However, I note that the active initiatives to limit car based travel (such as the new teaching model) are focused on the Tertiary Education Zone. There are no such initiatives for the remainder of the precinct If student parking is to be restricted by a reduction in student parking numbers and/or charging, there is likely to be some displacement of parking from the site. This could impact on the surrounding road network, including adjacent residential streets (to the south, to the east and to the west in Waterview). I discuss managing this effect below. BF\ \3 Page 12

14 Managing the Effect of Parking 6.11 The Assessment of Transport Aspects refers to monitoring parking in the immediate area surrounding the campus and the use of Residents Parking Schemes. This provision will not prevent overspill parking but will need to be implemented once the effect has occurred. This will be reliant on Auckland Transport implementing such a scheme in response to the effect created by the proposals The reference to the Residents Parking Scheme implies that a trigger would be for 85% occupancy for such a scheme. Auckland Transport considers that a parking occupancy greater than 85% 3 can result in difficulty for motorists to find a car park Whilst high on-street occupancy may be a trigger, Auckland Transport s Parking Strategy, 4 Policy 3A uses a range of measures to manage parking in residential areas. At the lower end of the scale time restrictions are used to deter longer term commuter parking and at the high end are Residents Parking Schemes. Such schemes have typically been utilised in older city fringe suburbs where many properties do not have off-street parking. It is noted that the residential streets surrounding the Wairaka Precinct generally have off-street parking, generally for more than one vehicle The management of parking on public roads is reliant on Auckland Transport. Any proposals would be subject to public consultation and there is no certainty that even if agreed triggers are met that residents would support a scheme. This could result in an effect that cannot be mitigated The Assessment of Transport Aspects implies that there is a commitment that Unitec would monitor parking in residential areas. If this is the case, then I consider that an appropriate rule should be included in the provisions for the precinct. 7. ROADS TO BE VESTED 7.1 The precinct plan shows a number of indicative roads which it is envisaged would be vested in Auckland Council. The majority of these roads follow the alignment of existing roads within the precinct. 7.2 No assessment or audit of the condition of these roads has been provided with regards to their existing physical condition or compliance with current geometrical standards. 3 Auckland Transport Parking Strategy May Ibid BF\ \3 Page 13

15 7.3 Visual inspection of the roads indicates that some upgrade of the existing roads is likely to be required. 7.4 Vesting of the roads will be dependent upon the roads being to an appropriate construction and geometrical standard as required by Auckland Transport. The specific requirements will be dependent upon the function of the roads, the volume of traffic that the roads are likely to carry, the development that is accessed from the roads and the specific needs for pedestrians and cyclists. 7.5 Section d (ii) and (iv) of the Rules for the Wairaka Precinct require a resource consent application be submitted for the design and location of roads and for provision of infrastructure when an application for a framework plan is submitted. I consider that this rule in combination with the related sub-division provisions will be sufficient to ensure that the roads are designed and constructed to an appropriate standard. 7.6 Where a framework plan is not submitted, underlying zone rules and subdivision criteria would allow consideration of road design and construction to be considered. 7.7 The form of these roads would be informed by the Integrated Transport Assessment for the precinct as outlined previously. 8. INTERNAL ROAD LAYOUT 8.1 The Precinct Plan shows the proposed internal road layout of the site. The locations of these roads are governed by existing site constraints which include: (c) Historic Heritage Place and Extent of Place at the northern extent of the site; The Laundry Site (Sub-precinct B); and The recently consented Unitec site redevelopment (which is covered by the Tertiary Education Zone). 8.2 The roads shown on the Precinct Plan are to be supported by a secondary road network. I understand that the secondary network is not proposed to be vested as these would be internal roads to service specific sites. 8.3 The proposed activities accessing the internal road network shown on the precinct plan via the secondary network will determine the volume and distribution of traffic. BF\ \3 Page 14

16 8.4 As no assessment has been provided of the forecast volumes of traffic using these roads or form of these roads, there is no certainty that the internal road network shown would meet the demands of the forecast traffic or movement of pedestrians and cyclists. Notwithstanding this lack of assessment, the current constraints outlined above are likely to be in place for some considerable time and therefore I consider that there is little flexibility to either provide additional roads or adjust their position. On this basis I can support the location of the indicative roads shown on the Precinct Plan. 8.5 The precinct plan shows a number of roads as slow speed. I support the concept that some of the roads in the southern part of the precinct should be slow speed to discourage some traffic from using the roads within the precinct as outlined later in my evidence (refer to new southern road connections). At this stage, it is not known what volume of traffic would use the proposed roads and hence the length of the roads that should be slow speed cannot be determined. I therefore consider that the precinct plan should show all roads to be the same, and that the ITA should be used to inform the length of roads to be slow speed. 8.6 I believe that the precinct rule provides sufficient guidance for traffic calming measures for the roads in the southern part of the precinct. 8.7 To ensure that the roads are designed to meet the future requirements for the site, an Integrated Transport Assessment (ITA) for the whole precinct would provide sufficient detail to determine the most appropriate form, function and cross-section of the internal road network. 9. PRECINCT ACCESS CARRINGTON ROAD 9.1 Four vehicular accesses are proposed along Carrington Road and are shown on the precinct plan. These are required to be the primary access to the site (Wairaka Precinct Rules 4.9.1). 9.2 Some limited preliminary information has been provided on the level of service of the operation of these intersections. As this information is being refined the ability of these intersections to accommodate the forecast traffic demands cannot be confirmed. These intersections are likely to require upgrading from their current form as the precinct will increase traffic demands. 9.3 The ITA would determine the appropriate intersection treatment at each access and the trigger that will require the intersection to be upgraded. BF\ \3 Page 15

17 9.4 It will be critical that all future applications comply with the recommendations within the comprehensive ITA about the necessary intersection upgrades. Many other plan changes use specific time, GFA or traffic generation thresholds to determine when network upgrades need to occur. In the absence of detailed traffic data it is impossible to establish such thresholds now and so the process will need to occur through the ITA. 10. NEW SOUTHERN ROAD CONNECTIONS 10.1 Secondary access from the precinct is shown via connections to the residential roads to the south (Laurel Street, Renton Road and Rhodes Avenue). The precinct Rules (4.9.2) require methods to reduce through traffic and traffic with an origin or destination in the Special Purpose Tertiary Education Zone include traffic calming measures, speed limits, and other road layout methods Concern has been raised by other submitters with regard to the volume of traffic that may utilise these residential streets, particularly by motorists attempting to avoid congestion on Woodward Road and Carrington Road either to access the main nonresidential activities in the precinct or to just travel through the precinct to reach Carrington Road Some preliminary traffic data has been provided of the forecast traffic volumes through these southern sections. However, it is noted that the analysis is still in the process of being finalised The three existing residential streets currently terminate at the site boundary to the proposed precinct. The design of the termination of these roads signals that at some future time the roads could be extended to the north into the precinct. On both Laurel Street and Renton Road, there is a stone wall that has been constructed across the end of the street, however the kerblines for these streets continue under the wall It is also noted that the only legal road access to the Ngati Whatua block of land (36 Laurel Street) in the southwest corner of the Wairaka Precinct is from Laurel Street at the northern end of the road The proposed southern connections are consistent with the Subdivision Policy 21. This requires a sub-division to provide a connected network. The aim of this is to avoid the use of cul-de-sacs which restricts options for travel and that may impose barriers to movement within neighbourhoods. Evidence provided by Auckland BF\ \3 Page 16

18 Transport as part of Topic 064 Subdivisions provides further support for providing a connected road network in principle I concur that there is a risk that some motorists may use the southern connections to bypass congestion on Woodward Road and Carrington Road particularly to access the Tertiary Education Zone. The initial data that has been provided indicates that this is the case, particularly in the southbound direction. Appropriate design interventions should be provided to discourage such movements The three existing residential streets have varying widths. Laurel Street has a carriageway width ranging from 5.5m to 7.0m. Renton Road has a carriageway width of approximately 8m and Rhodes Avenue 11m (as measured from Google Earth). The proposed southern connections should take into account these existing road widths in order that the internal road network for the precinct is designed appropriately with the existing road network to accommodate the forecast volume of traffic and limit through traffic and traffic travelling to and from the TEZ It is possible that some upgrade may be required of the residential streets. The ITA would inform what, if any upgrade is required For these reasons I support the proposed southern connections from a transport perspective. I also support the inclusion of rules that seek to discourage traffic either travelling through the site (e.g. from Woodward Road to Carrington Road) or using the southern connections to travel to and from the Special Purpose Tertiary Education Zone. 11. CYCLING AND WALKING 11.1 The Wairaka Precinct Objective 7 and Policies 16 to 18 inclusive require the provision of cycling and walking facilities linking to the wider road network and through the site. These are consistent with the Regional Policy Statement (RPS) and Auckland Wide Policies and Objectives (Chapter C.1.2) which encourage design of streets to maximise connectivity and provide for choice of travel modes and movement The precinct plan is proposed to include indicative walking and cycling paths through the Tertiary Education Zone and a precinct Shared Path which provides a connection to the Great North Road cycle way at the north western corner of the site and to the Waterview Shared Path BF\ \3 Page 17

19 11.3 The current precinct plan does not provide for cycling links through the whole precinct. There are no east-west connections through the TEZ part of the site or ability for a cyclist to travel north-south other than by diverting to the west along Great North Road and the North Western Cycleway, which is being constructed as part of Waterview Whilst I acknowledge that cyclists may be able to use the proposed roads within the precinct, it is important that these roads are suitable for the safe use of cyclists. This will be dependent on the form of the roads and the volume of traffic travelling along them; neither of which can be determined at this stage as no traffic data has been supplied Appropriate cycle infrastructure should be provided for cyclists to travel through the precinct. There is insufficient information at this stage to determine what level of provision is required (e.g. on road cycle lanes, separated paths or shared paths). However, to ensure that facilities are provided, indicative routes through the precinct should be shown on the Precinct Plan As a minimum these cycle route should include: North-south connection between the Oakley Creek bridge and along the alignment of the site road connecting to Carrington Road at either of the two northern major site access points East-west connection between Oakley Creek Bridge and Carrington Road, preferably linking to the proposed public transport node on Carrington Road In addition to the two routes above, a cycle route along the southern most indicative walking path which connects the Oakley Creak shared path to Carrington Road would be desirable. This would provide a connection to a possible future separated cycle path along Carrington Road and provide for the strategic movement of cyclists to the north The Integrated Transport Assessment would inform the location and level of provision for cyclists connecting to and through the Wairaka Precinct but I do consider that the east-west and north-south connections should be included in the precinct. BF\ \3 Page 18

20 12. ENABLERS 12.1 The Assessment of Transport Aspects details a series of enablers that would either mitigate or support the development. These are listed earlier in my evidence. There are different timeframes identified for the implementation of these enablers (operational short term enablers, within 5 years, over 5 years). I deal with each of these in turn below. Operational (short term) enablers; Carrington Road Traffic Reductions The opening of Waterview in 2017 is forecast to reduce traffic on Carrington Road. The conservative assessment included in the Assessment of Transport Aspects is a 30% reduction in traffic. The report states that this reduction is in the order of vehicles per hour. The most recent traffic count data for Carrington Road in March 2015 shows that there were approximately 1,900 vehicles per hour in the AM Peak and 1,720 vehicles per hour in the PM Peak. Based on this, a 30% reduction equates to 520 to 570 vehicles per hour The Unitec Traffic Summary Information Memorandum (28 November 2015) has scenarios of a 30% and 40% traffic reduction along Carrington Road. In my opinion, unless measures are introduced on the Auckland Transport road network to limit capacity released by Waterview, the traffic reduction is likely to be at the lower end of the scale Although traffic data has not been provided, it is anticipated that the increase in traffic as a result of the development will far exceed the reduction in either scenario. The forecast reduction will therefore only partly offset the effects of the development on Carrington Road. New Bus Network Implementation 12.5 Auckland Transport is currently rolling out a new bus network across Auckland. Proposals for Carrington Road are part of the Central area changes and are currently out for public consultation. Whilst, the proposals are yet to be confirmed, it is anticipated that there would be three frequent bus routes along Carrington Road. This would provide a frequency of services of around 14 buses per hour per direction on both Carrington Road. There is also a Frequent Service Network along Great BF\ \3 Page 19

21 North Road with a total of 14 buses per hour per direction at peak. The Carrington Road services are still subject to finalisation following public consultation There are various Wairaka Precinct policies, objectives and rules that support the use of public transport and require appropriate connections to be provided. Travel Demand Management Measures 12.7 The Assessment of Transport Aspects outlines a number of Travel Demand Management measures which include: (c) (d) (e) charging students to park within the Special Education Tertiary Education Zone (TEZ); reducing the number of car parks available to students and staff within the TEZ; appointment of dedicated staff member responsible for Travel Demand Management; altering the teaching model to increase teaching hours, increase use of on-line teaching and spread the times of travel to the site throughout the day; limiting the car parking ratios to less than the maximums provided for in the PAUP Whilst I am supportive of all these initiatives which encourage use of reduction in private car travel, all of these measures except (e) are applicable to the Tertiary Education Zone only. There are few incentives in other part of the precinct for the use of alternative modes. Infrastructure within 5 years 12.9 The Assessment of Transport Aspects identifies a number of infrastructure improvements that could occur within 5 years. These measures include: (c) (d) Bus node on Carrington Road; Widening of Carrington Road to facilitate provision of bus lanes, improved footpaths and separated cycle path; Signalisation of site accesses onto Carrington Road; New road connections to the residential areas to the south. BF\ \3 Page 20

22 12.10 The bus node and widening of Carrington Road have been the subject of discussion between Auckland Transport and Unitec. These initiatives support the proposed new bus network as discussed previously as well as enhancing connectivity between public transport and the Tertiary Education Zone and the rest of the Wairaka Precinct The widening of Carrington Road has been included in Auckland Transport s Corridor Management Plan (CMP) for Carrington Road 5. Unitec has proposed to provide a setback along the Carrington Road frontage to facilitate the possible widening of the road Auckland Transport has recently commenced a study to examine the feasibility of these two initiatives and to prepare an indicative business case for these proposals Whilst the CMP provides indicative cross-sections for the widening of Carrington Road, the exact extent of widening is yet to be confirmed in the current study. It is anticipated that the study will conclude by May This study will confirm the proposed set back required for the corridor and should be used to inform the relevant Wairaka Precinct rules regarding the Carrington Road set back Due to the early stage of the study, the projects are not yet committed nor have funding allocated for construction by Auckland Transport. Therefore, these projects cannot be relied on as mitigation measures for the precinct as a whole Signalisation of the site accesses onto Carrington Road are proposed to manage the effects of the Wairaka Precinct on Carrington Road. Limited information of the future performance of these intersections has been provided but as this is yet to be finalised, it would not be appropriate to draw any conclusions The appropriate form of these intersections and timing for any upgrades should be assessed as part of an ITA as discussed above. To avoid, remedy or mitigate effects on Carrington Road the intersection upgrades should be associated with staging of the development or triggers in the volume of traffic generated by the precinct. As noted above, these stages or development triggers would often be included in the plan provisions but instead reliance is being placed on the ITA to provide this detail I have discussed previously in my evidence the connections to the residential areas to the south. 5 Carrington Road / Mt Albert Road Corridor Management Plan, GHD, October 2015 BF\ \3 Page 21

23 Infrastructure 5+ years The Assessment of Transport Aspects identifies a number of infrastructure improvements that could occur in a timeframe longer than 5 years after the notification of the PAUP These projects are all remote from the Wairaka Precinct and whilst they would assist in reducing the effects of the precinct on the wider road network, it is noted that these are not committed projects at this time and therefore no reliance can be made on these schemes being implemented by Auckland Transport within 10 years. Other Mitigation Measures Whilst the Assessment of Transport Aspects has detailed a range of possible enablers that would assist in managing the effects of the Wairaka Precinct on the transport network, it is noted that some of these are not funded or committed projects and additional measures may also be required. It is envisaged in the information provided that upgrades would be necessary at the intersections of Woodward Road / Carrington Road and Great North Road / Carrington Road and widening of the Carrington Road Northwestern Motorway overbridge. Some upgrades to the residential streets to the south of the precinct (Laurel Street, Renton Road and Rhodes Avenue) may also be required An Integrated Transport Assessment would inform the requirements for network upgrades, such as these possible measures. 13. CONCLUSION 13.1 Limited traffic and transportation analysis has been provided to support the re-zoning of the Wairaka Precinct and this is in the process of being finalised. Therefore the effects of the precinct on the transport network are unable to be fully assessed, including the transport infrastructure illustrated on the precinct plan Whilst the concept of the Precinct Plan is generally supported, more detailed analysis is necessary to confirm the measures required to avoid, remedy or mitigate the effects of the precinct including any measures on the wider transport network As outlined in my evidence, an Integrated Transport Assessment would address these effects across the whole precinct and should be required prior to the delivery of any substantive development. This is to ensure that a comprehensive assessment of the whole precinct is undertaken so that the appropriate level of transport BF\ \3 Page 22

24 infrastructure is provided, both within the precinct and on the surrounding transport network I support the provision of connections between the precinct and the residential roads to the south. These connections provide a connected road network, providing route choice and mobility for pedestrians, cycles and for vehicles. For these connections to be provided, the precinct s road network needs to be designed to take into consideration the widths of the existing residential roads and should be designed so as to discourage through traffic and vehicles travelling to and from the Special Purpose Tertiary Education Zone. Martin Peake 3 December 2015 BF\ \3 Page 23

25 ATTACHMENT A My full name is Martin Peake. I am a Chartered Engineer and hold the position of Director at Progressive Transportation Solutions Limited. I have 22 years professional experience as a traffic and transportation engineer with 9 years experience in New Zealand and 13 years experience in the United Kingdom. My work throughout my career has focussed on traffic engineering and transportation planning. In my current role I have provided expert traffic advice to Auckland Council with regards to traffic and transportation issues for resource consent applications. I have reviewed consents and have been Auckland Council s traffic expert in hearings and mediation sessions. I worked for Auckland Transport between 2012 and 2014 as the Traffic Operations Team Leader. My team was responsible for reviewing resource consents with regards effects of developments on Auckland Transport s road network. I provided specialist traffic input and oversight into the more significant consents. In this role I attended an early presentation held by Unitec with regards to their proposals for the redevelopment of the existing campus. Career Summary Progressive Transport Solutions Limited (1 year, 2014 present) , Director Auckland Transport (2 years, 2 months, 2012 to 2014) , Traffic Operations Team Leader Sinclair Knight Merz (3 years 7 months, 2008 to 2012) 2008 to 2012, Traffic Engineering Leader, MWH Global (2 years 7 months, 2006 to 2008) , Traffic Engineering and Transportation Planning Team Leader FaberMaunsell (UK) (7 years 10 months, 1998 to 2006) , Associate Director , Principal Engineer , Senior Engineer , Traffic Engineer Symonds (UK), (4 years 11 months, 1993 to 1998) , Traffic Engineer BF\ \3 Page 24

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