Baseline Soil Assessment

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1 Soils Report B

2 Baseline Soil Assessment EASTERN LEASES PROJECT Prepared for Hansen Bailey on behalf of South32 Pty Ltd May 2015 PO Box 2462, New Farm, QLD

3 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment File name: Author: Project manager: Name of organisation: Name of document: GE-14 GEMCO Soils Rpt Reece McCann Graham Tuck Hansen Bailey Baseline Soil Assessment GEMCO Eastern Leases Project LIMITATION: This report has been prepared on behalf of and for the exclusive use of GT Environmental Pty Ltd s (GTE) Client, and is subject to and issued in connection with the provisions of the agreement between GTE and its Client. GTE accepts no liability or responsibility whatsoever for or in respect of any use of or reliance upon this report by any third party. GTenvironmental i

4 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION PROJECT DETAILS SCOPE OF REPORT 2 2 BACKGROUND REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS LOCAL SETTING Land Use Topography and Hydrology Regional Geology 3 3 METHODOLOGY DESKTOP REVIEW Regional Soils Reports and Available Documentation Aerial Photography Acid Sulfate Soils Assessment Preliminary Soils Mapping FIELD WORK Survey Timing Survey Techniques Laboratory Analysis 8 4 RESULTS SOIL MAPPING UNITS Soils of Level to Undulating Sand Plains: Soil Mapping Unit B Soils of Level to Undulating Sand Plains: Soil Mapping Unit B1v Soils of Level to Undulating Sand Plains: Soil Mapping Unit B Soils of Level to Undulating Sand Plains: Soil Mapping Unit V Uplands with Sandy Earths and Lithosols: Soil Mapping Unit Q Soils of Drainage Channels and Alluvial Plains: Soil Mapping Unit A ACID SULFATE SOILS ASSESSMENT 32 5 TOPSOIL STRIPPING DEPTH ASSESSMENT TOPSOIL STRIPPING SUMMARY OF SOIL TYPES AND RECOMMENDED TOPSOIL STRIPPING DEPTHS Recommended Topsoil Stripping Depths 34 6 CONCLUSION REFERENCES FIGURES FIGURE 1 PROJECT LOCATION 38 FIGURE 2 LOCAL SETTING 39 GTenvironmental ii


6 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment GLOSSARY OF TERMS The following descriptions are of terms used in the text of this report. Acid Sulfate Soils. Acid sulfate soil is the common name for soils that contain metal sulfides. In an undisturbed and waterlogged state, these soils may pose no or low risk. However, when disturbed or exposed to oxygen, acid sulfate soils undergo a chemical reaction known as oxidation. Oxidation produces sulfuric acid which has led to these soils being called acid sulfate soils. AHD. Australian Height Datum. ALC. Anindilyakwa Land Council. Alluvial. Describes material deposited by, or in transit in, flowing water. Apedal. Describes a soil in which none of the soil material occurs in the form of peds or soil aggregates in the moist state. Apedal massive. Soil occurring as a coherent mass with no distinct arrangement of soil particles. ASC. Australian Soil Class. ASPAC. Australasian Soil and Plant Analysis Council. ASRIS. Australian Soil Resources Information System. ASS. Acid Sulfate Soils. Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC). The maximum positive charge required to balance the negative charge on colloids (clays and other charged particles). The units are milli-equivalents per 100 grams of material, or centimoles of charge per kilogram of exchanger. CEC is often used as a measure of soil fertility and nutrient retention capacity. Clay. A soil material composed of particles finer than mm. When used as a soil texture group such soils contain at least 35% clay. Chromosol. Soils other than Hydrosols with a clear or abrupt textural B horizon and in which the major part of the upper 0.2 m of the B2 horizon (or the major part of the entire B2 horizon if it is less than 0.2 m thick) is not sodic and not strongly acid. Soils with strongly subplastic upper B2 horizons are also included even if they are sodic. Dispersion. A process by which species in solution mix with a second solution, thus reducing in concentration. In the case of sodic soils it will predispose the soil material to lose structure and disseminate into the solution. Effective Soil Depth. The depths of which vegetation roots may readily penetrate the soil profile and have access to water and nutrients. EIS. Environmental Impact Statement. Electrical Conductivity (EC). The EC of water is a measure of its ability to conduct an electric current. The EC of soils will vary depending on the texture and amount of moisture held by the soil particles. Electrical conductance increases with soluble salt content and thus allows simple interpretation of salinity. ELR. Exploration Licence in Retention. Exchangeable Sodium Percentage (ESP). The amount of sodium as a proportion of all cations in a soil is termed the Exchangeable Sodium Percentage. It is calculated by dividing the exchangeable GTenvironmental iv

7 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment sodium by the cation exchange capacity (CEC), multiplied by 100. ESP values greater than 6% are considered sodic, with values greater than 15% considered very sodic. Field ph. The measurement of the ph in the field by utilising Manutec Pty Ltd, Soil ph Test Kit. This kit consists of ph dye indicator, Barium Sulphate and reference colour chart. GPS. Global Positioning System. Gradational. The lower boundary between soil layers (horizons) has a gradual transition to the next layer. The solum (soil horizon) becomes gradually more clayey with depth. Gradient. The rate of inclination of a slope. The degree of deviation from the horizontal. Gully erosion. The displacement of soil by running water that forms clearly defined, narrow channels that generally carry water only during or after heavy rain. Horizon. An individual soil layer, based on texture and colour, which differs from those above and below. Hydrosols Soils other than Organosols, Podosols and Vertosols in which the greater part of the profile is saturated for at least 2-3 months in most years. Infiltration. The passage of water under the influence of gravity from the land surface into the subsurface. Kandosols. Soils other than Hydrosols which have B2 horizons in which the major part is massive or has only a weak grade of structure; a maximum clay content in some part of the B2 horizon which exceeds 15% (ie. heavy sandy loam, SL+); do not have a tenic B horizon; do not have clear or abrupt textural B horizons; and are not calcareous throughout the solum, or below the A1 or Ap horizon or to a depth of 0.2m if the A1 horizon is only weakly developed. Land condition. In the context of this report refers to a subjective visual assessment of the degradation status of the surface soil. Loam. A medium textured soil of approximate composition 10-25% clay, 25-50% silt and >50% sand. Massive. Refers to the condition of the soil layer in which the layer appears to be as a coherent or solid mass which is largely devoid of peds. Meter ph. The measurement of the ph in the field by utilising a TPS Aqua-CP/A meter. mbgl. Refers to metres below ground level. Mottles. Areas of contrasting colour within the overall soil colour which are caused by anerobic conditions as a result of poor aeration. Usually an indicator of poor drainage and retention of water. Northern EL. Northern Eastern Lease (ELR28161). Ped. An individual natural soil aggregate. In an undisturbed state peds will group together to form larger aggregates. Pedal. Describes a soil in which some or all of the soil material occurs in the form of peds in the moist state. ph. A logarithmic index for the concentration of hydrogen ions in an aqueous solution, which is used as a measure of acidity. Profile. The solum. This includes the soil A and B horizons and is basically the depth of soil to weathered rock. Project Site. The area comprising the Northern EL, Southern EL, and Haul Road Corridor. PSA. Particle Size Analysis. GTenvironmental v

8 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment Representative Site. A location deemed to be representative of the soil mapping unit for which detailed characterisation is to be done. Rudosols. Soil with negligible (rudimentary) pedologic organisation apart from a minimal development of an Al horizon, or the presence of less than 10% of B horizon material (including pedogenic carbonate) in fissures in the parent rock or saprolite. The soils are apedal or only weakly structured in the A1 horizon and show no pedological colour changes apart from the darkening of an A1 horizon. There is little or no texture or colour change with depth unless stratified or buried soils are present. SMU. Soil Mapping Unit. Soils grouped into a single management unit on the basis of similar morphology, position on the landscape, substrate and chemistry. Sheet erosion. The removal of surface material from a wide area of gently sloping or graded land by broad continuous sheets of running water rather than by streams. Sodic. Also commonly referred to as a non-saline alkali soil. It is a soil that contains sufficient exchangeable sodium and does not contain appreciable quantities of soluble salts. A term given to soil with a level of exchangeable sodium cations greater than 10-15% of the soils cation exchange capacity (CEC), or soluble sodium cations greater than times the square root of soluble calcium and magnesium cations. Soil Variant. A soil with one or more profile attributes outside the usual range for a defined soil profile class, but because of its restricted distribution (or because the varying properties are not considered to have particular management significance), it is not defined as a separate soil profile class. Southern EL. Southern Eastern Lease (ELR28162). Subsoil. Subsurface material comprising the B and C horizons of soils with distinct profiles. They often have brighter colours and higher clay content than topsoils. Tenosols. Tenosols have a weakly developed soil profile which is typically very sandy and without obvious horizons. Generally, tenosols have a very low agricultural potential with very low chemical fertility, poor structure and low water-holding capacity. Texture. The size of particles in the soil. Texture is divided into six groups, depending on the amount of coarse sand, fine sand, silt and clay in the soil. Topsoil. Part of the soil profile, typically the A1 horizon, containing material which is usually darker, more fertile and better structured than the underlying layers. GTenvironmental vi

9 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Details GT Environmental Pty Ltd (GTE) was commissioned by Hansen Bailey on behalf of BHP Billiton Manganese Australia Pty Ltd to complete a baseline soils assessment as part of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Eastern Leases Project (the project). The project proponent is the Groote Eylandt Mining Company Pty Ltd (GEMCO), which has two shareholders, namely South32 Pty Ltd (60%) and Anglo Operations (Australia) Pty Ltd (40%). BHP Billiton Manganese Australia Pty Ltd was previously a shareholder in GEMCO, however its interest is now represented by South32. The project involves the development of a number of open cut mining areas to the east of the existing GEMCO manganese mine on Groote Eylandt in the Gulf of Carpentaria, approximately 650 km south-east of Darwin (Figure 1). The proposed additional mining areas are located on the Eastern Leases, which are two Exploration Licences in Retention (ELRs). ELR28161 is termed the Northern Eastern Lease (Northern EL) and ELR28162 is termed the Southern Eastern Lease (Southern EL). The Eastern Leases are located 2 km east of the existing GEMCO mine at the closest point. The township of Angurugu is located approximately 6 km to the north-west of the Eastern Leases, and is the closest residential community (Figure 2). The Eastern Leases are located on Aboriginal land, scheduled under the Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act The land within the Eastern Leases comprises natural bushland, with the Emerald River and a small section of the Amagula River traversing the Northern EL and Southern EL respectively. The project involves: developing a number of open cut mining areas (termed quarries ) within the Eastern Leases and mining manganese ore by the same mining methods that are in use at the existing GEMCO mine; constructing limited mine related infrastructure in the Eastern Leases (dams, water fill points, crib hut, truck park up areas and laydown storage areas); and transporting the ore by truck on a new haul road to be constructed between the existing GEMCO mine and the Eastern Leases. Ore will be processed at the concentrator at the existing GEMCO mine and the concentrate would be transported to market via the existing port (Figure 2). No changes or upgrades to the existing GEMCO mine facilities are required as a result of the project. Ore mined from the Eastern Leases will supplement production from the existing GEMCO mine, but the project will not increase GEMCO s annual production rate of approximately 5 Million tonnes per annum of product manganese. The EIS does not include any assessment of operations within the existing GEMCO mine, given that these operations are subject to existing environmental approvals, and will not be altered by the project. The project site for the purposes of the EIS is the Northern and Southern ELs and the new section of haul road linking the Eastern Leases to the existing GEMCO mine. The project site is approximately 4,600 ha. GTenvironmental 1

10 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment 1.2 Scope of Report This report provides a baseline assessment of the soils within the project site and includes: a description of the regulatory requirements relevant to the project; a review of available background material; identification and description of soil types within the project site; and a description of available topsoil resources. This report is limited to discussing the potential available topsoil resources within the project site. It does not take into consideration environmental factors that may influence topsoil availability, such as presence of waterways, archaeological features, or existing roads or tracks, etc. GTenvironmental 2

11 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment 2 BACKGROUND 2.1 Regulatory Requirements The EIS Terms of Reference do not provide any specific guidance with respect to standards or requirements for the baseline soil assessment. Consequently the assessment made use of the best practice techniques, as described in this section. This soil survey was scoped and conducted in accordance with the Guidelines for Surveying Soils and Land Resources (McKenzie et al., 2008). These Guidelines were developed to provide a consistent approach to soil survey methodology across Australia. Soil Characteristics and Soil Profiles have been described in accordance with the Australian Soil and Land Survey Handbook (National Committee on Soil and Terrain, 2009 and Gunn et al., 1988). Soils have been grouped according to their parent material and position in the landscape, and classified in accordance with the Australian Soil Classification (Isbell, 2002). Soils have also been correlated to soils identified within key regional soil assessments, the major one being Land Systems of the Northern Part of the NT (Lynch 2012). Collection of soil samples for laboratory analysis was undertaken in line with the Land Suitability Assessment Techniques within the Technical Guidelines for Environmental Management of Exploration and Mining in Queensland (Department of Minerals and Energy, 1995). 2.2 Local Setting Land Use The land within and surrounding the project site comprises natural bushland, that is mainly eucalypt dominated open forest, woodland and shrubland. The most common eucalypts are Darwin Woollybutt and Stringybarks, but a wide variety of other native plants occur. Other vegetation types include forms of swamp forest and rainforest. No farming or agriculture activities are undertaken within, or in the vicinity of the project site. GEMCO has been undertaking manganese exploration activities across the Eastern Leases site since Topography and Hydrology The topography across the project site varies from level to undulating plains, to sandy colluvial footslopes with rugged uplands. Elevations range from approximately 10m Australian Height Datum (AHD) to 120m AHD. Several drainage lines traverse the project site, including sections of the Emerald and Amagula Rivers, and their tributaries Regional Geology Groote Eylandt was formed on a stable basement of Proterozoic quartzite. This basement quartzite forms extensive elevated outcrops in the centre of the island. GTenvironmental 3

12 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment A blanket of Cretaceous marine sediments was subsequently deposited over the paleosurface of basement and reworked basement materials in the west of the island. The distribution of the Cretaceous marine sediments is generally confined to the western plains and valleys of the island. The upper Cretaceous sediments contain the manganese ore. The manganese ore is a sedimentary layer, consisting of manganese strata occurring between clay and sand beds. Much of the Cretaceous sediment profile (including some of the manganese ore) has been extensively modified by a long period of tropical weathering (or laterisation) during the Tertiary period. This has resulted in the development of thick laterite profiles up to 25 m thick. In summary, the surface geology of the project site broadly comprises lateritic deposits between Proterozoic basement outcrops (i.e. exposed quartzite). Localised areas of quaternary sediments are also present at the site. Figure 3 shows the surface geology of the project site. GTenvironmental 4

13 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment 3 METHODOLOGY The methodology for the baseline soil assessment, which involved a desktop review and field surveys, is described below. 3.1 Desktop Review GTE reviewed the available soils and land resources information for the project site to develop preliminary soil mapping units and distribution, and to inform the development of the field survey program Regional Soils Reports and Available Documentation The following references were utilised for determining potential field sampling locations: Northcote et al. ( ), Atlas of Australian Soils; The indicated soil classifications of the project site, as contained in the Atlas of Australian Soils, include Kandosols, Tenosols, Rudosols, Chromosols and Hydrosols. Although these classifications are mapped at a very broad scale (1:2,000,000), they are useful for identifying specific variants of these soil classes. Lynch (2012), Land systems of the Northern part of the NT (1:250,000); Land systems are landscape patterns comprising areas of generally uniform geology but with variable landforms, soils and vegetation. Within each land system are individual units which describe the range of individual soil types and vegetation. Based on Lynch (2012), the project site is described as level to gently undulating plains, rugged dissected plateaux on quartz sandstone with sandy colluvial footslopes Aerial Photography Aerial photography from 2013 (as provided by GEMCO) was reviewed as part of the desktop evaluations. Initial map units and boundaries were identified using Google Earth imagery (accessed on 05/06/2014) Acid Sulfate Soils Assessment A desktop assessment was undertaken to identify the likelihood of the presence of Acid Sulfate Soils (ASS) on the project site. Online ASS maps (such as Australian Soil Resources Information System [ASRIS], and the National Acid Sulfate Soils Atlas) were reviewed, along with the elevation, geology, topography and aerial photograph patterns of ancient floodplains and swamps in the area. According to ASRIS, there is a very low probability of ASS being present within the project site. GTenvironmental 5

14 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment Preliminary Soils Mapping A preliminary soils map was created based on the aerial photography and GIS information available from Lynch (2012). This preliminary mapping provided an initial understanding of the different types of soil and landscapes likely to occur across the project site and provided a basis for planning the field work and determining survey locations. Table 1 lists the land systems and soil types that were anticipated to be found on site, and these are also shown in Figure 4. Table 1 Expected Soil Units / Types Landform (Lynch 1998) Level to gently undulating plains Land System: Yrw Yarrawirrie Rugged dissected plateaux on quartz sandstone Land System: Grt Groote Sandy colluvial footslopes below elevated quartz sandstone plateaux Land System: Bnd Bundah Level to gently undulating alluvial floodplains Land System: Efg Effington Gently undulating sandy plains Land System: Que Queue Indicated Soil Types (Northcote et al, ) Red earths Kandosols and Orthic Tenosols Bare rock and Leptic Rudosols Leptic and Orthic Tenosols Kandosolic, Tenosolic and Chromosolic Redoxic Hydrosols Orthic Tenosols (Lynch, 1998) Tall sparse shrubland to low open woodland of Eucalyptus. tetrodonta Mid high to tall open woodland of E. tetrodonta and E. ferruginea Tall open woodland of E. tetrodonta with E. miniata, Callitris intratropica and E. polycarpa Mid high open woodland of Melaleuca viridiflora and E. polycarpa Tussock grass open woodland consisting of E. tetrodonta, E. miniata and Corymbia ferruginea trees with Acacia mimulain the mid-storey 3.2 Field Work Survey Timing A detailed field survey was undertaken from the 13 to 16 June Permission to access the project site for the purpose of undertaking field surveys was obtained from the Anindilyakwa Land Council (ALC). The area surveyed covered 4,582 ha, encompassing the Eastern Leases and the haul road corridor to the existing GEMCO mine Survey Techniques Survey techniques were based upon pre-determined sampling locations derived from the desktop review of background information, existing available soils information and an examination of aerial photography patterns. Free survey techniques (McKenzie et al., 2008 and Gunn et al., 1988) were used to verify proposed soil types and assign boundaries to each type. Free survey is a well recognised method commonly used in broader scale land assessment as it enables flexibility in site selection (over grid mapping techniques), to achieve a more accurate and time effective result. It is suited to detailed-scale surveys and enables appropriate sampling locations to be selected dynamically whilst in the field. The specific locations of the survey sites were therefore further refined in the field based on available site access, and the location being a sound representation of the soil unit being described. Two types of site were surveyed detailed sites and observation sites. Photographs were taken at all detailed sites and at selected observation sites to assist with final interpretation of soils. Survey site locations were recorded GTenvironmental 6

15 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment using a global positioning system (GPS) data logger, set to the site survey datum. The project site was mapped at a 1:50,000 scale. Detailed Sites Detailed sites were undertaken at 27 locations (Figure 5). These sites were used to describe the range of soil profile morphological attributes as per the National Committee on Soil and Terrain guidelines (2009) (including soil colour as per Munsell Soil Colour Charts, 2009), in addition to landform, slope, surface conditions, rock cover and major vegetation. At each detailed site an assessment was made of the quality, depth and quantities of reusable topsoil that may be excavated in the future. Soil profiles were primarily sampled using 50 mm hand augers, with two sites utilising the push tube drilling method. The hand auger was used in favour of other methods, such as test pitting with backhoes, given the difficulties accessing parts of the project site due to the challenging terrain. The hand auger method is a technically suitable method, and was undertaken in accordance with the Guidelines for Surveying Soil and Land Resources (McKenzie et al., 2008). Soil samples were collected from five detailed sites for laboratory analysis. Sampling of soil profiles was conducted as per McKenzie et al. (2008), with samples taken at standard depths incorporating the surface and every horizon change within the soil profile (typically at nominated depths of m, m, m and m). These depths were modified for sites in which field observations revealed soil horizons intersecting these nominated depths, to ensure samples were collected within each separate horizon, and not across multiple horizons or in sub-horizon boundaries. The information recorded from detailed sites included: location (GDA94) and type of soil observation (e.g. erosion exposed cutting or hand auger); major vegetation types; landform type, position of the site and slope gradient; surface condition (e.g. presence of cracks, surface crust, rocks, stones and cobbles, erosion status, micro-relief); types and vertical extent of soil horizons; colour (per Munsell Soil Colour Charts, 2009) and mottling of each horizon; observations of field texture, ph, presence and abundance of segregations, coarse, structure, consistence and pedality and moisture content for each horizon; presence of organic matter, roots and prevalence of biological activity; presence of gleyed horizons, iron staining, jarosite presence and field ph (for ASS assessment); and photographs of the soil profile and surrounding landscape. GTenvironmental 7

16 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment Observation Sites Observation sites were undertaken at 95 locations (Figure 5). These sites were used to confirm map unit type and refine mapped soil boundaries. Where necessary, augering was undertaken to determine soil type (e.g. depth to clay, B horizons). Basic soil attributes were recorded to confirm the soil mapping unit, and surface conditions including rock, slope percentage, landform type and position, major vegetation and land condition were also noted Laboratory Analysis Soil samples collected from the five sites considered to be the most representative of the SMUs found within the project site were submitted for laboratory analysis. Laboratory analysis was undertaken to assist in determining the overall characterisation of the soils and to determine the physical and chemical limitations of surface soils for use in rehabilitation works. Laboratory testing was also used to identify soils that may require specific management measures. Samples were analysed at Environmental Soil Solutions Australia Pty Ltd (ESSA), Brisbane, certified by Australasian Soil and Plant Analysis Council (ASPAC). For each soil type, the surface soil horizon was sampled and analysed for the following parameters: ph (1:5); Electrical Conductivity (EC [1:5]); Chloride; Bicarbonate extractable P; Exchangeable Cations (Ca, Mg, Na, K); Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC); Ca/Mg Ratio; Exchangeable Sodium Percentage (ESP); Total N, Nitrates; Organic matter content; Particle Size Analysis (PSA) Hydrometer Method (Coarse Sand [CS], Fine Sand [FS], Silt, Clay); R1 Dispersion; Air Dry Moisture Content (ADMC); Emerson aggregate test; Sulfate; and Metals - Total (Mn, B, Cu, Fe, Zn, Al). Subsequent samples lower in the soil profile were also analysed for a limited suite of parameters (ph, EC, chloride, exchangeable ions, CEC, Ca/Mg Ratio, and ESP) sufficient to determine reuse potential for rehabilitation of disturbed areas. GTenvironmental 8

17 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment In situ measurements: Field ph; and ph, EC using portable TPS meter In addition, calculations were undertaken to determine the exchangeable sodium percentage and the calcium to magnesium ratio. The rationale for the selection of individual analyses is presented in Table 2. The laboratory analytical results were used in conjunction with the field assessment results to determine the depth of soil material that is suitable for stripping and reuse during rehabilitation. The laboratory results are summarised in Section 3 and detailed in Appendix C (Laboratory Certificates). Table 2: Analytical Program and Number of Samples Number of Test Samples Tested Application Field ph 8.3 Indication of possible limitations from Meter ph 1.7 salinity and ph Meter EC 1.7 ph 1.7 Nutrient availability, nutrient fixation, toxicities (Al, Mn), liming, sodicity and correlation with other physical, chemical and biological properties Electrical Conductivity Chloride Content Bicarbonate Extractable Phosphorus CEC, Exchangeable Cations, Ca/MG ratio, ESP 17 Appraisal of salinity hazard in soil substrates or groundwater and total soluble salts 17 The concentration of chloride is usually an indicator of the severity of potential salinity 5 Measurement of the total phosphorus in the soil 17 Fertile soils have moderate to high CEC. Infertile soils have low CEC. Nutrient status, calculation of ESP, assessment of other physical and chemical properties, dispersivity, shrink swell, water movement and aeration Justification Used for on the spot estimates of possible salinity or ph problems and to confirm the effective soil depth. Measurement of ph is a useful indicator of various soil properties (e.g. values >8.5 usually indicate high exchangeable sodium levels and the presence of carbonates and nutrient availability limitations). The measure of electrical conductivity is used as a means of appraising soil salinity. The electrical conductance increases with soluble salt content and thus allows simple interpretation of salinity. The chloride anion is usually present in soil associated with sodium. It is highly mobile making it a valuable indicator of salt and water movement. It provides additional confirmation of salinity risk. While both acid extractable P (acid extr. P) and bicarbonate extractable P (bicarb. extr. P) are routinely measured, only bicarb. extr. P has been used to assess P fertility. Because the bicarb. extr. P test provides reliable and consistent data across a wide range of ph values from strongly acid to strongly alkaline, it is far more useful than the acid extr. P. The amounts and relative proportions of the exchangeable cations in soil have important effects on both physical and chemical properties. High levels of exchangeable sodium cause dispersion and increased swelling, reducing water movement and affecting near surface aeration whereas exchangeable calcium flocculates colloids and will reduce swelling tendencies. Excessively high or low concentrations of one or the other of the cations may impact buffering capacity and as a result, soil nutrient availability. Available Nitrogen 5 Presence of nitrogen in an available form for plant uptake Testing provides an indication of the general fertility of soils and thus their suitability as a topdressing agent. Organic Matter 5 Soil organic matter comprises an accumulation of partially disintegrated and decomposed plant and animal residues and other organic compounds synthesized by Testing for soil organic matter provides an indication of the general fertility of soils and thus suitability as a topdressing agent. It also provides information on stored potential nutrients which may not yet be accessible to plants but may become available in the future. the soil microbes as the decay occurs. Soil organic matter forms a substantial reserve of potentially mineralizable nitrogen, sulfur and other nutrients. PSA (<2 mm) 5 Nutrient retention, exchange properties, erodibility, doughtiness, workability, permeability, sealing, drainage, interpretation of most other physical and chemical properties and soil qualities Particle size distribution data provides an assessment of the composition of a soil (based upon the dominant grain size within a soil). This assists with confirmation of field observations as well as providing better grounds for identification of soil types and water holding capacity. R1 Dispersion 5 Measurement of the amount of silt and clay that disperses during testing Aggregate 5 Susceptibility to surface sealing under Stability rainfall or irrigation, effect of raindrop Emerson impact and slaking, permeability, Aggregate Test infiltration, aeration, seedling emergence and correlation with other properties The measure of R1 dispersion is useful when used in conjunction with ESP and the Ca/Mg ratio for predicting soil physical behaviour. An Emerson Aggregate Class number is determined using the results of this test. The method for this test is provided in Australian Standard (AS) Soils are divided into seven classes on the basis of their coherence in water, with a further class distinguished by the presence of calcium-rich minerals. This test provides an indication of dispersivity and slaking behavior of soil and its preponderance to becoming erosive under natural conditions. Therefore it is a useful test in assessing options for ongoing management for excavated and stockpiled materials. Selected Metals 5 Detection of heavy metals The analysis of aluminum, copper, zinc, manganese and iron will assess potential natural concentrations of these select heavy metals in the soil as well as any phytotoxicity issues that may exist. Sulfate 5 Measurement of total sulfur in soil Total levels of sulfur help identify whether organic matter or gypsum are present in a profile. GTenvironmental 9

18 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment 4 RESULTS 4.1 Soil Mapping Units Six soil mapping units (SMUs), inclusive of one soil variant, were identified across the project site on the basis of 122 investigation sites, incorporating 27 detailed sites and 95 observation sites (as shown in Figure 5). Descriptions of the detailed and observation sites are presented within Appendix A and Appendix B. The SMUs are summarised in Table 3, and have been grouped according to basic soil morphology, position in the landscape, and parent material. Individual soil types have been classified in accordance with the Australian Soil Classification (Isbell, 2002). Comparable land systems, as described by Lynch (2012), are also provided in Table 3. Figure 5 illustrates the spatial distribution of all mapped soil units within the study area and detailed descriptions of each SMU are provided in the following sections. Table 3: Soil Types SMU Concept Land System (Lynch, 2012) Major (Lynch, 2012) Detailed sites (* lab site) B1 B1v Dark brown to reddish brown loamy sands on undulating plains Light brownish grey to yellow brown loamy sands on undulating plains Bundah Tall open woodland of E. tetrodonta with E. miniata, Callitris intratropica and E. polycarpa 1, 2, 4, 5*, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 25, 26 6* B2 Brownish black loamy sands on level to undulating plains Yarrawirrie Tall sparse shrubland to low open woodland of Eucalyptus. tetrodonta 3, 7*, 11, 27 V1 Very dense rocky undulating plain with dense vegetation - Monsoonal vine thicket^ 22, 23, 24 Q1 Rugged uplands on quartz sandstone with minor Leptic Rudosols Groote Mid high to tall open woodland of E. tetrodonta and E. ferruginea 10* A1 Alluvial floodplains and gully areas in level to gently undulating plains Effington Mid high open woodland of Melaleuca viridiflora and E. polycarpa 19*, 21 ^ as observed in the field (i.e., not from Lynch, 2012) GTenvironmental 10

19 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment Soils of Level to Undulating Sand Plains: Soil Mapping Unit B1 Overview This SMU is predominant across the project site and typically occurs along the boundaries and footslopes of the surrounding rugged upland areas. includes tall open woodland throughout. SMU B1 is located on level to gently undulating plains. Soils are considered to be firm dark brown to brown reddish loamy sands extending to 1.0m below the surface. Soil Characteristics and Chemistry This soil unit is a low to moderate quality soil with low dispersive qualities. It has a slightly acidic profile and non sodic conditions within the topsoil profile as indicated in the representative laboratory site data. The available data indicate that this SMU has the following characteristics: a high sand content throughout the profile; ph is slightly acidic throughout; electrical conductivity is very low throughout; very low cation exchange capacity throughout the profile; non sodic; very high to moderate Ca to Mg ratios with depth; low dispersive qualities; and overall fertility is low. Representative Site Site 5 was chosen as representative of this SMU for chemical analysis. A site description is presented in Table 4, and a soil profile morphology summary is presented in Table 5. The soil chemistry results for this site are presented in Table 6. GTenvironmental 11

20 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment Table 4: Site Description SMU Representative Site photograph B1 Representative Site Number Site 5 Site survey type Detailed. 50 mm hand auger. Main vegetation Stringybark, Darwin Woollybutt, Cypress Pine Location mE mN Disturbance No effective disturbance Landform element and pattern Gentle Undulating Plain Micro relief Permeability None Highly permeable Slope (%) 3.0 Drainage drainage Surface coarse ASC Order (s) present in SMU Land System (Lynch (2012) No coarse fragment Surface condition Surface is firm and dry Brown Tenosol Land use Native Bundah Substrate Sandstone Effective Soil Depth 1.0m+ Estimated Soil Water Storage 40mm Erosion potential (Bourne and Tuck 1993) Soil quality for mine rehabilitation Land condition The SMU is generally located on long, low-gradient sloping areas with a sandy surface. It has a low to medium water erosion hazard. Recommended Topsoil Strip Depth: 0.4m Good condition Total area (ha) 3524 GTenvironmental 12

21 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment Table 5: Soil Profile Morphology Summary Representative Site Number: Site 5 HORIZON, DEPTH (m), BOUNDARY COLOUR, MOTTLES, BLEACH MOISTURE, IN SITU MEASUREMENTS DEPTH (m): ph and EC (ms) TEXTURE, STRUCTURE, STRENGTH COARSE FRAGMENTS, SEGREGATIONS, ROOTS Horizon: A11 Horizon Depth: Boundary: Diffused Horizon: A12 Horizon Depth: Colour: 7.5YR3/4, Dark Brown Mottle: No Mottle Bleach: No Bleach Colour: 2.5YR3/4, Dark Reddish Brown Mottle: No Mottle Bleach: No Bleach Moisture: Dry Depth 0.05m: Field ph 6.5 Meter ph 7.94 Meter EC 0.00 Depth 0.30m: Field ph 6.5 Meter ph 7.68 Meter EC 0.00 Moisture: Dry Depth 0.60m: Field ph 6.5 Meter ph 7.74 Meter EC 0.00 Depth 0.90m: Field ph 6.5 Meter ph 7.52 Meter EC 0.00 Texture: Loamy Sand Structure: Massive Strength: Loose Texture: Loamy Sand Structure: Massive Strength: Loose Coarse Fragments: <2%, 2-6mm Segregations: No segregations Roots: Fine, very few Coarse Fragments: <2%, 2-6mm Segregations: No segregations Roots: Fine, very few Table 6: Soil Chemistry Results for Representative Site 5 Representative Site Number: Site 5 Analysis (Unit) Sample Depth (m) Soil ph Soil EC (ds/m) Soil Cl (mg/kg) P(Olsen) (mg/kg) Exch.Ca (meq/100g) Exch. Mg (meq/100g) Exch. Na (meq/100g) <0.08 <0.08 <0.08 <0.08 Exch. K (meq/100g) CEC (meq/100g) Ca/Mg (ratio) ESP %Na/CEC Total N (%) < Nitrate N (%) OrgMatter (%) PSA-CS (%) PSA-FS(%) PSA-Silt (%) PSA-Clay (%) Disp Ratio (R1) ADMC (%) Emerson (Number) GTenvironmental 13

22 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment Analysis (Unit) Representative Site Number: Site 5 Sample Depth (m) Sulfate-S (mg/kg) Mn (mg/kg) Boron (mg/kg) Copper (mg/kg) Iron (mg/kg) Zinc (mg/kg) Al (meq/100g) Al/CEC (%) indicates sample not tested for the selected analyte GTenvironmental 14

23 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment Soils of Level to Undulating Sand Plains: Soil Mapping Unit B1v Overview This SMU is a variant of B1 and situated in a very localised area in the north eastern part of the Northern Eastern Lease. The soils consist of gradational brownish grey sands and greyish yellow loamy sands to a dull orange sandy clay loam extending to 1.0m below the surface. Soil Characteristics and Chemistry This soil unit is similar to the SMU B1 with a low to moderate quality soil. The moderate dispersive qualities and non sodic conditions indicate a moderate to stable soil structure and type. The profile is slightly acidic with a very low cation exchange capacity as indicated in the representative laboratory site data. The available data indicate that this SMU has the following characteristics: high sand content throughout profile; ph is acidic throughout; electrical conductivity is very low throughout; very low cation exchange capacity throughout profile; non sodic; high Ca to Mg ratios within the topsoil horizon; moderate dispersive qualities; and overall fertility is low. Representative Site Site 6 was chosen as representative of this SMU for chemical analysis. A site description is presented in Table 7, and a soil profile morphology summary is presented in Table 8. The soil chemistry results for this site are presented in Table 9. GTenvironmental 15

24 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment Table 7: Site Description SMU Representative site Photograph B1v Representative Site Number Site 6 Site survey type Detailed. 50 mm hand auger. Main vegetation Stringybark, Darwin Woollybutt, Cypress Pine Location mE mN Disturbance No effective disturbance Landform element and pattern Gentle Undulating Plain Micro relief Permeability None Highly permeable Slope (%) 1.5 Drainage drainage Surface coarse No coarse fragment Surface condition Surface is firm and dry ASC Order (s) present in SMU Land System (Lynch (2012) Grey Tenosol Land use Native Bundah Substrate Sandstone Effective Soil Depth 1.0m+ Estimated Soil Water Storage 42mm Erosion potential (Bourne and Tuck 1993) Soil quality for mine rehabilitation Land condition The SMU is generally located on long, low-gradient sloping areas with a sandy surface. It has a low to medium water erosion hazard. Recommended Topsoil Strip Depth: 0.20m Good condition Total area (ha) 13 GTenvironmental 16

25 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment Table 8: Soil Profile Morphology Summary Representative Site Number: Site 6 HORIZON, DEPTH (m), BOUNDARY COLOUR, MOTTLES, BLEACH MOISTURE, IN SITU MEASUREMENTS DEPTH (m): ph and EC (ms) TEXTURE, STRUCTURE, STRENGTH, COARSE FRAGMENTS, SEGREGATIONS, ROOTS Horizon: A11 Horizon Depth: Boundary: Diffused Horizon: A12 Horizon Depth: Boundary: Gradual Colour: 10YR6/1, Brownish Grey Mottle: No mottle Bleach: No bleach Colour: 10YR6/2, Greyish yellow brown Mottle: No mottle Bleach: No bleach Moisture: Dry Depth 0.05m: Field ph 6.5 Meter ph 7.92 Meter EC 0.00 Moisture: Dry Depth 0.30m: Field ph 6.5 Meter ph 7.58 Meter EC 0.00 Depth 0.60m: Field ph 6.5 Meter ph 7.40 Meter EC 0.00 Texture: Sand Structure: Massive Strength: Loose Texture: Loamy Sand Structure: Massive Strength: Very weak Coarse Fragments: No coarse Segregations: No segregations Roots: Few, very fine Coarse Fragments: No coarse Segregations: No segregations Roots: Few, Very fine Horizon: A2 Horizon Depth: Colour: 5YR6/3, Dull orange Mottle: No mottle Bleach: No bleach Moisture: Dry Depth 0.95m: Field ph 6.5 Meter ph 7.22 Meter EC 0.00 Texture: Sandy Clay Loam Structure: Weak Strength: Very weak Coarse Fragments: <40%, 2-6mm coarse Segregations: No segregations Roots: No roots observed Table 9: Soil Chemistry Results for Representative Site 6 Representative Site Number: Site 6 Analysis (Unit) Sample Depth (m) Soil ph Soil EC (ds/m) Soil Cl (mg/kg) P(Olsen) (mg/kg) Exch.Ca (meq/100g) 0.53 <0.1 < Exch. Mg (meq/100g) Exch. Na (meq/100g) <0.08 <0.08 < Exch. K (meq/100g) < CEC (meq/100g) Ca/Mg (ratio) ESP %Na/CEC Total N (%) < Nitrate N (%) OrgMatter (%) PSA-CS (%) PSA-FS(%) PSA-Silt (%) PSA-Clay (%) GTenvironmental 17

26 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment Analysis (Unit) Representative Site Number: Site 6 Sample Depth (m) Disp Ratio (R1) ADMC (%) Emerson (Number) Sulfate-S (mg/kg) Mn (mg/kg) Boron (mg/kg) Copper (mg/kg) Iron (mg/kg) Zinc (mg/kg) Al (meq/100g) Al/CEC (%) indicates sample not tested for the selected analyte GTenvironmental 18

27 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment Soils of Level to Undulating Sand Plains: Soil Mapping Unit B2 Overview This SMU is generally located adjacent to SMU B1, in areas of level and gently undulating plains. Soils are firm brownish black loamy sands into a sandy clay loam extending to 1.0m below the surface. Soil Characteristics and Chemistry This soil unit is a low to moderate quality soil capable of supporting native vegetation. The decreasing Ca/Mg ratio with depth, and an emerson class number of 5, indicate a slightly unstable soil structure within the topsoil horizon. The soils are typically non sodic and have very low salinity. The profile is slightly acidic with a very low cation exchange capacity as indicated in the representative laboratory site data. Soil water storage potential is higher than the SMUs B1 and B1v due to the B horizon consisting of sandy clay loam within 0.30m of the soil profile. The available data indicate that this SMU has the following characteristics: high sand content throughout profile; ph is acidic throughout; electrical conductivity and chloride is very low throughout; very low cation exchange capacity throughout profile; non sodic; very high to very low Ca to Mg ratios throughout profile; low to moderate dispersive qualities; and overall fertility is low to moderate. Representative Site Site 7 was chosen as representative of this SMU for chemical analysis. A site description is presented in Table 10, and a soil profile morphology summary is presented in Table 11. The soil chemistry results for this site are presented in Table 12. GTenvironmental 19

28 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment Table 10: Site Description SMU Representative site photograph B2 Representative Site Number Site 7 Site survey type Detailed. 50 mm hand auger. Main vegetation Stringybark, Cypress Pine Location mE mN Disturbance No effective disturbance Landform element and pattern Gentle Undulating Plain Micro relief Permeability None Highly permeable Slope (%) 3.5 Drainage drainage Surface coarse <10% 2-6mm coarse Surface condition Surface is firm and dry ASC Order (s) present in SMU Land System (Lynch (2012) Brown Kandosol Land use Native Yarrawirrie Substrate Sandstone Effective Soil Depth 1.0m+ Estimated Soil Water Storage 68mm Erosion potential (Bourne and Tuck 1993) Soil quality for mine rehabilitation Land condition The SMU is generally located on low-gradient sloping areas with a sandy surface. It has a low to medium water erosion hazard. Recommended Topsoil Strip Depth: 0.15m Good condition Total area (ha) 435 GTenvironmental 20

29 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment Table 11: Soil Profile Morphology Summary Representative site number: Site 7 HORIZON, DEPTH (m), BOUNDARY COLOUR, MOTTLES, BLEACH MOISTURE, IN SITU MEASUREMENTS DEPTH (m): ph and EC (ms) TEXTURE, STRUCTURE, STRENGTH COARSE FRAGMENTS, SEGREGATIONS, ROOTS Horizon: A11 Horizon Depth: Boundary: Abrupt Colour: 10YR3/2, Brownish Black Mottle: No mottle Bleach: No Bleach Moisture: Dry Depth 0.10m: Meter ph 7.87 Meter EC 0.00 Texture: Loamy sand Structure: Massive Strength: Loose Coarse Fragments: No coarse Segregations: No segregations Roots: Few, very fine Horizon: A12 Horizon Depth: Boundary: Abrupt Horizon: B2 Horizon Depth: Colour: 10YR4/2, Greyish yellow brown Mottle: No mottle Bleach: No Bleach Colour: 10YR2/2, Brownish black Mottle: No mottle Bleach: No bleach Moisture: Dry Depth 0.30m: Meter ph 7.05 Meter EC 0.00 Moisture: Dry Depth 0.60m: Meter ph 7.36 Meter EC 0.00 Depth 0.90m: Meter ph 7.29 Meter EC 0.00 Texture: Loamy Sand Structure: Massive Strength: Very weak Texture: Sandy Clay Loam Structure: Weak Strength: Very weak Coarse Fragments: No coarse Segregations: No segregations Roots: Few, very fine Coarse Fragments: <40%, 2-6mm coarse Segregations: No segregations Roots: No roots observed Table 12: Soil Chemistry Results for Representative Site 7 Representative Site Number: Site 7 Analysis (Unit) Sample Depth (m) Soil ph Soil EC (ds/m) Soil Cl (mg/kg) P(Olsen) (mg/kg) Exch.Ca (meq/100g) Exch. Mg (meq/100g) Exch. Na (meq/100g) <0.08 <0.08 <0.08 <0.08 Exch. K (meq/100g) CEC (meq/100g) Ca/Mg (ratio) ESP %Na/CEC Total N (%) Nitrate N (%) OrgMatter (%) PSA-CS (%) PSA-FS(%) PSA-Silt (%) PSA-Clay (%) GTenvironmental 21

30 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment Analysis (Unit) Representative Site Number: Site 7 Sample Depth (m) Disp Ratio (R1) ADMC (%) Emerson (Number) Sulfate-S (mg/kg) Mn (mg/kg) Boron (mg/kg) Copper (mg/kg) Iron (mg/kg) Zinc (mg/kg) Al (meq/100g) < Al/CEC (%) 1 10 <1 2 - indicates sample not tested for the selected analyte GTenvironmental 22

31 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment Soils of Level to Undulating Sand Plains: Soil Mapping Unit V1 Overview This SMU is the smallest SMU within the project site, and is located within a densely vegetated monsoonal vine thicket situated to the south of the Southern Eastern Lease. The area is located on a gently undulating plain just off a ridge, adjacent to SMU B1. SMU V1 contains a high proportion of surface rocks and gravel, with manganese deposits visible immediately to the north of the SMU, and fresh organic material and debris on the rock surface. Soils were not accessible due to the sandstone substrate. As such, a soil sample could not be collected and the description of the SMU is therefore limited. Soil Characteristics and Chemistry The SMU was considered to be a minor soil type with no obtainable sample; therefore, no soil chemistry results are available. Representative Site Site 22 was chosen as representative of this SMU. A site description is presented in Table 13, and a soil profile morphology summary is presented in Table 14. GTenvironmental 23

32 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment Table 13: Site Description SMU Representative site photograph V1 Representative Site Number Site 22 Site survey type Detailed. Hand trowel Main vegetation Monsoonal Vine Thicket Location mE mN Disturbance No effective disturbance Landform element and pattern Undulating Plain Micro relief Permeability - None Slope (%) 6.0 Drainage - Surface coarse >95% 0-200mm coarse and boulders Surface condition Organic Matter/leaf matter ASC Order (s) present in SMU Land System (Lynch (2012) Brown Tenosol Land use Native Bundah Substrate Sandstone Effective Soil Depth 0.0 Estimated Soil Water Storage n/a Erosion potential (Bourne and Tuck 1993) Soil quality for mine rehabilitation Land condition - Recommended Topsoil Strip Depth: 0.00m Good condition Total area (ha) 1 GTenvironmental 24

33 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment Table 14: Soil Profile Morphology Summary Representative site number: Site 22 HORIZON, DEPTH (m), BOUNDARY COLOUR, MOTTLES, BLEACH MOISTURE, IN SITU MEASUREMENTS DEPTH (m): ph and EC (ms) TEXTURE, STRUCTURE, STRENGTH COARSE FRAGMENTS, SEGREGATIONS, ROOTS Horizon: O1 Horizon Depth: Colour: No colour Mottle: No mottle Bleach: No bleach Moisture: Humid Depth 0.02m: Meter ph 7.17 Meter EC 0.05 Texture^: - Structure^: - Strength^: - Coarse Fragments: >95% 0-200mm Segregations: No segregations Roots: No roots ^ Note: no soil sample was able to be collected at this site. GTenvironmental 25

34 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment Uplands with Sandy Earths and Lithosols: Soil Mapping Unit Q1 Overview This SMU is found typically in areas toward the boundary of the Eastern Leases with one large expanse located within the centre of the Southern Eastern Lease. The SMU comprises rugged dissected uplands on quartz sandstone with little disturbance. Soils are shallow, if non-existent, gravelly and often rocky clayey sand over quartz sandstone below 0.02m depth. Soil Characteristics and Chemistry This soil unit is a low to moderate quality soil. Dispersion levels indicate a stable soil structure within the available topsoil horizon. The soils are typically non sodic and have very low salinity. The profile is slightly acidic with a very low cation exchange capacity as indicated in the representative soil chemistry results. The available data indicate that this SMU has the following characteristics: fine and coarse sand content dominates the profile; ph is acidic throughout; electrical conductivity and chloride is very low throughout; low cation exchange capacity throughout profile; non sodic; non dispersive; and very high Ca to Mg ratios throughout profile. Representative Site Site 10 was chosen as representative of this SMU for chemical analysis. A site description is presented in Table 15, and a soil profile morphology summary is presented in Table 16. The soil chemistry results for this site are presented in Table 17. GTenvironmental 26

35 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment Table 15: Site Description SMU Representative site photograph Q1 Representative site number Site 10 Site survey type Detailed. Hand Trowel Main vegetation Stringybark, Cypress Pine Location mE mN Disturbance No effective disturbance Landform element and pattern Undulating Plains Micro relief Permeability None Highly permeable Slope (%) 6.5 Drainage drainage <30% <6mm Surface coarse <30% <20mm <20% >20mm Coarse / boulders/quartz Surface condition Surface is soft and dry ASC Order (s) present in SMU Land System (Lynch (2012) Grey Tenosol Land use Native Groote Substrate Sandstone Effective Soil Depth <0.02m Estimated Soil Water Storage n/a Erosion potential (Bourne and Tuck 1993) Soil quality for mine rehabilitation This SMU generally located on low-gradient sloping areas with a sandy surface It has a low to medium water erosion hazard. Recommended Topsoil Strip Depth: 0.00m Land condition - Total area (ha) 471 GTenvironmental 27

36 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment Table 16: Soil Profile Morphology Summary Representative site number: Site 10 HORIZON, DEPTH (m), BOUNDARY COLOUR, MOTTLES, BLEACH MOISTURE, IN SITU MEASUREMENTS DEPTH (m): ph and EC (ms) TEXTURE, STRUCTURE, STRENGTH COARSE FRAGMENTS, SEGREGATIONS, ROOTS Horizon: A1 Horizon Depth: Colour: 10YR7/1, Light Grey Mottle: No mottle Bleach: No bleach Moisture: Dry Depth 0.02m: Field ph 6.5 Meter ph 6.24 Meter EC 0.00 Texture: Clayey Sand Structure: Massive Strength: Loose Coarse Fragments: <30% <6mm; <30% <20mm; <20% >20mm; and Quartz Segregations: No segregations Roots: Few, very fine Table 17: Soil Chemistry Results for Representative Site 10 Analysis (Unit) Representative Site Number: Site 10 Sample Depth (m) Soil ph 5.9 Soil EC (ds/m) 0.03 Soil Cl (mg/kg) 16 P(Olsen) (mg/kg) 6 Exch.Ca (meq/100g) 4.34 Exch. Mg (meq/100g) 1.9 Exch. Na (meq/100g) <0.08 Exch. K (meq/100g) 0.08 CEC (meq/100g) 6.4 Ca/Mg (ratio) 2.3 ESP %Na/CEC 1 Total N (%) 0.09 Nitrate N (%) 1 OrgMatter (%) 3.3 PSA-CS (%) 50 PSA-FS(%) 41 PSA-Silt (%) 3 PSA-Clay (%) 6 Disp Ratio (R1) 0.83 ADMC (%) 1.4 Emerson (Number) 5 Sulfate-S (mg/kg) 6 Mn (mg/kg) 44.2 Boron (mg/kg) 0.4 Copper (mg/kg) 0.2 Iron (mg/kg) 27 Zinc (mg/kg) 0.3 Al (meq/100g) 0.02 Al/CEC (%) <1 - indicates sample not tested for the selected analyte GTenvironmental 28

37 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment Soils of Drainage Channels and Alluvial Plains: Soil Mapping Unit A1 Overview This SMU is associated with active drainage pathways within the project site. Landforms are flat to very gently undulating plains with drainage lines and soils that are brownish black to dark black sandy clay loams to silty loams often with a firm to hard setting surface. Soils throughout the profile area are apedal with moderate to good drainage occurring within the first metre. Soil Characteristics and Chemistry This soil unit is a low to moderate quality soil capable of supporting native vegetation. Soils are typically non sodic and have very low salinity. The profile is slightly acidic with a very low cation exchange capacity and moderate dispersive qualities as indicated in the representative laboratory site data. The available data indicate that this SMU has the following characteristics: fine and coarse sand content dominates the top profile with an increase in clay content with depth; ph is acidic throughout; electrical conductivity and chloride is very low throughout; very low cation exchange capacity throughout profile; non sodic; moderate to low Ca to Mg ratios throughout profile; moderate dispersive qualities; and overall fertility is low. Representative Site Site 19 was chosen as representative of this SMU for chemical analysis. A site description is presented in Table 18, and a soil profile morphology summary is presented in Table 19. The soil chemistry results for this site are presented in Table 20. GTenvironmental 29

38 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment Table 18: Site Description SMU Representative site photograph A1 Representative site number Site 19 Site survey type Detailed. 50 mm hand auger. Main vegetation Paperbark, Stringybark Location mE mN Disturbance No disturbance Landform element and pattern Gentle undulating plain, lower slope, gully nearby Micro relief Permeability Nil Moderate Slope (%) 2.0% Drainage Well drained Surface coarse No coarse Surface condition Soft, moist ASC Order (s) present in SMU Land System (Lynch (2012) Grey Chromosol Land use Native Effington Substrate Sandstone Effective Soil Depth 1.0m Estimated Soil Water Storage 62mm Erosion potential (Bourne and Tuck 1993) Soil quality for mine rehabilitation Land condition This SMU has a high susceptibility to erosion if the surface is exposed. Recommended Topsoil Strip Depth: 0.15m Good condition Total area (ha) 138 GTenvironmental 30

39 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment Table 19: Soil Profile Morphology Representative site number: Site 19 HORIZON, DEPTH (m), BOUNDARY COLOUR, MOTTLES, BLEACH MOISTURE, IN SITU MEASUREMENTS DEPTH (m): ph and EC (ms) TEXTURE, STRUCTURE, STRENGTH COARSE FRAGMENTS, SEGREGATIONS, ROOTS Horizon: A1 Horizon Depth: Boundary: Diffuse Colour: 10YR2/1, Black, Mottle: No mottle Bleach: No bleach Moisture: Moist Depth 0.10m: Field ph 6.5 Meter ph 7.02 Field EC 0.00 Texture: Sandy loam Structure: Weak Strength: Weak Coarse Fragments: No coarse Segregations: No segregations Roots: Very fine, Common Horizon: A2 Horizon Depth: Boundary: Abrupt Colour: 10YR3/1, Brownish black Mottle: No mottle Bleach: No bleach Moisture: Moist Depth 0.30m: Field ph 6.0 Meter ph 6.72 Meter EC 0.00 Texture: Loamy sand Structure: Weak Strength: Weak Coarse Fragments: No coarse Segregations: No segregations Roots: Very fine, Common Horizon: B21 Horizon Depth: Boundary: Abrupt Colour: 10YR5/1, Brownish grey Mottle: Mottle <25% 2.5YR4/8 Bleach: No bleach Moisture: Wet Depth 0.60m: Field ph 6.0 Meter ph 6.62 Meter EC 0.00 Texture: Clay loam Structure: Weak Strength: Moderate Coarse Fragments: No coarse Segregations: No segregations Roots: Very fine, Common Horizon: B22 Horizon Depth: Colour: 10YR3/2, Brownish black Mottle: No mottle Bleach: No bleach Moisture: Wet Depth 0.90m: Field ph 6.0 Meter ph 6.82 Meter EC 0.00 Texture: Clay loam, Structure: Weak, Strength: Moderate Coarse Fragments: <10% <20mm coarse Segregations: No segregations Roots: No Roots Table 20: Soil Chemistry Results for Representative Site 19 Representative Site Number: Site 19 Analysis (Unit) Sample Depth (m) Soil ph Soil EC (ds/m) Soil Cl (mg/kg) P(Olsen) (mg/kg) Exch.Ca (meq/100g) Exch. Mg (meq/100g) Exch. Na (meq/100g) 0.11 < <0.08 Exch. K (meq/100g) CEC (meq/100g) Ca/Mg (ratio) ESP %Na/CEC Total N (%) Nitrate N (%) < OrgMatter (%) GTenvironmental 31

40 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment Analysis (Unit) Representative Site Number: Site 19 Sample Depth (m) PSA-CS (%) PSA-FS(%) PSA-Silt (%) PSA-Clay (%) Disp Ratio (R1) ADMC (%) Emerson (Number) Sulfate-S (mg/kg) Mn (mg/kg) Boron (mg/kg) Copper (mg/kg) Iron (mg/kg) Zinc (mg/kg) Al (meq/100g) Al/CEC (%) indicates sample not tested for the selected analyte 4.2 Acid Sulfate Soils Assessment No evidence of ASS was found during the field surveys, and the risk of ASS occurring within the project site is considered to be extremely low, given the geological origins, elevation and landforms found within the project site. GTenvironmental 32

41 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment 5 TOPSOIL STRIPPING DEPTH ASSESSMENT 5.1 Topsoil Stripping Areas to be disturbed as a result of mining activities and construction of the proposed haul road will require stripping of topsoil for reuse in mine rehabilitation activities. All soil types within the study area have been assessed to determine their suitability for stripping and reuse in rehabilitation of these areas. The recommended topsoil stripping depths for each SMU were determined based primarily on the change in CEC and the Ca/Mg ratio and observed texture changes through the soil profile. Changes in these parameters provide an indication of the change in fertility and dispersive qualities of the soil profile, and help indicate the change from topsoil to lesser fertile subsoils. 5.2 Summary of Soil Types and Recommended Topsoil Stripping Depths The project site contains various soils from uniform to gradational sandy earths and loams, to minor texture contrast clay soil types. These soil types are summarized below. Uniform to Gradational Sandy to Sandy Loam Earths (B1, B1v, B2) These SMUs include deep brown, grey and grey yellow earths (B1, B1v and B2) of generally firm sandy loams to sandy clay loams ranging from uniform to gradational soils. These soils have a low to moderate erosion potential, and although are generally low in fertility, these soils are considered suitable to support native vegetation. SMU B1 Laboratory results for this SMU show levels of CEC and Ca/Mg decreasing after approximately 0.4mbgl in the soil profile. This indicates a decrease in fertility and increased dispersive qualities of the soil profile from this depth. The recommended topsoil stripping depth for SMU B1 is therefore 0.4m. SMU B1v Laboratory results for this SMU show that levels of Ca/Mg decrease significantly after approximately 0.3mbgl in the soil profile. This increases the dispersive qualities of the soil profile from this depth. In addition, a texture grade was observed to change after 0.2mbgl. The recommended topsoil stripping depth for SMU B1v is therefore 0.2m. SMU B2 Laboratory results for this SMU show that levels of CEC and Ca/Mg decrease significantly after approximately 0.1mbgl in the soil profile. This indicates a decrease in fertility and increased dispersive qualities of the soil profile from this depth. In addition, texture colour was observed to change after 0.2mbgl. The recommended topsoil stripping depth for SMU B2 is therefore 0.15m. GTenvironmental 33

42 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment Rocky outcrop with surface gravels and organic matter within monsoonal vine thicket (V1) Soils from this SMU were not accessible due to the high proportion of surface rock and gravels. Therefore, it is not recommended to utilise this SMU to recover any topsoil resources. Very Shallow Clayey Sand over Quartz Sandstone and Rock (Q1) Soil mapping unit Q1 is a very shallow gravelly clayey sand overlying rocky outcrop formations. The landform is rugged with jump ups and steeper slopes, which would limit the amount of topsoil able to be recovered, if any. Laboratory data of the representative site indicated minimal topsoil resources, with stripping likely to be limited to less than 0.05m based on field observations. Therefore, it is not recommended to utilise this SMU to recover any topsoil resources. Texture Contrast Sandy to Clay Loam Earths (A1) The quality of this texture contrast soil is similar to the uniform and gradational sandy earths and loams. Laboratory results for this SMU show levels of Ca/Mg decrease from approximately 0.3mbgl in the soil profile. This increases the dispersive qualities of the soil profile from this depth. In addition, a texture grade was observed to change after 0.15mbgl. The recommended topsoil stripping depth for SMU A1 is therefore 0.15m Recommended Topsoil Stripping Depths Table 21 presents the recommended topsoil stripping depths for each SMU. The distribution of the topsoil stripping depths is shown in Figure 6. Table 21: Soil Mapping Unit Summary Percentage of SMU total project site (%) Description Recommended Topsoil Stripping Depth (mbgl) B Dark brown to reddish brown loamy sands on undulating plains 0.40 B1v 0.28 Light brownish grey to yellow brown loamy sands on undulating plains 0.20 B Brownish black loamy sands on level to undulating plains 0.15 V Very dense rocky undulating plain with dense vegetation 0.00 Q Rugged uplands on quartz sandstone with minor Leptic Rudosols 0.00 A Alluival floodplains and gully areas in level to gently undulating plains 0.15 GTenvironmental 34

43 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment 6 CONCLUSION The following conclusions have been made: Six soil mapping units, including one variant, are present within the project site, B1, B1v, B2, V1, Q1 and A1. The project site is dominated by areas of deep brown to light grey brown sandy earths, loams and gradational contrast soils (B1, B1v, B2), with minor areas of clay loam subsoils relating to active drainage pathways (A1), rugged upland areas with very shallow soils and dense rocky outcrops (Q1) and a densely vegetated monsoonal vine thicket (V1). The majority of topsoil from the deep sandy loam SMUs (B1, B1v, B2 and A1) would be suitable for rehabilitation use. No topsoil would be able to be recovered from the rugged uplands or monsoonal vine thicket SMUs of Q1 and V1. No evidence of ASS was found during the field surveys, and the risk of ASS occurring within the project site is considered to be extremely low, given the geological origins, elevation and landforms found within the project site. GTenvironmental 35

44 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment 7 REFERENCES Australian Soil Resource Information System (ASRIS), National Acid Sulfate Soils Atlas. CSIRO, Accessed 5 June 2014, < Bourne,G.F. and Tuck, G.A. (1993), Understanding and Managing Soils in the Central Highlands. QDPI QE Brisbane. Department of Minerals and Energy (1995), Technical Guidelines for Environmental Management of Exploration and Mining in Queensland. Brisbane. Google Earth (2014), CNES/Atrium Image, mS mE (GDA94 Zone 53), elevation 49m. Accessed 5 June 2014, < Gunn, R.H, Beattie, J.A., Reid, R.E. and van de Graff, R. (1988). Australian Soil and Land Survey: Guidelines for Conducting Surveys. Inkata Press. Melbourne. Isbell, R.F. (2002), The Australian Soil Classification, CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood VIC. Lynch (2012), Land Systems of the Northern Territory (1:250,000). McKenzie, N.J., Grundy, M.J., Webster. R. Ringrose-Voase. A.J. (2008), Guidelines for Surveying Soils and Land Resources. Second Edition. CSIRO Publishing. Munsell Color Company (2009), Munsell Soil Color Charts. Munsell Color Co x-rite, Grand s, Michigan. National Committee on Soil and Terrain (2009), Australian Soil and Land Survey: Field Handbook. Third Edition. CSIRO Publishing. Melbourne. Northcote, K. H. with Beckmann, G. G., Bettenay, E., Churchward, H. M., Van Dijk, D. C., Dimmock, G. M., Hubble, G. D., Isbell, R. F., McArthur, W. M., Murtha, G. G., Nicolls, K. D., Paton, T. R., Thompson, C. H., Webb, A. A. and Wright, M. J. ( ), Atlas of Australian Soils, Sheets 1 to 10. CSIRO Australia, and Melbourne University Press, Melbourne. GTenvironmental 36

45 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment 8 FIGURES GTenvironmental 37

46 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment Figure 1 Project Location DARWIN Groote Eylandt E E Townsville BRISBANE N PERTH ADELAIDE MELBOURNE SYDNEY CANBERRA HOBART Chasm Island Connexion Island Tasman Point South Point North West Bluff Milner Bay Existing GEMCO Manganese Mine DATUM: GDA 94 Zone : km Horizontal Scale EMERALD RIVER Alyangula Angurugu Winchelsea Island Ama l yikba Creek AMAGUL A RIVER Yarranya Island A narrama Creek G R O O T E E Y L A N D T ANGURUGU RIVER Project Site Hempel Bay Dalumba Bay Umbakumba Mamalingmanja Point G U L F O F C A R P E N T A R I A N N N GTenvironmental 38

47 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment Figure 2 Local Setting GTenvironmental 39

48 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment Figure 3 Surface Geology GTenvironmental 40

49 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment Figure 4 Land Systems GTenvironmental 41

50 Ob53 Ob NORTHERN EASTERN LEASE Figure 5: Soil Mapping Units 4 Ob6 Ob7 5 Baseline Soil Assessment GEMCO EASTERN LEASES PROJECT 09/09/2014 Ob5 Ob15 Ob8 Ob14 Legend Ob13 Ob12 Soil Study Area Detailed Site Ob10 6 Observation Site Ob11 Ob9 Ob20 B1 B1v Ob21 Ob19 B2 Ob17 Ob V1 Ob16 3 Ob4 Ob3 Ob22 Q1 Ob23 Ob24 Ob25 A1 Ob26 Ob Ob27 Ob28 Ob30 Ob29 8 Ob32 Ob33 Ob34 Ob35 Ob83 20 Ob82 SOUTHERN EASTERN LEASE Ob80 Ob81 Ob Ob94 Ob79 Ob78 Ob76 17 Ob75 Ob63 Ob77 14 Ob62 Ob61 11 Ob Ob45 Ob Ob Ob95 Ob37 10 Ob38 Ob39 Ob1 Ob40 Ob41 Ob42 Ob64 Ob73 Ob60 Ob70 Ob72 Ob59 Ob44 Ob56 Ob57 Ob58 Ob69 Ob71 Ob55 Ob51 Ob48 Ob49 Ob50 Ob68 Ob52 Ob65 Ob47 Ob66 Ob67 Ob36 Ob2 Ob84 Ob85 Ob Ob Ob87 24 Ob90 Ob89 Ob88 Ob92 Metres Projection: GDA94 Zone 53 Scale 1 : 20,000 Dark Brown to reddish brown loamy sands on undulating plains Light Brownish grey to yellow brown loamy sands on undulating plains Brownish black loamy sands on level to undulating plains 25 Very dense rocky undulating plain with dense vegetation Rugged uplands on quartz sandstone with minor Leptic Rudosols Alluival floodplains and gully areas in level to gently undulating plains HAUL ROAD CORRIDOR

51 Figure 6: Topsoil Stripping Depths Baseline Soil Assessment GEMCO EASTERN LEASES PROJECT 09/09/2014 HAUL ROAD CORRIDOR Metres Projection: GDA94 Zone 53 Scale 1 : 20,000 Legend Soil Study Area 0.00 metres 0.15 metres 0.20 metres 0.40 metres NORTHERN EASTERN LEASE SOUTHERN EASTERN LEASE

52 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment 9 APPENDICES Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Detailed Survey Site Descriptions Observation Survey Site Descriptions Laboratory Certificates GTenvironmental 44

53 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment APPENDIX A DETAILED SURVEY SITE DESCRIPTIONS GTenvironmental 45

54 SITE 1 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd Soil Mapping Unit: B1 Land Systems, Lynch (2012): Bundah Location (GDA ZONE 53): mE mN Aust. Soil Class. : Brown Tenosol Site Survey Type: Detailed - 50mm hand auger Survey Date: 13/06/2014 Landscape Surface Soil Profile Land use Landform Pattern, Element, Slope Natural Microrelief Disturbance Erosion Surface condition, surface rock Horizon Depth (m), Boundary Texture Structure, Strength Inclusions Segregations Colour, Mottle Soil Profile Description Moisture, Drainage Roots Depth (m) / Field ph Sample (m) Observations Native Gentle Undulating Plain Midslope 3.5% Tall open woodland including Eucalypts 20% cover Native Shrubs and grasses Nil microrelief Nil Disturbance Nil Erosion Soft, sandy, no coarse fragment observed A Diffuse A Sand Massive, Loose Loamy Sand Massive, Very weak <2% <5mm Manganese nodules <2% <5mm Manganese nodules 10YR4/3 Brown 5YR5/8 Yellowish red Mottle <40% 10YR4/3 Brown rapid rapid Very fine, very few roots No roots observed pH/ EC pH/ EC pH/ EC pH/ EC Appendix A Detailed Site Descriptions

55 SITE 2 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd Soil Mapping Unit: B1 Land Systems, Lynch (2012): Bundah Location (GDA ZONE 53): mE mN Aust. Soil Class. : Brown Tenosol Site Survey Type: Detailed - 50mm hand auger Survey Date: 13/06/2014 Landscape Surface Soil Profile Land use Landform Pattern, Element, Slope Natural Microrelief Disturbance Erosion Surface condition, surface rock Horizon Depth (m), Boundary Texture Structure, Strength Inclusions Segregations Colour, Mottle Soil Profile Description Moisture, Drainage Roots Depth (m) / Field ph Sample (m) Observations Native Gentle Undulating Plain Flat Plain 0.5% Tall open woodland including Eucalypts 20% cover Native Shrubs and grasses Nil microrelief Nil Disturbance Nil Erosion Firm, sandy, <5% 2-6mm coarse A Clear A Abrupt A Loamy Sand Loamy Sand Loamy Sand Massive, very weak Massive, very weak Massive, very weak <2%, 2-6mm coarse <5%, 5-20mm coarse <20%, 0-5mm coarse <20%, 0-5mm Manganese 10YR3/2 Very dark greyish brown 10YR2/2 Very dark brown 10YR2/1 Black Fine, few pH pH Fine, few pH pH Appendix A Detailed Site Descriptions

56 SITE 3 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd Soil Mapping Unit: B2 Land Systems, Lynch (2012): Yarrawirrie Location (GDA ZONE 53): mE mN Aust. Soil Class. : Brown Kandosol Site Survey Type: Detailed - 50mm hand auger Survey Date: 13/06/2014 Landscape Surface Soil Profile Land use Landform Pattern, Element, Slope Natural Microrelief Disturbance Erosion Surface condition, surface rock Horizon Depth (m), Boundary Texture Structure, Strength Inclusions Segregations Colour, Mottle Soil Profile Description Moisture, Drainage Roots Depth (m) / Field ph Sample (m) Observations Native Gentle Undulating Plain Mid slope 3.0% Tall open woodland including Eucalypts 20% cover Native Shrubs and grasses Nil microrelief Nil Disturbance Nil Erosion Soft, sandy, No coarse A Abrupt B Sand Massive, loose Sandy Clay Loam Massive, very weak <2%, 2-6mm coarse <2%, 2-6mm coarse 10YR4/1 Dark gray 10YR6/4 Light yellowish brown Very fine, few pH - - Very fine, few pH pH pH Appendix A Detailed Site Descriptions

57 SITE 4 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd Soil Mapping Unit: B1 Land Systems, Lynch (2012): Bundah Location (GDA ZONE 53): mE mN Aust. Soil Class. : Brown Tenosol Site Survey Type: Detailed - 50mm hand auger Survey Date: 13/06/2014 Landscape Surface Soil Profile Land use Landform Pattern, Element, Slope Natural Microrelief Disturbance Erosion Surface condition, surface rock Horizon Depth (m), Boundary Texture Structure, Strength Inclusions Segregations Colour, Mottle Soil Profile Description Moisture, Drainage Roots Depth (m) / Field ph Sample (m) Observations Native Gentle Undulating Plain Mid slope 4.0% Tall open woodland including Eucalypts 20% cover Native Shrubs and grasses Nil microrelief Nil Disturbance Nil Erosion Firm, sandy, No coarse A Abrupt A Sand Massive, loose Loamy Sand Massive, very weak - 10YR4/1 Dark gray - 10YR6/4 Light yellowish brown Very fine, few pH pH Very fine, few pH pH - - Appendix A Detailed Site Descriptions

58 SITE 5 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd Soil Mapping Unit: B1 Land Systems, Lynch (2012): Bundah Location (GDA ZONE 53): mE mN Aust. Soil Class. : Brown Tenosol Site Survey Type: Detailed - 50mm hand auger Survey Date: 13/06/2014 Landscape Surface Soil Profile Land use Landform Pattern, Element, Slope Natural Microrelief Disturbance Erosion Surface condition, surface rock Horizon Depth (m), Boundary Texture Structure, Strength Inclusions Segregations Colour, Mottle Soil Profile Description Moisture, Drainage Roots Depth (m) / Field ph / Meter ph Meter / EC (ms) Sample (m) Observations Native Gentle Undulating Plain Mid slope 3.0% Tall open woodland including Eucalypts 20% cover Native Shrubs and grasses Nil microrelief Nil Disturbance Nil Erosion Firm, sandy, No coarse A Diffused A Loamy sand Massive, loose Loamy Sand Massive, loose <2%, 2-6mm coarse <2%, 2-6mm coarse 7.5YR3/4 Dark brown 2.5YR3/4 Dark reddish brown Fine, very few pH/ 7.94pH / pH/ 7.68pH / 0.00 Fine, very few pH/ 7.74pH / pH/ 7.52pH / Appendix A Detailed Site Descriptions

59 SITE 6 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd Soil Mapping Unit: B1v Land Systems, Lynch (2012): Bundah Location (GDA ZONE 53): mE mN Aust. Soil Class. : Grey Tenosol Site Survey Type: Detailed - 50mm hand auger Survey Date: 13/06/2014 Landscape Surface Soil Profile Land use Landform Pattern, Element, Slope Natural Microrelief Disturbance Erosion Surface condition, surface rock Horizon Depth (m), Boundary Texture Structure, Strength Inclusions Segregations Colour, Mottle Soil Profile Description Moisture, Drainage Roots Depth (m) / Field ph / Meter ph Meter / EC (ms) Sample (m) Observations Native Gentle Undulating Plain Mid slope 1.5% Tall open woodland including Eucalypts AND Casuarinas <20% cover Native Shrubs and grasses Nil microrelief Nil Disturbance Nil Erosion Firm, light grey sandy, No coarse A Diffused A Gradual Sand Massive, loose Loamy Sand Massive, very weak - 10YR6/1 Brownish Gray - 10YR6/2 Light brownish gray Very fine, few pH/ 7.92pH / 0.00 Very fine, few pH/ 7.58pH / pH/ 7.40pH / A Sandy Clay Loam Weak, very weak <40%, 2-6mm coarse 5YR6/3 Dull orange pH/ 7.22pH / Appendix A Detailed Site Descriptions

60 SITE 7 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd Soil Mapping Unit: B2 Land Systems, Lynch (2012): Yarrawirrie Location (GDA ZONE 53): mE mN Aust. Soil Class. : Brown Kandosol Site Survey Type: Detailed - 50mm hand auger Survey Date: 13/06/2014 Landscape Surface Soil Profile Land use Landform Pattern, Element, Slope Natural Microrelief Disturbance Erosion Surface condition, surface rock Horizon Depth (m), Boundary Texture Structure, Strength Inclusions Segregations Colour, Mottle Soil Profile Description Moisture, Drainage Roots Depth (m) Meter ph Meter / EC (ms) Sample (m) Observations Native Gentle Undulating Plain Mid slope 3.5% Tall open woodland including Eucalypts AND Casuarinas <20% cover Native Shrubs and grasses Nil microrelief Nil Disturbance Nil Erosion Firm, <10% 2-6mm coarse A Abrupt A Abrupt B Loamy sand Massive, loose Loamy Sand Sandy Clay Loam Massive, very weak Weak, very weak - 10YR3/2 Very dark greyish brown - 10YR4/2 Dark grayish brown <40%, 2-6mm coarse 10YR2/2 Very dark brown Very fine, few pH / Very fine, very few pH / pH / pH / Appendix A Detailed Site Descriptions

61 SITE 8 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd Soil Mapping Unit: B1 Land Systems, Lynch (2012): Bundah Location (GDA ZONE 53): mE mN Aust. Soil Class. : Brown Tenosol Site Survey Type: Detailed - 50mm hand auger Survey Date: 13/06/2014 Landscape Surface Soil Profile Land use Landform Pattern, Element, Slope Natural Microrelief Disturbance Erosion Surface condition, surface rock Horizon Depth (m), Boundary Texture Structure, Strength Inclusions Segregations Colour, Mottle Soil Profile Description Moisture, Drainage Roots Depth (m) / Field ph Sample (m) Observations Native Gentle Undulating Plain Flat Plain <0.5% Tall open woodland including Eucalypts Native Shrubs and grasses Nil microrelief Nil Disturbance Nil Erosion Hard setting, <2% 2-6mm coarse <2% 2-6mm Manganese A Abrupt A Abrupt A Clayey Sand Loamy Sand Loamy Sand Massive, loose Very weak, loose Very weak, loose - 10YR3/3 Dark Brown - 10YR5/3 Brown <5%, 2-6mm manganese nodules 10YR5/3 Brown Moderate Very fine, few pH pH Very fine, very few pH - - Appendix A Detailed Site Descriptions

62 SITE 9 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd Soil Mapping Unit: B1 Land Systems, Lynch (2012): Bundah Location (GDA ZONE 53): mE mN Aust. Soil Class. : Brown Tenosol Site Survey Type: Detailed - 50mm hand auger Survey Date: 13/06/2014 Landscape Surface Soil Profile Land use Landform Pattern, Element, Slope Natural Microrelief Disturbance Erosion Surface condition, surface rock Horizon Depth (m), Boundary Texture Structure, Strength Inclusions Segregations Colour, Mottle Soil Profile Description Moisture, Drainage Roots Depth (m) / Field ph Sample (m) Observations Native Gentle Undulating Plain Flat Plain 2.5% Tall open woodland including Eucalypts Native Shrubs and grasses Nil microrelief Nil Disturbance Nil Erosion Firm, <10% 2-6mm coarse <5% 2-6mm Manganese A Abrupt A Loamy sand Massive, loose Loamy Sand Massive, loose <10%, 2-6mm coarse <30%, 2-6mm <2% >10mm coarse 10YR5/3 Brown 5YR5/3 Reddish brown Mottle 10YR5/3 Brown<20% Very fine, few pH pH pH pH Appendix A Detailed Site Descriptions

63 SITE 10 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd Soil Mapping Unit: Q1 Land Systems, Lynch (2012): Groote Location (GDA ZONE 53): mE mN Aust. Soil Class. : Grey Tenosol Site Survey Type: Detailed - 50mm hand auger Survey Date: 14/06/2014 Landscape Surface Soil Profile Land use Landform Pattern, Element, Slope Natural Microrelief Disturbance Erosion Surface condition, surface rock Horizon Depth (m), Boundary Texture Structure, Strength Inclusions Segregations Colour, Mottle Soil Profile Description Moisture, Drainage Roots Depth (m) / Field ph / Meter ph Meter / EC (ms) Sample (m) Observations Native Gentle Undulating Plain Mid slope 6.5% Tall open woodland including Eucalypts Native Shrubs and grasses Nil microrelief Nil Disturbance Nil Erosion Soft, <30% <6mm <30% <20mm <20% >20mm Coarse / boulders/ quartz A Clayey Sand Massive, loose As surface 10YR7/1 Light Gray Fine, few pH / 6.24pH / Rocky outcrop Appendix A Detailed Site Descriptions

64 SITE 11 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd Soil Mapping Unit: B2 Land Systems, Lynch (2012): Yarrawirrie Location (GDA ZONE 53): mE mN Aust. Soil Class. : Brown Kandosol Site Survey Type: Detailed - 50mm hand auger Survey Date: 14/06/2014 Landscape Surface Soil Profile Land use Landform Pattern, Element, Slope Natural Microrelief Disturbance Erosion Surface condition, surface rock Horizon Depth (m), Boundary Texture Structure, Strength Inclusions Segregations Colour, Mottle Soil Profile Description Moisture, Drainage Roots Depth (m) / Field ph Sample (m) Observations Native Gentle Undulating Plain Mid slope 3.0% Tall open woodland including Eucalypts Native Shrubs and grasses Nil microrelief Nil Disturbance Nil Erosion Soft, light yellow brown, sandy, no coarse A Abrupt A Abrupt A Abrupt Loamy sand Massive, loose Loamy Sand Massive, weak Loamy sand Massive, weak - 10YR3/2 Very dark greyish brown - 7.5YR3/4 Dark brown - 2.5YR4/4 Reddish brown Fine, few pH Very fine, few pH pH A Loamy sand Massive, weak - 2.5YR3/4 Dark reddish brown pH Appendix A Detailed Site Descriptions

65 SITE 12 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd Soil Mapping Unit: B1 Land Systems, Lynch (2012): Bundah Location (GDA ZONE 53): mE mN Aust. Soil Class. : Brown Tenosol Site Survey Type: Detailed - 50mm hand auger Survey Date: 14/06/2014 Landscape Surface Soil Profile Land use Landform Pattern, Element, Slope Natural Microrelief Disturbance Erosion Surface condition, surface rock Horizon Depth (m), Boundary Texture Structure, Strength Inclusions Segregations Colour, Mottle Soil Profile Description Moisture, Drainage Roots Depth (m) / Field ph Sample (m) Observations Native Gentle Undulating Plain Flat plain <0.5% Tall open woodland including Eucalypts Native Shrubs and grasses Nil microrelief Nil Disturbance Nil Erosion Soft, light yellow brown, sandy, no coarse A Abrupt A Abrupt A Abrupt Loamy sand Massive, loose Loamy Sand Massive, weak Loamy sand Massive, weak - 10YR3/2 Very dark greyish brown - 10YR3/4 Dark yellowish brown - 2.5YR4/4 Reddish brown Fine, few pH - - Very fine, few pH pH A Loamy sand Massive, weak - 2.5YR3/4 Dark reddish brown pH Appendix A Detailed Site Descriptions

66 SITE 13 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd Soil Mapping Unit: B1 Land Systems, Lynch (2012): Bundah Location (GDA ZONE 53): mE mN Aust. Soil Class. : Brown Tenosol Site Survey Type: Detailed - 50mm hand auger Survey Date: 14/06/2014 Landscape Surface Soil Profile Land use Landform Pattern, Element, Slope Natural Microrelief Disturbance Erosion Surface condition, surface rock Horizon Depth (m), Boundary Texture Structure, Strength Inclusions Segregations Colour, Mottle Soil Profile Description Moisture, Drainage Roots Depth (m) / Field ph Sample (m) Observations Native Gentle Undulating Plain Midslope 5.0% Tall open woodland including Narrow trunk Eucalypts Native Shrubs and grasses Nil microrelief Nil Disturbance Minor sheet erosion observed Firm, sandy, <30% 10-50mm coarse A Abrupt A Abrupt Loamy sand Massive, loose Loamy Sand Massive, loose <5%, 5-10mm coarse <10%, 5-10mm coarse 10YR2/2 Very dark brown 10YR2/2 Very dark brown Fine, few pH pH Fine, few pH Manganese outcrops nearby. Five borehole attempts. Refusal at m at four locations. Appendix A Detailed Site Descriptions

67 SITE 14 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd Soil Mapping Unit: B1 Land Systems, Lynch (2012): Bundah Location (GDA ZONE 53): mE mN Aust. Soil Class. : Brown Tenosol Site Survey Type: Detailed - 50mm hand auger Survey Date: 14/06/2014 Landscape Surface Soil Profile Land use Landform Pattern, Element, Slope Natural Microrelief Disturbance Erosion Surface condition, surface rock Horizon Depth (m), Boundary Texture Structure, Strength Inclusions Segregations Colour, Mottle Soil Profile Description Moisture, Drainage Roots Depth (m) / Field ph Sample (m) Observations Native Gentle Undulating Plain Midslope 3.0% Tall open woodland including Eucalypts Native Shrubs and grasses Nil microrelief Nil disturbance Nil erosion Sandy, <2% 2-6mm Manganese nodules A Abrupt (Ab) A Ab A Ab Loamy sand Loamy Sand Loamy Sand Massive, loose Massive, loose Weak, polyhedral - 10YR4/2 Dark grayish brown - 10YR5/4 Yellowish brown - 5YR5/6 Yellowish red Mottle <5% 10YR3/2 Very dark greyish brown Very fine, very few Very fine, very few Very fine, very few pH pH pH A Ab Loamy Sand Weak, polyhedral <2% 2-6mm Manganese nodules 7.5YR5/6 Yellowish red pH A Loamy Sand Weak, polyhedral <2% 2-6mm Mg nodules 5YR4/6 Yellowish red pH Appendix A Detailed Site Descriptions

68 SITE 15 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd Soil Mapping Unit: B1 Land Systems, Lynch (2012): Bundah Location (GDA ZONE 53): mE mN Aust. Soil Class. : Brown Tenosol Site Survey Type: Detailed - 50mm hand auger Survey Date: 14/06/2014 Landscape Surface Soil Profile Land use Landform Pattern, Element, Slope Natural Microrelief Disturbance Erosion Surface condition, surface rock Horizon Depth (m), Boundary Texture Structure, Strength Inclusions Segregations Colour, Mottle Soil Profile Description Moisture, Drainage Roots Depth (m) / Field ph Sample (m) Observations Native Gentle Undulating Plain Midslope 1.0% Tall open woodland including Eucalypts Native Shrubs and grasses Nil microrelief Nil disturbance Nil erosion Firm, Sandy, <2% 2-6mm Coarse and Manganese nodules A Abrupt A Abrupt A Loamy sand Weak, very weak <2% 2-6mm Manganese Clayey sand Weak, weak <2% 2-6mm Manganese Loamy Sand Weak, Very weak <10% 2-6mm Manganese 10YR2/2 Very dark brown 5YR3/3 Dark reddish brown 5YR3/3 Dark reddish brown Very fine, very few Very fine, very few pH pH pH pH Site similar to site 13 however no Mg outcrops observed Appendix A Detailed Site Descriptions

69 SITE 16 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd Soil Mapping Unit: B1 Land Systems, Lynch (2012): Bundah Location (GDA ZONE 53): mE mN Aust. Soil Class. : Brown Tenosol Site Survey Type: Detailed - 50mm hand auger Survey Date: 14/06/2014 Landscape Surface Soil Profile Land use Landform Pattern, Element, Slope Natural Microrelief Disturbance Erosion Surface condition, surface rock Horizon Depth (m), Boundary Texture Structure, Strength Inclusions Segregations Colour, Mottle Soil Profile Description Moisture, Drainage Roots Depth (m) / Field ph Sample (m) Observations Native Gentle Undulating Plain Upper slope 3.0% Tall open woodland including Eucalypts Native Shrubs and grasses Nil microrelief Nil disturbance Nil erosion Firm, Sandy, <2% 2-6mm Coarse and manganese nodules A Abrupt A Diffuse Loamy sand Massive, weak Loamy sand Weak, polyhedral very weak <2% 2-6mm Manganese nodules <2% 2-6mm Manganese nodules 10YR4/2 Dark grayish brown Dark grayish brown 7.5YR5/4 Brown Very fine, very few Very fine, very few pH ,0pH A Abrupt Clayey sand Weak, polyhedral very weak - 2.5YR5/6 Yellowish red pH A Clayey sand Weak, polyhedral very weak - 2.5YR4/6 Yellowish red pH Appendix A Detailed Site Descriptions

70 SITE 17 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd Soil Mapping Unit: B1 Land Systems, Lynch (2012): Bundah Location (GDA ZONE 53): mE mN Aust. Soil Class. : Brown Tenosol Site Survey Type: Detailed - 50mm hand auger Survey Date: 14/06/2014 Landscape Surface Soil Profile Land use Landform Pattern, Element, Slope Natural Microrelief Disturbance Erosion Surface condition, surface rock Horizon Depth (m), Boundary Texture Structure, Strength Inclusions Segregations Colour, Mottle Soil Profile Description Moisture, Drainage Roots Depth (m) / Field ph Sample (m) Observations Native Gentle Undulating Plain Flat plain 0.5% Tall open woodland including narrow trunk Eucalypts Native Shrubs and grasses Nil microrelief Nil disturbance Nil erosion Firm, Sandy, No coarse A Gradual A Abrupt A Loamy sand Weak, very weak <2% 2-6mm Manganese Clayey sand Weak, weak <2% 2-6mm Manganese Loamy Sand Weak, Very weak <10% 2-6mm Manganese 10YR2/2 Very dark brown 5YR3/3 Dark reddish brown 5YR3/3 Dark reddish brown Very fine, very few Very fine, very few pH - Site similar to Site pH pH pH Appendix A Detailed Site Descriptions

71 SITE 18 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd Soil Mapping Unit: B1 Land Systems, Lynch (2012): Bundah Location (GDA ZONE 53): mE mN Aust. Soil Class. : Brown Tenosol Site Survey Type: Detailed - 50mm hand auger Survey Date: 14/06/2014 Landscape Surface Soil Profile Land use Landform Pattern, Element, Slope Natural Microrelief Disturbance Erosion Surface condition, surface rock Horizon Depth (m), Boundary Texture Structure, Strength Inclusions Segregations Colour, Mottle Soil Profile Description Moisture, Drainage Roots Depth (m) / Field ph Sample (m) Observations Native Gentle Undulating Plain Mid slope 2.0% Tall open woodland including narrow trunk Eucalypts Native Shrubs and grasses Nil microrelief Nil disturbance Nil erosion Soft, Sandy, No coarse A Clear A Abrupt Loamy sand Massive, very weak Clayey sand Weak, weak <5% <10mm Manganese nodules - 10YR3/2 Very dark greyish brown 10YR4/3 Brown Very fine, very few Very fine, very few pH pH pH - - A Clayey sand Massive, Very weak <30% <10mm Manganese nodules 10YR4/2 Dark grayish brown pH Appendix A Detailed Site Descriptions

72 SITE 19 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd Soil Mapping Unit: A1 Land Systems, Lynch (2012): Effington Location (GDA ZONE 53): mE mN Aust. Soil Class. : Grey Chromosol Site Survey Type: Detailed - 50mm hand auger Survey Date: 15/06/2014 Landscape Surface Soil Profile Land use Landform Pattern, Element, Slope Natural Microrelief Disturbance Erosion Surface condition, surface rock Horizon Depth (m), Boundary Texture Structure, Strength Inclusions Segregations Colour, Mottle Soil Profile Description Moisture, Drainage Roots Depth (m) / Field ph / Meter ph Meter / EC (ms) Sample (m) Observations Native Gentle Undulating Plain Lower slope, Gully depression nearby 2.0% Tall open woodland including Eucalypts Native Shrubs and grasses Area recently submerged Nil microrelief Nil disturbance Nil erosion Soft, moist No coarse A Diffuse A Abrupt B Abrupt Sandy loam Weak, weak - 10YR2/1 Black Black Loamy sand Weak, weak - 10YR3/1 Brownish black Clay loam Weak, moderate - 10YR5/1 Brownish gray Mottle <25% 2.5YR4/8 Red Moist, Moist, Wet, Moderate Very fine, common Very fine, common Very fine, common pH / 7.02pH / pH / 6.72pH / pH/ 6.62pH / Water table observed at 0.45m B Clay loam Weak, moderate <10% <20mm Coarse 10YR3/2 Very dark greyish brown Wet, moderate pH / 6.82pH / 0.00 Appendix A Detailed Site Descriptions

73 SITE 20 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd Soil Mapping Unit: B1 Land Systems, Lynch (2012): Bundah Location (GDA ZONE 53): mE mN Aust. Soil Class. : Brown Tenosol Site Survey Type: Detailed - 50mm hand auger Survey Date: 15/06/2014 Landscape Surface Soil Profile Land use Landform Pattern, Element, Slope Natural Microrelief Disturbance Erosion Surface condition, surface rock Horizon Depth (m), Boundary Texture Structure, Strength Inclusions Segregations Colour, Mottle Soil Profile Description Moisture, Drainage Roots Depth (m) / Field ph Sample (m) Observations Native Gentle Undulating Plain Wide ridge 2.0% Tall open woodland including Eucalypts and Pandenas Native Shrubs and grasses Nil microrelief Nil disturbance Nil erosion Firm No coarse A Abrupt A Abrupt A Abrupt Loamy sand Massive, weak Loamy sand Massive, weak Loamy sand Weak, polyhedral - 10YR3/2 Very dark greyish brown - 10YR5/2 Grayish brown - 10YR5/3 Brown Few, fine pH - - Few, fine pH Few, very fine pH A Loamy sand Massive, moderate - 10YR3/1 Very dark gray pH Appendix A Detailed Site Descriptions

74 SITE 21 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd Soil Mapping Unit: A1 Land Systems, Lynch (2012): Effington Location (GDA ZONE 53): mE mN Aust. Soil Class. : Grey Chromosol Site Survey Type: Detailed - 50mm hand auger Survey Date: 15/06/2014 Landscape Surface Soil Profile Land use Landform Pattern, Element, Slope Natural Microrelief Disturbance Erosion Surface condition, surface rock Horizon Depth (m), Boundary Texture Structure, Strength Inclusions Segregations Colour, Mottle Soil Profile Description Moisture, Drainage Roots Depth (m) ph/ec Sample (m) Observations Native Gully depression, creek nearby Tall open woodland including Eucalypts and Pandenas Native Shrubs and grasses Nil microrelief Nil disturbance Nil erosion Firm No coarse A Abrupt A Abrupt Sandy Loam Sandy Loam Massive, weak Massive, weak - 10YR3/2 Very dark greyish brown - 10YR2/1 Black Moist, Humid, Common, fine Few, fine - A Sandy Loam Weak, very weak - 10YR4/2 Dark grayish brown Mottle <20% 10YR5/4 Yellowish brown Humid, Few, very fine - Appendix A Detailed Site Descriptions

75 SITE 22 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd Soil Mapping Unit: V1 Land Systems, Lynch (2012): n/a Location (GDA ZONE 53): mE mN Aust. Soil Class. : n/a Site Survey Type: Detailed - 50mm hand auger Survey Date: 15/06/2014 Landscape Surface Soil Profile Land use Landform Pattern, Element, Slope Natural Microrelief Disturbance Erosion Surface condition, surface rock Horizon Depth (m), Boundary Texture Structure, Strength Inclusions Segregations Colour, Mottle Soil Profile Description Moisture, Drainage Roots Depth (m) / Field ph / Meter ph Meter / EC (ms) Sample (m) Observations Native Gentle Undulating Plain Lower slope 6.0% Monsoonal Vine Thicket Nil microrelief Nil disturbance Nil erosion Organic Matter/leaf matter >95% mm coarse and boulders O Organic Matter - As per surface - Humid, moderate Common, fine pH / 0.05 EC No borehole was able to be augered due to the density of the surface rock. Appendix A Detailed Site Descriptions

76 SITE 23 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd Soil Mapping Unit: V1 Land Systems, Lynch (2012): n/a Location (GDA ZONE 53): mE mN Aust. Soil Class. : n/a Site Survey Type: Detailed - 50mm hand auger Survey Date: 15/06/2014 Landscape Surface Soil Profile Land use Landform Pattern, Element, Slope Natural Microrelief Disturbance Erosion Surface condition, surface rock Horizon Depth (m), Boundary Texture Structure, Strength Inclusions Segregations Colour, Mottle Soil Profile Description Moisture, Drainage Roots Depth (m) / ph/ec Sample (m) Observations Native Gentle Undulating Plain Lower slope 6.0% Monsoonal Vine Thicket Nil microrelief Nil disturbance Nil erosion Organic Matter/leaf matter >90% mm coarse and boulders O Organic Matter - As per surface - Humid, moderate Common, fine - - No borehole was able to be augered due to the density of the surface rock. Appendix A Detailed Site Descriptions

77 SITE 24 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd Soil Mapping Unit: V1 Land Systems, Lynch (2012): n/a Location (GDA ZONE 53): mE mN Aust. Soil Class. : n/a Site Survey Type: Detailed - 50mm hand auger Survey Date: 15/06/2014 Landscape Surface Soil Profile Land use Landform Pattern, Element, Slope Natural Microrelief Disturbance Erosion Surface condition, surface rock Horizon Depth (m), Boundary Texture Structure, Strength Inclusions Segregations Colour, Mottle Soil Profile Description Moisture, Drainage Roots Depth (m) / ph / EC Sample (m) Observations Native Gentle Undulating Plain Lower slope 6.0% Monsoonal Vine Thicket Nil microrelief Nil disturbance Nil erosion Organic Matter/leaf matter >90% mm coarse and boulders O Organic Matter - As per surface - Humid, moderate Common, fine - - No borehole was able to be augered due to the density of the surface rock. Appendix A Detailed Site Descriptions

78 SITE 25 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd Soil Mapping Unit: B1 Land Systems, Lynch (2012): Bundah Location (GDA ZONE 53): mE mN Aust. Soil Class. : Brown Tenosol Site Survey Type: Detailed - 50mm hand auger Survey Date: 15/06/2014 Landscape Surface Soil Profile Land use Landform Pattern, Element, Slope Natural Microrelief Disturbance Erosion Surface condition, surface rock Horizon Depth (m), Boundary Texture Structure, Strength Inclusions Segregations Colour, Mottle Soil Profile Description Moisture, Drainage Roots Depth (m) / ph / EC Sample (m) Observations Native Gentle Undulating Plain Midslope 2.0% Tall open woodland including Eucalypts and Pandenas Native Shrubs and grasses Nil microrelief Nil disturbance Nil erosion Hard setting, <2% <10mm No coarse A Abrupt A Abrupt Loamy sand Massive, weak Loamy sand Massive, weak <2% <10mm coarse 5YR4/3 Reddish brown - 5YR4/3 Reddish brown Few, fine First borehole refusal at 0.40m Second Few, fine borehole refusal at 0.18m Third borehole refusal at 0.40m and sampled Appendix A Detailed Site Descriptions

79 SITE 26 (Common location to GC02) GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd Soil Mapping Unit: B1 Land Systems, Lynch (2012): Bundah Location (GDA ZONE 53): mE mN Aust. Soil Class. : Brown Tenosol Site Survey Type: Detailed Drill Rig Survey Date: 15/06/2014 Landscape Surface Soil Profile Land use Landform Pattern, Element, Slope Natural Microrelief Disturbance Erosion Surface condition, surface rock Horizon Depth (m), Boundary Texture Structure, Strength Inclusions Segregations Colour, Mottle Soil Profile Description Moisture, Drainage Roots Depth (m) / Field ph Sample (m) Observations Native Gentle Undulating Plain Midslope 2.0% Tall open woodland including Eucalypts and Pandenas Native Shrubs and grasses Nil microrelief Nil disturbance Nil erosion Soft No coarse A Abrupt A Abrupt A Loamy sand Massive, weak Loamy sand Weak, very weak Loamy sand Weak, very weak - 5YR4/3 Reddish brown - 5YR4/3 Reddish brown - 5YR3/3 Dark reddish brown Humid, Moist, Very few, very fine Very few, very fine Very few, very fine - - GEMCO Geo Borehole profile GTE pH conducted site surface check pH pH Appendix A Detailed Site Descriptions

80 SITE 27 (Common location to GC05) GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd Soil Mapping Unit: B2 Land Systems, Lynch (2012): Yarrawirrie Location (GDA ZONE 53): mE mN Aust. Soil Class. : Brown Kandosol Site Survey Type: Detailed Drill Rig Survey Date: 15/06/2014 Landscape Surface Soil Profile Land use Landform Pattern, Element, Slope Natural Microrelief Disturbance Erosion Surface condition, surface rock Horizon Depth (m), Boundary Texture Structure, Strength Inclusions Segregations Colour, Mottle Soil Profile Description Moisture, Drainage Roots Depth (m) / Field ph Sample (m) Observations Native Gentle Undulating Plain Midslope 2.0% Tall open woodland including Eucalypts and Pandenas Native Shrubs and grasses Nil microrelief Nil disturbance Nil erosion Soft No coarse A Abrupt A Abrupt A Abrupt Sandy Loam Sandy Loam Massive, weak Weak, polyhedral Loamy sand Weak, very weak - 10YR3/2 Very dark greyish brown - 10YR3/2 Very dark greyish brown <2% <6mm manganese nodules 7.5YR3/2 Dark brown Humid, Humid, Very few, very fine Few, medium pH Very few, very fine - - GEMCO Geo Borehole profile GTE conducted site surface check pH A Loamy sand Weak, very weak <2% <6mm coarse 7.5YR4/3 Reddish brown Humid, Very few, very fine pH Appendix A Detailed Site Descriptions

81 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project Baseline Soil Assessment APPENDIX B OBSERVATION SURVEY SITE DESCRIPTIONS GTenvironmental 68

82 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd Site No. Location (GDA94 Zone 53) Soil Mapping Unit Surface Landform Comments / Pictures Ob mE mN B1 Soft, sandy, No coarse Gentle Undulating Plain Mid slope 2% Tall open woodland including Eucalypts 20% cover Ob mE mN B1 Soft, sandy, No coarse Gentle Undulating Plain Mid slope 2% - Ob mE mN B1 Firm, sandy, <5% 2-6mm coarse Gentle Undulating Plain Mid slope 1% Tall open woodland including Eucalypts 20% cover Ob mE mN B1 Firm, sandy, <5% 2-6mm coarse Gentle Undulating Plain Mid slope 2% - Ob mE mN B1 Soft, sandy, No coarse Gentle Undulating Plain Mid slope 3.5% Ob mE mN Boundary B1/Q1 Increasing quartz rocky outcrops, 50%+cover Lower slope 5% - Ob mE mN B1 Soft, sandy, No coarse Gentle Undulating Plain - Appendix B Observation Site Descriptions

83 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd Site No. Location (GDA94 Zone 53) Soil Mapping Unit Surface Landform Comments / Pictures Ob mE mN B1 Firm, sandy, No coarse Gentle Undulating Plain Tall open woodland including Eucalypts 20% cover Ob mE mN Q1 Rocky outcrops, 100% cover Ridge - Ob mE mN B1v Soft, sandy, No coarse, light grey colour Flat plain Tall open woodland including Eucalypts <10% cover, immediate (B1v) area less overall vegetation cover than nearby (b1) areas with Eucalypt density, as per picture Ob12 Ob mE mN Boundary B1/Q1 Increasing quartz rocky outcrops, 50%+cover Lower slope Appendix B Observation Site Descriptions

84 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd Site No. Location (GDA94 Zone 53) Soil Mapping Unit Surface Landform Comments / Pictures Ob mE mN Boundary B1/B1v Sandy with no course, light grey to the west, light yellow/brown to the east Gentle Undulating Plain, slope <0.5% Ob mE mN B1 Soft, sandy, No coarse Gentle Undulating Plain Mid slope 2.5% Ob mE mN B1 Firm, sandy, No coarse Gentle Undulating Plain Mid slope 2.5% Tall open woodland including Eucalypts 20% cover Ob mE mN B1 Soft, sandy, No coarse, light yellow/brown surface colour Gentle Undulating Plain Mid slope 1% - Ob mE mN B1 Soft, sandy, No coarse, light yellow/brown surface colour Gentle Undulating Plain Lower slope 1.5% Paperbark, swamp-like in wet season Ob mE mN B1 Soft, sandy, No coarse Gentle Undulating Plain Mid slope 2% Tall open woodland including Eucalypts 20% cover Appendix B Observation Site Descriptions

85 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd Site No. Location (GDA94 Zone 53) Soil Mapping Unit Surface Landform Comments / Pictures Ob mE mN B1 Soft, sandy, No coarse, light yellow/brown surface colour Gentle Undulating Plain Mid slope 2.5% - Ob mE mN B1 Firm, sandy, No coarse Gentle Undulating Plain Mid slope 2.5% Tall open woodland including Eucalypts 20% cover Ob mE mN Q1 Increasing quartz rocky outcrops, 50%+cover Upper slope, ridge, 10%+ slope - Ob mE mN Q1 Increasing quartz rocky outcrops, 50%+cover Upper slope, ridge, 10%+ slope - Ob mE mN B2 Soft, sandy, No coarse Lower slope <1% Short medium shrubs and trees as opposed to other immediate areas, minimal Eucalyptus Ob mE mN B1 Soft, sandy, No coarse Gentle Undulating Plain Mid slope 2.5% - Ob mE mN A1 Soft, sandy, No coarse Active creek line - Ob mE mN B1 Firm, sandy, No coarse, light brown surface colour - Tall open woodland including Eucalypts 20% cover Ob mE mN A1 Soft, sandy, No coarse Active creek line - Ob mE mN B2 Soft, sandy, No coarse Gentle Undulating Plain Mid slope 1% Shorter shrubs and trees, minimal Eucalyptus, B1/B2 boundary nearby to the north Ob mE mN B2 Firm, sandy, <5% 2-6mm coarse Lower slope 2% Shorter shrubs and trees, minimal Eucalyptus Ob mE mN B2 Firm, sandy, <5% 2-6mm coarse Gentle Undulating Plain Mid slope 1% Shorter shrubs and trees, minimal Eucalyptus Ob mE mN Q1 Light colour rocky outcrops Ridge, 40m+ height - Appendix B Observation Site Descriptions

86 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd Site No. Location (GDA94 Zone 53) Soil Mapping Unit Surface Landform Comments / Pictures Ob mE mN Q1 Light colour rocky outcrops Ridge, 40m+ height - Ob mE mN A1 - Active creek line - Ob mE mN B1 Red/yellow sandy surface - Tall open woodland including Eucalypts 20% cover Ob mE mN Q1 90%+ rocky quartz outcrop Ridge, 40m+ height - Ob mE mN Q1 90%+ rocky quartz outcrop Ridge, 40m+ height - Ob mE mN B1 Red/yellow sandy surface - Tall open woodland including Eucalypts 20% cover, rocky outcrop (Q1) m north-west Ob mE mN B1 Sandy, yellow/grey surface, no coarse or rocks Gentle Undulating Plain Mid slope 1.5% Tall open woodland including Eucalypts 30% cover Ob mE mN Boundary B1/Q1 Increasing quartz rocky outcrops, 50%+cover Mid slope, ridge Appendix B Observation Site Descriptions

87 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd Site No. Location (GDA94 Zone 53) Soil Mapping Unit Surface Landform Comments / Pictures Ob mE mN B1 Sandy, yellow/grey surface, no coarse or rocks Gentle Undulating Plain Lower slope 3% Tall open woodland including Eucalypts 30% cover Ob mE mN Boundary B1/Q1 Increasing quartz rocky outcrops, 80%+cover Lower slope, ridge Ob mE mN B1 Sandy, yellow/light brown surface, no coarse Gentle Undulating Plain Mid slope 1% Tall open woodland including Eucalypts 20% cover Ob mE mN B2 Sandy, yellow/light brown surface, no coarse Gentle Undulating Plain Mid slope 3% Native shrubs and grasses, Eucalyptus not present in immediate area (0-20m) Ob mE mN Boundary B1/B2 - - Change in vegetation; Shrubs and grasses to the north, Eucalyptus begins towards the south Ob mE mN Boundary B1/Q1 Rocky outcrops Bottom of ridge, 30-40m high - Ob mE mN B1 Sandy, yellow/grey surface, no coarse Gentle Undulating Plain Mid slope 1% Tall open woodland including Eucalypts 20% cover Ob mE mN B2 Sandy, light brown surface, 2-6mm coarse, <2% cover Gentle Undulating Plain Mid slope 2% Native shrubs and grasses, Eucalyptus not present in immediate area (0-20m) Appendix B Observation Site Descriptions

88 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd Site No. Location (GDA94 Zone 53) Soil Mapping Unit Surface Landform Comments / Pictures Ob mE mN B1 Sandy, yellow/grey surface, no coarse Gentle Undulating Plain Mid slope 1% Tall open woodland including Eucalypts 20% cover Ob mE mN B1 Sandy, yellow/grey surface, no coarse Gentle Undulating Plain Mid slope 1% Tall open woodland including Eucalypts 20% cover Ob mE mN B1 Sandy, yellow/grey surface, no coarse Gentle Undulating Plain Mid slope 1% Tall open woodland including Eucalypts 20% cover Ob mE mN A1 50% rock, 50% yellow/light brown sandy Active creek line over manganese rocky outcrop Appendix B Observation Site Descriptions

89 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd Site No. Location (GDA94 Zone 53) Soil Mapping Unit Surface Landform Comments / Pictures Ob mE mN B1 (nearby Q1 boundary) Light grey sandy surface, 20%+ rocks manganese, quartz Light grey rocky outcrop nearby to the south east Ob mE mN Q1 Increasing quartz rocky outcrops, 50%+cover Upper slope, ridge, 10%+ slope - Ob mE mN B1 Sandy, yellow/grey surface, no coarse Gentle Undulating Plain Mid slope 1% Tall open woodland including Eucalypts 20% cover Appendix B Observation Site Descriptions

90 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd Site No. Location (GDA94 Zone 53) Soil Mapping Unit Surface Landform Comments / Pictures Ob mE mN B1 Firm, light brown/red surface, no coarse or rocks Gentle Undulating Plain Mid slope 1.5% Ob mE mN B1 Sandy, light brown surface, 2-6mm coarse, <2% cover Gentle Undulating Plain Mid slope 2% Tall open woodland including Eucalypts 20% cover Ob mE mN B1 Sandy, yellow/grey surface, no coarse Gentle Undulating Plain Mid slope 1% Tall open woodland including Eucalypts 20% cover Appendix B Observation Site Descriptions

91 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd Site No. Location (GDA94 Zone 53) Soil Mapping Unit Surface Landform Comments / Pictures Ob mE mN A1 Medium brown colour, sandy, soft, moist adjacent to creek Active creek line Ob mE mN B1 Firm, light brown surface, 2-6mm coarse, <2% cover Gentle Undulating Plain Mid slope 2% Tall open woodland including Eucalypts 20% cover Ob mE mN Q1 Increasing quartz rocky outcrops, 50%+cover Upper slope, ridge, 10%+ slope - Ob mE mN B1 Firm, light brown surface, 2-6mm coarse, <2% cover Gentle Undulating Plain Mid slope 2% Tall open woodland including Eucalypts 20% cover Ob mE mN B1 Firm, light brown surface, 2-6mm coarse, <2% cover Gentle Undulating Plain Mid slope 2% Tall open woodland including Eucalypts 20% cover Ob mE mN B1 Grey/yellow sandy surface - Tall open woodland including Eucalypts 20% cover Appendix B Observation Site Descriptions

92 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd Site No. Location (GDA94 Zone 53) Soil Mapping Unit Surface Landform Comments / Pictures Ob mE mN Q1 80% rock/quartz cover Mid slope 6+% Ob mE mN B1 Grey/yellow sandy surface - Tall open woodland including Eucalypts 30% cover Ob mE mN B1 Beginning of common small manganese outcrops to the west Gentle Undulating Plain Mid slope 2% - Ob mE mN B1 Manganese outcrops, 10% cover in immediate area Gentle Undulating Plain Mid slope 4% - Appendix B Observation Site Descriptions

93 Site No. Location (GDA94 Zone 53) Soil Mapping Unit Surface Landform Comments / Pictures Ob mE mN B1 Manganese outcrops Upper slope 4% Ob mE mN B1 Brown sandy surface Gentle Undulating Plain Mid slope 1% Ob mE mN B1 Brown sandy surface Gentle Undulating Plain Mid slope 1% Ob mE mN Boundary B1/Q1 80% rock/quartz cover Mid slope 6+% Appendix B Observation Site Descriptions GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd

94 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd Site No. Location (GDA94 Zone 53) Soil Mapping Unit Surface Landform Comments / Pictures Ob mE mN B2 Manganese mm, 20%+ cover - Ob mE mN B1 Soft, sandy, no coarse Swamp area in wet season Paperbark Ob mE mN B2 - - Medium shrubs, minimal eucalyptus in immediate area Appendix B Observation Site Descriptions

95 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd Site No. Location (GDA94 Zone 53) Soil Mapping Unit Surface Landform Comments / Pictures Ob mE mN Boundary B1/Q1 Increasing Quartz rock cover at Q1 boundary Mid slope 6%+ Ob mE mN B1 Light brown/grey surface Eucalyptus 20%+ cover Ob mE mN B2 Firm, light brown surface, 2-6mm coarse, <2% cover - Medium shrubs, no eucalyptus in immediate area Ob mE mN A1 - Creek line - Ob mE mN Boundary B1/B2 - - changes from short/medium shrubs to tall eucalypt heading to the south Ob mE mN Boundary B1/B2 - - changes from short/medium shrubs to tall eucalypt heading to the north Ob mE mN B2 - - Medium and short shrubs, no eucalyptus in immediate area Ob mE mN Boundary B1/B2 - - changes from short/medium shrubs to tall eucalypt heading to the west Appendix B Observation Site Descriptions

96 GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd Site No. Location (GDA94 Zone 53) Soil Mapping Unit Surface Landform Comments / Pictures Ob mE mN B1 Firm, sandy, No coarse Gentle Undulating Plain Mid slope 1.5% Tall open woodland including Eucalypts 20% cover Ob mE mN B1 Firm, sandy, No coarse Gentle Undulating Plain Mid slope 2.5% Tall open woodland including Eucalypts 20% cover Ob mE mN B1 Starting to become darker brown as in creek/a1 area - Thick 1m+native grasses, <10% Eucalyptus Ob mE mN A1 - Active creek line Ob mE mN A1 - Active creek line - Appendix B Observation Site Descriptions

97 Site No. Location (GDA94 Zone 53) Soil Mapping Unit Surface Landform Comments / Pictures Ob mE mN V1 80%+ rock cover Inside monsoonal vine thicket, Mid slope 3-4% Ob mE mN V1 80%+ rock cover Inside monsoonal vine thicket, Mid slope 5% Appendix B Observation Site Descriptions GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd

98 Site No. Location (GDA94 Zone 53) Soil Mapping Unit Surface Landform Comments / Pictures Ob mE mN B1 Rocky outcrops throughout area, 80% cover Upper slope / crest from 5% slope, 15m outside monsoonal vine thicket Ob mE mN B1 Rocky outcrops throughout area, 80% cover Mid slope 4%, 4m outside monsoonal vine thicket Appendix B Observation Site Descriptions GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd

99 Site No. Location (GDA94 Zone 53) Soil Mapping Unit Surface Landform Comments / Pictures Ob mE mN B1 20% rock cover Mid slope 3%, 4m outside monsoonal vine thicket Ob mE mN B1 10% rock cover Mid slope 3%, 4m outside monsoonal vine thicket - Ob mE mN B1 Light brown, sandy, 2% coarse - - Ob mE mN Q1 Light colour quartz rocky outcrops Ridge 30m+ high - Ob mE mN B1 Yellow/grey surface Gentle Undulating Plain - Mid slope 1.5% Appendix B Observation Site Descriptions GEMCO Eastern Leases Project: Baseline Soils Assessment GT Environmental Pty Ltd



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