Planning Committee 18 July 2018 Schedule Item 01

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1 Ref : Address: Ward: Proposal: FUL Land to the Rear of Red Lion Public House, 19 and 21 St Marys Road, Ealing, W1 5RA Ealing Common Construction of two pairs of semi-detached residential dwellinghouses (4 x 2 bed houses) comprising of basement and ground floor levels; including provision of private and communal amenity space, landscaping, refuse and cycle storage. Drawing numbers: Existing E001_Rev F; E002_Rev F; E003_Rev D; E030_Rev E; E031_Rev E; E032_Rev E; E033_Rev E; E034_Rev D; E040_Rev E; and E041_Rev E. Proposed P002_Rev L; P003_Rev G; P004_Rev I; P009_Rev I; P010_Rev I; P012_Rev I; P030_Rev G; P031_Rev G; P032_Rev F; P033_Rev F; P034_Rev D; P035_Rev D; P036_Rev E; P037_Rev D; P038_Rev E; P040_Rev F; P041_Rev G; and P043_Rev D. Reports Planning Statement dated January 2018; Design and Access Statement (Rev A) dated January 2018; Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment dated January 2017; Arboricultural Report and Impact Assessment dated February 2017; Heritage Statement dated February 2017; Transport Note, dated January 2018; Daylight and Sunlight Study (within Development and Neighbouring Properties) dated April 2017; and Fire Engineering Report (Rev 3) dated January Type of Application: Full Application Received: 21/01/2018 Report by: Helen Harris Recommendation: Grant, subject to conditions and a legal agreement. Executive Summary: This full planning application seeks planning permission for the redevelopment of the site to provide two building blocks comprising of two floors to deliver a total of four residential dwellings (i.e. 4no. 2- bedroom dwellings), including private and communal amenity space, associated refuse and recycling storage, cycle parking storage and landscaping. This planning application follows refusal of planning permission (application reference: FUL) dated 25 August 2017 for similar proposals. This application was refused for two reasons, relating to inadequate site access arrangements and refuse storage/collection details. This application presents the same proposal for four residential units comprising of two-bedrooms arranged over lower ground and ground floors, with the two building blocks orientated towards a large Page 1 of 28

2 central amenity space/courtyard to the front. Details regarding site access and waste storage provision and collection arrangements have been amended from the previously refused scheme. This application indicates an area where emergency service vehicles can turn. Further information in the form of an independently commissioned Transport Addendum has been submitted as part of this application concluding that emergency vehicle access for ambulances and police vehicles can be undertaken to/from the site in a forward gear via The Park and across land which benefits from a legal right of way (i.e. 21 St Mary s Road). This is further evidenced by swept path analysis showing the relevant vehicle movements. Turning provision is shown in the updated Proposed Site Plan (P002) and Proposed Landscape Plan (P004) within an area of Grassroad or similar approved product to allow for turning for emergency vehicles. The application includes a communal refuse storage area utilising part of the existing listed singlestorey outbuilding/former stables to the south of the site, comprising of 4no. 240L wheelie bins. This represents an increase in waste provision and alteration from Eurobins to wheelie bins from the previously refused application to address one of the reasons for refusal and is now considered to be satisfactory. The application scheme hereby submitted also provides further details on the intended waste collection arrangements (as detailed within an accompanying Refuse Management Strategy), which are to be transported from the site to The Park by site management staff before collection and returned to the site by site management staff after collection. Management will store bins for collection within the gated accessway and council refuse officers would then open the gates and collect bins (maximum of 5m from the entrance, similar to a regular dwelling) and then return to within the gated laneway. A total of 21 objections have been received from the public with concerns raised on matters including overdevelopment of the site, adverse impacts upon neighbouring listed buildings and the Conservation Area, construction impacts, privacy impacts, insufficient car parking and waste storage and collection and adverse impacts in relation to ecology and landscaping. Ealing Green and Ealing Town Conservation Area, Park Community Group and Walpole Residents Association all submitted objections to the application centred on site access, servicing and waste provision and collection. Particular consideration has been given to: The principle of the development redevelopment of the existing site. The suitability of the site for a residential use. The form, scale layout and design of the proposed development. The impact of the proposal on adjoining occupiers and land uses. The impact on the character and appearance of Ealing Green Conservation Area. The traffic/highway/access/refuse provisions and collection issues. The development would make a valuable contribution to the housing stock within the borough. The proposals have been assessed against relevant planning policies; the site context and surroundings; relevant planning history and other material planning considerations. It is acknowledged that the site is classified as backland site. The site is a separate parcel of land which has not been connected to any of the surrounding sites for any substantial period. The proposed development would be positioned within an area of high provision Public Transport provision, with a PTAL rating of 6a (excellent). It was found that a car free development, is considered acceptable due to the existing accessibility within the locality. Page 2 of 28

3 The development has been designed to minimise the impact on the amenity and living conditions of neighbouring properties. Adequate living conditions would be provided for future residents in terms of the internal floor space, amenity space, internal layout, and noise insulation and ventilation measures. The on-site outdoor amenity space provision would be acceptable and would provide a high-quality environment for prospective occupiers. The report concludes that the development is of an appropriate scale and design for the site and would not result in any unreasonable harm to the amenities of the neighbouring occupiers. The report also concludes that the development would not give rise to increased parking pressure in the area. The site is located within Ealing Green Conservation Area, to the rear of existing structures and is, as such, completely hidden from view given the depth of the urban block and separation distance from streets and roads. The height, scale and massing of the proposed dwellings is such that the new development would have limited effect on public views into/out from the surroundings. The site is presently vacant and is not considered to positively contribute to the character of the surrounding townscape, nor the character and appearance of the wider Conservation Area. The reuse of the site for residential development is considered to be a sympathetic land use and the proposal s layout, form, height, scale and design is considered to sensitively respond to the site s context, including its heritage setting. The site is noted as being located within a wider area that is identified as an Archaeological Interest Area (moated site of Ealing Manor and Medieval Settlement). An archaeological assessment accompanies the proposal. The Greater London Archaeological Advisory Service (GLAAS) of Historic England have recommended conditions requiring two stage archaeological investigations to safeguard any potential archaeological interest on the site. With regards to those concerns raised by the public regarding the potential for protected species to be present on-site and following consultation with the Council s ecology officer, there is no objection to the proposals, subject to the imposition of a condition requiring the developer to undertake an ecological impact assessment for the Council s determination prior to any construction activities. In addition, a number of ecological enhancements are recommended by way of condition, including installation of bird boxes, bat boxes, native hedging and habitat creation measures. This report finds that the design of the four dwellinghouses, presenting a single-storey elevation by virtue of the lower ground floor, would integrate well within the surrounding environment, including the nearby Listed Buildings and the character of the Conservation Area as a whole. The arrangement of the dwellings would harmonise well within the site and neighbouring buildings, positioned to the northwest of the site. The scale and density of the of the development is considered suitable for this location, It is considered that the resubmission has addressed the two reasons for refusal of the previous application by enhancing the quality and safety of the access and supplying further detailed information regarding the arrangement for waste collection and increasing the waste storage provision on-site. It is considered that the proposal is consistent with the aims of the relevant policies of the Ealing Development Management Development Plan 2013, Ealing Core Strategy (2012), The London Plan (2015), Relevant Supplementary Planning Guidance, the National Planning Policy Framework (2012) and emerging planning policy documents. It is therefore recommended that planning permission should be approved with conditions, subject to a legal agreement. Page 3 of 28

4 Recommendation: Grant subject to Conditions and Legal Agreement That the committee GRANT planning permission subject to the satisfactory completion of a legal agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) in order to secure the following: i) Prevention from all residents of the proposed development from obtaining on-street parking permits and prevent any on-site parking; and; ii) Payment of the Council s reasonable legal and other professional costs incurred preparing and completing the Legal Agreement. AND subject to the following conditions: Conditions/Reasons: Time Limit 1. The development permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. Reason: In order to comply with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended). Approved Plans 2. The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with drawing title number(s): Planning Statement dated January 2018; Design and Access Statement (Rev A) dated January 2018; Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment dated January 2017; Arboricultural Report and Impact Assessment dated February 2017; Heritage Statement dated February 2017; Transport Note, dated January 2018; Daylight and Sunlight Study (within Development and Neighbouring Properties) dated April 2017; and Fire Engineering Report (Rev 3) dated January 2018 and P002_Rev L; P003_Rev G; P004_Rev I; P009_Rev I; P010_Rev I; P012_Rev I; P030_Rev G; P031_Rev G; P032_Rev F; P033_Rev F; P034_Rev D; P035_Rev D; P036_Rev E; P037_Rev D; P038_Rev E; P040_Rev F; P041_Rev G; and P043_Rev D. Reason: For the avoidance of doubt, and in the interests of proper planning. Materials 3. Samples of the materials to be used for the external surfaces as shown on the approved plans of the development shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before any part of the development is commenced, and this condition shall apply notwithstanding any indications as to these matters which have been given in this application. Development shall be carried out in accordance with these approved details. Reason: To ensure that the materials harmonise with the surroundings, in accordance with policies Ealing Local Variation to London Plan Policy 7.4 and 7B of the Ealing Development Management Development Plan (2013), policies 1.1 (h) and 1.2 (f) of the adopted Local Development Framework (Core) Strategy (2012) and policies 7.4 and 7.6 of the London Plan (2016). Page 4 of 28

5 Demolition and Construction Management Plan 4. Prior to the commencement of development, a Demolition and Construction Logistics Plan shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The plan shall include the following: Construction traffic management proposals including details of delivery routes and HGV movements and details of any temporary site access/parking; Details of construction hours; A restriction that the footpath and carriageway on Woodfield Road and Mount Pleasant is not blocked during construction. No encroachment on clear space need to maintain the safe and uninterrupted flow of road users and pedestrians; Details showing the location of an onsite contractor parking area and its general management. All contractor parking must be onsite; Noise mitigation and monitoring measures; Details of enclosure of working areas and the location of compounds for the storage of plant and materials; Details of temporary lighting; Air Quality and Dust Management Plan (AQDMP) that includes an Air Quality (Dust) Risk Assessment shall be produced in accordance with current guidance The Control of Dust and Emissions during Construction and Demolition, SPG, GLA, July 2014, for the existing site and the proposed development. A scheme for air pollution mitigation measures must be implemented based on the findings of the report; Site security during construction; A drainage strategy to operate setting out controls of contamination, including controls to surface water run-off, water pumping, storage of fuels and hazardous materials, spill response plans and pollution control measures; Vibration from demolition, breaking of concrete and piling, etc. as measured in the vertical direction on any floor in surrounding noise sensitive buildings, shall not exceed an overall peak particle velocity level of 1mm/s; and Procedures for on-site contractors to deal with complaints from local residents. Details shall include control measures for dust, noise, vibration, lighting, delivery locations, restriction of hours of work and all associated activities audible beyond the site boundary to hrs Mondays to Fridays and hrs on Saturdays, advance notification to neighbours and other interested parties of proposed works and public display of contact details including accessible phone contact to persons responsible for the site works for the duration of the works. Approved details shall be implemented throughout the project period. Reason: In the interests of the amenity of adjoining occupiers and to minimise highway and traffic impact during the course of the works, in accordance with policies 1.1 (e) (f) (j) of the Ealing Development (Core) Strategy 2012, policy 6.3 of the London Plan 2016 and policy 7A of the Ealing Development Management Development Plan. Transport and/or Industrial Noise Sources 5. Prior to commencement of the development, a noise assessment shall be submitted to the Council for approval of external noise levels from transport and industrial/ commercial sources and details of the sound insulation of the building envelope including glazing specifications and of acoustically attenuated mechanical ventilation and cooling as necessary (with air intake from the cleanest aspect of the building) to achieve internal room- and (if provided) external amenity noise standards in accordance Page 5 of 28

6 with the criteria of BS8233:2014. Approved details shall be implemented prior to occupation of the development and thereafter be permanently retained. Reason: In the interests of the internal environment of the development and living conditions of occupiers of nearby properties and future occupiers of the site, in accordance with Interim Supplementary Planning Guidance 10, policy 1.1(j) of the Ealing Core Strategy (2012), policy 7A of the Ealing Development Management Development Plan Document (2013), policy 7.15 of the London Plan (2016), and the National Planning Policy Framework (2012). Archaeology 6. No demolition or development shall take place until a stage 1 written scheme of investigation (WSI) has been submitted to and approved by the local planning authority in writing. For land that is included within the WSI, no demolition or development shall take place other than in accordance with the agreed WSI, and the programme and methodology of site evaluation and the nomination of a competent person(s) or organisation to undertake the agreed works. If heritage assets of archaeological interest are identified by stage 1 then for those parts of the site which have archaeological interest a stage 2 WSI shall be submitted to and approved by the local planning authority in writing. For land that is included within the stage 2 WSI, no demolition/development shall take place other than in accordance with the agreed stage 2 WSI which shall include: A. The statement of significance and research objectives, the programme and methodology of site investigation and recording and the nomination of a competent person(s) or organisation to undertake the agreed works. B. The programme for post-investigation assessment and subsequent analysis, publication & dissemination and deposition of resulting material. This part of the condition shall not be discharged until these elements have been fulfilled in accordance with the programme set out in the stage 2 WSI. Ecology 7. A Nature Conservation Management Plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of development (including site clearance and demolition). This shall provide full details of biodiversity enhancements and measures to ensure minimum ecological impacts during construction. The approved details shall be implemented on-site prior to the first occupation of the development and permanently retained thereafter. Reason: To mitigate the potential harm to ecology within the green open space in accordance with policy 11 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2012), policy 7.19 of the London Plan (2016) and policy 5.4 of the Adopted Ealing Development (Core) Strategy Refuse and Recycling Storage Areas 8. Refuse and recycling storage areas as indicated on drawing references P002_Rev L, P003_Rev G and P004_Rev I; and the refuse collection and storage arrangements as outlined within the Refuse Management Strategy shall be provided and brought into use prior to the first occupation of the development permitted and retained thereafter. Page 6 of 28

7 Reason: To protect the living conditions of occupiers of the area and in the interests of the future occupants of the development in accordance with policies with policies 3.5 and 7B of the Ealing Development Management Plan 2013, policies 1.1 (e) of the Adopted Ealing Development (Core) Strategy and The London Plan (2016) policy Trees/Planting/Hard & Soft Landscaping 9. No development shall take place until full details of both hard and soft landscape provision for the proposed works, including details of tree species, and the detailed design of the turning area and mitigation to prevent car parking from the site have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and these works shall be carried out as approved prior to the occupation of any part of the development or in accordance with the programme agreed by the Local Planning Authority. Any trees or other plants which die or are removed within the first five years following the implementation of the landscaping scheme shall be replaced during the next planting season. Reason: To ensure that the development is landscaped in the interests of the visual character and appearance of the area, and to ensure that the development remains car-free, in accordance with policy 5.10 of Ealing Development Management Development Plan Document (2013). Low NOx Boiler specification 10. Each hereby approved residential unit shall include the installation of an Ultra-Low NOx boilers that is compliant with the NOx (g/m²) benchmarks set out at Appendix 5 of the Mayor s Sustainable Design and Construction SPG. The boilers shall be installed prior to the first occupation. Reason: To minimise the impact of building emissions on local air quality in the interests of health, in accordance with policies 3.2 and 7.14 of the London Plan 2016; the Mayor s Sustainable Design and Construction SPG; policies 1.1(e) and (j) of Ealing s Development (or Core) Strategy 2012, and policy 7A of Ealing s Development Management. Secured by Design 11. The design of the building shall comply with the aims and objectives of the Secured By Design standards before the first occupation of the development, and shall be permanently retained. Reason: To ensure that the development incorporates crime prevention measures to help prevent crime and disorder and to improve pedestrian accessibility in accordance with policies 1.1 (e) of the Ealing Core Strategy (2012), policy LV 7.3 of the Ealing Development Management Development Plan Document (2013), and policy 7.3 of the London Plan (2016). Accessibility 12. All residential units hereby approved shall be constructed to the Lifetime Homes Standards. Reason: To ensure that the development is accessible by all future occupiers/users, in accordance with policies 3.8 and 7.2 of The London Plan (2016), and the National Planning Policy Framework (2012). Cycle Parking 13. 8no. cycle parking spaces, as indicated on drawing reference drawing references P002_Rev L ; P003_Rev G ; P004_Rev I ; P010_Rev I ; P030_Rev G ; P032_Rev F ; P033_Rev F ; P034_Rev D ; Page 7 of 28

8 P035_Rev D ; P037_Rev D ; and P040_Rev F shall be provided and brought into use prior to the first occupation of the development permitted and retained permanently thereafter. Reason: To provide adequate facilities for cyclists, in accordance with policy 6.9 of the London Plan External Lighting 14. All external lighting shall comply with the recommendations of the Institution of Lighting Engineers Guidance Notes for the Reduction of Light Pollution and the provisions of BS 5489 Part 9. The lighting shall be installed prior to first use of the buildings and be maintained in accordance with these standards thereafter. Reason: To protect the living conditions of occupiers in the area, in accordance with policy 7A of the Ealing Development Management Plan Document (2013). Informatives 1. The decision to grant planning permission has been taken having regard to the policies and proposals in the Adopted Ealing Development Plan, the Adopted Development (Core) Strategy, the London Plan and to all relevant material considerations including Supplementary Planning Guidance: National Planning Policy Framework (2012) 1. Building a strong, competitive economy. 4. Promoting sustainable transport. 6. Delivering a wide choice of high quality homes. 7. Good quality design. 10.Meeting the challenge of climate change, flooding and coastal change 12. Conserving and enhancing the historic environment. London Plan (2016) 2.6 Outer London: Vision and Strategy 2.7 Outer London: Economy 2.8 Outer London: Transport 3.3 Increasing housing supply 3.4 Optimising housing potential 3.5 Quality and design of housing developments 3.8 Housing choice 3.9 Mixed and Balanced Communities 5.10 Urban Greening 5.13 Sustainable Drainage 5.14 Water Quality and Wastewater Infrastructure 5.15 Water Use and Supplies 5.17 Waste Capacity 6.3 Assessing Effects of Development on Transport Capacity 6.5 Funding Crossrail and Other Strategically Important Transport Infrastructure 6.9 Cycling 6.10 Walking 6.11 Smoothing Traffic Flow and Tackling Congestion 6.13 Parking Page 8 of 28

9 7.1 Lifetime Neighbourhoods 7.2 An Inclusive Environment 7.3 Designing Out Crime 7.4 Local character 7.5 Public Realm 7.6 Architecture 7.8 Heritage Assets and Archaeology 7.13 Safety, Security and Resilience to Emergency 7.15 Reducing and Managing Noise, Improving and Enhancing The Acoustic Environment and Promoting Appropriate Soundscapes 8.2 Planning Obligations 8.3 Community Infrastructure Levy Adopted Development (Core) Strategy (2012) 1.1 (a), (b), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i), (j), (k) Spatial Vision for Ealing 1.2 (f), (g), (h), (m) Delivery of the Vision for Ealing (a), (c) Realising the potential of the Uxbridge Road/Crossrail Corridor 2.10 Residential Neighbourhoods 6.4 Planning Obligations and Legal Agreements Ealing Development Management Development Plan Document (2013) Ealing local variation to London Plan policy 3.4: Optimising housing potential Ealing local variation to London Plan policy 3.5: Quality and design of housing development Ealing local variation to London Plan policy 5.10: Urban Greening Ealing local variation to London Plan policy 6.13: Parking Ealing local variation to London Plan policy 7.3: Designing out crime Ealing local variation to London Plan policy 7.4: Local Character Policy 7A - Amenity Policy 7B Design amenity Policy 7D Open Space Policy EA Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development Other Material Considerations: Accessible London: achieving an inclusive environment The Mayor s Transport Strategy Housing London Housing Supplementary Planning Guidance November 2012 Sustainable Design & Construction The London Housing Strategy Interim SPD 4 Residential Extensions Interim SPG 4 Refuse and Recycling Facilities Interim SPG 8: Safer Ealing Interim SPG 10 Noise and Vibration Sustainable Transport SPD Ealing Green Conservation Area Management Plan (2008) Ealing Green Conservation Area Character Appraisal (2008) In reaching the decision to grant permission, specific consideration was given to the impact of the proposed development on the amenities of neighbouring properties and on the character of the surrounding area as a whole. The proposal is considered acceptable on these grounds, and it is not Page 9 of 28

10 considered that there are any other material considerations in this case that would warrant a refusal of the application. 2. To assist applicants in a positive manner, the Local Planning Authority has produced policies and written guidance, and offers and encourages a comprehensive pre-application advice service, all of which is available on the Council s website and outlined in a 24 hours automated telephone system. The scheme complied with policy and guidance. The Local Planning Authority delivered the decision proactively in accordance with requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework. 3. Permitted Hours for Building Work In association with Condition No. 6, construction and demolition works and associated activities at the development including deliveries, collections and staff arrivals audible beyond the boundary of the site should not be carried out other than between the hours of hrs Mondays to Fridays and hrs on Saturdays and at no other times, including Sundays and Public/Bank Holidays, unless otherwise agreed with the Environmental Health Officer. 4. Notification to Neighbours of Demolition/ Building Works In association with Condition No. 6, at least 21 days prior to the commencement of any site works, all occupiers surrounding the site should be notified in writing of the nature and duration of works to be undertaken. The name and contact details of persons responsible for the site works should be signposted at the site and made available for enquiries and complaints for the entire duration of the works and updates of work should be provided regularly. Any complaints should be properly addressed as quickly as possible. 5. Dust Best Practicable Means (BPM) should be used in controlling dust emissions, in accordance with the Supplementary Planning Guidance by the GLA (2014) for The Control of Dust and Emissions during Construction and Demolition. 6. Dark smoke and nuisance No waste materials should be burnt on site of the development hereby approved. 7. In relation to Condition No. 6, Noise and Vibration from demolition, construction, piling, concrete crushing, drilling, excavating, etc. Best Practicable Means (BPM) should be used during construction and demolition works, including low vibration methods and silenced equipment and machinery, control and monitoring measures of noise, vibration, delivery locations, restriction of hours of work and all associated activities audible beyond the site boundary, in accordance with the Approved Codes of Practice of BS :2009+A1:2014 Code of practice for noise and vibration control on construction and open sites. Noise and BS :2009+A1:2014 Code of practice for noise and vibration control on construction and open sites. Vibration. 8. Legal changes under The Water Industry (Scheme for the Adoption of private sewers) Regulations 2011 mean that the sections of pipes you share with your neighbours, or are situated outside of your property boundary which connect to a public sewer are likely to have transferred to Thames Water's ownership. Should your proposed building work fall within 3 metres of these pipes we recommend you contact Thames Water to discuss their status in more detail and to determine if a building over / near to agreement is required. You can contact Thames Water on or for more information please visit our website at Page 10 of 28

11 9. A Groundwater Risk Management Permit from Thames Water will be required for discharging groundwater into a public sewer. Any discharge made without a permit is deemed illegal and may result in prosecution under the provisions of the Water Industry Act Thames Water expect the developer to demonstrate what measures will be undertaken to minimise the discharge of groundwater into the public sewer. Permit enquiries should be directed to Thames Water s Risk Management Team by telephoning or by ing Application forms should be completed on line via Thames Water requests that the Applicant should incorporate within their proposal, protection to the property by installing for example, a non-return valve or other suitable device to avoid the risk of backflow at a later date, on the assumption that the sewerage network may surcharge to ground level during storm conditions. 11. Thames Water will aim to provide customers with a minimum pressure of 10m head (approx. 1 bar) and a flow rate of 9 litres/minute at the point where it leaves Thames Waters pipes. The developer should take account of this minimum pressure in the design of the proposed development. 12. In relation to Condition No. 4, construction and demolition works, audible beyond the boundary of the site shall only be carried on between the hours of hrs Mondays to Fridays and hrs on Saturdays and at no other times, including Sundays and Bank Holidays. 13. In relation to Condition No 4, where construction works reveal the presence of asbestos, or asbestos is suspected, details of mitigation measures to control the release of asbestos fibres shall be submitted for approval. 14. The London Borough of Ealing Highways Section should be consulted with regard to the provision of wheel washing equipment for vehicles leaving the site during the demolition and construction phases. Contact You are advised that the cross-over is to be constructed by the Council at the applicant's expense. For further details please contact Highways, telephone No or 16. In relation to Condition No. 6, written schemes of investigation will need to be prepared and implemented by a suitably qualified professionally accredited archaeological practice in accordance with Historic England s Guidelines for Archaeological Projects in Greater London. This condition is exempt from deemed discharge under Schedule 6 of The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order The developer/applicant is hereby advised to remove all site notices on or near the site that were displayed in pursuant to the application. Site Description The subject site is located on the eastern side of St Mary s Road and to the north of The Park. The site is located at the rear of the Red Lion Public house and is irregular in shape, with an approximate area of 845sqm. The site largely comprises of vacant green lawn, two single-storey outbuildings and a number of existing trees. It is noted that part of the south-western corner forms part of the curtilage of 19 St Marys Road. Page 11 of 28

12 The property is located within the Ealing Green Conservation Area and is also positioned within an Archaeological Interest Area. The site lies within the vicinity of three listed buildings, including: - 19 and 21 St Marys Road (Grade II listed); - 23 St Marys Road (Grade II listed); and - Red Lion Public House (Locally listed). The surrounding area is predominantly residential in character and appearance with the predominant scale of development being two-storey terraced and semi-detached properties, interspersed with one and three-storey developments. Some retail and commercial uses are located to the west of the site and Ealing Green Park is located to the north-west of the site abutting the western side of St Marys Road. The site has a PTAL rating of 6a which is identified as being an excellent level of accessibility. The property is within 150m of a bus stop serving the No. 65 bus route and 945m from Ealing Broadway Tube Station. The site is located within a Controlled Parking Zone (i.e. Thames Valley University Zone C), operating Monday to Friday between 10am pm and Saturdays between 10am - 4pm. The site is located within the Ealing Green Conservation Area and within the vicinity of listed buildings to the west including locally listed Red Lion Public House. The site is positioned within an Area of Archaeological Interest. The Proposal Redevelopment of the site to provide for the construcion of four, two-bedroom semi-detached dwellinghouses, comprising of basement and ground floor levels. The accommodation is arranged with bedrooms and bathrooms to the basement and a WC, living room, kitchen and dining rooms on the ground floor. The proposed houses have private amenity space in the form of sunken courtyards at basement level to the front and gardens to the rear as well as an area of communal amenity space comprising of three fruit trees and wild-sown lawn of which the dwellings all face out towards. The proposals include refuse storage for 4no. 240L wheelie bins and cycle storage for 8no. cycles. Both refuse and cycle storage is proposed to be accommodated within the existing listed single-storey outbuilding/former stables (following refurbishment). Refuse would be taken from the storage unit to the laneway by site management staff ready for collection and return to storage area following collection. A refuse management strategy is included as part of these proposals. The development is proposed to be car-free for both residents and visitors. Pedestrian and emergency vehicle access is to be taken from a gated access way from The Park over 21 St Mary s Road (within the red line boundary of the site) and for which the Applicant confirms there is a legal right of way. A new pedestrian entrance with permeable paving and soft planting is proposed. Page 12 of 28

13 Relevant Planning History Application Number FUL LBC P/2004/4419 P/2004/2137 P/2006/1416 P/2006/1838 P/2005/0998 P/2001/0067 P/2000/3621 P/2002/1854 Development Description Decision Date Construction of two pairs of semi-detached residential houses (a total of four) comprising ground and basement levels with private and communal amenity space at basement and ground level, landscaping, refuse and cycle storage. Refused 25/08/2017 Internal and external alterations of the outbuilding to the rear of 19 St Mary's Road to provide communal refuse and cycle storage (Associated with the construction of two pairs of semidetached residential houses (a total of four) comprising ground and basement levels with private and communal amenity space at basement and ground level and landscaping) (Listed Building Consent) PCO Details of materials pursuant to condition Nos. 2 & 3 of planning consent Ref:39173/3 dated 23/1/03 for 'part two storey side extension, first floor level rear extension, single storey conservatory extension to rear, excavation of rear basement to form light well / garden access and external alterations to house DISP Details of Materials pursuant to Condition 2 of planning permission ref: 39173/3 dated 21/11/2003 for part two storey side extension, first floor level rear extension, single storey 'conservatory' extension to rear, excavation of rear basement to form lightwell/garden access, and external alterations to house DISP Demolition of air-raid shelter, potting shed, conservatory and repair damaged garden wall adjacent to stable (Listed Building Consent) PDE Demolition of air raid shelter, potting shed, conservatory and repair of garden wall adjacent to stable (in association with P/ Listed Building Consent) APPCON Details of drawings or samples of material pursuant to Condition 2 of planning consent ref: 39173/3 and 39173/4 dated 23/01/2003 in respect of the following: - (a) New brickwork (including arches), (b) Coping. (c) Bonding. (d) Mortar mix, (e) Roofing materials. (f) Conservatory. (g) New windows. (h) Decorative Interior Paintwork, for part two storey side extension, first floor level rear extension, single storey 'conservatory' extension to rear, excavation of rear basement to form lightwell/garden access, and external alterations to house. APP Single storey structure to the rear to form 3 garages; and two storey side and rear extensions and internal and external alterations to house (Listed Building Consent) REF Single storey structure at rear to form 3no. lock-up garages, external alterations and two storey extension to side and rear of house REF Part two storey side extension; first floor level rear extension; single storey 'conservatory' extension to rear; excavation of rear basement to form lightwell / garden access; internal and external alterations to house (Listed Building Consent) APPCON Page 13 of 28

14 P/2000/ / / / /1 Demolition of single storey stable/manger at rear in conjunction with erection of 3no. lock up garages and two storey side and rear extensions to house (Conservation Area Consent) REF Part two storey side extension; first floor level rear extension; single storey 'conservatory' extension to rear; excavation of rear basement to form lightwell / garden access; internal and external alterations to house (Listed Building Consent) APPCON Part two storey side extension; first floor level rear extension; single storey 'conservatory' extension to rear; excavation of rear basement to form lightwell/garden access; and external alterations to house APPCON Single storey structure to the rear to form 3 garages; and two storey side and rear extensions and internal and external alterations to house (Listed building consent) REF Single storey structure at rear to form 3no. lock-up garages, external alterations and two storey extension to side and rear of house REF Demolition of single storey stable/manger at rear in conjunction with erection of 3no. lock up garages and two storey side and rear extensions to house (Conservation Area Consent) REF Consultation: Public: The proposal was advertised by way of a notice published in the Ealing Gazette published on 12/02/2018 with the expiry date for consultation responses 09/03/2018. During the consultation period 21 objections were received. A summary of the issues raised is provided below: Overdevelopment of the site; Out of keeping with character of the area; and Adverse impacts to nearby listed items and wider Conservation Area. Comment: Noted and assessed under Principle of the development, Density and Design and Appearance headings within the Reasoned Justification/Remarks section below. Construction impacts; noise, vibration, damage, dust, construction traffic and safety concerns. Comment: It is acknowledged that access constituted one of the reason for refusal of the previous planning application, and that matters of access are inherently linked to construction activity. The access has been amended as part of this application and is supported by transport and waste management strategies. Access is now considered to serve associated construction activity, as assessed by our Transport team. Notwithstanding this and given that this site is a backland site, a condition relating to the requirement for a Construction Management Plan is recommended to any grant of planning permission prior to the start of any construction works, for approval by the local planning authority. Such a Demolition and Construction Methodology Report would be required to provide preliminary details on the management of noise, vibration and dust during construction. The Council s standard hours of construction have been included as an informative. Page 14 of 28

15 Privacy impacts to neighbouring properties. Comment: The proposal has been designed to minimise any outlook towards the adjoining properties, noting that the development presents with single-storey massing. The one-storey above ground appearance of the four proposed dwellings appear subservient to the massing of the surrounding context. Boundary walls remain at the existing heights to maintain the existing level of screening afforded to the site. The siting of the dwellings to the north and western most parts of the site where the nearest structures are higher and of a non-residential nature as well as allowing a greater distance from existing residential properties. A detailed assessment is contained within the body of this report. Insufficient car parking for proposals (i.e. zero-car development) Comment: Noted and addressed below in the assessment under Traffic, Parking, Access and Servicing within the Reasoned Justification/Remarks section. Adverse impacts with regards to waste collection Comment: Noted. Further information has been provided as part of this application including an addendum Transport Note and Waste Management Plan. Council s waste collection team will be given a secure fob for entry to the gated accessway to collect and deposit wheelie bins, similar to arrangements for other residential developments in the Borough. This has been assessed by Council s Waste Collection Services team as satisfactory. Further detailed assessment is contained under the Traffic, Parking, Access and Servicing section within the Reasoned Justification/Remarks section of this report. Adverse impacts to ecology and landscape of the site Comment: No objections have been raised by the Council s ecology officer. Notwithstanding, in the event of possible ecological value of the site, a condition is imposed requiring the developer to undertake an ecological impact assessment for the Council s determination prior to any construction activities. In addition, a number of ecological enhancements are recommended by way of condition, including installation of bird boxes, bat boxes, native hedging and habitat creation measures. The Council s landscape officer has confirmed that the loss of two existing fruit trees and replanting of three fruit trees is acceptable. Further discussion can be found under the Trees and Landscaping heading within the Reasoned Justification/Remarks section of this report. External: Consultee Comments Officer Response Ealing Green and Ealing Town Conservation Area Park Community Group Page 15 of 28 Objection received. Considered that proposals do not address concerns and objections that were made in June The proposal is not viable as access is still insufficient. In addition, the new plan for handling refuse by site management conflicts with the Council s policy for placing bins on streets during refuse collections. Overall, proposals will have a serious detrimental impact upon the Conservation Area. Objection received. Waste collection is inadequate, proposals The proposals have provided further details and information to a level satisfactory to address the previous reasons for refusal with regards to access and refuse provision/collection arrangements. This is discussed in more detail in the assessment section of this report. Waste collection has been addressed through a Refuse

16 Walpole Residents Association London Fire & Emergency Planning Authority Historic England are harmful to the Conservation Area and any on-site ecology, construction will be disruptive and there is no construction management plan provided to show the impact on the local community. Objection received. Reiteration of previous objections to past applications on this site. No significant changes made to the proposals. No vehicular access and concern regarding deliveries and servicing. Fire risk to future residents and neighbouring occupiers. No comments received. - Recommend the imposition of an archaeological-related condition. Management Strategy which details the arrangements for collection. This has been reviewed by the Council s Waste team who are satisfied that this is acceptable. Council s refuse collection staff will be issued a fob to allow entry to the laneway for wheelie bins. The proposals also now increase the refuse provision to 3no. 240L wheelie bins. A Construction Management Plan is sought by the Council s transport team by way of condition for the Local Planning Authority to assess prior to construction. The density, scale and layout of the development is considered to be sympathetic to the setting of the Conservation Area and nearby listed buildings. Further discussion is provided in the assessment section of this report. The proposed scheme is considered to sufficiently address the previous reasons for refusal regarding access and waste provision. A technical note has been independently commissioned by the applicant which identifies alternative fire management options for the proposed development. This concludes that there is a viable option to comply with BS 9991 (fire safety design management and use of residential buildings). This viable option comprises of sprinkler systems throughout each proposed dwellinghouse and a hose laid from The Park. Noted. It is recommended that this condition be attached to any grant of planning permission. Page 16 of 28

17 Internal: Consultee Comments Officer Response Transport Services The site has a constrained access and was reason for a prior refusal, the latest submission indicates an area where emergency service vehicles are able to turn, however, it is likely that this and/or other areas within the site would be used for car parking, therefore, some mechanism needs to be implemented which prevents the residents from owning cars on site. Noted. It is recommended that these conditions and legal agreement to be included within any grant of planning permission. Regulatory Services (Pollution Technical) Environmental Services (Refuse) Planning Policies: The site is located within a CPZ; therefore, Transport would require the developer to enter into a Section 106 Legal Agreement which prevents all residents from obtaining parking permits. No objection raised, subject to compliance with a number of conditions and informatives. Raised concerns with bin provision and collection arrangements. Considered it to be acceptable for bins to be stored by management in dedicated storage facility until collection date where these would be placed within accessway for Council refuse collection crew to open gates and collect bins (5m from entrance) and return to laneway, where the bins would be returned to their storage facility. It is recommended that these conditions be included within any approval of planning permission. Noted. Bin storage has been revised to include 4 x 360L bins in accordance with local policy. A Waste Management Plan document has also been supplied which sets out provisions for waste storage and collection. Please see Informatives section above for a full policy list. Reasoned Justification/Remarks: This proposal has been assessed against the relevant policies of the Adopted Development (Core) Strategy, the London Plan (2016), the Ealing Development Management Development Plan 2013 and Interim Supplementary Planning Guidance/Documents. The key issues in the assessment of this planning application are: Principle of the Proposed Development; Density; Impact on Nearby Properties; Design and Appearance; Quality and Layout of the Proposed Living Accommodation; Amenity Space; Archaeology; Trees and Landscaping; Page 17 of 28

18 Traffic, Parking and Servicing A detailed assessment of the proposal is set out as follows: Principle of the Proposed Development Increasing the current housing stock is an important strategic objective for the London Borough of Ealing. Policy 3.3 of The London Plan Consolidated 2015 refers to the need to increase housing supply to meet demand within London and policy 3.14 promotes the efficient use of existing stock. This is supported by London Plan policy 3.4 which aims to ensure that development proposals achieve the maximum intensity of use compatible with local context. Section 6 of the National Planning Policy Framework ( delivering a wide choice of high quality homes ) encourages the identification of suitable locations and developable sites or broad locations for growth, in terms of housing. It also states that the priority should be previously developed land and vacant buildings. Furthermore, it acknowledges that local authorities should resist inappropriate development of residential gardens where development would cause harm to the local area. Policy 1.1 of the Ealing Adopted Development (Core) Strategy 2012 which provides that development should protect and enhance suburban communities and should protect and enhance the pattern of green spaces. It is noted that the site constitutes a backland site, surrounded by residential and nonresidential structures. The site is a separate parcel of land which has not been connected to any of the surrounding sites for any substantial period, based on the Council s historic maps dating back to at least On this basis, it is considered that the development of the site would not disorder the established pattern of development in the area, particularly that of the Conservation Area. The scale of the development proposed is considered to be appropriate for a backland site in a Conservation Area. The proposed scale of the dwellings would be subservient to the existing surrounding development and would be commensurate with the scale of the existing built form on the site. Further, the proposal would improve housing stock in line with planning policy. The development of the site with 4no. new residential dwellinghouses within a predominantly residential area would therefore be acceptable in principle, subject to compliance with the relevant London Plan (2016) policies, Ealing Development Management DPD policies, Local Development Framework - Adopted Core Strategy policies and supplementary planning documents with regard to any other planning considerations. Sustainable development underpins planning policy from a local to national level, which includes the provision of additional housing stock and encourage development proposals to achieve the maximum intensity of use compatible with local setting. It is in this context that the proposed development would support these policy objectives and is found to be acceptable. Density In accordance with Policy 3.4 of the London Plan Optimising Housing Potential, development proposals should take into account local context, design and transport capacity as well as social infrastructure to optimise housing output for different types of location within the relevant density range having regard to the Density Matrix table 3.2 of the London Plan. In accordance with the provisions of Policy 3B of Ealing s Development Management DPD 2013, this site can be classified as Central. Page 18 of 28

19 The site has a PTAL rating of 6a (where 1 is low and 6 is high). Taking into account the site area of 845m²/ hectares, 4 units consisting of 16 habitable rooms, the proposed density of the scheme would result in an overall density on the site of 104 units per hectare and 278 habitable rooms per hectare. The site therefore achieves 2.66 habitable rooms per unit. Units per hectare: 1/ ha (site area) x 4 (number of proposed units) = units per hectare Habitable rooms per hectare: 1/ ha (site area) x 16 (number of habitable rooms) = habitable rooms per hectare Habitable rooms per unit: Habitable rooms per hectare / units per hectare = 4 hr /unit For a site such as this, the London Plan provides an indicative density range for the site of between units per hectare, and the optimal number of habitable rooms per hectare for the site is hr/ha. As such, the proposal is considered to be within the optimal density range expected for such an area as set out within London Plan policy 3.4. Notwithstanding, density is considered to be an indicative measure of the scale and intensity of a development. The main thrust of London Plan policy 3.4 is to ensure development should optimise housing output for the different types of location, whilst taking account of the local context, design and transport capacity. In this regard, Council places greater emphasis on the quality of the environment to be created for prospective and existing residents, the compatibility of the proposal within the existing character of the area, and the transport impact of a proposal. The potential for additional residential development is better considered in the context of its bulk, scale, design, sustainability, amenity and the desirability of protecting and enhancing the character of the area and the relationship with neighbouring sites and retained development on this and neighbouring sites. These matters are discussed in detail in the remainder of this report. Design and Appearance Sections 6, 7 and 8 of the NPPF, London Plan policies 3.5, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6, 7.7 and 7/8, policies 1.1(g), 1.1(h), 1.1(k) and 1.2(g) in the Development Strategy and Ealing Local Variation to London Plan policies 3.5, 7.3 and 7.4, 7B and 7C of the Development Management DPD are relevant with regards to the design of new development. Policies 7.4 and 7.6 of the London Plan (2016) state that development should incorporate the highest quality materials and design appropriate to its context, and have regard to the pattern and grain of the existing street in terms of orientation, scale, proportion and mass. These outcomes are supported by policies 7.4 and 7B of the Ealing Development Management DPD (2013) which state that developments should 'complement their street sequence, building pattern, scale, materials and detailing' and should achieve a high standard of amenity for users and adjacent uses. The National Planning Policy Framework indicates that planning decisions should not attempt to impose architectural styles or tastes or stifle innovation. However, it indicates that it is proper to seek to promote or reinforce local distinctiveness. Page 19 of 28

20 The proposed design, siting and appearance of the two pairs of single storey semi-detached pitched roof residential houses (a total of four dwellings) comprising ground and basement levels sited around a central communal courtyard area is considered acceptable for the following reasons: - The site is a separate parcel of land, which, based on the Council s historic maps dating back to at least 1870, has not been connected to any of the surrounding sites for a substantial period of time. The application site is not considered to make any positive contribution to the significance of nearby locally and statutory listed buildings. On this basis, it is not considered that the redevelopment of the site for residential use would disorder the established pattern of development in the area and wider Conservation Area. Furthermore, the proposed siting, orientation and overall footprints of the two building blocks are considered to relate well to the existing built form surrounding the site (including the garage block to Webster Garden flats, maintain an acceptable level of setback from nearby buildings, whilst also maintaining the general open garden character of the site towards dwellings at Park Place (to the east). - The proposed single-storey form with maximum eaves height of 3.3m and max roof height of 4.9m provides an acceptable bulk and scale for the dwellings in a backland vacant site. The bulk and scale is considered to be subservient and commensurate with the general 2-3 storey scale of the existing built form evident on surrounding sites (please refer to Figure 1). The proposed materials and finishes to include London Stock brick, timber cladding, glass balustrades and slate roof tiles are considered to be acceptable and are, on the whole, complementary to the Conservation Area. - The overall design approach of a contemporary modern style mews inspired development is considered to be acceptable. The proposal is well articulated and provides a pair of single storey pitched roof semi-detached dwellings. - It is noted only a small portion of the single storey western elevation of proposed Unit 2 would be visible from the streetscene via the laneway at St Marys Road. The single-storey modern residential form is not considered to represent a material adverse impact upon the character of the Conservation Area. - The proposal is not considered to impact upon the setting and significance of nearby listed buildings, noting the significant separation distance from nearby listed buildings. Figure 1- Proposed Scheme Aerial View Page 20 of 28

21 It is considered the design of the proposed dwelling is of high quality architecture; which complements and enhances the character of, the surrounding area. As such, it is considered to comply with the objectives of section 12 of the National Planning Policy Framework, policies 7.4 and 7B of the Ealing Development Management Development Plan 2013, policies 7.1, 7.4 and 7.6 of the London Plan (2016), policies 1.1 (g), 1.2 (f), 2.1(c) and 2.10 of the Local Development Framework - Adopted Core Strategy (2012), and the Ealing Green Conservation Area Management Plan Impact upon Heritage Assets Section 72 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 states that with regard to applications relating to land or buildings within a Conservation Area, special attention must be paid to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character and appearance of the area. The National Planning Policy Framework (2012), section 12, paragraph 134 states that: Where a development proposal will lead to less than substantial harm to the significance of a designated heritage asset, this harm should be weighed against the public benefits of the proposal, including securing its optimum viable use. However, this needs to be considered in the context of section above and so it is not a simple balancing exercise given that special attention must be paid to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of the area. Policy 7C of the Ealing Development Management Plan (2013) sets out that development of heritage assets and their settings should be based on an analysis of their significance and the impact of proposals upon that significance; conserve the significance of the asset in question; protect and where appropriate restore original or historic fabric and enhance of better reveal the significance of assets. The Ealing Green Conservation Management Plan also states that the Council will not dictate on the choice of architectural styles of any proposed new buildings but the position may be simply put as follows: Contemporary and Modernist styles are entirely acceptable if they are high in quality and provided that they remain sympathetic in the context and towards the host building and/or other neighbouring buildings or Replicas of good, older buildings may be preferred provided that they are properly researched and high in quality. The design, scale, massing and detailing of such traditionalist schemes should accurately replicate the contextual, local materials. The site is located within proximity to statutorily and locally listed buildings, as follows: 19 and 21 St Mary s Road (Grade-II listed) 23 St Mary s Road (Grade-II listed) Red Lion Public House (locally listed) With regards to the proposal s impact upon Ealing Green Conservation Area, the site lies to the rear of existing structures and is, as such, completely hidden from view given the depth of the urban block and separation distance from streets and roads. The height, scale and massing of the proposed dwellings is such that the new development would have limited effect on public views into/out from the surroundings. The site is presently vacant and is not considered to positively contribute to the character of the surrounding townscape, nor the character and appearance of the wider Conservation Area. The reuse of the site for residential development is considered to be a sympathetic land use and the proposal s layout, form, height, scale and design is considered to sensitively respond to the site s context, including its heritage setting. Assessment of the proposal s impact upon the Grade-II listed 19 and 21 and 23 St Mary s Road which are of special architectural interest as examples of classically influenced villas, the site is not appreciable in the principle views of these listed buildings. A modern opening exists between No. 19 St Page 21 of 28

22 Mary s Road and the application site. As aforementioned, there is very little evidence to suggest any former historical functional or aesthetic connection or relationship of any importance. Overall, on balance, it is considered that the application site would not have a detrimental impact upon the setting of the listed buildings and their settings and would not undermine the understanding/appreciation of the significance of these listed buildings. Similarly, there is considered to be limited-negligible impact from the proposals upon the locally-listed Red Lion Public House. Impact on Neighbouring Properties London Plan policies 7.6 and 7.15, Development Strategy policies 1.1(g) and (j) and Ealing Development Management Development Plan Document policies 7A and 7B are relevant with regards to the impact on the amenities of neighbouring residential properties. Public submissions have raised concern with regards to adverse amenity impacts, including privacy, noise, safety and security to adjoining properties. The relationship between the proposal and the adjoining properties fronting St Mary s Road, The Park, Park Place and Webster Gardens are considered in below: - A Daylight/Sunlight Study prepared by Right of Light Consulting dated 21 April 2017 has been submitted in support of the scheme which assesses the scheme against the BRE (Building Research Establishment) guidance specifically in regards to the Vertical Sky Component (VSC), No Sky Line (NSL), Average Daylight Factor (ADF) and Annual Probable Sunlight Hours (APSH). The study assesses that there will be some minor loss of daylight and sunlight to the south facing windows and rear gardens of no. 11, 12 and 13 The Park. The study assesses that the minor impact is acceptable and all windows to dwellings fully comply with minimum day light/sunlight requirements in accordance with the BRE guidance. - Existing dwellings along Webster Gardens are located approximately 20m from the common boundary to the proposed development and are, additionally, separated by a linear block of garaging which is overall considered to mitigate any amenity concerns. - Existing single-storey buildings are located to the rear of 11 and 13 St Mary s Road which are understood to be in use as storage facilities associated with the commercial premises. Notwithstanding, these buildings are located a sufficient distance from the proposed dwellings to result in any material adverse impact. Nos St Mary s Road are positioned between approx. 15m 21m from the proposed dwellings and are similarly not considered to be detrimentally impacted by the proposals. - Existing properties fronting Park Place are acknowledged as the most sensitive to the proposed development. A separation distance of circa 18m is achieved from the main rear wall of the terrace. The proposed block along the northern boundary of the application site (nearest to Webster Gardens garages) is set away from the boundary of No. 9 Park Place by a minimum of 2m. This block includes window openings at ground and roof level facing towards the shared space to the front. The full-height openings at ground level are sufficiently screened by way of a high-level fence so as to entirely screen the window and prevent views into or out from the dwelling from the Park Place properties. Similarly, the roof level window given its position and orientation will not allow for views towards Park Place. As such, the separation distance and proposed fenestration is considered to be satisfactory, so as not to result in any overlooking or loss of privacy to these properties. - Noting the single-storey form and separation distances from surrounding buildings, the proposal will not adversely overshadow remaining properties to the north, south or west of the site. - No unacceptable overlooking would result from the development, noting the proposal is restricted to single-storey massing. Page 22 of 28

23 - Submissions have raised concern that unacceptable noise impacts would result from use of the proposed private garden and central communal garden areas. It is considered that the use of these amenity spaces would be no different to use of private amenity space at the rear gardens of current properties and there is no evidence to suggest that the proposed use of these spaces of the site would intensify noise levels to unacceptable levels that would detrimentally impact the amenity of nearby residents. Overall it is considered the proposal complies with The London Plan (2016) polices 7.4 & 7.6 and Ealing s Adopted DPD (2013) policies 7A & 7B in this respect. Quality and Layout of the Proposed Living Accommodation London Plan policy 3.5 Quality and Design of Housing Developments and Ealing Local Variation to London Plan policy 3.5 require that housing developments should be of the highest quality internally and externally. Residential proposals should accord with the London Plan 2016 standards on internal space, layout, and proportion of wheelchair adaptable units. The table below sets out the minimum space standards required for new dwellings by the London Plan (2016) (Annex 4). The table sets out the areas of the proposed units: Unit Persons Bedrooms Storeys Requirement Proposed area Unit sqm 106sqm Unit sqm 106sqm Unit sqm 127sqm Unit sqm 127sqm The proposed units have the following bedroom sizes: Unit Bedroom Sizes Storeys No. of Persons Unit sqm and 18.3 sqm 2 4 Unit sqm and 18.3sqm 2 4 Unit sqm and 20.2sqm 2 4 Unit sqm and 20.2sqm 2 4 From the tables above, it is evident that all of the proposed units meet and, indeed, exceed the minimum space standards as specified in the London Plan Bedroom sizes and the combined living/dining/kitchen areas would, too, comply with the minimum sizes set down in the London Housing SPG. Internal ceiling heights to the 4no. proposed dwellings all exceed the minimum ceiling height requirements of 2.3m, achieving a height of 2.5m at lower ground floor and between 2.5m and 4m at ground floor level. All habitable rooms are considered to achieve adequate sunlight and natural ventilation noting they are serviced by windows or lightwells (i.e. lower ground floor terraces). The proposal is supported by a daylight/sunlight assessment which confirms that all habitable rooms will achieve adequate levels of daylight and sunlight, in accordance with the BRE guidelines. Page 23 of 28

24 Across all 4no. proposed dwellings, the principal living spaces (i.e. kitchen/dining/living rooms) are positioned on the ground floor to allow for maximum ingress of natural light, with bedrooms located to the floor below. As bedroom uses are considered to be more low intensity, nocturnal uses and more sensitive to noise, there location to the lower-ground level is acceptable. The dwellings are dual aspect to the ground floor with outlook provided to the front communal courtyard area and private gardens to the rear. Each bedroom on the lower ground level in all dwellings will have direct outlook/access to private terrace area measuring circa 11-14sqm. All units are provided with private outdoor amenity in the form of gardens and further private outdoor amenity space in the form of terraces at lower ground floor level. The two blocks are orientated towards a large centralised amenity space/courtyard. In consideration of the above, it is considered that the proposal is acceptable having regard to Policy 3.5 of the London Plan (2016), Policy 3.5 of the Development Management DPD (2013) and the Department for Communities and Local Government s Technical Housing Standards Nationally Described Space Standards (March 2015). Amenity Space The London Housing Supplementary Planning Guidance Standard and policy 7D of the Ealing Development Management Development Plan which provides that a minimum of 5sqm of private outdoor space should be provided for 1-2 person dwellings and an extra 1sqm should be provided for each additional occupant. The Ealing DPD specifies that this minimum requirement set down in The London Plan and that the amount and form of provision should respond to the physical context, respecting the established local character and pattern of building, public space, landscape and topography and prescribes that 50sqm of private garden space should be provided for new dwellings. Unit Occupancy Proposed Garden Proposed Private Terrace Communal Garden (145dqm total) Unit 1 2B 4P 22sqm 11sqm 36sqm 69sqm Unit 2 2B 4P 20sqm 11sqm 36sqm 67sqm Unit 3 2B 4P 22sqm 14sqm 36sqm 72sqm Unit 4 2B 4P 23sqm 14sqm 36sqm 73sqm Total Amenity Space Provision (sqm) It is noted that whilst the proposal does not provide 50sqm of private garden space, the total amenity space provided for each dwelling overall as a combined figure (i.e. private garden, private terrace and share of communal garden area) exceeds the minimum 50sqm required. The site would be provided with a communal amenity area / play space totalling 145m 2. Furthermore, the site is also within approx. 60m walking distance from Ealing Green Park which provides areas for additional informal recreation. In addition, it is noted that Walpole Park is within approx. 300m distance to the west and circa 500m distance of Ealing Common to the east. The proposed development is, therefore, considered to be acceptable in the context of the objectives of the London Housing SPG. Page 24 of 28

25 Archaeology The site is noted as being located within a wider area that is identified as an Archaeological Interest Area (moated site of Ealing Manor and Medieval Settlement). An archaeological assessment accompanies the proposal. The Greater London Archaeological Advisory Service (GLAAS) of Historic England have recommended conditions requiring two stage archaeological investigations to safeguard any potential archaeological interest on the site. Trees, Landscaping and Ecology London Plan policies 3.5, 5.10, 7.4, 7.6 and 7.21, Development Strategy policy 1.1(i), Development Management DPD variation to London Plan policies 5.10, 7.4 and policies 7B and 7D relate to landscaping and trees. The site currently comprises 7 trees. None of these trees have tree protection orders. The proposal seeks to remove 2 of the existing pear trees as part of the development. An Arboricultural report accompanies the application and notes that these two trees are in good health. The proposal seeks to replant three new trees within the proposed communal garden area in their place, effecting resulting in an uplift in the number of trees on site. This complies with Policy It is noted that the site will largely comprise of soft landscaping with green garden lawns and planting near boundaries. Proposed pathways will be finished with permeable paving. It is considered that the proposed landscape treatment for the site retains the largely green character of the existing site within the context of the new dwellings (please refer to Figure 2) Figure 2 - Proposed Amenity and Landscaping Page 25 of 28

Planning Committee 04/02/2015 Schedule Item 6. Smith Farm Estate, Old Bridge Close, Northolt, UB5 6UA.

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