The Need for Housing

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1 Welcome Land south of Daventry Road, Southam Welcome to today s exhibition on proposals for a new neighbourhood at Land south of Daventry Road, Southam. The purpose of this exhibition is to seek your views, local knowledge and feedback on the proposals. Hallam Land Management are preparing plans for the development of up to 500 dwellings, local shop and community facility, public open space, landscaping and drainage areas on land to the south of Daventry Road () and north east of Welsh Road East. Vehicular access will be from Daventry Road and Welsh Road East. A planning application is being prepared in response to the District Council identifying the land between Daventry Road and Welsh Road East for new housing and community facilities. Today is your chance to view proposals, ask any questions, and give us your comments. After considering your feedback and completing various studies, the final plans will be submitted later this year to the District Council for their decision. Primary School Primary School A423 Who are Hallam Land Management? Hallam Land Management Limited (HLM) is the strategic land and planning promotion arm of the Henry Boot Group of Companies. Our role is to promote and develop sustainable land opportunities through the complexities of the UK Town Planning System. The Site The site comprises a single, large arable field located immediately to the east of the existing housing area known as Flying Fields and north of Insight Park. Nursery Park Lane Recreation Ground St. James of C of E Church Post Office Dentist Library Primary School Surgery Flying Fields Restaurant The Site Daventry Road Supermarket Surgery A423 Underpass to Southam town centre Allotments Musical & Theatre School Cricket Club The Need for Housing Why this site? All Councils are required to assess the need for more housing within their area, and identify the most suitable land to meet those future needs. Your District Council has undertaken this exercise as part of preparing a Plan for the area. Welsh Road East Insight Park Public Footpath Site Location Plan Sustrans Cycleway Bridleway They have identified the need for 14,485 homes to be built in the District between 2011 and 2031 in order to meet the needs of a growing population and to support economic growth. The District Council has put forward a number of areas around the District to contribute towards meeting this need; including brownfield land, land on the edge of the towns and villages, and new settlements at Gaydon/Lighthorne Heath and Long Marston Airfield. The land between Daventry Road and Welsh Road East has been identified by the District Council as one of the areas due to its close relationship with the town, and its ability to provide community facilities for existing residents on the Flying Fields estate. The land could provide approximately 500 dwellings, a local shop, a range of sports and community facilities, open space, play areas, extensive landscaping, as well as improving pedestrian connectivity into Southam. Following meetings with the County Council they have confirmed a new primary school is not required for the town. We have therefore suggested an alternative community facility for local residents as well as a financial contribution to improve and expand the existing local schools. What type of housing? The proposals will include a mix of house types and sizes, with detached and semi detached properties up to a maximum of three storeys in height. The majority of houses are likely to be aimed at families, with three or more bedrooms, although there will be some smaller properties. Up to 35% of the total housing to be developed will also be made available to local people as affordable homes. These are homes that are available to those who cannot access housing on the open market. This will include homes solely for rent, or homes where you are able to purchase a share in the property and rent.

2 Land south of Daventry Road, Southam The Site Opportunity to provide new local shop Potential sports pitches & pavilion OPPORTUNITIES Potential vehicle access point Existing PRoW network FLYING FIELDS Existing bus stop Opportunity to provide a new bus route through the proposed development Views towards church spire in Southam Daventry Desired pedestrian linkages Focal green spaces Focal points within the new development Potential SuDS features to catch surface water run-off and enhance the wildlife biodiversity of the site CONSTRAINTS Opportunity for a landscaped eastern boundary incorporating SuDs features, recreational routes and defensible boundary Opportunity to provide a new bus route through the proposed development Existing allotments Insight Park (Under-Construction) Rive Stone & fluvial flooding (off-site) Opportunity to provide a new pedestrian/cycle route along Welsh Road East LSH WE Surface water flooding (off-site) Opportunity to provide a new local shop Potential green corridors incorporating existing trees and hedgerows New recreational routes Road Opportunities Site Location and Constraints Plan Plan RD Long distance views EA ST Respect the privacy of existing properties adjacent to the site Topography and Setting The site gently slopes from a high point where it abuts Welsh Road East down to a low point at its north eastern corner. The site lies on the eastern edge of Southam. Immediately to the west lies the existing housing area known as Flying Fields. Daventry Road marks the western approach to Southam and leads to the rest of the town to the west. A short distance westward, Daventry Road meets the A423 Bypass, beyond which lies the historic town centre. Welsh Road East Welsh Road East extends alongside a short section of the site s south western boundary. To the west of the site, Welsh Road East leads to a pedestrian/cycle link which passes underneath the A423 to provide a direct connection to the town centre. Directly to the south of the site lies a new commercial and housing development at Insight Park. To the south of Welsh Road East is an area of community allotments. View corridor to church spire in Southam Influences & Opportunities The proposed development will be informed by the site s existing features. The existing hedgerows and trees will be retained and new landscaping will be introduced to compensate for losses where vegetation needs to be removed to make way for the new access points. The topography of the land will dictate the location of new drainage features, whilst the site s edge of settlement location means new landscaping should be introduced to create a soft development edge. The eastern boundary High Quality Design The centre of Southam exhibits many fine examples of local architecture characterised by limestone, local orange-pink brick, timber framed buildings and large chimney stacks that enliven the roofscape. Buildings of note include St James Church, The Olde Mint and Manor House. Existing dwellings overlooking the site Our proposals for the site are design-led in order to create a development that responds to the local character of both the site and the town. The following boards show how we propose to respect the local character, together with providing new community facilities, generous areas of new public open space and landscaping.

3 Land south of Daventry Road, Southam The Vision Sustainable Drainage Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) and permeable paving will manage storm water and maintain run-off to the present day conditions. Designed to increase biodiversity value and create attractive new landscape features. Will be overlooked by new homes to create safe and well-overlooked spaces. DAVENTRY ROAD Open Space Our vision is to create a range of open spaces to cater for a wide range of uses, including parkland, nature areas and new meadow. New sports pitches could form an important part of the new public open space. The new open spaces will also provide children s play areas and extensive areas of new landscaping. Local Shop A new local shop is proposed close to the Daventry Road access point. It could provide convenience retail for new and existing residents and benefit from passing trade along Daventry Road to ensure viability. vehicular access point Children s play area shop sports pitches Residential blocks orientated to create an outward-looking development, which also provides natural surveillance along the proposed recreational routes FLYING FIELDS community hall/ pavilion Children s play area Key Potential housing areas convenience store Potential view corridor to St. James C of E Church Potential housing areas hall public open space community / pavilion children s play areas Existing allotments Existing bus stops Existing allotments WELSH ROAD EAST Community Hall/Pavilion Walking and Cycling Potential new footway link vehicular access point Insight Park (under-construction) The opportunity exists to provide a new community hall/pavilion facility overlooking the sports pitches. This will provide an important new community focal point for both the new residents and the existing residents of the Flying Fields. The community hall/ pavilion could include new changing rooms to serve the sports pitches. New routes for walking and cycling will be provided along the site s countryside edges. The route will provide a valuable new recreational asset running through attractively landscaped areas of public open space. The opportunity exists to incorporate a trim trail along the new routes or outdoor exercise facilities. The new homes will front the routes to create safe and well-used paths. A proposed footway along Welsh Road East will create a convenient route towards Southam town centre. Opportunity for pedestrian links to the existing public right of way network What are the benefits? The development of this site can provide the following benefits for local people: Increasing the choice of housing available to local people to buy or rent within the town. Providing a small local shop to meet the day-to-day needs of residents. Creating a new community hall or pavilion with sports pitches and play space for children. Landscaped eastern boundary creates an appropriate transition between the proposed development and the existing countryside edge Providing more green spaces for recreation, wildlife, and drainage, and managing the existing hedgerows for nature conservation. Investing in improving local roads and footways in the town, including funding improvements to the underpass. Providing a new route for the existing bus service on Daventry Road to divert through the new development and along Welsh Road East, with new bus stops. Investing in improvements to existing schools and facilities in the town. Creating jobs and training opportunities during the construction of the development. Existing public footpath Potential vehicular access points Potential pedestrian linkages Potential main route and bus route Potential recreational routes Potential location for SuDS features Existing trees and vegetation Indicative new landscaping Illustrative Masterplan Supporting shops and services in the town centre through increasing the number of people living within the area and spending money locally in the town.

4 Land south of Daventry Road, Southam Transport & Accessibility TREET The impact any additional vehicle movements generated by the proposed development will have on local roads will need to be carefully considered. YS COVENTR A423 towards Coventry A423 Existing bus stop (Closest to the site) HS T B Daventry Road to Daventry HIG SOUTHAM TOWN CENTRE FLYING FIELDS CK WI AD RO Potential improvement to existing underpass THE SITE A4 23 R WA e tanc g dis alkin w inute 5m towards Royal Leamington Spa Potential new bus route through the proposed development. Transport Plan A423 towards Banbury Main vehicular routes B Existing bus route and bus stops Existing public footpath Potential new bus route through the proposed development Existing bridleway Potential pedestrian and cyclist route from the proposed development to Southam Town Centre The development proposals have been prepared in a manner that provide for safe and sustainable pedestrian and highways access to and from the development. The key baseline conditions and proposals are detailed as follows; Strategic Context: The site is bordered by significant highway routes and public transport facilities, making it possible to deliver a comprehensive transport strategy and enabling the site to both integrate with the network as well as enhancing the existing links and facilities. Site Access: The development proposes two access points which will be of high standards to match the quantum of development and land uses. The development will need to consider offering its internal primary route within the site as a spur road to link Welsh Road East in the south, and the Daventry Road in the north. Public Transport: There are existing public transport routes within the area. In planning this new development, early discussions with the bus operators and the Council have begun which could include a new bus route through the site, providing additional bus stops for the new residents and improving the coverage for existing properties. Pedestrians and Cyclists: There is an existing network of public right of ways surrounding the site. We propose to incorporate and enhance the quality of these existing routes within the site and provide a new network of walking and cycling routes through the development. These will integrate seamlessly into the existing surrounding network to ensure that the new development delivers convenient routes towards existing facilities and amenities within Southam. crossing at Banbury Road Off-Site Improvements Through consultation with the Council there is a commitment to provide a new signalised pedestrian crossing point at the Banbury Road roundabout. This crossing will provide a convenient and safe route of movement for pedestrians. Additionally, there is an aspiration to provide improvements to the existing pedestrian underpass situated beneath Banbury Road with specific requirements to be agreed with the Council. Further detailed transport modelling work off-site will be undertaken to assess and determine any further alterations needed to existing junctions or traffic features. Any requirement for further off-site alterations will be in full compliance to the Council s design standards. Green Travel Planning The application will include green travel planning to encourage future residents to reduce their use of private cars in favour of walking, cycling and public transport. This will be achieved by incorporating a package of measures, to include car clubs, a car share database and personalised travel planning. The existingg network of PRoWs and surroundingg pu ppublic blic transpo p rt transport ffacilities acili ilitities ppresents resents t a op oppo port rtun unitityy fo forr th thee de deve velo lopm p en pm entt to est eestablish stab ablilish sh opportunity development sust su s ainabl i ble transp spor ortt ac acce c ssib ibilillity ity. sustainable transport accessibility.

5 Land south of Daventry Road, Southam Environment & Sustainability The principal aim is to create a sustainable development. This means maximising accessibility for means other than the private car, building to the latest environmental building standards, providing new and varied areas of public open space, retaining existing wildlife habitats, providing new biodiversity initiatives and delivering new community facilities. Green Infrastructure Green infrastructure is the term given to a network of multi-functional spaces that can support existing and new wildlife habitats and provide recreational benefits for local people. Our approach seeks to ensure all homes are within easy reach of open spaces. The majority of the site s open spaces are proposed to be located along the northern and eastern boundaries so that new landscaping can be planted to create a soft development edge with the adjacent countryside. New areas of open space will also be provided within the new housing areas to ensure all the new homes are within easy reach of a range of open space uses. New tree and hedgerow planting throughout the development will ensure the new homes sit within an attractive, well-landscaped setting. New drainage features will form integral parts of the development s green infrastructure to both manage storm water and provide attractive new landscape features. Sustainability A sustainable development will be created by: A vibrant new neighbourhood: New areas of open space, sports pitches, a new local shop, a community hall/pavilion, children s playgrounds and new routes for walking and cycling will provide a vibrant and attractive mix of community uses. Affordable housing: Affordable homes will provide new housing opportunities for local people. Wildlife: The existing landscaping and habitats will be protected. Initiatives will be implemented to create new habitats for wildlife. This could include the erection of bird and bat boxes and the creation of a new grassland meadows. Energy efficient buildings: The proposals will meet Central and Local Government targets for new homes by ensuring new buildings will comply with the latest building regulations. Water conservation: Low water use sanitary features and water butts will help minimise water consumption. Sustainable Drainage Systems: New drainage features will manage excess surface water run-off during periods of heavy or persistent rain in order prevent flooding. Walking and cycling: New footways and cycle routes, together with improvement to the existing underpass under Banbury Road, will provide convenient linkages with the surrounding area, including to Southam town centre. Improvements to local infrastructure and services: The development will invest in improvements to existing roads and junctions, as well as increasing capacity of local schools to cater for an increase in population. We are also investigating whether the existing underpass to the A423 can be improved to create wider pedestrian links into Southam.

6 Land south of Daventry Road, Southam The Planning Application An application seeking outline planning permission will be submitted to the District Council later this year. The application will consider the principle of development and the means of access. Supporting Information Detailed technical surveys and assessments have been carried out to fully understand existing site conditions and the potential impacts of the development because these reports are required to support a planning application of this nature. These will include: Transport Assessment (TA): The TA will underpin the masterplan work, which will comprehensively test the possible access arrangements, identifying the most appropriate layouts to best serve the development. The scope of the TA has been discussed with Warwickshire County Council. One of the objectives is to provide advice on whether the trips generated by the development can be accommodated within existing transport system, together with any identifiable transport interventions. Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy: The proposed development lies in an area of low flood risk, but there is a low risk from surface water flooding towards some of the eastern parts of the site. The proposed development will incorporate Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) to store water on-site during periods of heavy or persistent rainfall. Tree Survey: A survey of all trees on the site will be undertaken to ensure that important trees on the site are retained, properly protected during construction and accommodated within the development. Ecological Assessment: The site is dominated by habitats of low intrinsic ecological value. The existing hedgerows and associated habitats will be protected, which will in turn avoid impacts to identified population of grass snakes. Initiatives will be implemented to create new habitats for wildlife. This could include the erection of bird and bat boxes and the creation of a new grassland meadow. Heritage and Archaeological Impact Assessment: Archaeological evaluation works comprising geophysical survey and/or trial trenching will be undertaken. Should these identify any archaeological features, further survey work and / or a watching brief may be required as a condition of planning required as a condition of planning permission. Landscape and Visual Appraisal: The site is not covered by any statutory or non-statutory designations for landscape character or quality, and there are few notable landscape features contained within the site, save the vegetation located at the site s boundaries. The site, as well as the existing Flying Field housing estate, can be viewed from the higher ground at Napton-on-the-Hill, although new landscaping within the site will assist in assimilating the development proposals into the wider landscape. Air Quality Assessment: An air quality impact assessment will be undertaken to assess the effects the development could have on the air quality. These effects will be evaluated and a report submitted to the council for their review when the planning application is submitted. Noise Impact Assessment: The noise climate in the vicinity of the development is being examined in detail to ensure that a suitable and appropriate level of noise mitigation is integrated into the development proposals. These effects will be evaluated and a report submitted to the Council for their review when the planning application is submitted. Timescales It is our intention to submit a planning application later this year. If approved, the development could begin in 2016/2017 and be developed over the following 5-10 years. Your Views THANK YOU for taking the time to visit this exhibition today. Before you go, please fill in one of our feedback forms and give us your views on what you think of our proposals. Representatives from Hallam Land Management and their consultant team are on hand to answer any questions you may have. The forms can be filled out at a later date if you need more time. Details of where to send them can be found on the form, but all comments must be received by Tuesday 13 th October What happens next... After the exhibition, we will read all of the comments you have given to us and these will be considered when preparing the final proposals. A summary of all the feedback received today will also be made available to the District Council when the planning application is submitted later this year. All of the display material on show today will shortly be made available on our website, where you can also find a copy of the feedback form to download. Web Address:

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