Boorley Gardens Environmental Statement

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1 NTS Boorley Gardens Environmental Statement Non-technical Summary Non-technical Summary

2 Introduction NTS. NTS. NTS. NTS. Gleeson Developments Ltd, Miller Homes Ltd and Welbeck Strategic Land (hereafter ) have submitted an outline planning application to Eastleigh Borough Council (EBC) for residential development on land to the north west of Boorley Green, located within Botley ward, Eastleigh borough and Hampshire county. This application seeks the approval: a) In outline, for up to 0 dwellings, a primary school, a small area of employment space, associated infrastructure, public open space and landscape planting b) In detail, for access from Winchester Road. Figure NTS attached to this document shows the location of the application site in relation to Hedge End and the application boundary. An environmental impact assessment (EIA) has been undertaken, in accordance with schedule of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 0, to consider the potential for likely significant environmental effects to occur at the application site as a result of the proposed development. An environmental statement (ES) has been prepared to report the findings. This Non Technical Summary (NTS) provides a summary of the key elements/findings of the ES. It outlines the development, as proposed, and places it in its environmental context. It summarises the alternatives considered and methodology for the EIA. It outlines the approach to cumulative matters (the potential effect of this development in combination with others in the area). In summarising the results in respect of each environmental topic, the NTS first outlines the outcome for the scheme alone and then in combination. Environmental topics are arranged below in alphabetical order, not in order of significance. The proposed development site NTS. NTS. The.-hectare (ha) site lies to the north west of the village of Boorley Green (figure.). It is bounded on the east by a small number of residential properties and Winchester Road (B), beyond which lies the Macdonald Botley Park Hotel and golf course. The land around the hotel, including the golf course, has outline planning permission for residential-led development comprising,00 new homes. The western boundary is formed by the railway line, with Hedge End railway station close to the north west corner of the site. Ford Lake brook (also know as Moorgeen Stream) extends along the northern site boundary. Land to the north and south of the site is farmland on the urban fringe of Hedge End, including land to the south west which is the subject of a draft allocation in the submitted local plan for residential-led development comprising 00 homes. The site is undeveloped and comprises a mosaic of grazed and ungrazed pasture with hedgerows (some defunct) and tree belts along the field margins, and a small stream along its northern edge. The topography is relatively flat, sloping gently from m Above Ordnance Datum (AOD) in the north along the stream, to.m AOD in the south east. A short section of public footpath January 0 NTS-

3 runs along the northern half of the site, running east to north west from Winchester Road to Shamblehurst Lane. NTS. NTS. The site includes the Park Farm complex, which includes a 0s farmhouse, a number of relatively modern agricultural barns, outbuildings and hardstanding. There are no designated sites of nature conservation interest, scheduled monuments or listed buildings within the site. The wider environment NTS. Planning permission has been granted to develop part of the Macdonald Botley Park Hotel and golf course for,00 homes (planning application number O//), hereafter referred to as the Boorley Fields development, as named by the applicant for that site. NTS.0 The nearest designated site of nature conservation interest is Moorgreen Meadows Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), approximately km to the west of the site. The Solent Maritime Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and Solent and Southampton Water Special Protection Area (SPA), SSSI and Ramsar site lie approximately km to the south of the site. NTS. The nearest scheduled ancient monument is Fairthorne Manor Roman site, approximately km to the south east. The closest listed structure is within the residential area of Boorley Green, approximately 00m to the south of the site, and there are a number of other listed buildings within a km radius of the site. Figure NTS shows the location of sensitive receptors () in relation to the application site. The proposed development NTS. Figure NTS illustrates the proposed distribution of land uses across the application site. The main land use will be residential development (. ha) and this will accommodate dwellings ranging in size, type and tenure, including up to % affordable housing. The focus of the development is for two three storey family housing..0 ha of land in the central eastern side of the site is reserved for a two-form entry primary school with associated playing fields, playground and staff car park. A 0. ha area in the east of the application site is proposed for mixed-use development, referred to below as the local centre (including possibly: retail, restaurant, public house, residential crèche / day nursery, GP surgery and/or community uses, subject to demand). NTS. A.0 ha area for outdoor sports facilities is proposed towards the west of the application site. A range of public open spaces will also be provided, including children s play space and land for allotments. NTS. The above configuration of land uses is shown on figure NTS and demonstrates the strategic approach to the site. Figure NTS provides a proportionate level of detail necessary to assess the likely environmental effects of the development. Amendments to the strategic layout may be made during the course of negotiations, prior to the determination of the application, A receptor is a part of the natural or man made environment, such as a river, a woodland, a person or a building, that is affected by an impact. January 0 NTS-

4 or at a later detailed stage, provided such amendments do not alter the outcome of the EIA, as reported in this ES. In particular, the scheme has been designed to provide the flexibility to allow for future provision of a car parking area servicing the station (approximately cars) within the development zone closest to the pedestrian link to Shamblehurst Lane, if this is required. NTS. Structural planting proposed on the western side of the application site will be incorporated into the proposed development, creating green corridors and buffers between the proposed development and the railway line, with Hedge End beyond. There are no Tree Preservation Orders (TPO) within the application site. The proposed development will retain the majority of existing trees and as many of the hedgerows as possible. NTS. While the building heights parameter plan (figure NTS) allows for buildings to be up to three storeys high in parts of the site, most of the residential development will be up to two and a half storeys high with significant areas of two storey housing. The proposed dwellings will be developed at a range of densities (figure NTS), from to dwellings per hectare in the western, northern and southern edges of the application site and. to dwellings per hectare in the central eastern part of the site. NTS. Figure NTS shows the new proposed access point from Winchester Road into the proposed development and the primary route through the site. NTS. The northern arm of the primary road has been designed so that a bus could run through the development, to the north west corner of the site, to encourage new residents to use the bus service and Hedge End railway station. Figure NTS shows the route of the proposed bus link. NTS. Access from the primary road into the proposed residential development parcels will be provided via a network of smaller roads. These will link the various residential parcels to each other as well as to the public open spaces, play space, outdoor sports facilities and to the non-residential uses, including the land reserved for the school. Most of the residential properties will be accessed via side streets or minor roads, which will be designed for speeds of 0 mph. NTS.0 A network of footpaths and cycleways will be provided within the development, as proposed, (figure NTS) to ensure good linkages between the proposed residential parcels and adjoining open spaces and nonresidential uses. The routes proposed have generally been located within overlooked green corridors. Footway links to the east of the application site, onto Winchester Road, will provide a direct means of access from the Boorley Fields development. A lit footway/cycle way will be created in the north west corner of the site, connecting onto Shamblehurst Lane, to facilitate access to the railway station. The existing road over the railway bridge is proposed to be signalised, to create single file traffic flows over the bridge itself and enable a footway to be created over the bridge. Other than an emergency access, it is not proposed to create a general vehicular link onto Shamblehurst Lane. NTS. The proposed surface water drainage strategy will be designed to mimic the natural drainage of the application site and will incorporate a range of sustainable drainage system (SuDS) techniques including traditional swales (lower lying areas/ditches) and attenuation ponds. Surface water runoff from the proposed development will drain into six attenuation basins towards the January 0 NTS-

5 south, west and north of the application site before discharging, at controlled rates, into the Moorgreen Stream / Ford Lake brook and the drainage ditch to the south of the site. NTS. No residential development is proposed within the flood zone of Moorgreen Stream. The flood zone within the red line boundary will be maintained as open space running alongside the brook and linking to other open space to the west of the application site. NTS. Figure NTS indicates how the proposed development could be built out. Subject to a grant of planning permission, it is currently envisaged that site preparation / infrastructure work will start in spring 0 and house building construction work will start in late summer 0, with all work completed by 0. It is estimated that over the whole development period an average of homes will be delivered each year, with a maximum of around 0 in any one-year. NTS. It is expected that the construction of the site access and associated roundabout will commence in spring 0. It is proposed that the open space will be delivered in stages alongside delivery of the development parcels. It is not known at this stage when Hampshire County Council (HCC) would construct the primary school, the land for which is sized to serve a larger residential area than just the application proposals. As the Education Authority, HCC has responsibility for ensuring sufficient school places exist. Alternatives NTS. The application site comprises land under option by the consortium comprising The site is considered to be a highly sustainable location and therefore suitable for residential development. NTS. The master plan (as shown in the Design and Access Statement that forms part of the application) and associated EIA parameter plans have evolved over time and have been subject to a number of iterations following consultation with design and environmental professionals and the results of baseline environmental studies. The main aspects of the master plan / parameter plans where alternatives were considered are as follows: The number of dwellings that can be accommodated within the application site has been the subject of some consideration. Early concepts looked at a range of dwelling numbers, including the provision of up to 0 dwellings. Up to 0 dwellings was arrived at as it was considered that this scale of development would optimise the use of the site, providing needed new homes, whist providing a more appropriate response to the site s existing green infrastructure. It would offer a sustainable green master plan, which balances the level of natural framework provision within the site and commercial viability. The size and landscape character of the open area to be retained between the new built development and existing northern edge of Hedge End while this was always a key design principle, the character and subsequent proposed structural planting of this area has been carefully considered and has evolved over time to serve as both a landscape buffer and a quality natural open space that would maintain the visual and physical separation of the January 0 NTS-

6 expanded settlement of Boorley Green (including Boorley fields and the development subject to this application) from Hedge End. The link to Hedge End railway station this formed a key design principle because it is important to encourage sustainable transport uses by providing safe, convenient and attractive access. However different approaches were considered to identify that which would provide an attractive and useable link whilst minimising tree loss. The location of the primary school and local centre these have always been included around the location shown. This ensures that the primary school and local facilities are within a comfortable walking distance for all future residents to the scheme. The position also responds to the location of the local centre within the permitted Boorley Fields development, with the Boorley Gardens proposals looking to complement and strengthen that local centre. Inclusion of a m buffer along Moorgreen Stream while the built development was always to be excluded from the flood zone an additional m buffer along the entire stretch of stream, within the application site, was agreed in consultation with the county ecologist creating the opportunity to provide biodiversity enhancement. The position of the playing pitches responded to the topography of the site and the relationship between the proposed dwellings, open space and northern edge of Hedge End. The pitches were located alongside the railway line in order to provide an amenity buffer between the residential development and railway line. Allotments the allotments have always been located around the location shown. This position benefits from the gentle south-facing slope, provides a transition between the naturalistic southern landscape, the open space and subsequent views into the site. Allotments were also considered as part linear park adjacent to the railway line, but were discounted as these would have introduced a more urbanising feature into this space and would have required vehicle links and parking, that would have undermined the principle of a naturalistic green corridor. Footpaths these have evolved in line with the master plan but generally have been consistent, ensuring a safe east/north west connection through the site to the bus stops and the railway station, complemented by north to south connections as part of a comprehensive movement framework. The location of on-site drainage ponds / attenuation areas was determined by the proposed built layout and existing ground levels, and subsequent drainage pathways. NTS. Further details of the evolution of the master plan and design rationale can be found in the Design and Access Statement submitted in support of the application. Assessment methodology NTS. The initial stage of the EIA was the production of a scoping report that identified the potential environmental effects to be addressed during the process. This was issued to a range of statutory consultees for comment in January 0 NTS-

7 response to which a number of additional issues were identified. The scope of the EIA undertaken is therefore comprehensive and robust. NTS. The various specialist assessments, discussed in more detail below, followed generally similar methodologies. All methodologies were undertaken in accordance with current guidance and best practice. Desk and/or field studies were undertaken to establish the existing situation (the baseline) at and surrounding the application site. The effects of the proposed development were established using a method that compares the sensitivity and importance of receptors with the likely size of the predicted change to establish the degree of the effects. If the combination of factors results in a degree of effect that is moderate, or above, then the effect is considered to be significant. Significant effects can be either beneficial or adverse. Slight or negligible effects are not considered to be significant. NTS.0 The degree of an effect determines the resources that should be put in place to avoid or reduce (mitigate) an adverse significant effect and helps to identify the value of a beneficial significant effect. Cumulative effects NTS. For the purposes of assessing any likely significant effects of the proposed development together with other relevant schemes that are operational, constructed, consented, for which planning permissions are currently being sought, or that are identified in EBC s submitted local plan, the following were identified during the scoping process for inclusion within the EIA (figure NTS): Outline: St Swithun Wells Church and adjacent land, Allington Lane dwellings including new junction with Allington Lane (Fair Oak and Horton Heath Ward) Outline: Land at corner of Knowle Lane and Mortimers Lane - Residential development for up to dwellings, parking, open space and landscaping (Fair Oak and Horton Heath Ward) Outline: Land off Bubb Lane, West End dwellings, public open space, children s play area, and land for doctors surgery (West End North Ward) Permitted: Land at Dowd s Farm 0- dwellings, primary school, urban park and development for business use (Hedge End Grange Park Ward), although the majority of the development is complete Outline: Land south of St John s Road dwellings, new vehicular access from St John s Road, landscaping and public open space Outline: Land to north and east of Boorley Green 00 dwellings, new local centre, retail and employment floorspace, primary school, sports and open space facilities and allotments (Botley Ward) Permitted: Land east of Dodwell Lane and north of Pylands Lane 0 dwellings, Sunday s Hill Bypass, public open space and children s play space (Burseldon and Old Netley Ward) Allocated HE: Land west of Woodhouse Lane up to 00 dwellings, primary school, and public open space (Hedge End Grange Park Ward) January 0 NTS-

8 Allocated site WE: Land west of Horton Heath up to 0 dwellings, employment floorspace, secondary school, public open space and community facilities (West End North Ward) Allocated site BO: Land north-east of Winchester Street up to 00 dwellings, public open space and allotments (Botley Ward) Environmental effects Air quality NTS. The air quality assessment focused on development generated traffic-related pollutants (nitrogen dioxide and fine particulate matter), although construction dust was also addressed. A number of representative sensitive residential receptors were identified in the surrounding area and the existing sources of emissions (such as those associated with the local and strategic road network) were considered. The nearest Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) is within Botley High Street approximately km south east. NTS. Background levels of nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter were obtained from EBC s monitoring programme and DEFRA s modelling data (). This information was then used to model air quality at sensitive receptors in the vicinity of the application site and along the local and strategic road network where the potential impact on air quality would likely be greatest. NTS. During the construction process, there is the potential for increased dust generation from activities such as site preparation, earthworks and transportation and storage of materials. A range of best practice mitigation measures will be put in place to ensure there will be no significant effects on local sensitive receptors from increased dust generation. These measures will include road sweeping, covering stockpiles and using water to minimise dust. These are outlined in the Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan detailing construction procedures necessary to avoid environmental effects or nuisance during the construction process. NTS. The modelling undertaken to predict post-construction emissions (based on the traffic data provided within the traffic assessment) showed that there will be no significant increase in the concentrations of nitrogen dioxide or particulate matter as a result of the proposed development. NTS. The other schemes being considered cumulatively will be required to put in place similar best practice construction measures to restrict dust generation. No cumulative dust effects are predicted. The air quality modelling does not predict any significant cumulative effects on air quality post-construction. Community, social and economic effects NTS. The provision of new dwellings, open space, land for a primary school, and other non-residential uses has the potential to have effects on the existing local community, current conditions in Botley ward, Hedge End town centre and Eastleigh borough as a whole. These include the increase in population, provision of new housing, generation of employment and increased demand for and provision of community facilities and services. The Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, UK-Air website January 0 NTS-

9 NTS. Botley ward s demography shows a lower percentage of single person and pensioner households, compared with Eastleigh borough, regional and national averages. The ward also has a higher proportion of lone parents and a slightly higher proportion of childless couples in comparison to the borough, regional and national levels. However, overall Botley ward s household composition does not vary significantly from the borough, regional or national averages. NTS. EBC has failed to meet its housing requirements in the past. The Eastleigh Borough Local Plan examining Inspector has very recently ( December 0) found that Eastleigh Borough Council has persistently under-delivered with respect to the provision of its housing requirements. Further, that in producing a new plan, it has failed to recognise the true objective assessment of housing need. In Particular, there is also an existing shortfall of affordable housing within the borough. NTS.0 Unemployment in Eastleigh borough and the south east of England is below the national average. Hedge End and Botley offer local shops and services with relatively few vacant shops. NTS. There is a shortage of outdoor sports facilities, children s play areas and parks in Botley ward. But the ward is well served in terms of indoor sports facilities. EBC has identified that existing libraries in the borough are undersized. The existing footpath running east to north west through the application site will be retained during construction. NTS. There is no spare capacity in the primary school within whose catchment the application site is located. The catchment secondary school has limited spare capacity. NTS. There are four doctor s surgeries within km of the application site and, although one surgery is considered near capacity and the other three are over capacity, all surgeries are accepting new patients. There are four NHS dental practices within km of the application site, one of which is currently accepting new NHS patients. NTS. It is estimated that the construction of the proposed development will generate approximately 0 construction jobs and 0 supply chain jobs, which, while representing a slight beneficial effect, is not considered to be significant (this significance is generated specifically from the EIA methodology and does not detract from the significance that the Government places on the economic benefits of development). Once complete, the mixed-use element of the proposals will generate employment, resulting in a slight, beneficial effect, which is not significant. NTS. There will be a long term increase in population when the development is occupied, which, although of slight (non-significant) effect at ward level, will be negligible at a borough level. The proposals will lead to an increase in housing provision in the area, which will be of moderate significance at ward level, and will give rise to a slight, beneficial effect at the borough level that will not be significant. The proposals will lead to a moderate, beneficial effect to the availability of affordable dwellings in the district. Again it is important to note the clear distinction between this outcome, using the EIA methodology, and Based on Department of Health s standard doctor to patient ratio. January 0 NTS-

10 the beneficial significance of the scheme relative to helping to meet the borough s objective assessment of housing need and other policy requirements for the supply of land for housing in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (as set out in the planning statement). NTS. The proposal provides land for a two-form entry primary school. This facility would accommodate the future child occupants of the development in addition to creating additional school places within the catchment. This will be a change of large magnitude and result in a substantial significant beneficial effect. In terms of secondary school places, the proposed development will take the catchment school over capacity, giving a change of small magnitude and a slight adverse effect, which is not significant. NTS. Financial contributions will be made through legal agreements to provide for the increase in demand for secondary school places. Should Hampshire County Council decide not to provide a primary school on the land reserved for this purpose, a similar arrangement will be made for contributions to primary education. Financial contributions are also proposed to support an expansion of existing library services. NTS. The cumulative assessment with the other schemes, as set out above (where information is available), was undertaken at a borough level as each scheme falls into different wards. The cumulative population increase (which is slight and therefore not significant at a borough level) will result in an increased demand on businesses, community facilities, doctor and dental provision and local centre shops. There will be an opportunity to mitigate some of these issues within the proposed local centre. As for the proposed development, for all of the cumulative developments financial contributions, where CIL compliant, will be secured through the legal agreement will mitigate any significant effects on these facilities and services. NTS. For the purposes of the cumulative effect on schools, only sites that are within the same catchment as the application site were considered. Due to the provision made for primary schools at the application site and the land to north and east of Boorley Green, a net increase in school places in the catchment is deliverable, representing a substantial beneficial effect. The combined developments within the catchment area of the secondary school would result in a substantial significant adverse effect. However, one of the cumulative schemes in the wider area includes provision of a new secondary school whose catchment would include the application site and appropriate financial contributions will be made by all of the catchment developments to secure its provision. Cultural heritage NTS.0 The application site has been the subject of a desk-based assessment and geophysical survey, in order to appreciate the likely impact that the proposed development could have on the cultural heritage resource, both on the application site and in the immediate vicinity. There are no scheduled monuments, listed buildings, or registered parks and gardens within the application site. The nearest listed buildings, at Newhouse Farm, consists of a granary and two barns of th and early th century date. January 0 NTS-

11 NTS. The range of archaeological survey work undertaken was agreed in consultation with the Hampshire County Archaeologist and focused on areas proposed for built development across the application site. The geophysical survey results indicate the site may have been utilised and/or settled in the prehistoric times but no precise dates are currently known. On the basis of the evidence, it is not anticipated that the potential archaeology revealed will be deemed of such significance to require preservation in situ. NTS. A mitigation strategy (trench evaluation followed by excavation of archaeology uncovered) to preserve by record the archaeological features revealed by the geophysical survey is proposed. The evidence recovered will deliver a beneficial effect in terms of understanding the former archaeological use of the site area. This is to be implemented pre-commencement of any of the development parcels on site. Appropriate levels of dissemination of the results will ensure the findings are accessible to as wide an audience as possible. NTS. There is the potential for adverse cumulative effects on the archaeological resource of the area as a result of the other developments proposed. However, a similar approach in terms of archaeological evaluation and preservation by record can be expected to be applied to these sites in order to inform and mitigate potential effects. No cumulative effects are therefore predicted. Ground conditions NTS. The ground conditions at the site were established following thorough site inspection and with reference to existing data sources (current and historic). The site has historically been in agricultural use and is currently undeveloped. Much of the site is used for grazing and parts of the site accommodate associated agricultural structures/ features including barns, milking station, manure pile, fuel and oil tanks and farm machinery. No signs of contamination were recorded during the site visit, although a number of potential sources of contaminants were noted including the farming uses, farm buildings (asbestos) and adjacent land uses (railway and haulage vehicle service and repair). NTS. Once the detailed design of each land parcel within the scheme is agreed, targeted soil samples will need to be taken to identify if any contamination is present. The appropriate standard remediation measures will be employed to clean the soil. Prior to the demolition of any of the farm buildings a full asbestos survey will be undertaken and a qualified contractor will remove any asbestos material if present. NTS. A range of best practice construction techniques (including workers using appropriate protective clothing, control of dust, inspection/testing of any suspect material, and remediation/removal if necessary) will be employed to ensure that there will be no significant adverse effects on human health or the water environment as a result of undiscovered contamination hotspots. Should any on-site contamination be discovered during construction, an appropriate strategy will be developed to remediate it. NTS. The soil testing will confirm the nature of any contamination that may be present and any required remediation undertaken during construction will ensure that soil is suitable for its post-construction use (e.g. open space and private gardens) and present no risk to end-users. January 0 NTS-0

12 NTS. There are no potential links between the application site and other local development proposals, so no cumulative effects are anticipated. Landscape and visual effects NTS. Desk and field studies were carried out to evaluate the landscape in and around the application site, and to identify potential sensitive views. Several were selected to provide representative viewpoints from various locations. NTS.0 The application site lies within the local landscape character area of Horton Heath Undulating Farmland. It is not subject to any national landscape designations. Although is part of a locally designated countryside gap between Hedge End and Horton Heath/Boorley Green, the local plan examining Inspector has stated that the evidence base does not justify on a rigorous and comprehensive basis the need for gap designation, the choice of location for gaps or the extent of the designated area of any gaps identified. NTS. The potential impacts on the landscape and visual resources were a significant consideration in terms of the master plan design of the proposed development. In particular, building heights, the location of open space, retention of existing woodland and trees, where possible, retention of existing planting and proposed new structural planting, were all key landscape and visual measures incorporated into the design. NTS. The proposed development will lead to a permanent change to the landscape character of the application site, but no significant effects to surrounding landscape character areas. Twelve representative views were assessed, of which only four (views from the footpath at the edge of Hedge End housing, from the layby at the northern end of Shamblehurst Lane North, from the footpath adjacent to Winchester Road and from Boorley Green) are considered to have significant adverse effects during and post-construction. Taking into account the additional mitigation likely to come forward in the detailed design phase along with the proposed planting that forms part of the outline master plan design (after years of vegetation growth), the visual effects for all four viewpoints will be reduced but continue to be significant. NTS. The cumulative landscape and visual assessment only considered schemes within study area agreed with EBC s landscape officer. As all the sites considered within the assessment lie within the same landscape character area, it is considered that cumulatively there would be a significant effect on this character area. NTS. In terms of cumulative visual effects, for the majority of the sites it would either not be possible to see them and the application site, or there would be very small views together so no significant effects are predicted. The most significant is Boorley Fields, due to its close proximity. Users of Winchester Road are likely to have views of development proposals on both sites but this would be limited to the section of road, which passes between the application site and Boorley Fields (from the Botley Park Hotel to Moorgreen Stream/Ford Lake). The scale of inter-visibility would, however, be dependent upon the detailed scheme design for Boorley Fields and would in time be mitigated by planting proposed as part of this application. There are potential cumulative visual impacts between the application site and land west of Woodhouse Lane, which is immediately to the south of the site. Users of Woodhouse Lane January 0 NTS-

13 and properties and the public right of way on the west edge of Botley are likely to have views of both sites. Natural heritage NTS. A desk study and field surveys were undertaken to establish the baseline ecological conditions in order to appreciate the likely impact that the proposed development could have on the site s natural heritage resource and on designated sites in the vicinity. NTS. The application site is mainly pasture consisting of improved grassland, hedgerows with trees along the field boundaries, a small area of scrub and a small area of plantation woodland adjacent to Moorgreen Stream / Ford Lake brook in the north west corner. It lies close to a number of statutorily protected sites: the Solent and Southampton Water SPA, SSSI and Ramsar site, the Solent Maritime SAC and the River Itchen SAC. NTS. The application site was identified as being used by low numbers of bats for foraging and commuting, the low levels of activity suggesting the absence of a roost on site. A survey of the on site barns concluded they hold negligible potential to support roosting bats. The application site also provides suitable foraging and nesting habitat for a number of species of birds. NTS. Populations of slow worm and grass snake were found in the areas of tussocky grass towards the south west of the application site. A limited number of notable invertebrates were recorded on site associated with the trees and hedegrows. NTS. No further evidence of protected or notable species was recorded within the application site. NTS.0 A programme of mitigation measures will be put in place during and postconstruction to minimise effects on protected species and habitats. This includes the use of best practice measures during construction and complying with national wildlife legislation, such as undertaking vegetation removal outside the bird nesting season where possible, clearance of reptiles from each phase of the development ahead of construction, and checking trees for presence of roosting bats prior to their removal if it is necessary to facilitate construction. NTS. Post-construction, the proposal will include six basins that will form part of the site wide drainage strategy. These and other measures set out in the drainage strategy will ensure that there will be no impact on the quality of water entering the Southampton and Solent Water SPA, SSSI and Ramsar site, and the Solent Maritime SAC. The proposed development is considered to meet the legal test of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 00 (as amended) by avoiding/mitigating any likely significant impacts on European sites designated for their conservation interest. NTS. The development will include features such as bird and bat boxes postconstruction, along with appropriately designed lighting (to avoid light spill in sensitive areas). Four hibernation sites will be established for reptiles and, along with areas of tussocky semi-natural grassland, will ensure there will be no significant adverse effects on this species. A m corridor, managed to January 0 NTS-

14 create a scrub/native wildflower grassland, will be maintained along the length of the Ford Lake brook forming the northern boundary of the site. NTS. The proposed development may result in an increase in cats in the local area, which could lead to an increase in predation on small mammals and birds. This is unlikely to result in a significant effect on bird or bat populations. NTS. Although the botanical interest of the application site is limited, the development will lead to the loss of improved pasture grassland, scrub, a small number of individual trees and short lengths of hedgerow. Additional planting proposed in the master plan will strengthen existing vegetation and create new hedgerows, and the open space will be planted with native wildflower grassland and shrubs to create new semi-improved grassland and scrub areas. With the exception of improved pasture grassland (where a significant adverse effect remains), this will mitigate the loss of habitats, and in the case of the semi-natural grassland and native shrubs will result in a moderate beneficial effect. NTS. The cumulative developments will result in the loss of improved grassland. Given the scale of improved grassland in the borough and its limited botanical value, this in not considered significant at the wider borough scale. Noise and vibration NTS. The noise assessment considered the noise environment in the vicinity of the application site and the potential significant effects of the proposed development during and post-construction, including road and industrial noise. Noise monitoring was undertaken at two locations: in a field to the south of Park Farm farmhouse and centrally on the western boundary, where the dominant noise sources were the B and the railway line respectively. NTS. Sources of noise during the construction phase are related to construction plant (including site preparation, earthworks and building activities) and traffic movements. By employing appropriate site management practices, the potential for adverse noise impacts from construction vehicles and plant during the works will be minimised. This will be done by employing measures such as the prefabrication of materials where possible, locating noise generating activities away from sensitive receptors, good public relations, controlling site traffic away from sensitive receptors, and use of quiet working methods. NTS. The noise modelling indicates that increased post-construction road traffic noise at existing receptors will result in a slight adverse effect that will not be significant. Within the site, land immediately alongside the railway line is not proposed for residential use, then employing a range of mitigation measures (e.g. orientation of buildings, putting bedrooms facing away from noise sources and improving glazing specifications) at the detailed design stage will ensure that the proposed residential properties will not be adversely affected by the proposed road traffic noise. NTS. Specific uses of the non-residential area have yet to be determined. There remains the potential for certain uses to give rise to noise effects (such as from ventilation systems), but this will be assessed at the detailed application stage to ensure that no significant effects arise. The proposed primary school will be designed to meet with the relevant noise limits for schools. January 0 NTS-

15 NTS.0 In terms of potential cumulative issues, all developments in the local area would be subject to standard best practice construction methods to minimise noise, therefore it is unlikely that a significant effect would occur. The modelling showed that there would be no significant cumulative post-construction traffic noise effects. Traffic and transport NTS. The traffic and transport assessment addresses the effect of the increased traffic associated with the proposals on existing traffic flows on the surrounding road network, road traffic accidents, walking and cycling infrastructure and public transport. NTS. Industry approved traffic modelling software has been used to assess local junctions, at locations where the implications of the additional traffic from the proposed development is likely to have a potential impact. These junctions were agreed with Hampshire County Council (HCC) as the local highways authority. NTS. As with all of the assessments, the traffic assessment includes the cumulative effect of the proposed development with other committed developments in the local area. NTS. It is considered unlikely that the day-to-day traffic movements associated with construction will exceed 0 heavy goods vehicles entering and leaving the site each day during the six-year construction period and 00 staff vehicles accessing the site per day. The vast majority of these vehicle movements will take place outside of traditional highway peak hours (0:0-0:0 and :0- :0) hence, it is not considered that this will result in operational problems. NTS. No significant driver delay and accident risk are anticipated during the construction phase. No movements of hazardous waste are anticipated, should any contaminated material be encountered during construction appropriate standard transportation protocols will be followed. Nonetheless a it is proposed that a Construction Traffic Management Plan would be agreed pre-commencement to safeguard the highways, drivers and cyclists/pedestrians during construction. NTS. It is proposed to introduce personalised travelling planning (PTP) in the vicinity of the site, in order to provide network-wide highway capacity benefits across Hedge End. PTP encourages people to use sustainable transport methods (public transport, walking and cycling) instead of private cars. Reducing private car use leads to a reduction in traffic congestion on local roads. Discussions have been held with Sustrans (a travel choice charity) and have confirmed that Hedge End is a suitable area for this measure. PTP schemes in Exeter and Lowestoft have recorded reductions in the order of % in personal car use. NTS. In addition, residents of the proposed development will receive a travel pack containing information on non-car travel. A bespoke residential travel plan for the proposed development will be developed from the draft travel plan submitted in support of the planning application. January 0 NTS-

16 NTS. Off-site highway improvement works are proposed to two-road junctions, provided directly by the applicant to help relieve traffic congestion. These are to be discussed further and agreed with HCC in due course. NTS. The proposed development includes a number of improvements for cyclists and pedestrians. In addition to the new cycle routes set out in figure NTS it is also proposed to route the bus service, which currently runs on Winchester Road, into the application site facilitating access to the railway station for residents and non-residents of the proposed development. This will ensure that all future residents of the scheme will be with a 0-minute walk of the railway station or a bus stop. NTS.0 Implementing these measures will mean that the proposed development will not give rise to any significant traffic and transport effects. NTS. When the Boorley Fields/Pylands Lane schemes come forward, it is considered that the combination of the mitigation measures outlined for the proposed development and the inclusion of the Sunday s Hill Bypass as part of the Boorley Fields/Pylands Lane schemes will be adequate to mitigate the traffic impact of development at the two sites and the other committed developments in the local area. Water environment NTS. The water environment assessment considered the likely significant environmental effects of the proposed development on the Moorgreen Stream, which forms the northern boundary of the application site, the River Hamble, other local watercourses, drainage ditches and groundwater. It also considered water infrastructure, including local water supply and the sewer network. NTS. The majority of the application site is considered to be at low risk from flooding, but there is a small area classed as being of medium or high risk of flooding around Moorgreen stream. Land that is at medium to high risk of flooding will be used for less sensitive uses, such as open space, with the proposed residential properties only located in areas of low flood risk. NTS. Southern Water is the public water supply company for the area. Southern Water has confirmed there is currently sufficient capacity within the trunk main in Winchester Road to serve the development s water demand without any reinforcement works. Southern Water Ltd has confirmed that there is currently insufficient capacity within the local foul sewerage network to accommodate the proposed development. A number of off-site works to the existing sewage network are proposed consisting primarily of upgrades of sewage pipe work. NTS. A range of mitigation measures will be put in place during construction to ensure there will be no significant effects on surface water or groundwater quality, in accordance with the Environment Agency s Pollution Prevention Guidelines. These are to be included in a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) and include temporary ponds to allow silt to gravitate out of the run off before being discharged into Moorgreen stream, and temporary earth embankments to contain surface water to prevent a rise in flood risk January 0 NTS-

17 NTS. The proposed drainage strategy has been designed to ensure that surface water runoff will be controlled within the application site, so there will be no increase in the risk of flooding off site. It also incorporates measures to ensure any pollution from the development (such as fuel spills or fertiliser use) does not have an adverse effect on water quality. Following the implementation of these mitigation measures, no significant effects are predicted on water resources during or post-construction. NTS. Whilst the proposed sewage infrastructure works will ensure there are no adverse effects from the proposed scheme, cumulative development pressure may result in a slight adverse effect until appropriate upgrades are made. This cumulative effect is not considered to be significant. Conclusion NTS. This non-technical summary has outlined the findings of the EIA of the proposed residential-led development at land north west of Boorley Green, contained within the ES that accompanies the planning application. The proposed development will result in a number of changes to the local environment, but a range of measures will be put in place to minimise potential significant adverse effects and enhance beneficial effects. NTS. Copies of the full ES and its technical appendices have been distributed to EBC and the statutory consultees. The full documents are available for public inspection during the consultation period at EBC s offices at the address below: Eastleigh Borough Council Eastleigh Upper Market Street Eastleigh SO0 YN NTS.00 All the planning application documents should also be accessible from the council s website: NTS.0 Copies of the ES on CD can be purchased from Terence O Rourke Ltd at a price that reflects the time and production costs. Paper copies may also be available (at printing cost) from Terence O Rourke Ltd at the following address: Terence O Rourke Ltd Everdene Deansleigh Road Bournemouth BH DU Tel: 00 January 0 NTS-

18 Site boundary Figure.: Site location plan Land to the north west of Boorley Green Gleeson Development Ltd, Miller Homes and Welbeck Strategic 0 0 m Revision I 0 January 0 Drawn by: JC Checked by: TS Scale: Based upon the 0 Ordnance Survey :0,000 colour raster map with the permission of the Ordnance Survey on behalf of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, Crown copyright. Terence O'Rourke Ltd. Licence No Copyright Terence O'Rourke Ltd, 0 London Linen Hall - Regent Street London WB TE Bournemouth Everdene Deansleigh Road Bournemouth BH DU 00 Boorley Gardens Environmental Statement Figure NTS Site location and site boundary

19 !( Historic buildings on the AHBR Archaeology Listed buildings Scheduled monuments Special Protection Area and Ramsar site Special Area of Conservation Site of Special Scientific Interest!(!(!(!(!( Local Nature Reserve Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) Flood area Conservation areas SINCs (Ford Lake)!( locations # #!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!( Rights of Way Site boundary # Existing education provision. Botley CofE Primary School. Wildern Secondary School # # #!( # # #!( Figure.: Sensitive receptors in the vicinity of the application site Land to the north west of Boorley Green Gleeson Development Ltd, Miller Homes and Welbeck Strategic 0 0 m Dwgno/0/SP 0 December 0 Revision Drawn by: JC I Checked by: TS Scale: # Existing retail. Hedge End retail park. Botley high Street Based upon the 0 Ordnance Survey :,000 colour raster map with the permission of the Ordnance Survey on behalf of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, Crown copyright. Terence O'Rourke Ltd. Licence No Data provided by Natural England, English Heritage, EA and Hbic Copyright Terence O'Rourke Ltd, 0 # Existing recreational facilities. Manor Farm Country Park. Botley Centre. Greta Park. Dowds Farm Urban Park. Botley Market Hall Community Centre. Drummond Centre Boorley Gardens Environmental Statement # London Linen Hall - Regent Street London WB TE Bournemouth Everdene Deansleigh Road Bournemouth BH DU 00 Figure NTS Sensitive receptors in the vicinity of the application site

20 st Bdy Key Key Red line -. ha The Firs Red line -. ha Mereworth Bungalow Residential development areas -.ha.m.m Residential development areas -.ha CHANCELLORS LANE.m Mixed use - 0.ha.m.m 0.m Dra CS Mixed use - 0.ha Land for primary school -.0ha Ford Lake.m in.m 0.m.m CHANCELLORS LANE.m.m.m WINC AD ER RO HEST in Dra CS Primary and secondary movement corridors -.ha Land for primary school -.0ha ck Tra Ford Lake.m The Kestrel AD R RO ESTE CH WIN Road crossing open space - 0.0ha Primary and secondary corridors -.ha Public square - movement 0.0ha ck Tra Formal open space -.0ha Dra Road crossing open space - 0.0ha in.m Informal open space -.ha Public square - 0.0ha Attenuation basin -.0ha Braxells Dra locations - N/A Formal open Proposed space -swale.0ha URST LANE NORTH in Allotments - 0.0ha.m SHAMBLEH Informal open space -.ha Highway improvement works - 0.ha Attenuation basin -.0ha Braxell Unit Braxells.m Proposed swale locations - N/A Well in Dra Bridge s t CR e Trac 0 k CH.m EL TE NH AM ENS RD EN TENH AM GARD CS S ED & Allotments - 0.0ha GA Wa rd Bd y CHEL Park Farm ET to L Highway improvement works - 0.ha De f to Braxells Farm.0m Hedge End Station Cranleigh Braxell 0 B Unit 0 TCB Sta 0 MARTLEY GARDENS 0 MA UN SE LL WA Y 0 in E NO RT H Dra T LAN RS BLE HU 0 AY LE Y 0 W 0 ST RO UD ck SH Tra AM Botley Park Hotel and Country Club G RE SL EY G AR OS EN E D CE CL S WR EN ST ED & Bd De y f RAT to W ard 0 GAR ET Notes/Revisions L T CLO SE Sub Sta Park Farm LA 0 Tennis Courts 0 M AL VE Braxells Farm RN G ST AR NE DE LA NS UR.0m EH BL AM SH D.m 0 OL Barn (PH) Long Common O RE Marokesa Labyrinth PT Appletree 0 M AU W lls xe Bra AT NS KI L EL N RO DE AR N G Myrtle O PT RE Ho 0 us 0 e LB DI CR ES CE Sta S EN RD TON NT Sub GA Bushey Dene REP ain s Co boro tta ge ugh s Bra LY MP. NG xe AR Hedge End Consortium G 0 Mimosa SE RI e acr se ng Lo Hou Play Area a 0 E TI AT Lodge b St BE Hedge End lls 00m h ug oro insb se Ga Hou NS 0 AY W AD e dg Lo Su ns Pumping Station 0 Botley Park Hotel and Country Club 0 0 Cherry Dene EN AD W LL 0 CLO RD RD LA NE Notes/Revisions Final 0 CLOS Ever ETT Signal Light ns Drawn by: A M.m :000@A 0 0 ls.m e Th 0 Gas Gov 0a La 0 ure 0 0 Dec 0 W O XF O DD RD gree MALL 0 a E a AY NS DE AR RISE FO Upper Buildings G Date issued: OX Torrestyn N TO ELLIOT DD Sta Tennis Courts Su G IN b BI.m 0 Longlands Farm HA TREE AT KI N RO ain F MA 0 0/LUB/00/Sched SE AD RO Dr.m N (PH) a KI AT 0 W Pear Tree Revision: DE G AR D TE LF 0.m th 0 AD Pa y nawa Gan ttage Co R RO OR TE k ES HE AT LE CLOS E 0 GA EA RH 0 NS RD D lenoo CH WIN S Brind ORC 00.m 0 0 Boorley Gardens Land use budget Th eh aw thor BEATT IE RISE PEAR 00m 0m N G AR Oak The Bungalow NS DE Shamblehurst Manor B Shamblehurst Checked by: IP JM (um) Dr ain EN S Appletree th O 0 rns d twar Wes REL 0.m 0 a ON LA London Whitcomb Street London WCH HA LC FA Boorley Gardens Bournemouth Deansleigh Road Bournemouth BH DU Land useeverdene budget E CLOS WAY cot Did d axte Th 0 m) L Th h (u ET eh Station Pat aw tho Pumping ST RAVENSCROFT ST KE 0 Y dlen ook Boorley Green SE DC CLO PEAR Fiori Foxgloves Longlands Farm.m b Su DD OX Sta RD LA NE 0 a Torrestyn Upper Buildings AY a Springdale Caravan Site Dra in Revision: 0/LUB/00/Sched F Final Dec 0 Figure NTS Land use plan FO LANE NE Casa MA 0 FF AR m OR CH TREE ST CROWS. (PH) S a Pear Tree ER GDN.m Boorley Gardens Environmental Statement WALK LO th 0 Ashdell.m D OA Pa y wa nna Ga ttage Co 00 MP. R RR TE Brin ES D SE S ORTH WA EN Cherry Dene CUDW LL CH WIN SE UN MA MEAD.m Hedge End Consortium Homefield S NE Tai Tam Fairways Hedge End Boorley Green e us Ho W AY Sta re ac ng ub 0 Lo CR Sub Sta Lower Buildings S y Honeysuckle Bd OW ain s Co bor tta ou ge gh s ard Mimosa Lodge W G ) NE se ou xe ll Br a 0 0 m (u & STIRLING CRESCENT th e Pa a olm th ED th es Bushey Dene Pa W m LB OA Ve CLO RO AN TL ctis ES SE je AD DS Oakdene GIL pa Ap w Willo Tree tage Cot sh 0 Haleen gh Do not scale from this drawing Roselei MP. 00m Farm a 0 0 a Terence O Rourke Ltd 0 Longlands h ug ro bo e s ins Ga Hou Myrtle SE Tanglewood m CL Based upon the Ordnance Survey :0,000 raster map with the permission of the Ordnance Survey on behalf of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, Crown copyright. Terence O'Rourke Ltd. Licence No. AL000 & DS AN 0 0m TL OA e dg Lo lls xe Bra 0 MS Pa a 0 0.m RD CLO SE GA WE a MP. E ON STO Trac OS GT f Long Common CL LIN k EL 0 BIL 0 De UN BR 0 00 Oak Date issued:

21 ta 0 a a 0 GRESLEY GARDENS 0 0 Sub Sta Cranleigh Labyrinth 0 0 Marokesa 0 0 The Bungalow CR CS MARTLEY GARDENS Shamblehurst Manor ETL 0 0 The Kestrel Shamblehurst Barn (PH) Def Play Area 0 TCB 0 0 Mereworth Bungalow Hedge End Station LB Bridge s Well 0.m.m 0 0 The Firs Sub Sta Gas Gov Def MP. (um) Signal Light 0.m t Bdy Braxell Unit Braxells MP..m.m.0m.m B.m Oak Appletree Myrtle Bushey Dene.m.m Mimosa Lodge Pumping Station Longlands Farm Upper Buildings Pear Tree (PH).m.m Cherry Dene Lower Buildings MP. Torrestyn Longlands Farm MS Oakdene.m Sub Sta Tennis Courts Fairways Homefield a Tanglewood 0.m.m Tai Tam Haleen Honeysuckle.m Ashdell Foxgloves 0 0a 0 Casa Fiori a 0.m.m Springdale.m Key Key Red line -. ha Red line -. ha.m.m CHANCELLORS LANE CHANCELLORS LANE.m.m Up to storey - maximum.m to top of ridgeline Up to storey - maximum.m to top of ridgeline Up to. storeys - maximum m to top of ridgeline 0.m.m.m.m WINCHESTER ROAD CS Ford Lake Up to to storeys. storeys - maximum - maximum 0m to ridgeline m to top of ridgeline WINCHESTER ROAD CS Ford Lake.m Mixed use up to storeys - maximum m to ridgeline Up to storeys - maximum 0m to ridgeline Up to storeys - maximum m to top of ridgeline (land for primary school) Mixed use up to storeys - maximum m to ridgeline Up to storeys - maximum m to top of ridgeline (land for primary school) SHAMBLEHURST LANE NORTH Braxells CHELTENHAM GARDENS CHELTENHAM GARDENS ED & Ward Bdy.m Park Farm to to Braxells Farm Braxell Unit 0 MAUNSELL WAY SHAMBLEHURST LANE NORTH STROUDLEY WAY Botley Park Hotel and Country Club ST LAWRENCE CLOSE ED & Ward Bdy Park Farm to GARRATT CLOSE ETL Notes/Revisions OLD SHAMBLEHURST LANE MALVERN GARDENS.0m Braxells Farm 0 MAUNSELL WAY REPTON GARDENS REPTON GARDENS WATKIN ROAD B Long Common Braxells Lodge Gainsborough 0m 00m 00m BEATTIE RISE ELLIOT RISE BEATTIE RISE BILLINGTON GARDENS REPTON GARDENS LEATHERHEAD GARDENS WATKIN ROAD ARDINGLY CRESCENT WATKIN ROAD TELFORD GARDENS 0 0 MALLETT CLOSE.m Botley Park Hotel and Country Club Tennis Courts Braxells Gainsborough s WINCHESTER ROAD Longacre The Hawthorns Gannaway Brindlenook Evergreens PEAR TREE CLOSE MADDOXFORD WAY The Laurels MADDOXFORD LANE a ORCHARD CLOSE Hedge End Hedge End Consortium North Hedge End Building heights 0/BH/00 Notes/Revisions Final :000@A Revision: Date issued: Dec 0 Drawn by: Checked by: IP JM a WATKIN ROAD STIRLING CRESCENT TELFORD GARDENS 0 WALKER GDNS 0 MP. MAUNSELL WAY 0 GILES CLOSE STOWE CLOSE Boorley Gardens Environmental Statement CUDWORTH MEAD BILLINGTON GARDENS BRUNEL CLOSE (um) Oak Appletree Myrtle Bushey Dene Def Mimosa Lodge Pumping Station.m Pear Tree (PH) Long Common Braxells Lodge Gainsborough Braxells Gainsborough s WINCHESTER ROAD Longacre The Hawthorns Longlands Farm.m Upper Buildings Cherry Dene Gannaway Brindlenook Torrestyn ETL (um) PEAR TREE CLOSE ED & Ward Bdy AY a.m.m MADDOXFORD LANE a ORCHARD CLOSE Roseleigh Boorley Green.m FF Willow Tree Vectis Didcot Thaxted a Appajem Westward OATLANDS CLOSE KESTREL OATLANDS ROAD CLOSE LB RAVENSCROFT WAY Westholme FALCON WAY CROWS NEST LANE a a a a Caravan Site CROWS NEST LANE Boorley Green Based upon the Ordnance Survey :0,000 raster map with the permission of the Ordnance Survey on behalf of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, Crown copyright. Terence O'Rourke Ltd. Licence No. AL000 & m 00m 00m 0/BH/00 Figure NTS Buildings height plan Terence O Rourke Ltd 0 Do not scale from this drawing Hedge End Hedge End Consortium North Hedge End London Whitcomb Street London WCH HA Building heights Bournemouth Everdene Deansleigh Road Bournemouth BH DU 00 Revision: Date issued: Final Dec 0

22 ta 0 a a 0 GRESLEY GARDENS 0 0 Sub Sta Cranleigh Labyrinth 0 0 Marokesa 0 0 The Bungalow CR CS MARTLEY GARDENS Shamblehurst Manor ETL 0 0 The Kestrel Shamblehurst Barn (PH) Def Play Area 0 TCB 0 0 Mereworth Bungalow Hedge End Station LB Bridge s Well 0.m.m 0 0 The Firs Sub Sta Gas Gov Def WINCHESTER ROAD 0 MP. (um) Signal Light 0.m t Bdy Braxell Unit Braxells WINCHESTER ROAD MP..m.m.0m.m B.m Oak Appletree Myrtle Bushey Dene.m.m Mimosa Lodge Pumping Station Longlands Farm Upper Buildings Pear Tree (PH).m.m Cherry Dene Lower Buildings MP. Torrestyn Longlands Farm MS Oakdene.m Sub Sta Tennis Courts Fairways Homefield a Tanglewood 0.m.m Tai Tam Haleen Honeysuckle.m Ashdell Foxgloves 0 0a 0 Casa Fiori a 0.m.m Springdale.m Key Key Red line -. ha Red line -. ha.m CHANCELLORS LANE.m.m High density:.- dph High density:.- dph Medium density: -.dph 0.m.m.m CHANCELLORS LANE.m.m CS Ford Lake Medium Low density: density: -dph -.dph CS Ford Lake.m Low density: -dph SHAMBLEHURST LANE NORTH Braxells CHELTENHAM GARDENS CHELTENHAM GARDENS ED & Ward Bdy.m Park Farm to to Braxells Farm Braxell Unit 0 MAUNSELL WAY SHAMBLEHURST LANE NORTH STROUDLEY WAY Botley Park Hotel and Country Club ST LAWRENCE CLOSE ED & Ward Bdy Park Farm to GARRATT CLOSE ETL Notes/Revisions OLD SHAMBLEHURST LANE MALVERN GARDENS.0m Braxells Farm 0 MAUNSELL WAY REPTON GARDENS REPTON GARDENS WATKIN ROAD B Long Common Braxells Lodge Gainsborough 0m 00m 00m BEATTIE RISE ELLIOT RISE BEATTIE RISE BILLINGTON GARDENS REPTON GARDENS LEATHERHEAD GARDENS WATKIN ROAD ARDINGLY CRESCENT WATKIN ROAD TELFORD GARDENS 0 0 MALLETT CLOSE.m Botley Park Hotel and Country Club Tennis Courts Braxells Gainsborough s WINCHESTER ROAD Longacre The Hawthorns Gannaway Brindlenook Evergreens PEAR TREE CLOSE MADDOXFORD WAY The Laurels MADDOXFORD LANE a ORCHARD CLOSE Hedge End Hedge End Consortium North Hedge End Density 0/DEN/00 Notes/Revisions Final :000@A Revision: Date issued: Dec 0 Drawn by: Checked by: IP JM a WATKIN ROAD STIRLING CRESCENT TELFORD GARDENS 0 WALKER GDNS 0 MP. MAUNSELL WAY 0 GILES CLOSE STOWE CLOSE Boorley Gardens Environmental Statement CUDWORTH MEAD BILLINGTON GARDENS BRUNEL CLOSE (um) Oak Appletree Myrtle Bushey Dene Def Mimosa Lodge Pumping Station.m Pear Tree (PH) Long Common Braxells Lodge Gainsborough Braxells Gainsborough s WINCHESTER ROAD Longacre The Hawthorns Longlands Farm.m Upper Buildings Cherry Dene Gannaway Brindlenook Torrestyn ETL (um) PEAR TREE CLOSE ED & Ward Bdy AY a.m.m MADDOXFORD LANE a ORCHARD CLOSE Roseleigh Boorley Green.m FF Willow Tree Vectis Didcot Thaxted a Appajem Westward OATLANDS CLOSE KESTREL OATLANDS ROAD CLOSE LB RAVENSCROFT WAY Westholme FALCON WAY CROWS NEST LANE a a a a Caravan Site CROWS NEST LANE Boorley Green Based upon the Ordnance Survey :0,000 raster map with the permission of the Ordnance Survey on behalf of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, Crown copyright. Terence O'Rourke Ltd. Licence No. AL000 & m 00m 00m Terence O Rourke Ltd 0 Do not scale from this drawing Hedge End Hedge End Consortium North Hedge End London Whitcomb Street London WCH HA Bournemouth Everdene Deansleigh Road Bournemouth BH DU Density 00 0/DEN/00 Figure NTS Buildings density plan Revision: Date issued: Final Dec 0

23 ta 0 a a 0 GRESLEY GARDENS 0 0 Sub Sta Cranleigh Labyrinth 0 0 Marokesa 0 0 The Bungalow CR CS MARTLEY GARDENS Shamblehurst Manor ETL 0 0 The Kestrel Shamblehurst Barn (PH) Def Play Area 0 TCB 0 0 Mereworth Bungalow Hedge End Station LB Bridge s Well 0.m.m 0 0 The Firs Sub Sta Gas Gov Def MP. (um) Signal Light 0.m t Bdy Braxell Unit Braxells MP..m.m.0m.m B.m Oak Appletree Myrtle Bushey Dene.m.m Mimosa Lodge Pumping Station Longlands Farm Upper Buildings Pear Tree (PH).m.m Cherry Dene Lower Buildings MP. Torrestyn Longlands Farm MS Oakdene.m Sub Sta Tennis Courts Fairways Homefield a Tanglewood 0.m.m Tai Tam Haleen Honeysuckle.m Ashdell Foxgloves 0 0a 0 Casa Fiori a 0.m.m Springdale.m Key Key Red line -. ha Red line -. ha.m.m CHANCELLORS LANE CHANCELLORS LANE.m.m Residential Residential School provision 0.m.m.m.m WINCHESTER ROAD CS Ford Lake School Mixed useprovision WINCHESTER ROAD CS Ford Lake.m Public square (areas to include parking provision and landscaping) Mixed use Proposed alignment of primary street Public square Proposed bus circulation route (precise alignment will be determined at reserved matters stage) (areas to include parking provision and landscaping) Proposed alignment of primary street (precise alignment will be determined at reserved matters stage) Proposed alignment of primary street Proposed strategic footpaths (Includes the existing public right of way) Proposed bus circulation route Proposed strategic cycle way (precise alignment will be determined will be determined at reserved matters reserved stage) matters stage) SHAMBLEHURST LANE NORTH Emergency access point Proposed alignment of primary street (precise alignment will be determined at reserved matters stage) Emergency access vehicle link (precise alignment will be determined at reserved matters stage) Proposed strategic footpaths (Includes the existing public right of way) Braxells Proposed strategic cycle way (precise alignment will be determined at reserved matters stage) Emergency access point CHELTENHAM GARDENS CHELTENHAM GARDENS ED & Ward Bdy.m Park Farm to Emergency access vehicle link (precise alignment will be determined at reserved matters stage) to Braxells Farm Braxell Unit 0 MAUNSELL WAY SHAMBLEHURST LANE NORTH STROUDLEY WAY Botley Park Hotel and Country Club ST LAWRENCE CLOSE ED & Ward Bdy Park Farm to GARRATT CLOSE ETL Notes/Revisions OLD SHAMBLEHURST LANE MALVERN GARDENS.0m Braxells Farm 0 MAUNSELL WAY REPTON GARDENS REPTON GARDENS WATKIN ROAD B Long Common Braxells Lodge Gainsborough 0m 00m 00m BEATTIE RISE ELLIOT RISE BEATTIE RISE BILLINGTON GARDENS REPTON GARDENS LEATHERHEAD GARDENS WATKIN ROAD ARDINGLY CRESCENT WATKIN ROAD TELFORD GARDENS 0 0 MALLETT CLOSE.m Botley Park Hotel and Country Club Tennis Courts Braxells Gainsborough s WINCHESTER ROAD Longacre The Hawthorns Gannaway Brindlenook Evergreens PEAR TREE CLOSE MADDOXFORD WAY The Laurels MADDOXFORD LANE a ORCHARD CLOSE Hedge End Hedge End Consortium North Hedge End Movement and Access 0/MA/00 Notes/Revisions Final :000@A Revision: Date issued: Dec 0 Drawn by: Checked by: IP JM a WATKIN ROAD STIRLING CRESCENT TELFORD GARDENS 0 WALKER GDNS 0 MP. MAUNSELL WAY 0 GILES CLOSE STOWE CLOSE Boorley Gardens Environmental Statement CUDWORTH MEAD BILLINGTON GARDENS BRUNEL CLOSE (um) Oak Appletree Myrtle Bushey Dene Def Mimosa Lodge Pumping Station.m Pear Tree (PH) Long Common Braxells Lodge Gainsborough Braxells Gainsborough s WINCHESTER ROAD Longacre The Hawthorns Longlands Farm.m Upper Buildings Cherry Dene Gannaway Brindlenook Torrestyn ETL (um) PEAR TREE CLOSE ED & Ward Bdy AY a.m.m MADDOXFORD LANE a ORCHARD CLOSE Roseleigh Boorley Green.m FF Willow Tree Vectis Didcot Thaxted a Appajem Westward OATLANDS CLOSE KESTREL OATLANDS ROAD CLOSE LB RAVENSCROFT WAY Westholme FALCON WAY CROWS NEST LANE a a a a Caravan Site CROWS NEST LANE Boorley Green Based upon the Ordnance Survey :0,000 raster map with the permission of the Ordnance Survey on behalf of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, Crown copyright. Terence O'Rourke Ltd. Licence No. AL000 & m 00m 00m Terence O Rourke Ltd 0 Do not scale from this drawing Hedge End Hedge End Consortium North Hedge End London Whitcomb Street London WCH HA Movement and Access Bournemouth Everdene Deansleigh Road Bournemouth BH DU 0/MA/00 Figure NTS Access and movement plan 00 Revision: Date issued: Final Dec 0

24 Boorley Gardens Environmental Statement not to scale Figure NTS Illustrative master plan

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