Chichester District Council. Planning Committee. Wednesday 27 April Masterplan for the West of Chichester Strategic Development Location

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1 Chichester District Council Planning Committee Wednesday 27 April 2016 Masterplan for the West of Chichester Strategic Development Location 1. Contacts Report Author: Jo Bell - Development Manager (Majors and Business) Telephone: 2. Recommendation 2.1. That the Planning Committee endorses the broad approach to development of the West of Chichester strategic development location as set out within the Framework Plan Phase 1 and 2 and Masterplanning and Infrastructure Statement (March 2016). 3. Introduction and Policy Background 3.1. The key polices which relate to the masterplanning of the West of Chichester Strategic Development Location (SDL) are: Local Plan Policy 7 Masterplanning Strategic Development Local Plan Policy 15 - West of Chichester Strategic Development Location West of Chichester Concept Statement 3.2. Policy 7 of the adopted Local Plan requires the strategic development locations identified in the Local Plan to be planned though a comprehensive masterplanning process. In broad terms, the masterplans should describe and map the overall vision and concept for each of the proposed strategic development locations. They should also set out the intended implementation and phasing of development Policy 15 of the Local Plan identifies the West of Chichester SDL. The SDL is directly adjacent to the western edge of the Chichester City settlement boundary and is around 2km from the city centre. The site is bounded by Centurion Way to the east, the railway line to the south and Old Broyle Road to the north. Policy 15 requires development proposals to have particular regard to a number of site specific requirements. Taking account of these development requirements, policy 15 identifies the West of Chichester SDL for mixed development comprising 1,600 homes, 6 hectares of employment land, a neighbourhood centre / community hub and open space and green infrastructure, including a Country Park. It is envisaged that the site will be delivered in two phases, the initial phase focused to the north of the site and the second phase extending southwards.

2 3.4. A document titled Masterplanning and Infrastructure Statement (March 2016) has been submitted with the outline application 14/04301/OUT which includes a masterplan (Framework Plan Phase 1 and 2 - drawing number LL-225-P-201) as well as an indicative phasing plan, transport highway works and mitigation note and indicative sports pavilion plans. The masterplan and Masterplanning and Infrastructure Statement, which have been amended through the course of the application, demonstrate how the whole SDL could be developed. 4. Consultation 4.1. The masterplans and explanatory document were submitted as part of planning application 14/04301/OUT and therefore the consultation on the masterplans took place as part of the consultation on the application. Below are relevant extracts from the consultation responses provided in relation to application 14/04301/OUT which specifically relate to the masterplans Fishbourne Parish Council The current application is only for phase 1 of the project but is accompanied by a masterplan which shows that only when both phases have been completed will the on-site sewerage treatment works cease to use the access route from Clay Lane. It would seem not to be unrealistic to estimate temporary use as being a period of at least 10 years. Clay Lane is a country lane. It cannot accommodate construction traffic. It is not fit for its increasing use as a rat-run by drivers anxious to avoid the dangers and delays of Fishbourne roundabout. We have raised with West Sussex Highways the importance of a holistic approach to extra development traffic. The use of Clay Lane for access would not be feasible and the increased risk factor to those who live in and/or drive along Clay Lane would mean it could not be described as sustainable development unless the developers were able to offer substantial mitigation measures Chichester Harbour Conservancy This is a very large development where the potential for increased recreational disturbance to Chichester Harbour SPA is great, due to the number of dwellings proposed and the proximity and ease of access to the Harbour footpaths. The application proposes a country park and large areas of green links around and through the proposed development to provide new and existing residents with large areas of recreational space and to alleviate potential increased recreational pressures. The illustrative masterplans show a number of new footpaths and cycleways which would easily link into the AONB and the Harbour. There would also be easy access to the Harbour shoreline from an existing footpath across the southern part of the site. It is very important that there are alternative links to footpaths away from the Harbour. The current illustrative masterplans do not appear to show links to alternative walking routes outside the site which lead away from the Harbour. Additional mitigation should be secured to minimise impacts. The open space provided within the development should be designed to ensure maximum attractiveness including links to open countryside to help reduce recreational pressure on Chichester Harbour.

3 More information is required about where treated sewerage would be discharged into Chichester Harbour and the location of surface water drainage features. The development must not connect to Chichester Wastewater Treatment Works Environment Agency Objection maintained. Risks to surface and ground water from the proposed foul drainage option have not been fully assessed Southern Water The Environment Agency should be consulted directly regarding the use of a private wastewater treatment works drainage which disposes of effluent to subsoil irrigation. Southern Water would look to the connection of the proposed development to the Tangmere Wastewater Treatment Works when capacity is available (planned for 2019) Highways England The revised masterplan and associated documents do not alter our position of no objection on the basis that the Council will be requiring the applicant via a S106 agreement to enter into a Section 278 agreement with Highways England for A27 mitigation in accordance with the SPD Natural England On the matter of recreational disturbance, no objections raised subject to the provision of SANGS and contribution to the Solent Mitigation Protect. We are supportive of the broad principles of management of the SANGS as described Historic England The development does seem likely to cause some harm to the heritage significance of the Broyle earthwork scheduled monument. However, we note that action has been taken to avoid some harm by restricting the extent of development to an area south of the B2178 and provision made to enhance the monument and woodland setting through improved management. The area is intended to become a country park, which we welcome. However we think that the change of open land to the south-west of the B2178 is likely to cause some harm to the heritage significance by substantially altering the open rural character of its setting and thereby making it more difficult to appreciate the purpose of the entrenchments in enclosing and subdividing rural land, though we do not consider the harm to be substantial Sport England Sport England considers that the proposal conflicts with paragraph 70 of the NPPF and Objective 3 of Sport England s objectives as an integrated approach

4 4.10. NHS has not been taken to the provision of sports facilities. Sport England objects to the proposal. Sport England recommends the diversion of Centurion Way along the edge of the playing fields. The built sports facilities require 690square metres (not including storage or changing accommodation) within one hall as opposed to 280sqm (phase 1) or 400sqm (phase 2). We estimate that 1,000sqm is needed for the medical centre not the 530sqm discussed, rising to 1,070sqm including a pharmacy. The community facility and medical centre could be designed together to better use the space South Downs National Park Authority Without a comprehensive assessment of how the overall site may be developed, the impacts on the SDNP cannot be fully assessed. The indicative masterplan provides some indication. The proposals for phase 1 show the primary highway access from a new roundabout junction with the B2178. Although a future phase may include highway access onto or in the vicinity of Cathedral Way to the south, The SDNPA has some concern this will lead to a higher proportion of traffic travelling through the National Park. The SDNPA is concerned about recreational pressure within parts of the SDNP to the north of the site. Provision of access to a car park off Broyle Road is welcomed in principle, as this will encourage access to a future country park in the fields east of Brandy Hole Copse and the Centurion Way beyond. A safe crossing would be required. It is important in distant views that this edge of town site does not visually compete with the city centre. It is important to maintain a feeling of openness from the elevated sections of Centurion Way. The SDNPA has concerns about the urbanising influence of the new roundabout junction. The impact of views of the site on the experience of those travelling into the SDNP is also raised as a concern. The development should seek to optimise areas for habitat creativity with carefully planned retention of existing hedgerows and trees of importance as well as the introduction of new features including sustainable drainage features and areas of wildflower rich meadows. These latter features can be provided in part of the Southern Country Park, as indicated on the illustrative masterplan. The proposed enhanced recreational opportunities accord in principle with the second purpose of a national park. Increased visitor numbers could cause pressures upon the SDNP. Opportunities should be sought for enhanced walking and cycling links to the wider area of the SDNP from the development and existing housing to alleviate these pressures. There should be good links to the Centurion Way from the new housing. Additional adequate link routes should be created in the area. The application and CDC Concept Statement focus on

5 links with Chichester City; improved access from the west should also be considered WSCC Flood Risk Management The areas adjacent to existing watercourses are shown to be at high risk of surface water flooding. Development of properties in these areas should not be encouraged or accepted. Existing ordinary watercourses crossing the site should remain and be incorporated into the development plan WSCC Education and Early Years The primary requirement for the entire 1600 home development is for a 2 form entry (2FE). Phase 1 will require the completion of one form entry plus the core facilities (hall, staff, kitchen, dining) for the full 2FE provision. Early years is to be integrated into the same site. Their requirement is for 2.5 classrooms total on site. The primary education requirement is for 1.93ha land as a minimum, plus 0.1ha for early years, giving a total land requirement of 2.03ha WSCC Public Rights of Way Public footpaths 2930 and 3015 are directly affected by the proposals but both seem to be accommodated within the development on their legal lines so there would be no objection from PROW. It would be really advantageous to upgrade the existing public footpaths to public bridleways and to dedicate new bridleways to improve all-round access for walkers, cyclists and horse riders. It would also be good to see new links created to improve access for residents and locals to areas outside the development and to the area proposed as a Country Park to the north east. Additional links to the north would improve off-road access via West Stock or Lavant to the South Downs National Park. Links onto Centurion Way would be advantageous from the Country Park and development itself CDC Archaeology Officer A strategy is required for the preservation of the designated and non-designated heritage assets (including the historic field pattern) that are present as landscape features and a statement of how it is intended that the impact on unknown archaeology that might be present will be mitigated. The latter should include a strategy for evaluation in order to identify deposits of significance that might be present, together with suitable proposals to enable their proper conservation (i.e. through sympathetic foundation design, full excavation and recording and/or preservation in-situ) CDC Environmental Health Officer We welcome all measures to encourage the use of sustainable modes of transport CDC Drainage Engineer Soakage should be investigated as a priority across the site and infiltration used where possible. Where infiltration is not possible, restricted discharge to

6 watercourses may be acceptable. Watercourses should be retained and protected with a 3m easement CDC Environmental Strategy Officer Hedgerows and woodland should be retained and any gaps which need to be created within the tree lines and hedgerows should be kept to a minimum. The retention of the ancient woodland and a 15m 50m buffer being used to protect this area is supported. We are pleased to see the retention of the chalk stream onsite and the use of green corridors around the stream to ensure it remains undisturbed and can still be utilised by wildlife for foraging and commuting. The impact of the proposed wastewater treatment on the site s ecology and hydrology needs to be fully assessed, including in the event of pump failure CDC Conservation and Design Manager The layout presented in effect serves to suggest how the amount of development proposed can be accommodated on site in layout and density terms. It takes forward the developer s masterplan derived from the second option that emerged from the stakeholder workshop that became the preferred option following public consultation. The approach mainly in the form of perimeter blocks is a well established, tried and tested form of development and is supported. The layout presented is very much in line with the masterplan. Key points from the workshop that should be shown to have informed the development include development being integrated with the city, a neighbourhood with a community hub, employment integrated into the layout and ecological corridors CDC Historic Buildings Adviser The primary access to the site is proposed just north of Whitehouse Farm, generally along the historic farm track, introduced via a large roundabout. There is some concern in respect of the impacts of the roundabout type of access in proximity to the Whitehouse Farm and its agricultural context which is likely to be harmful to the setting of the listed building and adjacent cottages forming part of the historic farm group. Accepting that other considerations might preclude relocation or an alternative form of junction, it will be important how this is detailed so as to mitigate harm as far as is possible. The more detailed Phase 1 Development Area which forms a parameter plan also raises some potential concerns in respect of the development abutting the farmhouse site, though it is appreciated that this is a reserved matter. Whilst a buffer has been incorporated (outside of the development site) the wider setting of the heritage asset requires more than just screening. Any form of development here is likely to have an impact on the setting of Whitehouse Farm. Ideally, this area adjacent to the buffer could either have a different use, such as a pseudo-agricultural use (for example allotments), or there should be a stronger buffer zone to soften the potential impacts.

7 Taking account of the Cathedral views, the secondary street following the sightline to the Cathedral to the south-east should be designed to encourage vistas terminating in the Cathedral, not just for motorists on the road itself, but in conjunction with the public square. From a pedestrian point of view, this public space should really benefit from the amenity of the Cathedral Spire, such that the core of the development connects and identifies with Chichester and it s Cathedral. In this way, the potential for pedestrian views from the public square should be carefully considered in respect of the three-story mixed uses on the south side of the square. Particular attention should be given to high-level form and massing of the on the south-east side of the square to enable views from this public urban space, possibly connected with pedestrian links to surrounding infrastructure, so that visual connections with the Cathedral spire can be realised CDC Economic Development The Local Plan has allocated 6ha of B1 employment land to this site, in order for the sustainable economic growth of the district. We welcome the provision of 6ha within the masterplan. We understand that current highway constraints will restrict the use to 10% office and 90% light industrial. The B1 use provided at this site will make a good location for the provision of high value jobs. Increasing the volume of high value jobs will create a more economically sustainable district and is the key to the Economic Strategy. We would prefer more flexibility to enable an increase in the percentage of office space, if market opportunities are presented, within any accessibility issues. Chichester District Council is working with West Sussex County Council on their place plan for Chichester s Growth, which includes improvements to the road networks to the north of the city centre, to allow easier access to the West of Chichester development CDC Community Facilities Given the phased development, we would be looking for community space of 1,350 sq. metres for 1600 dwellings. For phase 1 we would expect to see community space of around 625 sq. metres with the scope for this to be enhanced or complemented at a later date. While there maybe demonstrable merit in incorporating the physical requirements of other community services (i.e. Health or Police) within a single building (economies of scale, shared caretaking etc.) this should not be to the detriment of the space available for generic community use. It would be useful to understand what parking capacity is planned for in the Local Centre against the likely use the colocation of school, medical centre, retail and employment is going to produce some significant peaks. Car traffic is a major issue close to any school while the site is proposed to be walkable traffic management will be an issue at the Local Centre at start and finish of school day, and I wouldn t want this to be to the detriment of access to community facilities CDC Sport and Leisure Manager In terms of the masterplan I am happy with the proposed outdoor and indoor facilities identified. The pitches positioned together in one area with joint parking

8 and usage of the changing facilities is sensible, creating a hub for outdoor sport. The indoor facilities in the community centre will offer lots of local opportunities for sport, leisure and community activities. There is a definite need for football pitches of various sizes and a 3G artificial grass pitch would provide year round use. Cricket facilities are also in demand. In terms of phasing, the phase 1 dwellings result in a need for 3.075ha sports pitches. I have estimated the plans show circa 2.7ha. A football pitch provided on the primary school site may address this shortfall CDC Parks and Green Spaces Manager The scale and strategic nature of the site means consideration will need to be given to the relevance of SPG requirements in this context. I support the expansion of the local nature reserve and protection of a wildlife corridor to the west of Centurion Way Sustrans The Centurion Way is National Cycle Network Regional Route 88. This traffic free shared use path forms an essential sustainable transport link for visitors and the local population. The proposed development must allow for the continued use of the route throughout, with no severance caused by the proposals. New development must have provision for sustainable transport with links to the Centurion Way South Downs Society The site is within an area of high quality landscape which forms the approach to the National Park from the historic city of Chichester. The proposed access road from a roundabout on the B2178 Old Broyle Road will introduce an alien element in the pleasant countryside route between the city and the National Park. All phase 1 traffic is proposed to use this route rather than a future southerly link provided in phase 2 to the A27 at the Fishbourne Roundabout. All traffic will have to pass through Chichester or the country lanes and roads within the National Park. This will have a detrimental impact on the tranquillity of the National Park Chichester Society The masterplan must be revised to create a southern access route from the start of phase 1 so that construction traffic can be directed from Cathedral Way roundabout direct to the new development. Heavy traffic must avoid the Sherborne Road/Westgate junction and Bishop Luffa pupils and Orchard Street, where there are already heightened levels of air pollution Third Party Objections raised in relation to the masterplan, phasing plan and Masterplanning and Infrastructure Statement Access and highways Detrimental effect of traffic on local roads including Westgate, Sherborne Road, Old Broyle Road and St Paul s Road

9 B2178 Hunters Race and Salthill Road junctions not included in the proposed highway measures and contributions Insufficient space for parking on site, will generate more overspill parking Clear safe cycle routes required as part of mitigation of all junctions and routes, insufficient consideration given to cycling Applicants have not demonstrated clearly that the local road network can be adapted to cope with the significant increase in traffic (including construction traffic) that the development will generate Significant re-routing of traffic into already overloaded junctions Proposed mitigation and improvements will not be sufficient to address transport impacts High volumes of traffic and pollution expected One entrance/exit is inadequate for the scale of development Southern access road should be prioritised for the start of phase 1 not delayed until phase 2 Phase 2 access will bring increased traffic, noise and pollution to Bishop Luffa School Southern access should link directly into the Cathedral Way roundabout not Westgate or Sherborne Road to reduce congestion Use of Clay Lane access, temporary or permanent Provision of employment in the later phases will result in high levels of commuter traffic from the majority of dwellings Reliance on car use should be expected regardless of suggested alternatives Impact of additional traffic on Westgate Conservation Area and its listed buildings A27 issues unresolved Public transport inadequate Development not sustainable in transport terms Insufficient assessment of air quality Air quality impacts on existing residential areas Wastewater High degree of uncertainty over on site treatment or drainage to Tangmere WwTw Long-term reliability of on-site plant questioned, insufficient information available about function and management On site treatment will bring unnecessary risk to the public Need for lorries to remove sewerage, impact on Clay Lane and use of temporary or permanent access Drainage Development will increase risk of flooding particularly to the south of the site Long-term maintenance of retained ditches and watercourses to be secured River Lavant should be retained on natural course Surface water to be directed away from Parklands, water storage proposals will increase flood risk there Alternative means of dealing with surface water and flooding must be considered

10 Ecology Wildlife corridor and areas to be protected Dual use for wildlife and as a footpath will create conflict Deeper green buffer should be used alongside Centurion Way Country parks not sufficient to mitigate ecological and landscape harm Country parks to be properly managed HGV movements will affect the biodiversity value of the site, particularly the country parks Wildlife corridor to be provided adjacent to Centurion Way Landscape and visual impacts Views from Centurion Way destroyed, allotments and a country park are a poor substitute for wildlife and fields Lost opportunity for Centurion Way enhancements and promotion as a green trail Car park for the northern country park is out of character and will urbanise the rural area Urbanisation of B2178 through provision of roundabout and associated infrastructure including lighting and signage Roundabout will encroach into the northern country park Inadequate green infrastructure provision Loss of trees Cycle routes/footpaths Centurion Way to be protected Centurion Way should not be truncated or run through the middle of school premises Newlands Lane should be upgraded Community/education/sport/medical facilities and employment Important to ensure the facilities are delivered in full to meet increased needs Housing Mix to include more smaller, particularly 1 bed dwellings, to be more affordable and to reduce trip generation Design principles Development density, urban sprawl, effect on historic city Impact of primary access road and development on 2 New Cottages with insufficient buffer, inconsistent with approach to buffer other existing dwellings Phasing/delivery Many facilities linked to 500 th dwelling, too late as impacts will take place much earlier than the provisions are in place Cycle infrastructure to be delivered at an early stage to encourage use Limited employment opportunities to support the new community, reliance on commuting Full road system to be constructed prior to any housing

11 Third Party Support in relation to the masterplan, phasing plan and Masterplanning and Infrastructure Statement Development will provide jobs and support businesses Support the provision of useful amenities including shops, doctor Bishop Luffa School will continue to operate and develop should both phases of the West of Chichester site proceed The school is committed to opening up its facilities (playing fields) to the public and will explore its options in terms of establishing a relationship with the proposed primary school Support no development north of the B2178 and inclusion of this land into the Brandy Hole Copse Local Nature Reserve or designation as Local Green Space 5. Assessment of Masterplan Requirements 5.1. Policy 7 sets out the Council s broad approach to masterplanning. It requires the development of the strategic locations to be planned through a comprehensive masterplanning process of the site together with the details of infrastructure delivery and to include an indicative phasing and implementation plan. It states that masterplans will be expected to achieve the requirements of a number of listed criteria (proportionate to the scale of development). Many of these criteria are reflected in the site specific requirements set out in Policy 15 of the Local Plan or deal with matters of detail to be considered as part of any future planning application. Paragraphs below consider how the West of Chichester SDL masterplan complies with the general principles of masterplanning. The detailed criteria listed in policy 7 are also assessed together with the site specific requirements of Policy 15, at paragraphs below Policy 7 requires the masterplan to include an indicative development layout and a phasing and implementation plan. A masterplan (Framework Plan Phase 1 and 2) has been submitted with application 14/04301/OUT which illustrates the specific locations of the different land uses proposed across the whole of the SDL, including the residential, neighbourhood centre (including the primary school, community facilities, health, employment and mixed use and public square) and employment land together with the access points, internal roads, footpaths and cycleways, open space including country parks, children s play areas, allotments and formal and informal open space, sports pitches, foul sewage treatment works and electricity sub-station The indicative phasing plan provides an indication of how the SDL will be delivered. The supporting text to Policy 15 of the Local Plan envisages that the site will be delivered in two phases, which is reflected in the current outline planning application which is seeking permission for phase 1 of the mixed use development. The illustrative phasing plan divides the SDL into 6 sub-phases (A-F) although the Masterplanning and Infrastructure Statement notes that the parcels identified are likely to be delivered in tandem rather than being exclusively sequentially delivered. The phasing plan shows the following: A The northern access from Old Broyle Road, the southern country park, foul sewage treatment works, landscape buffers on northern and

12 western boundaries to the north of Newlands Lane and a residential parcel of land (up to 278 units) west of Whitehouse Farm. B Neighbourhood centre, the western half of the area for sports pitches/changing facilities and a residential parcel of land (up to 229 units) to the north of residential parcel A. C - A residential parcel of land (up to 290 units) to the south of residential parcel A. D The southern access linking to Westgate, the northern country park and provision for a car park adjacent to Old Broyle Lane, landscape buffers on the southern and western site boundaries (to the south of Newlands Lane), ecological areas in the southern half of the site and a residential parcel of land (up to 327 units) north of the neighbourhood centre. E - The eastern half of the area for sports pitches/changing facilities, approximately half of the employment land in the southern part of the site and a residential parcel of land (up to 205 units) to the west of the neighbourhood centre. F The second half of the employment land in the southern part of the site and a residential parcel of land (up to 274 units) between residential parcel E and the employment land Specific details of the infrastructure implementation plan are outlined in section 3 of the Masterplanning and Infrastructure Statement, the details and delivery of which will be secured through the section 106 agreement required as part of the grant of any outline planning permission. A summary is given in the Appendix. Policy 15 masterplanning requirements 5.5. In addition to the general requirements for masterplanning of the site (as set out above), Policy 15 of the Local Plan sets out further specific site specific requirements for masterplanning the West of Chichester SDL. The masterplan is assessed against these requirements below. Quantity of development and range of uses 5.6. Policy 15 requires that the West of Chichester SDL allocates a mixed use development comprising: 1,600 homes (of which 1,250 homes should be delivered during the Plan period) 6 hectares of employment land (suitable for B1 business use) A neighbourhood centre / community hub, incorporating local shops, a community centre, small offices and a primary school; and Open space and green infrastructure, including a Country Park The indicative development layout or masterplan is shown on the Framework Plan Phase 1 and 2 (drawing number LL-225-P-201). This outlines the different land uses proposed across the whole of the SDL (residential, employment and

13 neighbourhood centre), together with the roads, pedestrian/cycle accesses, open space and drainage infrastructure proposed across the SDL The masterplan shows the residential development located in the central and northern parts of the site, north of Newlands Lane. A neighbourhood centre is shown approximately in the centre of the residential development and comprises a primary school, community facilities, medical facilities, mixed use / employment, a public square. A children s play area is located immediately to the west of the neighbourhood centre. Provision is made for employment land in the south-western part of the site, south of Newlands Lane. It is anticipated that 10% of all the employment floorspace will be delivered as use class B1a (which is offices) and 90% will be use class B1c (which is light industrial) The masterplan also illustrates how the main land uses work together with the infrastructure requirements, in particular the roads, open space provision and drainage. The masterplan shows two accesses into the site, one from Old Broyle Road to the north and one to the south of the site linking to Westgate, with a north-south spine road linking Old Broyle Road with Westgate. A hierarchy of streets is shown through the residential and employment areas. An emergency access is shown at the northern end of the site, connecting to Old Broyle Road. A network of existing and proposed footpaths and cycle paths are illustrated on the masterplan, showing strong connectivity through the site and into the surrounding residential areas. A circular footpath is shown around and through the site which also connects the two country parks In terms of open space provision, the masterplan shows two country parks, one at the far northern end of the site on the northern side of Old Broyle Road and adjacent to Brandy Hole Copse and one at the south-eastern part of the site to the south of Newlands Lane and immediately adjacent to the west of the Centurion Way. The southern country park is also shown to include surface water attenuation features for the site. Landscape buffers are located adjacent to the northern and western boundaries of the site as well as a number of ecological corridors running through the site, incorporating the vast majority of the existing field boundaries and existing trees and hedgerows on the site. Four separate parcels of land are identified for allotments. The sports provision incorporating playing pitches, changing facilities and parking is located at the far southern end of the site, to the north of the southern access road and immediately to the east of Bishop Luffa School. Centurion Way is identified to be re-routed subject to the final layout of the sports pitches. An area of land in the far south-western corner of the site, adjacent to the employment land, is identified for a foul sewage treatment works if required. Integration with the city The masterplan demonstrates how the proposals will ensure an efficient use of the land whilst balancing the need to reflect the landscape character and heritage of the area The masterplan clearly demonstrates consideration of the urban / rural transition, with a significant landscape buffer shown on the northern and western edges, which will filter views and soften the impacts of the development, which in itself will be read against the backdrop of development in Chichester city. On

14 the eastern boundary, the masterplan has shown careful consideration of how the SDL will integrate with Centurion Way, a permitted footpath/cycleway, which abuts the eastern boundary of the SDL. At sections along its route Centurion Way is at grade, elevated or in a cutting. The masterplan reflects this by proposing the southern country park, allotments and sports pitches adjacent to its elevated and at-grade sections with the residential development adjacent to the area where Centurion Way dips into the cutting, further to the north Although the detailed housing layout would primarily be for consideration at the Reserved Matters stage, the Masterplan illustrates that the development has been designed with a traditional perimeter block structure, creating active street frontages. The mixed use neighbourhood centre is located towards the centre of the residential development, ensuring that it will be within easy reach for residents. The masterplan demonstrates that the development parcels could be designed with vehicular, cycle and pedestrian links that enhance the permeability of the site and to provide a number of options for connecting the site with its surroundings. The road layout shows a hierarchy of streets, with a traditional perimeter block structure rather than a series of cul-de-sacs, which further improves permeability. The residential layout and the internal road layout has enabled the retention of the existing field boundaries comprising trees, hedgerows and some ditches/watercourses and has established a network of green spaces. This increase permeability whilst also retaining existing landscape features helping to ensure its integration into the existing landscape To enhance the sense of place, the incorporation of broad character areas within the proposals will help to provide the development with a distinct character related to the existing settlement patterns. The arrangement of spaces plus changes in density and form of development will create variation in the scheme. This should reflect the local character and distinctiveness of Chichester city. Within the local centre, the community, medical, mixed uses and employment and the primary school have been designed around the public square to further create a sense of place In terms of density, the Masterplanning and Infrastructure Statement outlines that the densities across the site vary from between 20 dwellings per hectare to a maximum of 55 dwellings per hectare with an average density across the site being 34.5dph. The higher density areas are proposed around the neighbourhood centre and the primary street through the centre of the development where buildings in this location will be up to 3 storeys in height (max 11m to ridge). Beyond the neighbourhood centre and the central residential areas, densities reduce gradually with the lowest densities (20 dph) located in the residential areas on the edges of the site. In the main, heights outside the neighbourhood centre and the primary street are 2 stories (max. 8m to ridge). Effect on important views of the Cathedral The masterplan has been designed to protect long views to Chichester Cathedral. The main Cathedral views (Spire and lower areas) are from the central, northern part of the SDL on the higher ground, approximately in the location of the neighbourhood centre. The internal road network, particularly the tertiary lane which runs NW SE through the neighbourhood centre, together

15 with opportunity for a varied built form in the neighbourhood centre, will ensure that key views of Chichester Cathedral are retained and enhanced. Views of the Cathedral spire are also available from a number of areas within the SDL, including from within the residential area to the east of the neighbourhood centre and from the north-west corners of both Country Parks. The masterplan takes opportunities to increase public views of the Cathedral spire. Brandy Hole Copse The masterplan proposes that the land to the north of Old Broyle Road will be designated as a country park and therefore kept free from built development. The use of this land as a country park will protect the setting of Brandy Hole Copse Local Nature Reserve. A management and maintenance plan for the country park will be required to be secured through the S106 agreement associated with the phase 2 planning application. Heritage Assets With respect to heritage, there are no listed buildings or conservation areas within the SDL itself. There are two listed buildings in close proximity to the SDL (White House Farm to the north east and Salthill Lodge to the far west). Appropriate buffers have been incorporated within the masterplan, around Salthill Lodge in the south and White House Farm in the north to ensure that the built development is located an appropriate distance away and the impact of the setting of these listed buildings is minimised. The Chichester Entrenchments Scheduled Monument is located to the north of the B2178 (Old Broyle Road). The masterplan proposes no built development to the north of Old Broyle Road, identifying this area as the location for the northern country park. On this basis, an appropriate setting for the Entrenchments is maintained. The masterplan therefore demonstrates that the level of built development proposed can be satisfactorily accommodated, ensuring that the proposal would have no significant adverse impact on the setting of White House Farm, Salthill Lodge or the Chichester Entrenchments. Transport and public transport The masterplan sets out the two vehicular accesses into the site, the northern access from Old Broyle Road and a new road access to the south of the site linking to Westgate, as well as an emergency access at the northern end of the site, connecting to Old Broyle Road. Within the SDL the masterplan illustrates a network of streets with a clear street hierarchy comprising primary streets, secondary streets, tertiary lanes and mews lanes. The main street through the site is provided by way of a north-south spine road linking from Old Broyle Road to Westgate The masterplan also illustrates a number of new dedicated footpaths which run around and through the site. These will connect with existing footpaths on the site as well as with adjacent routes. A new cycle path is proposed to follow the route of the main spine road, connecting into the two vehicular access points. The masterplan also maximises opportunities for improved connectivity by providing cycle and pedestrian routes that link from the site to Chichester city, using Westgate as a corridor for cycle journeys into the city centre.

16 Improvements will be required to Westgate and the roundabouts at each end to facilitate cycle journeys, through traffic calming and alteration to the layout of the junctions. The masterplan also shows several pedestrian/cycle connections to the existing Centurion Way, which runs adjacent to the eastern boundary of the site. Centurion Way then connects northwards into the South Downs National Park and southwards towards Fishbourne, via the pedestrian/cycle railway bridge. Links to Fishbourne will be also be improved through a new cycle link to Clay Lane In addition to new site accesses to the north and south as identified on the Masterplan, a number of improvements to the local highway network, including enhancement to pedestrian and cycle connectivity, are also proposed to mitigate the off-site traffic impacts. These comprise monitoring and a potential right hand turn lane at Sherborne/St Paul s junction, improvement of Sherborne/Westgate mini roundabout, traffic calming along Sherborne Road, traffic calming along Westgate, improvement to Westgate/A286 roundabout, a signed northern cycle route, a contribution towards a cycle enhancement scheme for St Pauls Road and a contribution towards Brandy Hole Lane improvements. These are technical matters about which discussion between the main parties is ongoing. It is envisaged that more detailed information will be provided when the outline planning application is reported to the Committee in due course. In addition, the developer will provide a contribution to Highways England in line with the Planning Obligations and Affordable Housing SPD for junction improvements on the A27. Finally to enhance connectivity to the City centre, the development proposals include the provision of a new bus service. Stagecoach has confirmed it is willing to serve the site and an appropriate financial contribution will be made to deliver this. Biodiversity and Ecology The masterplan incorporates a wide green buffer around the northern and western site boundaries which will maintain north-south connectivity for wildlife. This buffer will also provide an ecological route from the northern country park and Brandy Hole Copse Local Nature Reserve around the site boundary to the south The masterplan includes two Country Parks, one to be delivered at the beginning of each phase of development. These country parks, together with the network of green spaces through the site incorporating and linked by footpaths, will provide recreational space for the development. These areas will also provide some mitigation in the form of SANGS for any potential recreational disturbance of Chichester Harbour. A financial contribution will also be sought towards to the Solent Disturbance and Mitigation Project The masterplan shows an area to the south of the spine road, adjacent to the railway, which will be set aside for the reptile translocation. The development layout also preserves the vast majority of the field boundaries, ditch network and chalk stream all of which have a high biodiversity value. Furthermore the road network has been designed to minimise disturbance to and loss of trees and field boundaries. The masterplan as a whole provides opportunities for biodiversity mitigation and enhancement, particularly within the two country parks and retained field boundaries.

17 Landscape impact The masterplan demonstrates how the proposals will ensure an efficient use of the land whilst balancing the need to reflect the landscape character of the area and the setting of the city. This is achieved by providing deep landscape buffers around the site, particularly along the northern and western boundaries. The southern part of the site is buffered by the location of the buffer to the south of the spine road and the sports pitches and to the north of the road. Furthermore in areas where the Centurion Way is at grade or elevated the country parks, allotments and sports pitches will provide a more rural setting. The retention of the existing field boundaries will help the development integrate into the landscape and will provide pockets of green space with views through as a break from the built form. The Masterplanning and Infrastructure Statement states that where development is near to ancient woodland a minimum buffer of 15m has been incorporated. Waste water infrastructure With regard to wastewater infrastructure, the masterplan shows an on-site foul sewage treatment works incorporating a 40 metre buffer zone. The suitability of this facility is currently being considered and is the subject of a separate application for a permit to the Environment Agency. This permit would be required before the plant could be operated. As an alternative Southern Water has confirmed that the major capacity improvements at Tangmere WwTW and associated pipework to the site will be completed by December On this basis the housing development on the SDL, which the applicants estimate will be available for first occupation in Spring 2018 at the earliest, should be able to connect to Tangmere WwTW. Phasing and delivery As set out in paragraphs above, the Masterplanning and Infrastructure Statement (March 2016) confirms that it is proposed to deliver the Strategic Development in two phases, which will be phased in 6 sub-phases. The details of the delivery of the infrastructure will be secured by way of a S106 Agreement with any outline planning permission. However the Masterplanning and Infrastructure Statement sets out the following general parameters The masterplan illustrates provision of a neighbourhood centre towards the centre of the residential development, which comprises a new community facility, medical facility, primary school with early years provision and retail and employment floor space. The new community facility with parking is anticipated to be delivered in two phases, the first to be completed prior to occupation of the 500 th dwelling and the second phase to be completed prior to occupation of the 1000 th dwelling. The medical facility, likely to be in the form of a GP Surgery, is proposed to be delivered as serviced land prior to the occupation of the 500 th dwelling. The primary school will be delivered in two phases with the first phase comprising provision for a one-form intake per year and the second phase comprising the second form intake per year. As part of the first phase of delivery, the core of the school will also be provided to the standard for a twoform a year intake. Delivery will either be by the developer prior to occupation of

18 the 500 th dwelling for the first phase or the site will be handed over to WSCC at an earlier point for delivery by WSCC. Retail within the neighbourhood centre will be delivered prior to occupation of the 325 th dwelling. The masterplan allocates 6 hectares of land for employment use, with some located within the neighbourhood centre as referred to above, but with the majority to be delivered at the south-western end of the site, creating an employment cluster area and to enable the southern access, closest to the A27 to be the primary access point. Timing of the delivery of the employment provision and its form of delivery is still under discussion The masterplan demonstrates delivery of the necessary new formal and informal open spaces. This open space includes informal green space, landscape buffers, provision for equipped children s play areas and allotments. In terms of the delivery of the formal playing pitch provision, the location of the playing pitches is shown on the masterplan at the southern end of the site and is proposed to be delivered in two phases, the first phase being ready for use prior to occupation of the 325 th dwelling and the second phase to be ready for use prior to occupation of the 950 th dwelling. Regarding the two country parks, the southern country park will be delivered prior to occupation of 1 st dwelling and the northern country park will be delivered prior to occupation of 751 st dwelling A summary of the infrastructure requirements and triggers are set out in the Appendix. Details of the highway schemes and contributions proposed for the local highway network are listed at paragraph 5.21 above. The phasing demonstrates that the neighbourhood centre and country park will be delivered at an early stage of the development. 6. Conclusion 6.1. The applicants Masterplan, Phasing Plan and Masterplanning and Infrastructure Statement describe and illustrate the overall vision and concept for the West of Chichester strategic development location and demonstrate how the criteria outlined in policies 7 and 15 of the Local Plan can be addressed. On this basis the committee is recommended to endorse the broad approach to development of the SDL. 7. Background Papers 7.1. Chichester Local Plan: Key Policies Planning Concept Statement for West of Chichester 8. Appendix Affordable Housing Community Building Phase 1 Phase 2 30% to be phases with 30% to be phases with open market housing open market housing Community building of Community building 650sqm - prior to expanded to 1,350sqm - occupation of the 500 th prior to occupation of dwelling 1000 th dwelling

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