ATEX certificate. Item Model Product Ex-mark/ Date of issue Remark LCIE certificate. Ⅱ2 G Ex dⅡc T6 Gb Ⅱ2 G Ex eqⅡc Gb

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1 LCIE certificate 1 BAY51-Q 2 BAY51-QJ 3 BZX-6 4 YK36/18DF- 2CS 5 BY-2 6 BAY51 7 BAY51-J 8 BAY51-LED 9 BAY-H 10 BnY81 Explosion-proof light fittings Explosion-proof emergency light fittings for fluorescent lamp Explosion-proof distance switch Explosion-proof electronic ballast Explosion-proof emergency controller Explosion-proof light fittings Explosion-proof emergency light fittings for flourescent lamp Explosion-proof light fittings Explosion-proof annular light fittings Explosion-proof light fittings ATEX certificate Ⅱ2GD Ex deqⅡc T4 Gb Ⅱ2GD Ex deqⅡc T4 Gb Ⅱ2 G Ex de ⅡC Gb Ⅱ2 G Ex eq ⅡC Gb Ⅱ2 G Ex eqⅡc Gb Ⅱ2 G Ex dⅡc T6 Gb Ⅱ2G Exd IIIC T6 Gb Ex tb IIIC T80 Ⅱ2G Ex d ⅡC T6 Gb Ⅱ 2D Ext ⅢC T80 Db/IP Ⅱ2 G Ex dⅡb T Ⅱ 3G Ex na IICT4 Gc BnY81(Dust) Explosion-proof light fittings Ⅱ 2D Ext ⅢCT80 Db/IP BAT86 Ⅱ2G D Explosion-proof LED Ex d IIB T* Gb floodlights Ex tb IIIC T* Db IP BAD Explosion-proof light fittings II 2 G EE xd IIC T BAD Explosion-proof light fittings II 2 G E xd IIC T BAD Explosion-proof light fittings Ⅱ2 G Ex de IIC T BAD Explosion-proof light fittings Ⅱ2 G Ex de IIC T BAD81 Explosion-proof energy-saving light Ⅱ2 G Ex dⅡc T BAD Explosion-proof light fittings Ⅱ2 G Ex de IIC T3 or T4 Gb BAD Explosion-proof light fittings Ⅱ2 G Ex de IIC T BDD81 Explosion-proof lightings BnD BnD (Dust) BnD Ⅱ2G Ex d ⅡC T4 Gb Ⅱ 2D Ext ⅢC T130 Db/IP Light fittings II 3 G Ex nr ⅡCT4/T3 Gc Light fittings(dust) Explosion-proof light fittings II 3 G Ex tb IIIC T130 /T190 Db /IP Ⅱ3G Ex nr IICT3 Gc page 1 of 5

2 ATEX certificate BnD (Dust) BnD BnD (Dust) Explosion-proof light fittings(dust) 27 BAT Explosion-proof floodlights 28 BAT Explosion-proof floodlights 29 BAD61h Ⅱ2D Ext IIIC T190 Db /IP Light fittings II 3 G Ex nr ⅡCT* Gc Light fittings(dust) II 3 G Ex tb IIIC T* Db /IP Explosion-proof electronic trigger Ⅱ2G Ex de IIB T3 Ⅱ2G Ex de IIB T3 Ⅱ2G Ex d IIC BAT85 Explosion-proof floodlights Ⅱ2GD Ex d IIC T3 or Gb Ext IIIC T190 or T Db /IP BnT81 BnT81 (DUST) Explosion-proof floodlights Explosion-proof floodlights(dust) Ⅱ3G Ex nr IICT3 Gc Ex nriic T252 Gc Ⅱ2D Ext IIIC T190 Db /IP65 Ext IIIC T252 Db /IP BnT (Dust) Explosion-proof floodlights(dust) II 3 G Ex nr ⅡC T2 Gc BnT Explosion-proof floodlights Ⅱ2D Extb IIIC T290 Db /IP BAZ51 Explosion-proof ballast Ⅱ2 G Ex dⅡb T BAD305 Protable searchlight Ⅱ2G D Ex d ia IIC T6 Gb Ex tb IIIC T80 Db IP BAD502 Strong working light Ⅱ2G ExdeⅡC T4 Gb BSX-60 Hand lamp Ⅱ2 G Ex deⅡc T BAJ52-20 Explosion-proof emergency light fittings Ⅱ2 G Ex dⅡb T BAYD Explosion-proof marking light Ⅱ2 G Ex dⅡc T BAK51 42 BBJ81 43 BJD81 44 BZM-16 BZM BZZ51 46 BHD51 Explosion-proof tank inspection vessel Lighting fitting Explosion-proof audio and visual caution spotlight fittings Explosion-proof caution spotlight fittings Explosion-proof illumination switch Explosion-proof conversion switch Explosion-proof junction boxes 47 BXJ-IIB Explosion-proof terminal box 48 BXJ- Explosion-proof junction box Ⅱ2 G Ex dⅡb T Ⅱ2 G Ex d ib ⅡC T6 Gb Ex t IIIC T80 Db IP66 Ⅱ2G Ex d ⅡC T6 Gb Ⅱ 2D Ext ⅢC T80 Db/IP Ⅱ2 G Ex d ⅡC T Ⅱ2G Ex de ⅡB T Ⅱ2GD Ex d ⅡC T6 Gb Ex t IIIC T80 Db IP66 II 2 G Ex d IIB T6 Gb II 1 D Ex t IIIB T80 Da IP66 Ⅱ2G Ex d IIB T page 2 of 5

3 ATEX certificate 49 BXJ-e Terminal box Ⅱ2G D Ex e IIC T6 or T5 Gb(2) Ex tb IIIC T80 Db IP BXJ8050 Terminal box Ⅱ2G D Ex e IIC T6 or T5 Gb(2) Ex tb IIIC T80 Db IP BXJ-S Increased safety terminal box 52 BZC 53 BZA BZC8050 Explosion-proof control station Explosion-proof control unit system Explosion-proof control station Ⅱ2G Ex e IIC T6 or T5 Gb Ex tb IIIC T80 or T95 Db IP66 Ⅱ2G Ex d ⅡB T6 Gb Ⅱ 2D Ext ⅢC T80 Db/IP Ⅱ2G Ex de ⅡC T Ⅱ2G Ex de ⅡC T6 Gb Ex tb IIIC T80 Db IP BA8050 Flameproof button Ⅱ2G Ex de ⅡC Gb BD8050 Explosion-proof indicator Ⅱ2G Ex de ⅡC Gb BK8050 Explosion-proof control switch Ⅱ2G Ex de ⅡC Gb BLK(IIB) 59 BQD(IIB) Explosion-proof circuitbreaker Explosion-proof motor protection circuit-breaker Ⅱ2G Ex d ⅡB T Ⅱ2G Ex d ⅡB T BQD(IIC) Explosion-proof motor starter Ⅱ2G Ex de ⅡC T Explosion-proof p distribution Ⅱ2G Ex d ⅡB T6 Gb 61 BXM(D)81 box Extb ⅢC T80 Db/IP66 Ⅱ2GD Ex d ⅡB Gb 62 BXT-W Explosion-proof enclosure Ⅱ 1D Ext ⅢB Da/IP BXT Explosion-proof enclosure Ⅱ2G Ex d ⅡB BXT-e Inreased Safety Enclosures Ⅱ2G D Ex e IIC Gb Ex tb IIIC Db IP BXT-S Increased safety enclosure Ⅱ2G Ex e Ⅱ Gb BXT8050 Explosion-proof enclosure Ⅱ2G Ex e Ⅱ /IP BHC Explosion-proof pull box Ⅱ2G Ex eⅡ BGJ Flamproof sleeve Ⅱ2G Ex dⅡc DQM-II Cable gland Ⅱ2G Ex dⅡc Gb Ex e IIC Gb Ex tb IIIC Db IP BPT Stopping plug Ⅱ2G Ex dⅡc Gb BKC-../ BKF DNV Explosion-proof Window Air Conditioners Explosion-proof wall air conditioner II 3G Ex d nc IIB T4 Gc II 3 G Ex d[ib] ib nc IIB BAD85 Explosion-proof LED lightings Ⅱ2 GD Ex d ⅡC T6/T5 Gb Ex tb IIIC T80 /T page 3 of 5

4 ATEX certificate 2 BAD Explosion-proof light fitting 3 BDD Explosion-proof light fitting 4 BDD Explosion-proof light fitting 5 BDD Explosion-proof light fitting Ⅱ2 GD ExdⅡCT4/T3 Gb/ Ex td A21 T135 /T200 IP66 Ex d IIC T4 Gb Ex t IIIC T130 Db IP66 II 2 GD Ex d IIC T3 Gb, Ex t III C T190 Db IP66 II 2 GD Ex d IIC T Gb, Ex t III C T Db IP BB8050 Explosion-proof ammeter Ⅱ2G Ex e ⅡC Gb BLK-IIC 8 BXM(D)53 9 BNG 10 BPS(H) PTB Explosion-proof Motor Switches Explosion-proof distribution box Explosion-proof flexible conduits Explosion-proof drain plug (breather) II 2 GD Ex d IIC T6 Gb, Ex tb III C T80 Db IP66 Ⅱ2 G Ex deⅡct5/t6 Gb Ⅱ2 D Ex tb IIIC T80 Db IP Ⅱ2 GD ExdⅡC Gb/ Ex td 21 IP II 2 G Ex d IIC Gb BAD-125 Flameproof lamp Ⅱ2 G EEx dⅡb T BHD Terminal box Ⅱ2 G EEx dⅡb T BXJ /6 Junction box Ⅱ2 G Exe Ⅱ T BZC(Ex de) Explosion-proof proof control box Ⅱ2 G EEx de ⅡB T BXM(D)51 Explosion-proof distribution box Ⅱ2 G EEx de ⅡB T DQM-I Cable gland Ⅱ2 G EEx eⅡ/ip page 4 of 5

5 ATEX certificate Nemko 1 BBJ 2 BJD 3 BHD51 4 BXJ-IIC 5 BCZ85-16&32 6 BCZ BCZ BCZ54-16&32 BCZ54-63/100 Explosion-proof audio and visual caution spotlight fittings Explosion-proof caution spotlight fittings Explosion-proof terminal boxes Explosion-proof terminal boxes socket socket socket socket socket Ⅱ2 G Ex d [ib] ibⅡc T Ⅱ2 G Ex d ⅡC T II 2 G Ex d IIC T Ⅱ2 G Ex dⅡc T6 Gb Ex tb IIIC T80 Db Ⅱ2 GD Ex d ⅡCT6 Gb Ex t IIIC T80 Db/IP66 Ⅱ2 G Ex d ⅡCT6 Gb Ⅱ2D Ex t IIIC T80 Db/IP66 Ⅱ2 G Ex d ⅡCT6 Gb,-60C Ta 55C Ⅱ2 D Ex t IIIC T80 Db/IP Ⅱ2 G Ex deⅡb T6/T Ⅱ2 GD Ex dⅡb T4 Gb, Ex td A21 T130 IP DQM-III Explosion-proof cable glands Ⅱ2 G Ex dⅡc EUT 1 BAY51-LED J Explosion-proof Emergency LED Light Fittings for Fluorescent Lamp Ⅱ2G Ex d IIC T6 Gb Extb Pd IIIC T80 Db IP BAT Explosion-proof Floodlights Ⅱ2G Ex d IIB T3 Gb Extb IIIC T193 Db IP BSZD81 Explosion-proof caution spotlight fittings Ⅱ2G Ex de IIC T6 Gb BCZ BXM(D) BL8060 sockets Explosion-proof Illumination(Powder) Distribution Boxes Explosion-proof Circuit Breaker Modules 7 BAG Explosion-proof seal bushings Ⅱ2G Ex deⅡc T6/T5/T4 Gb Ⅱ2G Ex de IIC T6 Gb Ex tb IIIC T80 Db IP Ⅱ2G Ex de IIC T6 Gb II2 G Exd IIC Gb/Exe IIC Gb or Ex tb IIIC Db IP DQM-I Explosion-proof Cable gland 9 BKF 10 PXK Explosion-proof wall air conditioner Pressurized Distribution Cabnets Ⅱ2G Ex e IIC Gb Extb Pd IIIC Db IP66/IP67 Ⅱ2G Ex de ib px IIC T4 Gb Extb Pd IIIC T130 Db IP66 II 3G Ex pz IIC T5 Gc II 3D Ex pd IIIC T95 Dc, IP page 5 of 5

6 Certificate 1 BZM-16 BZM- 25 Explosion-proof illumination switch Ex d ⅡC T BZZ51 Explosion-proof conversion switch Ex ed ⅡB T BHD51 Explosion-proof junction boxes 4 BXJ-IIB Explosion-proof Junction Box Ex dⅡc T6 Gb Ex t IIC T80 Db IP66 Ex d IIB T6/T5 Gb, Ex tb IIIC T80 /T95 IP66 Db /12/16 5 BXJ Explosion-proof terminal boxes Ex dⅡb T BXJ-IIC Explosion-proof terminal boxes 7 BXJ-e Terminal box Ex d ⅡCT6 Gb Ex tb IIIC T 80 Db Ex e IIC T6 or T5 Gb, Ex tb IIIC T80 Db IP BXJ8050 Explosion-proof corrosion-proof junction box Exe ⅡT6 or T5 Gb Ex tb IIIC T80 Db IP BXJ /6 Explosion-proof corrosion-proof junction box Exe ⅡT BXJ-S Increased safety terminal box Exe ⅡC T5 or T6 Gb Ex tb IIC T95 or T80 Db IP BCZ BCZ Explosion-proof Plugs and Sockets Ex d e IIC T6 Gb, Ex tb IIIC T80 Db Ex d e IIC T5(Ta 40 )/T4(Ta 55 ) Gb Ex tb IIIC T80 Db BCZ Explosion-proof Plugs and Sockets Ex d e IIC T5(Ta 40 )/T4(Ta 55 ) Gb Ex tb IIC T95 Db BCZ Explosion-proof Plugs and Sockets 14 BCZ85-16/32 Explosion-proof Plug and Socket 15 BCZ85-63 Explosion-proof Plug and Socket Ex d e IIC T4 Gb Ex tb IIC T95 Db Ex d IIC Gb,Ex t IIIC T80 Db IP66 Ex d ⅡCT6 Gb,Ex t IIIC T page 1 of 6

7 16 BCZ Explosion-proof Plug and Socket Ex d IIC Gb,Ex t IIIC T80 Db IP BCZ54-16/32 Explosion-proof Plug and Sockets Ex de ⅡB T6 for 16A,Ex de Ⅱ B T5 for 32A BCZ54-63/100 Explosion-proof Plug and Sockets Ex dⅡb T4 Gb Ex t IIIB T130 Db IP BZC(Ex d) Explosion-proof control station Ex dⅡb T6/Ex tiiic T80 IP BZC(Ex de) Explosion-proof control box Ex de ⅡB T BZA8050 Explosion-proof control unit system Ex de ⅡCT6 Gb BZC8050 Explosion-proof control station Ex de ⅡCT BA8050 Explosion-proof control button Ex de ⅡC Gb BD8050 Explosion-proof indicator Ex de ⅡC Gb BK8050 Explosion-proof control switch Ex de ⅡC Gb BB8050 Explosion-proof ammeter Ex de ⅡC Gb BLK (IIB) Explosion-proof motor switch Ex d ⅡB T BLK(IIC) Explosion-proof motor switch Ex d ⅡCT6 Gb,Ex t IIIC T BQD(IIB) Explosion-proof motor starter Ex d ⅡB T BQD(IIC) Explosion-proof motor starter Ex de ⅡCT6 Gb BXM(D)51 Explosion-proof distribution panels Ex de ⅡB T BXM(D)53 Explosion-proof illumination (Power) distribution box Ex de ⅡCT5/T6,Ex t IIIC T80 Db /IP BXM(D)81 34 BXM(D) BL8060 Explosion-proof illumination (Power) distribution box Explosion-proof illumination (Power) distribution box Explosion-proof Circuit Breaker Modules Ex dⅡb T6 Gb/ Ex tb IIIC T80 Ex de ⅡC T4/5 Gb/ Ex tb IIIC T Ex de IIC Gb BXT Explosion-proof enclosure Ex d ⅡB /IP BXT- W Explosion-proof enclosure Model Ex d IIB Gb,Ex tb IIIC Db IP page 2 of 6

8 38 BXT-e Increased safety enclosure Ex e IIC Gb Ex tb IIIC Db IP BHC Explosion-proof bushings Ex eⅡ BGJ Explosion-proof connector Ex dⅡc BAG Explosion-proof seal bushings Ex d IIC Gb,Ex e IIC Gb Ex tb IIIC Db IP DQM-I Explosion-proof cable gland Ex eⅡ DQM-II Explosion-proof cable gland Ex dⅡc Gb Ex e IIC Gb DQM-III Explosion-proof cable gland Ex d ⅡC Gb BNG Explosion-proof flexible conduit 46 BPS(H) Explosion-proof drain plug(breather) Ex dⅡc Gb Ex td A21IP Ex d IIC Gb BKC 48 BKF 49 BKF ( R ) Explosion-proof window air conditioner Explosion-proof wall air conditioner Explosion-proof wall air conditioner Ex d Nc IIB T4 Gc Ex ncd [ib] ib IIB 146 Ex d e ib mb px IIC T4 Gb Ex ibd tb pd IIIC T130 Db IP PXB Pressurized Explosionprotected(Analysis)Cabin Model Expx IIB T4 Gb Expx IIIC T130 Db BAY51-Q Explosion-proof plastic light fittings Ex edqⅡc T4 Gb Ex t IIC T80 Db IP BAY51-QJ Explosion-proof emergency light fittings Ex deqⅡc T4 Gb Ex td A21 IP66 T BZX-6 Explosion-proof distance switch Ex de ⅡC Gb YK36DF-2CS YK18DF-2CS 55 BY-2 56 BAY51 57 BAY51-J Explosion-proof electronic ballast Explosion-proof emergency controller Explosion-proof light fittings for fluorescent lamp Explosion-proof emergency light fittings Ex qe ⅡGb Ex e qiic Gb Ex d ⅡCT6 Gb,Ex t IIIC T80 Ex d IIC T6 Gb,Ex tb IIIC T80 Db IP page 3 of 6

9 58 BAY51-LED Explosion-proof light fittings 59 BAY51-LEDJ 60 BAY-H Explosion-proof emergency LED light fittings Explosion-proof annular light fittings Ex dⅡct6 Gb,Ex t IIIC T80 Ex d IIC T6 Gb,Ex tb IIIC T80 Db IP Ex dⅡb T BnY81 Explosion-proof light fittings for fluorescent lamp Ex na ⅡCT4 Gc,Ex t IIIC T BAD85 Explosion-proof LED lightings Ex dⅡct6/t5 Gb,Ex t IIIC T80 /T BAT86 Explosion-proof LED Floodlightings Model Exd IIBT Gb/Extb IIIC T Db IP BAD Explosion-proof light fittings Ex dⅡb T BAD Explosion-proof light fittings Ex dⅡc T4/T3 Gb Ex Td A21 T135 /T200 IP BAD Explosion-proof light fittings Exd IIC T3 Gb BAD Explosion-proof light fittings Ex d IIC T BAD71 Explosion-proof light fittings Ex deⅡc T BAD Explosion-proof light fittings Ex de ⅡCT3 Gb BAD81 Flameproof energy-saving lighting 71 BAD Explosion-proof light fittings Ex dⅡc T Ex deⅡc T4 Gb Ex d e IIC T3 Gb BAD Explosion-proof light fittings Ex de ⅡCT3 Gb BDD81 Explosion-proof lightings Ex d ⅡCT4 Gb,Ex t IIIC T BDD91 Explosion-proof light fittings Ex d ⅡC T Gb,Ex t IIIC T Db /IP66-60 Ta Bnd Explosion-proof light fittings Ex nr ⅡCT4/T3 Gc,Ex t IIIC T130 /T190 Db /IP page 4 of 6

10 76 Bnd Explosion-proof light fittings Ex nrⅡct3 Gc,Ex t IIIC T190 Db /IP Bnd Explosion-proof light fittings 78 BAT Floodlights Ex nr ⅡcT Gc,Ex t IIIC T Db /IP65 Exde IIBT Gb/Extb IIIC T Db IP BAT Explosion-proof floodlightings Ex deⅡb T3 Gb BAT Explosion-proof floodlighting Ex deⅡb T3 /IP BAT Explosion-proof floodlights 82 BAT85 Explosion-proof floodlights Ex d IIB T3 Gb, Ex tb IIIC T193 Db IP66 Exd IICT3 Gb/Ext IIIC T190 Db IP BnT81 Explosion-proof light fittings Ex dⅡct6/t5 Gb,Ex t IIIC T80 /T BnT Floodlights Ex Nr IIC T2 Gc,Ex tb IIIC T2 90 Db IP BAZ51 Explosion-proof ballast Ex dⅡb T BAD305 Portable searchlight Ex d iaⅡct6 Gb Ex tb IIIC T 80 Db IP BAD502A 88 BSX BAJ BAYD 91 BAK51 92 BSZD81-C/E Explosion-proof Strong Working Lights Explosion-proof incandescent hand lamps Explosion-proof emergency light fittings Explosion-proof emergency exit light fittings Explosion-proof tank inspection vessel light fittings Explosion-proof Caution Spotlight Fittings Exde IICT4 Gb Ex deⅡc T4 /IP Ex dⅡb T Ex dⅡc T Ex dⅡb T Ex de ⅡCT6 Gb Ex tb IIIC T80 Db page 5 of 6

11 93 BBJ 94 BJD Explosion-proof Audio and visual caution spotlight Fittings Explosion-proof Caution Spotlight Fittings Ex d ib ibⅡct6 Gb Ex d ⅡCT6 Gb BBJ81 Explosion-proof Audio and visual caution spotlight Fittings Ex d ibⅡct6 Gb,Ex t IIIC T BJD81 Explosion-proof caution spotlight fittings Ex d ⅡCT6 Gb,Ex t IIIC T page 6 of 6


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