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1 APP 05 Application Number: 14/01388/REM MAJOR Reserved matters application (Phase II) pursuant to outline planning permission 06/00333/MKPCO for access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale in relation to the erection of a distribution warehouse with ancillary offices, associated vehicle parking, access road and infrastructure Plot 330 (part) and the formation of Broughton Brook Linear Park (part) AT Plot 330, Crossley Drive, Magna Park FOR Fen Farm Developments Ltd Target: 18th September 2014 Ward: Danesborough And Walton Parish: Wavendon Parish Council Report Author/Case Officer: Nicola Thompson Contact Details: Team Leader: Nicola Wheatcroft Joint Team Leader Strategic Applications Team Contact Details: 1.0 INTRODUCTION (A brief explanation of what the application is about) 1.1 The main section of the report set out below draws together the core issues in relation to the application including policy and other key material considerations. This is supplemented by an appendix which brings together, planning history, additional matters and summaries of consultees responses and public representations. Full details of the application, including plans, supplementary documents, consultee responses and public representations are available on the Council s Public Access system All matters have been taken into account in writing this report and recommendation. 1.2 The Site The application site forms part of Magna Park, which is allocated for large footprint employment development in the adopted Local Plan and the Eastern Expansion Area Development Framework. The site was previously used as agricultural land and there is no intervening feature nor structure on site. The Magna Park site is bounded by the Triangular Wood and a ditch to the east; the A421 to the south; Broughton Brook to the north; and the A5130, Newport Road, to the west. The site lies to the west of the M1 motorway between junctions 13 and Plot 330 is located to the north western corner of the site. Access is provided off Crossley Drive. Details of the location of the site and its relationship to

2 surrounding properties can be seen in the plans attached to this report. 1.4 The Proposal In May 2010, outline planning permission 06/00333/MKPCO was granted for the construction of a large footprint warehouse development (45,000m 2 of class B8) with ancillary landscaping, access roads and infrastructure and an extension to the Broughton Brook Linear Park at Phase 2 Magna Park, following the completion of a site specific S106 agreement. Pursuant to Condition 1 of the outline planning permission, the applicant Fen Farm Developments Ltd submitted this reserved matters application to seek approval for the formation of Broughton Brook Linear Park (part) and the erection of a distribution warehouse with ancillary offices, associated vehicle parking and infrastructure - Plot 330. Plot 330 straddles Phase 3 and Phase 2 outline application areas. Details of the proposal as described above can be seen in the plans appended to this report. 1.5 The total development of the building and associated works (that straddles phase 2 and phase 3 outline area - site area for both 4.16ha) would be 17,256 sq.m (185,742 sq.ft), total car parking (incl. disabled) 161 spaces and HGV parking (incl. doors) 69 spaces. The entrance to the HGV yard would be off an access point from Crossley Drive, there would be a further access off Crossley Drive into the employee s car park. Pedestrian and cycle access will be directly from Crossley Drive. 1.6 The building has been designed to achieve a standard of BREEAM Excellent in terms of environmental performance, in line with the Section 106 agreement that formed part of the outline planning permission. 2.0 RELEVANT POLICIES (The most important policy considerations relating to this application) 2.1 National Policy National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) The NPPF was published in March This document is a material planning consideration when determining planning applications. Chapters 1, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, Local Policy Core Strategy Policy CS12 (Developing Successful Neighbourhoods) Policy CS13 (Ensuring High Quality, Well Designed Places) Policy CS18 (Healthier and Safer Communities) Policy CS19 (The Historic and Natural Environment) Adopted Milton Keynes Local Plan Policy D1 (Impact of Development Proposals on Locality) Policy D2 (Design of Buildings) Policy D2A (Urban Design Aspects of New Development) Policy D4 (Sustainable Construction)

3 Policy E12 (Land for Large Footprint Employment) Policy E13 (Large Footprint Employment Area Planning Requirements) Policy E15 (Large Footprint Employment Individual Site and Buildings) Policy T1 (The Transport User Hierarchy) Policy T2 (Access for those with Impaired Mobility) Policy T3 (Pedestrians and Cyclists) Policy T10 (Traffic) Policy T11 (Transport Assessments and Travel Plans) Policy T15 (Parking Provision) Policy EA1 (Expansion Areas) Policy EA2 (Expansion Area) Policy EA3 (Eastern Expansion Area) Policy S12 (Linear Parks) Policy HE1 (Protection of Archaeological Sites) Policy NE1 (Nature Conservation Sites) Policy NE2 (Protected Species) Policy NE3 (Biological and Geological Enhancement) Supplementary Planning Guidance Eastern Expansion Area Development Framework (adopted October 2005) Parking Standards for Milton Keynes (2009) 2.3 Magna Park Development Brief The revised Magna Park Development Brief was approved in November 2006 and establishes the key design principles for the entire Magna Park development including Phases 1, 2 and 3. Magna Park Design Code The revised Magna Park Design Codes were approved in July 2010 which sets out parameters for the implementation of the outline planning permissions and subsequent reserved matters applications. Design Brief: Magna Park Linear Park Approved 31 January MAIN ISSUES (The issues which have the greatest bearing on the decision) The principle of development. The proposal is in line with the approved outline planning permission for Phase 2 Magna Park and in accordance with the approved design brief for the Linear Park at Magna Park. 2. The design and layout, and the impact on the character and appearance of the Linear Park and surrounding area. The Linear Park will provide an important landscaped setting and act as a wildlife corridor as well as being a high quality, sustainable design that achieves the overall design intent for Magna Park and is in line with the objectives of the NPPF. 3. Parking provision. The proposed parking provision reflects the bespoke nature of the development. This is a speculative development but

4 based on the similar existing units that are in use on the Magna Park site. On the basis of between employees on the site and a 3 shift basis over 24 hours (so potentially employees at one time) car parking spaces would be required. Therefore the proposed parking provision is considered to be adequate to meet the needs of an occupier and in line with the aspirations of the Design Code. 4.0 RECOMMENDATION (The decision that officers recommend to the Committee) 4.1 It is recommended that planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out at the end of this report. 5.0 CONSIDERATIONS (An explanation of the main issues that have led to the officer Recommendation) 5.1 Background Two reserved matter applications have been submitted for a single building with associated works (Plot 330 straddles across Phases 2 and 3 each with an outline approval) and for the second phase of the Broughton Brook Linear Park at Magna Park that runs across the top of the site. Reports on both applications are included in this Agenda. 5.2 To clarify, when the two outline applications were granted the land was in different ownership. Since the grant of these outline planning permissions the entire site has been acquired by Fen Farm Developments Ltd. The developer would be unable to proceed with the development unless both applications are granted and implemented. A condition regarding the indivisibility of the two applications is therefore recommended. 5.3 Policy and Land Use Magna Park forms part of the land allocated for employment development within the Eastern Expansion Area. The adopted Milton Keynes Local Plan established the context for the Eastern Expansion Area through Policy EA3. In particular, Policy S12 identifies the Linear Park network within the Eastern Expansion Area. Local Plan Policy EA1 required the approval of a comprehensive development framework for the development in the Eastern Expansion Area. The Eastern Expansion Area Development Framework Document (EEADF) has been adopted in October 2005 as a material planning consideration when determining planning applications. The revised Magna Park Development Brief was approved in November Both documents form the policy framework for the design brief to create an integrated network of wildlife corridors and linked open spaces. 5.4 The approved Magna Park Design Code contains detailed guidance on design and sustainability for Magna Park. It recognises that the Linear Park will provide an important landscaped setting and act as a wildlife corridor. The code specifies that the approved Linear Park Design Brief will be used to guide the design and layout of the parkland.

5 5.5 A Linear Park Design Brief was approved by the Local Planning Authority on 31 January This brief agreed that the Linear Park could be provided in two phases. The trigger point for the first phase has been reached and implementation has been completed. The occupation of the building on Plot 310/320 (which is under construction) triggers the provision of the second phase of the Linear Park and the Linear Park extends across Plot 330. The accompanying s106 agreement requires that this be transferred to a Nominee specified by the Council, together with a commuted sum to provide for future maintenance, in order that the land can be made available as public open space. The expected nominee is the Milton Keynes Parks Trust. 5.6 Plot 330 (the subject of this reserved matters application) proposes a warehouse with parking and associated works. There is a reserved matters approval implemented on the site to remodel the ground levels which was to allow a unit to be built on the Plot in the future. Those engineering works included a landscaped earth mound and a level platform for the future building. This submission would take forward the preliminary earth works and construct the building. The proposal is in line with the uses approved under the outline planning permission for Phase 2 Magna Park. The application also conforms to the Local Plan, Development Framework and Development Brief in respect of land uses proposed. 5.7 Layout of the Building Please note that when referring to the building, it is the whole building that straddles across Phase 2 and Phase 3 outline area that is being referred to. Phase 2 outline planning permission floor space 3,889 sq.m and Phase 3 outline planning permission floor space 13,367 sq m. The layout of the site accords with the principles of the illustrative masterplan contained in the approved Design Code. The office buildings have been located on the east elevation to provide relief to this elevation of the building and a degree of surveillance to the car parking area and access. The service yard area is located to the north and generally out of view from the public realm, in accordance with the general aspirations of the Design Code and Development Brief. 5.8 The building is designed to achieve BREEAM Excellent environmental performance and also to achieve the objectives of Secured by Design in line with the Design Code and also Local Plan Policy D4. Fencing is proposed around the plot boundary and the site is intended to be secured with personnel presence 24/7 based in the gatehouse. It is likely that the site would be secured by the installation of closed circuit television cameras. The external areas of the plot will be illuminated at night using low energy technology incorporating cut off features to minimise light pollution. The proposed layout and design of the building and associated works are considered to be satisfactory and in line with the developments previously approved within Magna Park. The only concern is regarding the proposed type of fencing. The use of paladin fencing is not ideal as it can restrict surveillance opportunities when viewed at an angle. There are also no security testing standards for Palisade, which can result in this type of fence being extremely susceptible to unauthorised intrusion. Palisade is tested and,

6 with the right fixing posts, meets the BS1722 Part 14 Category 2 standard. A condition regarding further fencing plan details is proposed and included in the recommendation. 5.9 Scale of the Building The proposed building consists of two main components a warehouse element to be used for storage and distribution (use class B8) and a projecting two storeys office pod for ancillary offices. There will also be a small gatehouse, sprinkler tanks and external enclosed plant areas. The highest part of the unit would be metres (to the top of the parapet), with a haunch height of 12.5 metres. The design code sets that a maximum height of 20 metres for buildings and therefore this unit is in compliance with the code. Furthermore the height of this building is metres lower than the River Island unit and metres lower than the adjacent plot (Waitrose) that is currently under construction Appearance of the Building The design of the proposed building accords with the objective of the Design Code to create a shared character identity for Magna Park in terms of building forms and use of attractive and durable materials. The building is designed to create a strong visual focus on the office component with glazing provided to all floors and to use colours from the palette which has already been established. Light coloured cladding is used at high levels in accordance with the Design Code, to minimise visual impact. It is considered that the proposed appearance of the building is in line with the objectives of the Design Code and would complement the other existing buildings within Magna Park Flood Risk and Drainage The Eastern Expansion Area Development Framework sets out the drainage strategy for the Eastern Expansion Area, which is to intercept surface water discharge from each catchment area by off-line balancing ponds/wetland areas. These balancing ponds should be incorporated as part of the overall Linear Park proposals along the Broughton Brook. A drainage strategy report has been submitted to support the application. The current proposal is in line with the principles for incorporating sustainable drainage features including site wide swales and the Linear Park balancing lagoons to the west and north of the site. The Environment Agency and the Internal Drainage Board have no objections to the proposed development Access Access to the site will utilise the existing infrastructure in accordance with the approved overall infrastructure plan. The plot is proposed to be accessed from Crossley Drive off the same access to serve Plots 310/320 (the Waitrose unit) and detail has subsequently been approved. This layout provides for at least 11 HGV s to queue up off the public highway in front of the gatehouse to avoid congestion elsewhere In terms of traffic movement, a full traffic assessment was carried out in the outline planning application stage and the infrastructure has been designed

7 and laid out in Magna Park including the dualling of the A421 to accommodate all traffic from the whole of Magna Park. There is a condition on the outline permission requiring the submission of travel plans at Phase 2 Magna Park, however with regard to this reserved matter application, a travel site co-ordinator condition has been included leading to the submission of a Travel Plan report The application site is to be provided with a 2 metre wide footway leading from Crossley Drive. The Highway Engineer considers this acceptable but notes that there appears to be a verge between this and the access road and is concerned that this area may get parked over and become rutted and unsightly. He proposes that to avoid this, encroachment of vehicle wheels onto the verge/footway needs to be deterred or some other treatment needs to be provided for the verge. This route would be offered for adoption and it is considered that once the units are built and occupied there are sufficient HGV parking spaces and so unlikely to be an issue. As the road would be adopted, if there are any issues in the future, MKC Highways could install a deterrent at this time Near the building the footway route is with cyclists and motorcycles but there appears to be sufficient space for all three types of user such that vehicle conflicts can be avoided and there is sufficient visibility/motorcycle speeds will be low that further suggests this is an equitable area for all three types of user. The Highway Engineer raises no objections in this regard The proposed retaining wall to the car parking spaces to the south of the site have had an additional 0.5 metres added to the length to allow drivers additional space. The Highway Engineer questioned who would control the proposed gates on the main access. The applicant has confirmed that these would remain open whilst the building is in operation, and will only be manually closed whilst the unit is either awaiting a tenant or during periods of operational shutdown, i.e. Christmas day. The location of these gates is on the plot demise line and therefore outside the area of the road which will be adopted. Amended vehicle tracking plans demonstrate how a 16.5 metre long articulated vehicle will approach the junction with the access road leading to the Waitrose site and are considered acceptable Parking The proposal provides 161 car parking spaces out of a maximum of 196 that could be provided under the current car parking standards. The proposal also provides 69 HGV parking spaces which is an excess of parking for this class of vehicle as the standards ask for a maximum of 1 space per 500sq.m of B8 floor space that would result in a provision of 33 such spaces. The provision of 30 cycle parking spaces is acceptable as this more than provides for our aspirational mode share. Motorcycle parking provision is acceptable and it is pleasing to see the inclusion of three Electric Vehicle Charge Points within the car park It is recognised that this is a speculative development and as a result likely employment numbers cannot be given with any confidence but the application

8 takes reference from other similar distribution warehouse developments and estimates that there could be between employees on the site. There is also speculation that employment will be on a 3 shift basis over 24 hours. On that basis the maximum number of employees on site at any one time could be (allowing for shift change-over times) there would be a need for between 120 and 130 car parking spaces. Given those criteria it may be reasonable to consider that the parking provisions are acceptable Disabled persons parking spaces are provided in accordance with the parking standards (for the total provision of parking) and the Highway Engineer comments that they are sited suitably close to the main entrance to the building. The applicant has confirmed that the kerbing to the disabled bays will be flush with the adjacent footpaths to provide a level access into the building. The current reserved matters application complies with the outline planning approval already granted for the development of Magna Park in that the proposed level of car parking does not exceed the maximum provision derived from the Design Code The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) (chapter 4, paragraph 39) states that if setting local parking standards for residential and nonresidential development, local planning authorities should take into account: The accessibility of the development; The type, mix and use of development; The availability of and opportunities for public transport; Local car ownership levels; and An overall need to reduce the use of high-emission vehicles. Although Magna Park is a fairly remote site, it is well served by the 300 bus that provides a service from Central Milton Keynes railway station throughout the day at 20 minute intervals. The bus stops are located along Fen Street and now along Crossley Drive, and it is likely that services will increase as and when more development within Magna Park comes forward. Redways are provided in Magna Park linking the A421 and wider part of Milton Keynes. Bearing in mind the number of staff likely to be employed and the nature of the business, it is considered that the level of car parking provision is acceptable for the proposed use and is in line with the advice contained in the NPPF Provision of Public Open Space The Linear Park is a continuation of the multifunctional green parkland landscape established in the first Phase. It includes earthworks and associated planting, a low-key leisure route through new grassland and the creation of new and enhanced habitats. It does not lie immediately adjacent to any existing or proposed residential areas, and those nearest to the site are more closely served by a section of the wider Linear Park network. Other

9 more centrally placed components of the network will be designed to support higher levels of public access; the peripheral location of the Magna Park Linear Park is proposed to provide a more ecological, drainage and floodplain function with relatively light usage by the public. Notwithstanding this, a pedestrian route through the Linear Park connecting through to Phase 1 is proposed. In accordance with the Design Brief for the Linear Park, the footpath will be constructed of tar spray and chip and this can be secured by way of condition The Design Brief notes that the character of the park should be informal. This means that it should not be enclosed by secure fencing or other controlled barriers. It proposes that boundaries open to encroachment by unauthorized vehicles should be avoided by strategic planting and retention of existing hedgerows etc, and this application complies with the brief. Furthermore it notes that selective use of fencing and barriers of a type appropriate to the Linear Park setting may be used, including simple entrance markers and directional finger posts at the main points of access. Simple markers and street furniture is proposed within this section of the Linear Park and further detail can be controlled by condition The Linear Park Design Brief considered security and public lighting provision and discounted it as inappropriate in this predominantly non-residential area with a strong bias towards wildlife habitat. This is consistent with the approach taken to other leisure routes in the Milton Keynes Linear Park network, which are not generally lit except where they happen to be in proximity to public roads. No lighting is proposed within this part of the Linear Park Preservation and Enhancement of Biodiversity The adjacent proposed balancing lagoons and the Broughton Brook would create biodiversity enhancements for the area. The proposed planting would provide a wildlife habitat and connections between wildlife habitats. The planting proposed within this section of the Linear Park and on the landscaped mounds is appropriate to the habitats within the park as well as providing a visual screen Visual Impact of the Linear Park The park to the north of the Broughton Brook (part of the Brooklands development) includes facilities and managed sports pitches. This proposal assists in providing a buffer between this more intensively used space and the edge of Magna Park, providing a more tranquil, semi-natural zone and a visual backdrop to the southern area of Brooklands Maintenance The design of the Linear Park (Phase 2) has considered and made access provision for the future maintenance of the park. Maintenance access is shown as a point off the A5130. As the expected nominee and therefore those that would maintain the Linear Park, The Parks Trust was consulted and raises no objection to this access.

10 5.27 Conclusion One of the principles of the NPPF is that planning should proactively drive and support sustainable economic development to deliver homes, business and industrial units, infrastructure and thriving local places that the country needs. The Government is committed to securing economic growth in order to create jobs and prosperity and to meeting the twin challenges of global competition and of a low carbon future As noted in para. 5.2, the developer would be unable to proceed with the development unless both reserved matter applications are granted and implemented. The proposed development would enable further employment opportunities in this part of Milton Keynes The proposed Phase 2 of the Magna Park Linear Park would provide improved public access for recreation and efficient surface water maintenance whilst safeguarding landscape and features of nature conservation value. It is considered that the proposal is in accordance with the Local Plan Policies, the Development Framework, the Magna Park Design Brief, the Magna Park Design Code and the Magna Park: Linear Park Design Brief. 6.0 CONDITIONS (The conditions that need to be imposed on any planning permission for this development to ensure that the development is satisfactory. To meet legal requirements all conditions must be Necessary, Relevant, Enforceable, Precise and Reasonable ) 1. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to affect or vary the conditions imposed on outline permission reference 06/00333/MKPCO dated 10th May 2010 which shall continue in full force and effect, save insofar as they are expressly varied by any conditions imposed hereby. Reason: For the avoidance of doubt. 2. All planting, seeding or turfing comprised in the approved details of landscaping shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding seasons following the completion of the development and any trees or plants which within a five year period from the completion of the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species. Reason: In the interests of amenity and to secure a satisfactory standard of development in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework. 3. If, during development, contamination not previously identified is found to be present at the site then no further development (unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority) shall be carried out until the developer has submitted a remediation strategy to the Local Planning Authority detailing how this unsuspected contamination shall be dealt with and obtained written approval from the Local Planning Authority. The remediation strategy shall be implemented as approved. Reason: To protect and prevent the pollution of controlled waters (particularly the

11 Secondary A aquifer in the north-east of the site and Broughton Brook, north of the site) from potential pollutants associated with unidentified previous land uses in line with National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF; paragraphs 109, 120, 121), EU Water Framework Directive, Anglian River Basin Management Plan and Environment Agency Groundwater Protection (GP3:2012) position statements A4 to A6, D1 to D4 and N7. 4. None of the existing trees or hedges shown to be retained shall be felled or lopped without the prior consent in writing of the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To protect the appearance and character of the area and to minimise the effect of the development on the area. 5. Any trees or plants which within a five year period from the completion of the Linear Park die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species. Reason: In the interests of amenity and to secure a satisfactory standard of the linear park in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework. 6. Full details of any proposed street furniture shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of work on site. Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. Reason: In the interests of amenity and to secure a satisfactory standard of the Linear Park in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework. 7. Works shall be carried out in accordance with the submitted Environmental Control and Protection Policy Document received 27th June Reason: To maintain the amenities of the area. 8. No part of the development shall be occupied until the building work for the whole of plot 330 and all associated works are completed to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To ensure that the development is delivered in a planned and co-ordinated manner. 9. The development hereby approved shall only be used as a storage and distribution warehouse within Class B8 of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order (as amended) with ancillary offices. Reason: To accord with the terms of the application and to ensure that adequate parking spaces are provided to serve the development in accordance with the approved Magna Park Design Code. 10. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the details contained in the submitted BREEAM Assessment Report and a post completion

12 certificate indicating that BREEAM Excellent has been met shall be forwarded to the Local Planning Authority prior to the occupation of the development. Reason: In the interests of sustainability and in accordance with Policy D4 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan. 11. The external materials to be used in the development shall be in accordance with the sample finishes board, drawing no submitted 08 July Reason: To ensure a satisfactory appearance of the development and in accordance with Policy D2 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan. 12. The surface treatment of proposed accesses, parking and manoeuvring areas and footpaths surrounding the building shall be in accordance with the external works finishes layout, drawing no rev 04 submitted 27 June Reason: To ensure a satisfactory appearance of the development and in accordance with Policy D2 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan. 13. Full details of the proposed footpath to be provided within the Linear Park shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of construction work on site. Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. Reason: To ensure a satisfactory standard of development in accordance with Policy T1 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan. 14. Full details of signage to be provided within the Linear Park shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of works. Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. Reason: To ensure a satisfactory standard of development in accordance with Policy T1 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan. 15. No goods or materials shall be stored or displayed in the open. Reason: To protect the amenities of the locality in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework. 16. All parking and manoeuvring spaces (including disabled parking) as shown on the submitted plans shall be laid out and constructed prior to the occupation of the building hereby approved and thereafter maintained and not be used for any other purpose. Reason: To ensure that adequate parking spaces are provided to serve the development in accordance with the approved Magna Park Design Code. 17. All cycle and motorcycle shelters to be used in the development shall be in accordance with drawing no rev 03 submitted 27 June 2014 and thereafter

13 maintained and not be used for any other purpose. Reason: To ensure that adequate facilities are provided in accordance with Policy T1 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan. 18. All windows, doors, shutters and glazing to be installed shall be of Secured by Design standards to at least LPS1175 Security Rating 2 standard or equivalent. The glazing shall be at least one pane laminated to a minimum of 6.8mm in thickness for the windows and 7.5mm for doors and curtain walls. Full details shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to installation and thereafter maintained. Reason: In the interests of security and amenity in accordance with Safer Places. 19. Notwithstanding the details submitted, further details of the proposed security fencing and gates including colour and finish, shall first be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to installation and thereafter maintained. Reason: In the interests of amenity and to secure a satisfactory standard of development in accordance with Policy D2 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan. 20. Within three months of the occupation of the development, a site co-ordinator shall be nominated to manage a Travel Plan and conduct a Site Audit and Staff Travel Surveys, leading to the submission of a Travel Plan report. The Plan shall either be produced utilising the itrace Travel Plan management software or mirror its outputs in a format that is acceptable to the Local Planning Authority. Targets for modal sift must be agreed in line with Milton Keynes Council targets to achieve a reduction in single occupancy vehicle usage. The approved Full Travel Plan shall be implemented in accordance with the timetable and targets contained within and shall continue to be implemented as long as any part of the development is occupied with a minimum of annual reporting for the first five years, biennially thereafter. Reason: In order to reduce the generation of single occupancy vehicle trips to and from the development by actively promoting and encouraging the use of more sustainable alternatives, in accordance with policy T11 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan






19 Appendix to 14/01388/REM A1.0 RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY (A brief outline of previous planning decisions affecting the site this may not include every planning application relating to this site, only those that have a bearing on this particular case) A1.1 04/01072/MKPCO outline planning permission granted on 26 May 2006, following the completion of a S106 agreement, for Phase 1 Magna Park which includes 315,000m 2 of Classes B2 (general industrial) and B8 (warehouse and distribution) uses. 06/00333/MKPCO outline planning permission granted on 10 May 2010, following the completion of a S106 agreement, for Phase 2 Magna Park which includes 45,000m 2 of Class B8 development. 06/00297/MKPC full planning permission granted for advanced highway infrastructure at Magna Park on 12 July /01112/MKPCR reserved matters approval granted for the John Lewis Distribution Warehouse on 7 September The permission was implemented and the building is in operation. 08/00027/MKPCO outline planning permission granted on 30 April 2010, following the completion of a S106 agreement, for Phase 3 Magna Park which includes 10,500m 2 of Class B8 development. 09/01034/MKPCR reserved matters approval granted for the River Island Distribution Warehouse on 8 September The permission was implemented and the building is in operation. 12/01091/MKPCR reserved matters approval granted for the AG Barr manufacturing warehouse on 20 July The permission was implemented and the works are well underway. 12/02452/MKPCR reserved matters approval granted for Plot 120 (John Lewis 2) on 25 January The permission was implemented and the works are well underway. 12/02453/MKPCR reserved matters approval granted for Linear Park Phase 1 on 25 January The permission was implemented and the works are well underway. 13/00840/REM reserved matters approval granted for a link conveyor bridge between Plot 110 and Plot 120 on 05 July /02551/REM reserved matters approval granted for Plot 310 on 07 February /02549/REM reserved matters approval granted for Plot 320 on 07 February 2014

20 13/02552/REM reserved matters approval granted for Plot 330 on 07 February /00595/MMAM minor amendment approval granted for Plot 310 on 13 June /00596/MMAM minor amendment approval granted for Plot 320 on 13 June 2014 A2.0 ADDITIONAL MATTERS (Matters which were also considered in producing the Recommendation) A2.1 Statement of Community Involvement The applicant has submitted a Statement of Community Involvement with the application. The application proposal was considered by the Eastern Expansion Area Stakeholder Group in May 2014 which included elected representatives of the local community and other interested parties. There are no immediate resident neighbours to the application site which reflects its suitability for major industrial and commercial activities operating during the day and night. A2.2 Archaeology The site has already been satisfactorily evaluated and mitigated under the outline planning permission and no further archaeological work is therefore required. A2.3 Landscaping and Ecology The Design Code has laid down a robust landscape strategy for Magna Park in order to establish a high quality environment and provide an attractive setting for the development. The landscaping proposals for the site will be broadly in line with the Design Code. Ecological and conservation concerns were primarily addressed at the outline planning application stage. Additionally it was recognised by the Environmental Statement accompanied the outline planning application that the site had a low ecological value. Through the provision of additional landscaping and drainage features, there will be no net loss in ecological and conservation values on the site. A2.4 Landscape Quality The existing land at Magna Park is relatively low quality as recognised by the Environmental Statement that accompanied the outline planning application. There is an opportunity here to enhance the existing landscape and provide a more diverse landscape in terms of flora and fauna. A2.5 Visual Impact The park to the north of the Broughton Brook (part of the Brooklands development) includes facilities and managed sports pitches. This proposal assists in providing a buffer between this more intensively used space and the edge of Magna Park, providing a more tranquil, semi-natural zone and a visual backdrop to the southern area of Brooklands.

21 A2.6 Proximity to neighbouring employment building and concerns raised The principle of a building of this scale and mass has been approved within the Magna Park Design Code. The approved design code sets out the parameters of the design of the building including height and the proposed unit is in compliance with these criteria. At the closest point to the neighbouring building (Time Systems UK) boundary there is an approx. 8.5 metres landscape buffer followed by an approx metre parking area therefore the building is set away from the neighbouring employment building shared boundary by approx. 39 metres. Furthermore the location of the office element of the proposed building is located approx. 52 metres from the adjacent employment building (Time Systems UK) with its main outlook over the access to Plot 330. Given the separation between the two buildings, the use of the two buildings (i.e. employment) the car park and landscape buffer between, it is not considered that the proposal would give rise to a loss of light, overshadowing or privacy to the Time Systems UK building that would justify the refusal of the application.

22 A3.0 CONSULTATIONS AND REPRESENTATIONS (Who has been consulted on the application and the responses received. The following are a brief description of the comments made. The full comments can be read via the Council s web site) Comments Officer Response A3.1 Highways Development Control No objection With regard to this reserved matter application and the red line surrounding the whole application site, the following Highway Engineer comments are relevant: Parking The proposal provides 161 car parking spaces out of a maximum of 196 that could be provided under the current car parking standards. The proposal also provides 69 HGV parking spaces which is an excess of parking for this class of vehicle as the standards ask for a maximum of 1 space per 500sq.m of B8 floorspace that would result in a provision of 33 such spaces. The provision of cycle parking spaces (30 number) is acceptable as this more than provides for our aspirational mode share. The D&A statement obviously recognises that this is a speculative development and as a result likely employment numbers cannot be given with any confidence but the application takes reference from other similar distribution warehouse developments and estimates that there could be between employees on the site. There is also speculation that employment will be on a 3 shift basis over 24 hours. On that basis the D&A statement provides information that the maximum number of employees on site at any one time could be between so allowing for shift change-over times there would be a need for between 120 and 130 car parking spaces. Given those criteria it may be reasonable to consider that the parking provisions are acceptable. Noted. Noted.

23 The cycle parking should be covered and cyclists should expect that they can secure their cycles. Drawing shows that the cycles can be secured in well separated stands but the cover of the shelters doesn t provide probably the best solution to weatherproofing. Motorcycle parking provision is acceptable but again the weatherproofing could be better. I welcome the inclusion of three Electric Vehicle Charge Points within the car park. Layout I note the application site is to be provided with a 2m wide footway leading from Crossley Drive. This is acceptable but I also note that there appears to be a verge between this and the access road. On employment areas these invariably get parked over and become rutted and unsightly. To avoid this, encroachment of vehicle wheels onto the verge/footway needs to be deterred or some other treatment needs to be provided for the verge such that it won t become rutted over time. It is unclear whether this route will be offered for adoption and clarity on this is requested. The footway route is shared nearer the proposed building with cyclists and motorcycles but there appears to be sufficient space for all three types of user such that vehicle conflicts can be avoided and there is sufficient visibility/motorcycle speeds will be low that further suggests this is an equitable area for all three types of user. Disabled persons parking spaces are provided in accordance with the parking standards (for the total provision of parking) and are sited suitably close to the main entrance to the building. Kerbing to the side and front of these spaces should be flush with the footway in order to allow unhindered access to wheelchairs. Shelter design is the same as has been installed on all other MPMK plots - both JLP units, AG Barr and Waitrose. Confirmed that it is intended to seek the adoption of the access road. Discussed in paras of this report. Noted. It is confirmed this will be flush with the adjacent footpaths to provide a level access into the building. I would have preferred that the retaining wall at the back and side of the group of 21 car parking spaces be set back 0.5m from the parking spaces. The presence of Amended to incorporate the additional 0.5 metres.

24 retaining walls causes drivers to not use the full length of parking space and as a result cars overhang the back edge of the spaces thereby reducing the aisle width. Drawing no shows that gates will be erected on the main access. How are these to be controlled? These will remain open whilst the building is in operation, and will only be manually closed whilst the unit is either awaiting a tenant or during periods of operational shutdown, i.e. Christmas day. The location of these gates is on the plot demise line and therefore outside the area of the road which will be adopted. Whilst drawing no. 203 (rev P1) shows vehicle tracking it doesn t show how a 16.5m long articulated vehicle will approach the junction with the access road leading to the Waitrose site. I have a concern that drivers will approach this junction such that they will be left with an oblique vision splay and may not observe vehicles existing form the Waitrose site. I therefore ask that the applicant re-examines this and revises the layout to improve the alignment of the junction. This may be something as simple as providing sufficient nearside lane width for the approach combined with providing appropriate road markings. Amendments submitted. A3.2 MK Parks Trust Commented that: I repeat the comment made in relation to previous applications relating to this section of linear park regarding the lack of a delivery plan for the footpath access link across the A5130. The linear park path proposed on the plan in this application will end in a dead end at the highway drainage ditch along the A5130 and/or an unsafe crossing of the A5130. Without this link across the A5130 being provided, this section of linear park will be isolated in access terms from the rest of the linear Noted. The potential link would be subject to a separate consultation / application (note that this is outside the red line boundary of the application site).

25 park. An additional small but visible water safety sign should be added at the maintenance route spur off the main section of park towards the balancing pond that is now proposed on the south side of other linear park. The land drain to base of earth mound indicated by a grey dashed line on this drawing does not appear to be compatible with the location of the additional balancing pond on the south side of the linear park. This needs to be clarified. Can it be checked and clarified that the landscape planting scheme around the additional balancing pond is compatible with the drainage pipes that flow in and out of the additional balancing pond. This refers to the screening and woodland mixes at each end of the pond, which may not be compatible with planting over the pipe runs. Amendments submitted. Clarification sought and accepted. Clarification sought and accepted. A3.3 Senior Landscape Architect Comments: The landscape proposals are generally of a high quality; however some amendments are necessary to create a stronger landscape structure and greater Liner Park interest. Amendments sought and acceptable. A3.4 Passenger Transport Officer Comments from Passenger Transport regarding the above applications are as follows: The Design & Access Statement submitted refers to the expectation (based on experience at other units at Magna Park) that 15% of employees will travel to the site by public transport or company operated coaches. However it does not address how public transport services will be provided. This is a reserved matter application. The principle of the development of Magna Park, including provision for routeing of

26 buses, has long been established by the grant of three outline planning permissions in 2006 and Subsequent details of the main infrastructure have included provision for bus stops and shelters. There are no bus services operating along Crossley Drive at present, although it is proposed to extend service 300 to a point on Crossley Drive near A G Barr. Also, if the Eastern Expansion Area is completed as originally envisaged, with the northsouth city street, Crossley Drive will not form part of the long term bus route which will mean the site is more than 400m from the nearest stop (the proposal to extend the 300 into Crossley Drive has been made because it is believed that the completion of the north-south city street is some years off). There is also the issue of capacity on the bus service to be considered there are already two buses arriving at Magna Park in time for the 0600 shift start, and at the 2200 shift change time. There needs to be consideration to the phasing of the site, given that it is proposed that the current temporary roundabout which will be used as the turning point of the 300 will be removed to enable Crossley Drive to be extended to the A5130. The removal of this roundabout will mean the bus service will have to run along to the new A5130/Crossley Drive roundabout to turn which may not be practical within the existing timetable. Noted. Tariff payment will be made as per the S106 agreement to provide infrastructure. Not matters for the applicant. Not matters for the applicant. A3.5 MKC Urban Design No objections. Noted. A3.6 Environment Agency

27 No comments. Noted. A3.7 Councils Archaeologists No comments. Noted. A3.8 Internal Drainage Board No objection. Noted. A3.9 Economic Development No objection. Noted. A3.10 Local Residents The occupiers of the following properties were notified of the application: Andrew Sykes, Hire Ltd, Fen Farm, Newport Road, Wavendon DB Services, Newport Road, Wavendon CB Exhibition Service, Newport Road, Wavendon Kent Sweepers Ltd, Newport Road, Wavendon DV Services, Newport Road, Wavendon RB Commercials Ltd, Newport Road, Wavendon C & S Fencing, Newport Road, Wavendon Bunkys Decking, Newport Road, Wavendon 1ST Class Transport, Newport Road, Wavendon Plant Enterprises, Newport Road, Wavendon Time Systems (UK) Ltd, Newport Road, Wavendon Easy Loader, Systems House, Wavendon Fen Farm Cottage, Newport Road, Wavendon Forest of Marston Vale, Forest Centre, Station Road, Wavendon Broughton Villagers Residents Association, The Manor House, Broughton

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