EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN (General Evacuation)

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1 EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN (General Evacuation) IMS Section: Operations OPs-OP32

2 Page: 2 of Changes From Last Issue ne 2.0 Objective and Scope 2.1 To evacuate the building of all members of the public and staff, with minimum risk to their safety 3.0 Procedure Detail 3.1 Summary of Main Responsibilities General Manager Overall responsibility for ensuring that all staff are trained and competent in fire evacuation arrangements Ensuring adequate provision of resources to enable efficient evacuation Duty Manager Ensuring the co-ordination of any emergency evacuation Act as the liaison with the Emergency Services Assembly Point Co-ordinator This role is undertaken by a Customer Service Advisor. Collect Evacuation Zone Cards and record on the evacuation card areas check sheet Update Duty Manager as appropriate Control and co-ordinate activities at the assembly point All Staff To know and understand the Evacuation Procedure Upon hearing the fire alarm are responsible for evacuating the zone in which they are working, clearing members of the public via the nearest safe exit to a place of safety To understand individual responsibilities specific to their job role To know the layout and evacuation routes of the building To know the location of the centres Assembly Point(s)

3 Page: 3 of Definitions Assembly Point Designated safe meeting area located away from the centre for Staff, Customers, Contractors and Visitors to congregate in the event of an emergency. Zone The Leisure centre will be divided into logical areas as determined by the centres shape, size, layout, significant hazards. These will be defined and illustrated within OPs-F3 (Evacuation Zone Card Checklist). Evacuation Zone Card Each zone contains 1 card positioned next to one of the fire exits. The zone card details all areas within that zone, that if safe to do so should be checked by staff before evacuating. An example zone card can be found in OPs-F4 (Evacuation Zone Card template). Stand By mode The period after an initial alarm has been activated, where the Duty Manager is determining whether there is an actual emergency or need to evacuate. Maximum Stand By period The maximum amount of time a centre can remain in stand by mode before instigating an evacuation. This period is calculated as the time it takes to walk between the two furthest points of the building. 3.3 Discovering an emergency (all staff) If there is a need to evacuate the building operate the fire alarm by the nearest break glass point. Do not take any personal risks if you feel the situation has become too dangerous; evacuate the zone immediately via the nearest safe emergency exit. Tackle the fire if safe to do so i.e. waste paper bin size or less. Ensure that you are between the fire and an escape route so you can make a quick escape if necessary. Use the correct type of fire extinguisher. Whilst extinguishing the fire staff should be ensuring that the remaining building is being evacuated. All zones should be cleared and customers directed to the assembly point located at the front of the building towards the end of the driveway. For pool users the assembly point is in the rear car park. Ensure all fire doors are shut after you to prevent the fire spreading. tify the Duty Manager and the Fire Emergency Services as to the type of fire eg. Flammable materials, Electrical, flammable liquids or gases and its location. 3.4 The Alarm System The evacuation signal is a public address system with a loud intermittent siren.

4 Page: 4 of 41 The evacuation of the centre uses a two stage evacuation procedure detailed below. Stage 1 The alarm is sounded by the activation of an alarm point. The alarm is silenced by either Reception Staff or the Duty Manager. By silencing the alarm, this notifies all staff that the centre has entered stand by mode. If the alarm has not been silenced within 2 minutes all staff are to assume that there is a need to evacuate the building and initiate Stage 2 (evacuation of the building). During stand by mode the Duty Manager will identify the zone in which the alarm has been activated and determine whether there is a need to evacuate the building. Other staff will stop any activities occurring within the centre, begin to search zones and move members of the public towards fire escape routes. The Duty Manager will either identify that the alarm is a false alarm and inform reception and other staff members to return to the duties or confirm that there is a need to evacuate and instruct reception to re-sound the alarm and initiate Stage 2 (Evacuation of the building). Please note that the maximum period the centre should remain in stand by mode is 2 minutes. If no communications have been received from the Duty Manager after this period has elapsed the Receptionist should re-sound the alarm to initiate the evacuation process. Stage 2 (evacuation of the building) Staff will evacuate both customers and staff within their zones through the nearest fire exits collecting the appropriate zone card as they leave. Staff will proceed to the assembly point, escorting any customers that they pass on their route. Staff will issue any zone cards collected to the Assembly Point Co-ordinator The Assembly Point Co-ordinator will establish which zone cards have not been received and pass this information on to the Duty Manager as well as details of any missing persons. The Duty Manager will wait at the main entrance of the building and act as the main contact with the emergency services Staff should not attempt to re-enter the building until authorised to do so by the Duty Manager who will receive instruction from the emergency services.

5 Page: 5 of 41 If your shift finishes before re-entry has been permitted speak to the Assembly Point Coordinator before leaving the assembly point. DURING STAGE 1 and 2 Do not hesitate Prevent further entry into the building Immediately stop any activities or sessions Do not use Lifts (where possible put lifts out of use) Prevent members of the public from returning to changing areas or attempting to collect personal belongings. Prevent members of the public from moving into other zones within the building. When moving around the building take extreme care, where possible check what is on the opposite side of doors before opening them. Instruct all people to proceed to the Assembly Point which is located at the far end of the front driveway or the rear car park. PLEASE NOTE - the evacuation alarm could be initiated for gas leakage, bomb scare, power and structural failures as well as fire. You may encounter members of the public who refuse to leave. Do not try to physically remove them from the premises, instead they must be made aware of the extreme danger they may be exposing themselves to and strongly advise them to leave. If they still refuse wait no longer but proceed with the evacuation. Report the location of any members of public who refuse to leave to the Assembly Point Co-ordinator at the assembly point. Persons found in the process of changing should be advised to put on the minimum necessary amount of clothing and leave the building immediately, via the nearest safe emergency exit. Pay particular attention to young children, vulnerable people & people with disabilities who may need extra help. If you encounter a member of public in need of first aid, advise them to report to the assembly point where basic first aid equipment shall be available. Casualties who are unable to leave the building due to their injuries should be reported to the Duty Manager and the Emergency Services at the assembly point immediately.

6 Page: 6 of Action by the Duty Manager (On Hearing The Alarm) Stage 1 Determine whether any staff that you are in immediate contact with (e.g. via radio) are aware of any in immediate danger or aware of an emergency situation. If an emergency situation is identified immediately initiate Stage 2 (evacuation) as described below. Stand by mode (initiated through the silencing of the alarm) Establish the location of which alarm has sounded by either communicating with reception (or other appropriate staff) or attending the fire alarm panel located at reception. Instruct reception to maintain stand by mode and await further communications. Whilst accompanied by another staff member proceed to investigate the area in which the alarm has sounded. Exercise extreme caution, where possible checking behind doors before passing through them. Maintain in regular contact with reception Stage 2 Re-sounding of the alarm (Evacuation of the building) Inform reception to re-sound the alarm, contact the emergency services and initiate evacuation. Evacuate your immediate zone and proceed to the nearest fire exit, collecting the area zone card as you leave. Issue any zone cards collected to the Assembly Point Co-ordinator Proceed to the main entrance of the building and wait outside for the emergency services to arrive. Pass on details of the incident and details of the building to the emergency services. Follow instruction from the emergency services and assist with any arrangements that they believe necessary. If re-entry is permitted follow the strict guidelines described by the emergency services. Liaise with the General Manager in conjunction with HS-OP3 (Critical Incident Management Procedure)

7 Page: 7 of 41 Duty Manager Flow Diagram Fire Alarm activated YES Have you been notified of an immediate danger Advise reception to silence the alarm move to STAND BY MODE and await further instruction. Establish the location of the zone where the alarm has sounded Investigate the location of the fire (use extreme caution) YES Is there a need to evacuate the building? Contact reception and advise them to re-sound the alarm and contact the emergency services Advise reception and other relevant staff that there has been a false alarm Evacuate your current zone through the nearest fire exit, picking up the zone card as you leave Advise staff to put out tannoy messages and permit re-admission Pass on the collected zone card to the assembly point co-ordinator Investigate the cause of the false alarm, contact GM, PM Wait at the entrance to the building for the emergency services if safe to do so If applicable, arrange for contractors to attend the centre and rectify faults Pass on details of the incident to the emergency services Document and record the false alarm Under instruction of the fire officer/police make arrangements for a controlled re-entry or relocation of customers Liaise with PM and GM in line with the Critical Incident Management Procedure (HS-OP3)

8 Page: 8 of Action by the Assembly Point Co-ordinator (On Hearing The Alarm) Stage 1 Determine whether you are in immediate danger. If an emergency situation is identified immediately initiate Stage 2 (evacuation) as described below. Proceed to reception and collect the emergency evacuation pack If the alarm has not been silenced within 2 minutes to initiate stand by mode assume that there is a need to evacuate and initiate Stage 2 (Evacuation of the building). Stand by mode (initiated through the silencing of the alarm) Proceed to the main entrance and prevent further customers from entering the building. Stage 2 (Evacuation of the building) Proceed immediately to the assembly point located at the front driveway or the rear carpark. Collect zone cards from staff reaching the assembly point and record on the Evacuation Zone Checklist Report any zone cards not received to the Duty Manager and emergency services. Ensure all coaches and instructors re-take registers upon reaching the assembly point. Communicate any missing persons to the Duty Manager and emergency services. Do not permit staff to re-enter the building to check any areas that zone cards or unaccounted for or for missing persons. Delegate further responsibilities to staff, such as crowd management or building surround patrols. Record the names of any customers wishing to leave to go home. Record the names of any staff wishing to go home at the end of their shifts Maintain communication with the Duty Manager and pass on any communications to staff or public.

9 Page: 9 of 41 Assembly Point Co-ordinator Flow Diagram Fire Alarm activated Yes Are you are in immediate danger? Collect the emergency evacuation pack from reception Has the alarm been silenced within 2 minutes? Yes (Alarm silenced) Enter STAND BY MODE Proceed to the front entrance and prevent customer entry Fire alarm is resounded Await further communications? Duty Manager issues message of a false alarm Proceed and remain at the assembly point Upon DM instruction allow customers to access the centre Collect zone cards from staff members Report any zone cards that have not been collected to the Duty Manager/Emergency Services Report any missing persons to the Duty Manager/Emergency Services Issue staff with additional responsibilities where applicable Record the names of any customers wishing to leave the premises

10 Page: 10 of Action by Customer Service Advisors (On Hearing The Alarm) Customer Service Advisers (if on Reception) are responsible for the evacuation of Zone 11, which includes reception, foyer and the main offices. Stage 1 Determine whether you are in immediate danger. If an emergency situation is identified immediately initiate Stage 2 (evacuation) as described below. Allow the alarm to sound for seconds before silencing to initiate stand by mode Stand by mode (initiated through the silencing of the alarm) Inform the Duty Manager of the location where the alarm has been activated. Secure tills and money, prevent further admissions to the centre and clear telephone lines. If communication with the Duty Manager is not available and no instruction has been given after 2 minutes, the CSA should assume that there is an emergency and begin the evacuation. Stage 2 (Evacuation of the building) Upon instruction or through lack of instruction after 2 minutes re-sound the alarm to initiate the evacuation Contact the emergency services by dialling 999 informing them of the type of emergency, full address of the centre (2 Booth Street East, Ardwick Manchester, M13 9SS) and the location within the centre of the emergency. Evacuate your immediate zone and proceed to the nearest fire exit, collecting the area zone card as you leave. Proceed to the assembly point, escorting any customers that you pass on your route. Issue any zone cards collected to the Assembly Point Co-ordinator Assist with crowd control or follow instructions given by the Duty Manager or Assembly Point Co-ordinator. Do not attempt to re-enter the building until authorised to do so by the Duty Manager. If your shift finishes before re-entry has been permitted speak to the Assembly Point Coordinator before leaving the assembly point.

11 Page: 11 of 41 Customer Service Advisors Flow Diagram Fire Alarm activated YES Are you are in immediate danger? Silence the alarm after seconds (Alarm silenced) Enter STAND BY MODE Inform the Duty Manager of the alarm activation location according to the fire alarm panel Secure tills, prevent admissions into the centre and make a telephone line available Duty Manager issues message to begin evacuation Await further communications Duty Manager issues message of a false alarm Re-Sound the alarm DM instruction given before the end of the max stand by period Issue customer announcements informing customers that the alarm is a false alarm Contact the emergency services and provide details on the centre Reset the fire call panel Evacuate zone through the nearest fire exit Confirm that staff members have returned to their positions and are ready for customer admissions Escort customers to the assembly point Resume normal duties Return any zone cards to the assembly point co-ordinator Await further instruction from either the assembly point co-ordinator or Duty Manager

12 Page: 12 of Action by Recreation and Leisure Assistants (on hearing the alarm) Recreation Assistants (if on poolside) are responsible for the evacuation of Zone 1, which includes the pool hall, leisure pool and diving pool including diving boards. Stage 1 Determine whether you are in immediate danger. If an emergency situation is identified immediately initiate Stage 2 (evacuation) as described below. Evacuate everyone from the pools and features and ask them to line up by the poolside fire exits. If the alarm has not been silenced within 2 minutes to initiate stand by mode assume that there is a need to evacuate and initiate Stage 2 (Evacuation of the building). Stand by mode (initiated through the silencing of the alarm) Check all areas within your zone (e.g. changing rooms and toilets) ask customers proceed and line up next to the nearest fire exit. Collect the space blankets from the first aid room and take to the fire exits. Stage 2 (Evacuation of the building) Issue space blankets and evacuate your immediate zone and proceed to the nearest fire exit, collecting the area zone card as you leave. Issue any zone cards collected to the Assembly Point Co-ordinator Assist with crowd control or follow instructions given by the Duty Manager or Assembly Point Co-ordinator. Do not attempt to re-enter the building until authorised to do so by the Duty Manager. If your shift finishes before re-entry has been permitted speak to the Assembly Point Coordinator before leaving the assembly point.

13 Page: 13 of 41 Recreation and Leisure Assistants Flow Diagram Fire Alarm activated Yes Are you are in immediate danger? Evacuate pool(s) Has the alarm been silenced within 2 minutes? Yes (Alarm silenced) Enter STAND BY MODE Align customers next to poolside fire exits and collect space blankets Clear changing rooms and collect zone cards Fire alarm is resounded Await further communications Duty Manager issues message of a false alarm Evacuate zone through the nearest fire exit and issue space blankets Upon DM instruction, lifeguards to return to lifeguard positions Escort customers to the Assembly Point Allow re-entry of customers to the pool(s) Give all collected zone cards to the assembly point co-ordinator Await further instruction from either the assembly point co-ordinator or duty manager

14 Page: 14 of Action by Swimming Teachers (on hearing the alarm) Stage 1 Determine whether you are in immediate danger. If an emergency situation is identified immediately initiate Stage 2 (evacuation) as described below. Evacuate everyone from the pool and ask them to line up by on poolside If the alarm has not been silenced within 2 minutes to initiate stand by mode assume that there is a need to evacuate and initiate Stage 2 (Evacuation of the building). Stand by mode (initiated through the silencing of the alarm) Re-take the register and ensure all children are present Accompany children to the nearest fire exit and ask children to form an orderly queue. Collect space blankets from the lifeguard team Stage 2 (Evacuation of the building) Issue space blankets to children and evacuate them through the nearest fire exit. Accompany children to the assembly point Upon reaching the assembly point re-take registers and confirm to the Assembly Point Coordinator that all pupils are present. Continue to supervise swim school pupils whist at the assembly point. If parents of pupils wish to take their children home, request authorisation from the Assembly Point Co-ordinator and then record on the registers that you have passed the pupil back into the care of their parent. Do not attempt to re-enter the building until authorised to do so by the Duty Manager. If your shift finishes before re-entry has been permitted speak to the Assembly Point Coordinator before leaving the assembly point.

15 Page: 15 of 41 Swimming Teachers Flow Diagram Fire Alarm activated Yes Are you are in immediate danger? Remove children from the pool and take register Has the alarm been silenced within 2 minutes? Yes (Alarm silenced) Enter STAND BY MODE Align swim school pupils next to poolside fire exits and collect space blankets Fire alarm is resounded Await further communications? Duty Manager issues message of a false alarm Evacuate zone through the nearest fire exit and issue space blankets to swim school pupils Wait for Lifeguards to return to their lifeguard positions Escort swim school pupils to the assembly point Re-start lessons Once at the assembly point re-take register Await further instruction from either the assembly point co-ordinator or duty manager

16 Page: 16 of Action by Fitness Instructors (on hearing the alarm) Fitness Instructors (if in the Fitness Centre) are responsible for the evacuation of Zones 4, 5 & 6, which includes fitness suite, fitness suite changing rooms, dance studio, dance studio toilets, balcony seating area, strength space, strength space toilets, media suite. Stage 1 Determine whether you are in immediate danger. If an emergency situation is identified immediately initiate Stage 2 (evacuation) as described below. Turn off the music, televisions and ask all customers to stop using the equipment If the alarm has not been silenced within 2 minutes to initiate stand by mode assume that there is a need to evacuate and initiate Stage 2 (Evacuation of the building). Stand by mode (initiated through the silencing of the alarm) Ask all customers to queue up next to the nearest fire exit Check all other areas within your zone (e.g. changing rooms and toilets) Stage 2 (Evacuation of the building) Evacuate your immediate zone and proceed to the nearest fire exit, collecting the area zone card as you leave. Proceed to the assembly point, escorting any customers that you pass on your route. Issue any zone cards collected to the Assembly Point Co-ordinator Assist with crowd control or follow instructions given by the Duty Manager or Assembly Point Co-ordinator. Do not attempt to re-enter the building until authorised to do so by the Duty Manager. If your shift finishes before re-entry has been permitted speak to the Assembly Point Coordinator before leaving the assembly point.

17 Page: 17 of 41 Fitness Instructors Flow Diagram Fire Alarm activated Yes Are you are in immediate danger? Turn off music system and ask customers to stop using the equipment. Has the alarm been silenced within 2 minutes? Yes (Alarm silenced) Enter STAND BY MODE Align customers next to the nearest fire exit Fire alarm is resounded Await further communications? Duty Manager issues message of a false alarm Evacuate zone through the nearest/quickest fire exit, collecting evacuation cards as you pass Upon DM instruction allow customers to continue using the faclities Escort customers to the assembly point Hand over any zone cards to the assembly point co-ordinator Await further instruction from either the assembly point co-ordinator or duty manager

18 Page: 18 of Action by Crèche Assistants and Kids Activity Instructors (on hearing the alarm) NON APPLICABLE Crèche assistants are responsible for the evacuation of Zone X, which includes (please specify) Kids Activity Instructors are responsible for the evacuation of Zone X, which includes (please specify) Stage 1 Determine whether you are in immediate danger. If an emergency situation is identified immediately initiate Stage 2 (evacuation of the building) as described below. Stop any activity and ask children to form a queue. If the alarm has not been silenced within 2 minutes to initiate stand by mode assume that there is a need to evacuate and initiate Stage 2 (Evacuation of the building). Stand by mode (initiated through the silencing of the alarm) Re-take the register and ensure all children are present Accompany children to the nearest fire exit and ask children to form an orderly queue. Check all areas within your zone (e.g. store cupboards and play structures) Stage 2 (Evacuation of the building) Evacuate children through the nearest fire exit. Accompany children to the assembly point Upon reaching the assembly point re-take registers and confirm to the Assembly Point Coordinator that all pupils are present. Continue to supervise children whist at the assembly point. If parents of children wish to take their children home, request authorisation from the Assembly Point Co-ordinator and then record on the registers that you have passed the child back into the care of their parent. Do not attempt to re-enter the building until authorised to do so by the Duty Manager. If your shift finishes before re-entry has been permitted speak to the Assembly Point Coordinator before leaving the assembly point.

19 Page: 19 of 41 Action by Crèche Assistants and Kids Activity Instructors Flow Diagram Fire Alarm activated YES Are you are in immediate danger? Line up/assemble children and take the register Has the alarm been silenced within 2 minutes? YES Enter STAND BY MODE Line up and assemble children next to the nearest fire exit Fire alarm is resounded Await further communications? Duty Manager issues message of a false alarm Evacuate zone through the nearest fire exit collecting any zone cards as you pass Upon DM instruction resume normal duties Escort children to the assembly point Issue any zone cards collected to the assembly point co-ordinator Once at the assembly point re-take register Await further instruction from either the assembly point co-ordinator or duty manager

20 Page: 20 of Action by Spa Therapists and Assistants (on hearing the alarm) NON APPLICABLE Beauticians and physiotherapists are responsible for the evacuation of Zone X, which includes (please specify) Stage 1 Determine whether you are in immediate danger. If an emergency situation is identified immediately initiate Stage 2 (evacuation of the building) as described below. Turn off all equipment and stop treatments If the alarm has not been silenced within 2 minutes to initiate stand by mode assume that there is a need to evacuate and initiate Stage 2 (Evacuation of the building). Stand by mode (initiated through the silencing of the alarm) Check all treatment rooms, sauna cabins, steam rooms, spas, relaxation areas and changing rooms. Ask all customers to queue up next to the nearest fire exit Check all other areas within your zone Collect space blankets from (please specify) and take to the fire exits within your zone Stage 2 (Evacuation of the building) Issue space blankets, evacuate your immediate zone through the nearest fire exit, collecting the area zone card as you leave. Proceed to the assembly point, escorting any customers that you pass on your route. Issue any zone cards collected to the Assembly Point Co-ordinator Assist with crowd control or follow instructions given by the Duty Manager or Assembly Point Co-ordinator. Do not attempt to re-enter the building until authorised to do so by the Duty Manager. If your shift finishes before re-entry has been permitted speak to the Assembly Point Coordinator before leaving the assembly point. Please specify if a person within this job role is responsible for checking a Disabled Refuge Area as part of the evacuation (Include the location of the relevant refuge area)

21 Page: 21 of 41 Spa Therapists and Assistants Flow Diagram Fire Alarm activated Yes Are you are in immediate danger? Stop and treatment you are carrying out and turn off the equipment you are using Has the alarm been silenced within 2 minutes? Yes (Alarm silenced) Enter STAND BY MODE Align customers next to the nearest fire exit and collect space blankets Clear all changing rooms, sauna cabins, steam rooms, spas, treatments rooms, relaxation areas and collect zone card for your zone Fire alarm is resounded Await further communications Duty Manager issues message of a false alarm Evacuate zone through the nearest fire exit and issue space blankets Upon DM resume normal activities Escort customers to the Assembly Point Give all collected zone cards to the assembly point co-ordinator Await further instruction from either the assembly point co-ordinator or duty manager

22 Page: 22 of Group Exercise Instructors (on hearing the alarm) Group Exercise Instructors (if teaching) are responsible for the evacuation of Zone 5, which includes dance studio, dance studio toilets, balcony seating area. Stage 1 Determine whether you are in immediate danger. If an emergency situation is identified immediately initiate Stage 2 (evacuation of the building) as described below. Turn off the music, televisions and ask all customers to stop using the equipment If the alarm has not been silenced within 2 minutes to initiate stand by mode assume that there is a need to evacuate and initiate Stage 2 (Evacuation of the building). Stand by mode (initiated through the silencing of the alarm) Ask all customers to queue up next to the nearest fire exit Check all other areas within your zone. Stage 2 (Evacuation of the building) Evacuate your immediate zone and proceed to the nearest fire exit, collecting the area zone card as you leave. Proceed to the assembly point, escorting any customers that you pass on your route. Issue any zone cards collected to the Assembly Point Co-ordinator Assist with crowd control or follow instructions given by the Duty Manager or Assembly Point Co-ordinator. Do not attempt to re-enter the building until authorised to do so by the Duty Manager. If your shift finishes before re-entry has been permitted speak to the Assembly Point Coordinator before leaving the assembly point.

23 Page: 23 of 41 Group Exercise Instructors Flow Diagram Fire Alarm activated Yes Are you are in immediate danger? Turn off music system and ask customers to stop using the equipment. Has the alarm been silenced within 2 minutes? Yes (Alarm silenced) Enter STAND BY MODE Align customers next to the nearest fire exit Fire alarm is resounded Await further communications? Duty Manager issues message of a false alarm Evacuate zone through the nearest/quickest fire exit, collecting evacuation cards as you pass Upon DM instruction allow customers to continue using the faclities Escort customers to the assembly point Hand over any zone cards to the assembly point co-ordinator Await further instruction from either the assembly point co-ordinator or duty manager

24 Page: 24 of Action by Catering Assistants (on hearing the alarm) Café Assistants are responsible for the evacuation of Zone 3, which includes cafe, cafe seating area, compound. Stage 1 Determine whether you are in immediate danger. If an emergency situation is identified immediately initiate Stage 2 (evacuation of the building) as described below. Turn off all equipment within the kitchen If the alarm has not been silenced within 2 minutes to initiate stand by mode assume that there is a need to evacuate and initiate Stage 2 (Evacuation of the building). Stand by mode (initiated through the silencing of the alarm) Ask all customers to queue up next to the nearest fire exit Check all other areas within your zone. Stage 2 (Evacuation of the building) Evacuate your immediate zone and proceed to the nearest fire exit, collecting the area zone card as you leave. Proceed to the assembly point, escorting any customers that you pass on your route. Issue any zone cards collected to the Assembly Point Co-ordinator Assist with crowd control or follow instructions given by the Duty Manager or Assembly Point Co-ordinator. Do not attempt to re-enter the building until authorised to do so by the Duty Manager. If your shift finishes before re-entry has been permitted speak to the Assembly Point Coordinator before leaving the assembly point.

25 Page: 25 of 41 Catering Assistants Flow Diagram Fire Alarm activated YES Are you are in immediate danger? Turn off all kitchen equipment Has the alarm been silenced within 2 minutes? YES (Alarm Silenced) Enter STAND BY MODE Begin to direct customers to the nearest fire exit Fire alarm is resounded Await further communications Duty Manager issues message of a false alarm Leave the centre via the nearest fire exit evacuating any zones and collecting fire zone cards as you pass Upon DM instruction return to normal duties Escort customers to the assembly point Give all collected zone cards to the assembly point co-ordinator Await further instruction from either the assembly point co-ordinator or duty manager

26 Page: 26 of Action by Administration and Office Staff (on hearing the alarm). NON APPLICABLE Office staff are responsible for the evacuation of Zone X, which includes (please specify) Stage 1 Determine whether you are in immediate danger. If an emergency situation is identified immediately initiate Stage 2 (evacuation of the building) as described below. Check all areas within your zone for staff, contactors or members of the public If the alarm has not been silenced within 2 minutes to initiate stand by mode assume that there is a need to evacuate and initiate Stage 2 (Evacuation of the building). Stand by mode (initiated through the silencing of the alarm) Check all areas within your zone. Stage 2 (Evacuation of the building) Evacuate your immediate zone and proceed to the nearest fire exit, collecting the area zone card as you leave. Proceed to the assembly point, escorting any customers that you pass on your route. Issue any zone cards collected to the Assembly Point Co-ordinator Assist with crowd control or follow instructions given by the Duty Manager or Assembly Point Co-ordinator. Do not attempt to re-enter the building until authorised to do so by the Duty Manager. If your shift finishes before re-entry has been permitted speak to the Assembly Point Coordinator before leaving the assembly point. Please specify if a person within this job role is responsible for checking a Disabled Refuge Area as part of the evacuation (Include the location of the relevant refuge area)

27 Page: 27 of 41 Administration and Office Staff Flow Diagram Fire Alarm activated YES Are you are in immediate danger? Turn of computers Has the alarm been silenced within 2 minutes? YES (Alarm Silenced) Enter STAND BY MODE Exit the office and proceed to the nearest emergency exit, collecting the appropriate zone card as you leave. Fire alarm is resounded Await further communications Duty Manager issues message of a false alarm Leave the centre via the nearest fire exit evacuating any zones and collecting fire zone cards as you pass Upon DM instruction return to normal duties Escort customers to the assembly point Give all collected zone cards to the assembly point co-ordinator Await further instruction from either the assembly point co-ordinator or duty manager

28 Page: 28 of Action by Facilities Technicians (on hearing the alarm) Plant Technicians (if within the plant room) are responsible for the evacuation of Zone 8 and 10, which includes Level 3 and plantroom. Stage 1 Determine whether you are in immediate danger. If an emergency situation is identified immediately initiate Stage 2 (evacuation of the building) as described below. If the alarm has not been silenced within 2 minutes to initiate stand by mode assume that there is a need to evacuate and initiate Stage 2 (Evacuation of the building). Stand by mode (initiated through the silencing of the alarm) Check all areas within your zone for staff, contactors or members of the public Close of the gas supply to the building. Stage 2 (Evacuation of the building) Evacuate your immediate zone and proceed to the nearest fire exit, collecting the area zone card as you leave. Proceed to the assembly point, escorting any customers that you pass on your route. Issue any zone cards collected to the Assembly Point Co-ordinator Assist with crowd control or follow instructions given by the Duty Manager or Assembly Point Co-ordinator. Do not attempt to re-enter the building until authorised to do so by the Duty Manager. If your shift finishes before re-entry has been permitted speak to the Assembly Point Coordinator before leaving the assembly point..

29 Page: 29 of 41 Facilities Technicians Flow Diagram Fire Alarm activated YES Are you are in immediate danger? Activate the emergency gas shut off valve Has the alarm been silenced within 2 minutes? YES (Alarm Silenced) Enter STAND BY MODE Proceed to the nearest fire exit, collecting the appropriate zone card as you leave. Fire alarm is resounded Await further communications Duty Manager issues message of a false alarm Leave the centre via the nearest fire exit evacuating any zones and collecting fire zone cards as you pass Upon DM instruction return to normal duties Escort customers to the assembly point Give all collected zone cards to the assembly point co-ordinator Await further instruction from either the assembly point co-ordinator or duty manager

30 Page: 30 of Action by Dryside Coaches (on hearing the alarm) NON APPLICABLE Dry Side Coaches are responsible for the evacuation of Zone X, which includes (please specify) Stage 1 Determine whether you are in immediate danger. If an emergency situation is identified immediately initiate Stage 2 (evacuation of the building) as described below. Stop any activity and ask session participants to form a queue. If the alarm has not been silenced within 2 minutes to initiate stand by mode assume that there is a need to evacuate and initiate Stage 2 (Evacuation of the building). Stand by mode (initiated through the silencing of the alarm) Re-take the register and ensure all participants are present Accompany participants to the nearest fire exit and ask them to form an orderly queue. Check all areas within your zone (e.g. store cupboards) Stage 2 (Evacuation of the building) Evacuate session participants through the nearest fire exit. Accompany session participants to the assembly point Upon reaching the assembly point re-take registers and confirm to the Assembly Point Coordinator that all session participants are present. Continue to supervise session participants whist at the assembly point. If parents of participants wish to take their children home, request authorisation from the Assembly Point Co-ordinator and then record on the registers that you have passed the child back into the care of their parent. Do not attempt to re-enter the building until authorised to do so by the Duty Manager. If your shift finishes before re-entry has been permitted speak to the Assembly Point Coordinator before leaving the assembly point.

31 Page: 31 of 41 Dry Side Coaches Flow Diagram Fire Alarm activated Are you are in immediate danger? Line up/assemble children and take the register Has the alarm been silenced within 2 minutes? Yes (Alarm silenced) Enter STAND BY MODE Line up and assemble children next to the nearest fire exit Fire alarm is resounded Await further communications? Duty Manager issues message of a false alarm Evacuate zone through the nearest fire exit collecting any zone cards as you pass Upon DM instruction resume normal duties Escort children to the assembly point Once at the assembly point re-take register Await further instruction from either the assembly point co-ordinator or duty manager

32 Page: 32 of Action by Recreation Assistants in Circulation Areas (off the pool) (on hearing the alarm) Recreation Assistants (away from the poolside) are responsible for the evacuation of Zones 2 and 9, which includes the main changing rooms, group changing rooms, main pool toilets, training pool, training pool offices/gyms and training pool changing rooms. Stage 1 Determine whether you are in immediate danger. If an emergency situation is identified immediately initiate Stage 2 (evacuation of the building) as described below. Stop any customers carrying out activities. If the alarm has not been silenced within 2 minutes to initiate stand by mode assume that there is a need to evacuate and initiate Stage 2 (Evacuation of the building). Stand by mode (initiated through the silencing of the alarm) Check all areas within your zone and ask all customers to make their way to the nearest fire exit. Stage 2 (Evacuation of the building) Evacuate your immediate zone and proceed to the nearest fire exit, collecting the area zone card as you leave. Proceed to the assembly point, escorting any customers that you pass on your route. Issue any zone cards collected to the Assembly Point Co-ordinator Assist with crowd control or follow instructions given by the Duty Manager or Assembly Point Co-ordinator. Do not attempt to re-enter the building until authorised to do so by the Duty Manager. If your shift finishes before re-entry has been permitted speak to the Assembly Point Coordinator before leaving the assembly point

33 Page: 33 of 41 Action by Recreation Assistants in General Circulation Areas Flow Diagram Fire Alarm activated Are you are in immediate danger? Stop any activity or task being performed. Stop any customer activities within the area Has the alarm been silenced within 2 minutes? Yes (Alarm silenced) Enter STAND BY MODE Check your immediate zone and ask customers to line up next to the nearest fire exit. Fire alarm is resounded Await further communications? Duty Manager issues message of a false alarm Evacuate zone through the nearest fire exit collecting any zone cards as you pass Upon DM instruction resume normal duties Escort customers to the Assembly Point Hand over any zone cards to the assembly point co-ordinator Await further instruction from either the assembly point co-ordinator or duty manager

34 Page: 34 of Evacuation Arrangements for Disabled People As part of this evacuation procedure consideration needs to be given to the way disabled people will be evacuated from the building A standard PEEP (Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan) needs to be written for regular centre users taking in to account The disabled persons movements within the building The operational procedures of the building The types of escape that can be made available The building systems e.g. the fire alarm The existing escape plan A number of plans may need to be written to cover people with different disabilities. For regular customers a personalised PEEP should be written following a discussion with them on their preferred evacuation method Wheelchair uses will probably need to be directed to a refuge point to await evacuation by centre staff, following the evacuation strategy in the appropriate PEEP Some points to also consider when helping customers with a disability are: Hearing Impaired Maintain eye contact at all times explaining what s happing slowly and clearly so that customers can lip read. Use hand gestures and guide customers pointing to signs. Visually Impaired Speak slowly and clearly. Explain what s happing whilst taking customers to the refuge point or Assembly Point Learning Disabilities and Mobility Limitations Speak slowly and clearly. Explain what is happing and be aware that alarms and noises will cause distress if the person does not understand what s going on. Make sure no hazards are blocking walkways. 3.6 Customers Trapped in Lift Ensure people inside the lift remain calm and know that help is on the way. Inform the Fire Brigade upon arrival; do not attempt to open manually.

35 Page: 35 of Fire Fighting Equipment It is important that the correct type of Fire Extinguisher is used when tackling a fire. The table below summaries the types of extinguisher and their use Types of Fire Extinguishers are illustrated below Extinguisher Use & Application Water Foam Spray ABC Powder CO 2 Wet Chemical Wood, Paper, Textiles Safe for Safe for Safe for t for Safe for Flammable Liquid t for Safe for Safe for Safe for t for Flammable Gas t for t for Safe for t for t for Electrical contact t for t for Safe for Safe for t for Cooking Oils & Fats t for t for t for t for Safe for The following gives information in the correct use of Fire Hose reels and blankets

36 Page: 36 of Centre Specific Information Assembly Point(s) The location of the Assembly Point(s) are: Main Assembly Point Pool Assembly Point AT BOTTOM OF MAIN DRIVE REAR CAR PARK Evacuation Zone Cards Evacuation Zone Cards are located in the supervised and non-supervised (e.g. Squash Court) zones. The Evacuation Zone Cards are to be removed in the event of a fire alarm evacuation and passed to the Assembly Point Co-ordinator at the Assembly Point. The checklist is used by the Assembly Point Co-ordinator to record the receipt of the Evacuation Zone Cards passed to them during the evacuation.

37 Page: 37 of 41 A copy of this form is found within the evacuation pack located in the Duty Managers office for easy and quick access by the Assembly Point Co-ordinator in the event of an evacuation Building and Escape Routes Each floor in the centre has emergency routes and exits that lead directly to the outside of the building by the shortest and safest route. These routes are clearly signed and should be followed. Always be aware of your nearest emergency exit. Escape routes for this centre are as follows: Ground Floor Exit Staircase 1 next to lift Exit Staircase 4 next to Tech Office 1st Floor Poolside Fire Doors Main Entrance Staircase 1 Staircase 2 Staircase 3 Staircase 4 2 nd Floor Exit Staircase 1 near to gym entrance Exit Staircase 2 next to gym fire exit Exit Staircase 3 next to Dance Studio & strength space Exit Staircase 4 next to lift 3 rd Floor Exit Staircase1 next to Level 3 Entrance Exit Staircase 2 next to Level 3 Entrance Exit Staircase 3 middle of Level 3 adjacent to gym toilets Exit Staircase 4 middle of Level 3 adjacent to strength space toilets Building Plans Appendix 1 shows the building plans for each floor, indicating: Fire Exits Fire Fighting Equipment Location of Break Glasses Location of any flammable liquid Chemical Stores

38 Page: 38 of First Aid Boxes and Space Blankets First Aid Boxes are kept in the following locations: Cafe Reception Poolside positions Fitness Suite Space Blankets are kept in the following locations: First Aid Room Reception Emergency Torch Locations Duty Office Managers Fitness Suite Office Technical Office Refuge Points and Evacuation Chairs The building has one Refuge Point. These are in the following locations: Location Opposite the lift in the training pool Communication Link To Reception The centre has no Evacuation Chairs. 3.9 Training Evacuation training will be undertaken in two ways 1. All staff should attend training every 6 months. This is carried out when the building is quiet or closed, thus minimising the disruption to customers. Staff are expected to know about the responsibilities for other colleagues and they may be asked to take their positions in a role-play. Feedback will be given on the exercise. The training session will be recorded in the individuals training record.

39 Page: 39 of A full evacuation when the building is open. This will occur annually. This training will involve customers so it is essential that the evacuation occurs efficiently and effectively. This practice will be recorded in training records. All staff should familiarise themselves with the location of all fire escape routes, call points, fire extinguishers as well as the Assembly Point In-Vacuation In the event of an emergency situation outside of the centre it may be necessary to carry out an in-vacuation. An in-vacuation is a situation where staff and customers are directed into a safe area within the building, away from danger or a situation occurring outside of the premises. Examples of such a situation may include: An explosion or imminent explosion A hostile vehicle The centre coming under threats from hostile persons. In the event of an in-vacuation the Duty Manager should assess the risk to both staff and customers within the building and if necessary co-ordinate staff and customers to the designated safe area which is the main pool hall Records Following an evacuation a full record of the incident should be made using OPs-F1 (Record of Evacuations Form) and OPs-F2 (Fire Evacuation Report) 3.12 Associated Internal Documents HS-F4 (D1) Fire Risk Assessment OPs-F1 Record of Evacuations Form OPs-F2 Fire Evacuation Report OPs-F3 Evacuation Zone Card Checklist OPs-F4 Evacuation Zone Card Template 3.13 Further Information

40 Page: 40 of 41 Further general information can be found in the following publications: HM Guidebook (Means of Escape of Disabled Persons, and Fire Safety in Small and Medium Places of Assembly) BS 9999:2008 Code of Practice For Fire Safety in Design, Management and Use of Buildings PAS 79:2007 Guidance on Fire Risk Assessment APPENDIX 1 Building Plans

41 Page: 41 of 41 APPENDIX 2 Evacuation Cards


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