Air Distribution Fan and Outside Air Damper Recycling Control (DIV)

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1 University of Central Florida UCF Patents Patent Air Distribution Fan and Outside Air Damper Reyling Control (DIV) Armin Rudd University of Central Florida Find similar works at: University of Central Florida Libraries Reommended Citation Rudd, Armin, "Air Distribution Fan and Outside Air Damper Reyling Control (DIV)" (2002). UCF Patents. Paper This Patent is brought to you for free and open aess by the Tehnology Transfer at STARS. It has been aepted for inlusion in UCF Patents by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please ontat

2 (12) United States Patent Rudd I lllll llllllll Ill lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll US Bl (10) Patent o.: US 6,431,268 Bl (45) Date of Patent: *Aug. 13, 2002 (54) AIR DISTRIBUTIO FA AD OUTSIDE AIR DAMPER RECYCLIG COTROL (75) Inventor: Armin Rudd, Cooa, FL (US) (73) Assignee: University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL (US) ( *) otie: Subjet to any dislaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. (21) Appl. o.: 09/268,234 (22) Filed: Mar. 15, 1999 This patent is subjet to a terminal dislaimer. Related U.S. Appliation Data ( 62) Division of appliation o. 08/912,664, filed on Aug. 18, 1997, now Pat. o. 5,881,806. (51) Int. Cl.7... B64D 13/04; F24F 11/04 (52) U.S. Cl /223; 62/231; 165/244; 236/49.3 (58) Field of Searh... 62/231, 176.6; 236/49.3, 44 C; 165/223, 244, 270; 454/233, 256 (56) JP 2,107,268 A 2,451,385 A 2,495,861 A 2,882,383 A 3,454,078 A 3,635,044 A Referenes Cited U.S. PATET DOCUMETS 2/1938 Avery /3 * 10/1948 Groat... 62/176.6 X 1/1950 ewton /3 4/1959 Boyd, Jr. et al /49.3 X 7/1969 Elwart /9 1/1972 Heth /157 (List ontinued on next page.) FOREIG PATET DOCUMETS /1986 OTHER PUBLICATIOS Honeywell, In., "Perfet Climate Comfort Center Control System", Produt Data 1995, pp Honeywell, In., "Perfet Climate Comfort Center", Owner's Guide, 1995, pp Honeywell, In. "Introduing the Honeywell Perfet Climate Control System", Produt Brohure, 1996, pp Wild Rose Controls, In., "Control Improves Effiieny of Fored-Air Systems, ew or Old", Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration ews, Mar. 2, 1998, p. 3. Primary Examiner-William Wayner (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Brian S. Steinberger; Law Offies of Brian S. Steinberger, P.A. (57) ABSTRACT A system for ontrolling the operation of an air distribution fan and the operation of a motorized outside air damper of an air onditioning system, having heating and/or ooling and/or humidifying and/or dehumidifying operating modes. The system inludes a fan reyling ontrol for periodially energizing and de-energizing an air distribution fan in an air onditioning system in order to operate the air distribution fan for a first seletable time period after a seond seletable time period from the end of the last operation of the air distribution fan. The last operation of the air distribution fan ould have been due to the heating or ooling or humidifying or dehumidifying or onstant fan modes of the air onditioning system, or due to fan operation initiated by the fan reyling ontrol. The system inludes an outside air damper reyling ontrol that an open a motorized outside air damper, for the purpose of drawing in ventilation air, eah time the air distribution fan operates, and for as long as the air distribution fan ontinued to operate, an yle, periodially lose then open, the outside air damper based on seletable time periods sine it was last opened or losed, respetively. The outside air damper reyling ontrol an de-energize the motorized outside air damper at the end of eah operation of the air distribution fan. 9 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets 2QD Fan Reyling ':J-""",. I.. ;" ';'" 140 lo so 10, ,45-1' Hi " '\ 217 TIME TIME 218 (selet minutes) OFF =J O 216 /Power 220 Outside Power Damper 221 lndiatm unllrn:,-d2022 2,. f;l2\ Fan 21 so- ". 212 \ZE; Heyling " -, _ 'r<j/\ \ \:JY OA Damrer,,!-E (selal minutes) 24 VAC 224- Common Heat Fan In Fan out 228--:::: - Damper 229 -: /223 / ""

3 US 6,431,268 Bl Page 2 3,948,438 A 4,011,735 A 4,075,864 A 4,136,822 A 4,167,966 A 4,267,967 A 4,356,962 A 4,369,916 A 4,408,711 A 4,449,375 A 4,452,391 A 4,467,617 A 4,502,625 A 4,595,139 A 4,684,060 A U.S. PATET DOCUMETS 4,718,021 A 4,773,587 A 4/1976 Vlasak /9 4,838,482 A 3/1977 Martz /186 4,930,460 A 2/1978 Shrader /180 4,951,473 A 1/1979 Felter /49 5,020,332 A 9/1979 Freeman /2 5,131,236 A 5/1981 Bek /49 5,179,524 A 11/1982 Li vine /11 5,239,834 A 1/1983 Abbey /11 5,241,253 A 10/1983 Levine /11 5,325,286 A 5/1984 Brietti /89 5,547,017 A 6/1984 Chow /49 5,582,233 A 8/1984 Morgan, Jr. et al /180 5,881,806 A 3/1985 Mueller /11 6/1986 Levine /44 8/1987 Adams /11 * ited by examiner 1/1988 9/1988 6/1989 6/1990 8/1990 6/1991 7/1992 1/1993 8/1993 8/1993 6/1994 8/ /1996 3/1999 Timblin /505 Lipman /11 Vogelzang /11 Aihara /41.49 Levine et al /82 akatsuno et al /157 Wruk /137 Parker /505 Travers... 62/151 Shlangen /779 Weng /141 Rudd /244 oto /247 Rudd /244

4 / ,...,-141 d \JJ.... =... '"""' 'Jl =... '"""' 0..., Ul e rj"j. ' I 111 /167 I _J_g_J L 169 \I \_\-: 1s_s_-_.J 16J l \ L L j 157 \ 160 ) (+) 151

5 d \JJ.... =... '"""' 'Jl = , Ul e rj'j. ' Fan Reyling j101s ;' lo s s - " ao I ; 30\ 217 TIME TIME 218 (selet minutes) OFF =J O 216/Power 220 Outside Air &/\ Power Damper 221 W Indiator > Heyling unllrnlled2022 0ID Fan '30 " /\ JIJe34 \ \dy OA Damper CYCLE TIME (selet minutes) 24 VAC _ Common Heal _ Fan In Fan out Damper / ' 215 Fig. 2

6 U.S. Patent Aug. 13, 2002 Sheet 3 of 5 US 6,431,268 Bl 300 /330 At1vu1 Ian rooyi:llng D 11:1lnt1 Ian reoyi:ling y ProYid means / tar normal ativation or ontinued opua 11ot1 ol lh lrut.ling Ian D onerg1:0 tne fen Ind Ot 1CtfV1tl outside air amper re;yling / 326 / Attvtt& etuts10e air amper ::,40 reey:lin Fig. 3 /38 EnorglZt outside air d1mp1r / O.-.ner9lu Olllalda air damper 350 /352 A

7 F:lerior Wall Wall Ca11 Wi1h I nsl S rtn.,._outside Air 419 "-! - I I I ) \ I I ' 425 I j I I \ I J '- Oulshle I Veatllutlon Air lnlak d \JJ.... =... '"""' 'Jl =....i;; , Ul e rj'j. ' Thrmo$lat llumlifolat 400 Supply Air llelurn Air From lnlerior Spae To '"' 'f Sp<:., < Outside Air Damper and Fan Heylin Conlrols 435 Conlrnl Wiring Trmlnuls Air Disldbulion Fan 406 Outsl<le Air Dumper Fig. 4

8 Fig. 5 d \JJ.... =... """" 'Jl =... Ul 0..., Ul e rj'j. ' 500 s12 ps: I Srily Al' To Interior Sp11e I Outside Air D3mpr Control rnnl 515/517 E1lnlorW11ll or Window SJO Hturn Air To Air Comlitloner 51-' pt-=s: -- I Wlmlow or W11JI Alr Comllllonlni: Unil lnorpon1tlng: Outside Air l»1111pr 1 Outside Air Dumper nnd Fan Heyllng Controls

9 1 AIR DISTRIBUTIO FA AD OUTSIDE AIR DAMPER RECYCLIG COTROL This is a Divisional of appliation Ser. o. 08/912,664 filed Aug. 18, 1997 and now U.S. Pat. o. 5,881,806 issued on Mar. 16, This invention relates to distributing outside ventilation air in an interior spae or mixing air in an interior spae, and in partiular to a ontrol that operates the air distribution fan of an air onditioning system dependent on the last operation of the fan, and operates an outside air damper in an outside air dut of an air onditioning system dependent on the operating time of the air distribution fan. This appliation is related to U.S. patent appliation Ser. o. 08/369,180 filed on Jan. 5, 1995 and now issued as U.S. Pat. o. 5,547,017, now REEXAMIATIO CERTIFICATE U.S. Pat. o. Bl 5,547,017 with Certifiate Issued ov. 28, 2000 whih is inorporated as referene. BACKGROUD AD PRIOR ART Air onditioning systems for residential buildings, having heating and/or ooling and/or humidifying and/or dehumidifying and/or air-leaning modes, for onditioning air, normally operate the system air distribution fan only when the air onditioning system is operating to ondition air. Alternatively, the air distribution fan of an air onditioning system an be operated onstantly. However, suh a onstant running of the fan would onstitute a waste of energy and power, and ould ause moisture related problems in warm, humid limates. In air onditioning systems, a heating and/or ooling and/or humidifying and/or dehumidifying and/or airleaning apparatus produes onditioned air. ormally, the onditioned air is distributed by a fan or blower through various duts throughout an interior spae in order to plae the onditioned air at desirable loations. Generally, thermostats or humidistats are used to ativate the onditioning apparatus. For example, when the air temperature within an interior spae drops below a seleted level, an air temperature sensor and swith in a thermostat an ativate a heating apparatus and an air distribution fan. Likewise, when the air temperature within an interior spae rises above a seleted level, an air temperature sensor and swith in a thermostat an ativate a ooling apparatus and an air distribution fan. Likewise, when the air humidity within an interior spae drops below a seleted level, an air humidity sensor and swith in a humidistat an ativate a humidifying apparatus and an air distribution fan. Likewise, when the air humidity within an interior spae rises above a seleted level, an air humidity sensor and swith in a humidistat an ativate a dehumidifying apparatus and an air distribution fan. The onditioning apparatus and air distribution fan are deativated when the interior spae temperature or humidity reahes the seleted level. In some air onditioning systems, while in the heating mode, the air distribution fan may ontinue to run after the heating apparatus has been deativated, usually until residual heat in the heating apparatus has been removed by the irulating air. Likewise, in some air onditioning systems, while in the ooling mode, the air distribution fan may ontinue to run after the ooling apparatus has been deativated, usually for a preset delay time to ontinue to distribute ool air while the ooling apparatus is still old. In warm, humid limates, this running of the air distribution fan immediately after the ooling/ dehumidifying apparatus has been deativated is ounterprodutive, in that, moisture on the wet ooling/ dehumidifying apparatus is returned to the interior spae by US 6,431,268 Bl 2 the irulating air. However, no known ontrol systems exist having means to periodially operate the air distribution fan for a first seletable time period after a seond seletable time period from the end of the last operation of the air 5 distribution fan, that is, operate the fan dependent on the last operation of the fan. Prior art related to the air distribution fan reyling ontrol portion of the present invention is ited but was not found to overome the problems ited above. See for 10 example, U.S. Pat. os. 2,882,383 to Boyd Jr. et al.; U.S. Pat. o. 3,454,078 to Elwart; U.S. Pat. o. 4,167,966 to Freeman; U.S. Pat. o. 4,267,967 to Bek et al.; U.S. Pat. o. 4,452,391 to Chow; U.S. Pat. o. 4,718,021 to Timblin; U.S. Pat. o. 4,773,587 to Lipman; U.S. Pat. o. 5,131,236 to Wruk et al.; U.S. Pat. o. 5,179,524 to Parker et al.; U.S. 15 Pat. o. 5,325,286 to Weng et al.; and Japanese Patents and U.S. Pat. o. 4,838,482 to Vogelzang desribes an air onditioning system with periodi fan operation. However, this devie is limited to periodi ylins of the air distribution fan during periods when the ativation 20 of a heating or ooling apparatus has been loked out. Vogelzang '482 desribes a fan yle mode, seleted on a thermostat, that energizes a swith that turns the fan on and off a "predetermined number of times eah hour" suh as "6" times per hour. When this fan yle mode is seleted, the 25 heating or ooling modes annot be ativated, sine the operation of the heating and ooling apparatus require non-yling, onstant, operation of the air distribution fan. If operation of the heating or ooling apparatus is desired, the fan yling mode must be manually de-seleted. The Vogel- 30 zang '48 fan yling system is not dependent upon the last operation of the fan nor dependent on the last operation of the heating or ooling apparatus. In fat, Vogelzang '482 speifially, laims that the fan yling is "independent" of the operation of the heating or ooling apparatus. Whereas, 35 prior U.S. Pat. o. 5,547,017 to Rudd, the same inventor of the subjet invention, requires reyling of the air onditioning system air distribution fan "where the periodi O/OFF ontrol of the fan is dependent on the time sine the last fan operation." A signal from the thermostat to operate 40 the heating or ooling or onstant fan modes will automatially interrupt the fan reyling. Rudd '017 an determine the seletable time delay based on the volume dimensions of the rooms and/or the number of oupants. In air onditioning systems, an outside air dut onneting 45 between the outside of an interior spae and the return air side of an air distribution fan, for the purpose of drawing in ventilation air, is known. Often, motorized dampers are plaed in the outside air dut to limit outside air entry to times when the air distribution fan is operating. Motorized 50 outside air dampers are known and exist ommerially. It is known to energize an outside air damper upon energizing an air distribution fan, and it is known to de-energize a damper upon de-energizing an air distribution fan. However, no known ontrol systems exist to first open an outside air 55 damper upon energizing an air distribution fan, then for as long as the fan ontinues to operate, to periodially lose and open the outside air damper based on seletable time periods sine the outside air damper was last opened or losed, respetively, then to lose the outside air damper at the end 60 of eah operation of the air distribution fan. In this way, the subjet invention would ontrol the outside air damper position dependent on the operating time of the air distribution fan, and allow a limit to be plaed on the amount of outside air to be drawn in when the air distribution fan is 65 operating. Standards enated in 1989 by the Amerian Soiety of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers

10 US 6,431,268 Bl 3 (ASHRAE) suh as the ASHRAE Standard now require 15 ubi feet per minute of outside air per person in residential dwellings, whih an result in approximately 0.35 air hanges per hour. The ASHRAE Standard further inludes a reommendation to limit the onentration 5 of arbon dioxide to 1000 parts per million to ontrol indoor air quality due to respiration. The Manufatured Home Constrution and Safety Standards set forth by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has enated standards for manu- fatured homes that require fresh air ventilation systems. These ventilation systems must distribute outdoor air throughout the onditioned living spae. Some ventilation systems require the installation of supply duts separate from those of the air onditioning system, to distribute ventilation air. The separate ventilation supply duts are 15 potentially an unneessary additional expense. SUMMARY OF THE IVETIO The first objetive of the present invention is a fan reyling ontrol system for using the existing air distribution fan and duts of an air onditioning system, having heating and/or ooling and/or humidifying and/or dehumidifying operating modes, for the periodi distributing of ventilation air and mixing of air throughout the interior air spae served by the air onditioning system while the air distribution fan is not operating due to lak of a positive signal from the thermostat or humidistat for heating or ooling or humidifying or dehumidifying or onstant fan modes. The fan reyling ontrol provides a means for operating the air distribution fan for a first seletable time period after 30 a seond seletable time period from the end of the last operation of the air distribution fan, where the last operation of the air distribution fan ould have been due to a positive signal from the thermostat or humidistat for heating or ooling or humidifying or dehumidifying or onstant fan 35 modes of the air onditioning system, or due to fan operation initiated by the fan reyling ontrol. The present invention inludes an outside air damper reyling ontrol having a means to open a motorized outside air damper, for the purpose of drawing in ventilation air, eah time the air 40 distribution fan operates, and for as long as the air distribution fan ontinues to operate, having a means to yle, periodially lose then open, the outside air damper based on seletable time periods sine it was last opened or losed, respetively, and having a means to ause the motorized 45 outside air damper to lose at the end of eah operation of the air distribution fan. The fan reyling ontrol and outside air damper reyling ontrol an be effetive on many different types of air onditioning systems. For example, the invention an be equally applied to a ooling only air onditioning system for ooling and dehumidifying, a ooling air onditioning system with eletri heat for ooling and dehumidifying and heating, a heat pump air onditioning system for ooling and dehumidifying and heating, a gas or oil furnae system with or without a humidifier for heating and humidifying, and any ombination of these systems. Further objets and advantages of the present invention will be apparent from the following detailed desription of a presently preferred embodiment whih is illustrated in the aompanying drawings. BRIEF DESCRIPTIO OF THE FIGURES FIG. 1 is a first preferred embodiment of a shemati of the subjet invention showing a stand-alone unit with eletro-mehanial relays with solid-state reyling timer units FIG. 2 is a seond preferred embodiment showing the external fae of a stand-alone unit inorporating the subjet invention. FIG. 3 is a third embodiment algorithm inorporating the fan reyling ontrol and outside air damper reyling ontrol funtions of FIGS. 1-2 for use with a miroproessor based thermostat. FIG. 4 is an exterior view of an air onditioning system with reyling ontrols for the fan and the damper along with an outside air damper. FIG. 5 is a external view of a window/wall air onditioning unit inorporating the novel reyling ontrols for a fan and outside air damper. DESCRIPTIO OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMET Before explaining the dislosed embodiment of the present invention in detail it is to be understood that the 20 invention is not limited in its appliation to the details of the partiular arrangement shown sine the invention is apable of other embodiments. Also, the terminology used herein is for the purpose of desription and not of limitation. This invention inorporates by referene U.S. Pat. o. 5,547, to Rudd, the same inventor of the subjet invention. First Embodiment FIG. 1 is a first preferred embodiment of the present invention 100 showing a stand-alone ontrol until first-putto-pratie embodiment, based on eletro-mehanial relays with solid-state reyling timer units. The omponents of FIG. 1 will now be desribed. Referring to FIG. 1, omponent 111 is the fan ontrol terminal of the thermostat or humidistat. Component 112 is the heat ontrol terminal of the thermostat. Component 113 is the wire onneting terminal 111 to the power input side of the 24 Va relay oil 116 and pole 1, 143, of the double-pole double-throw (DPD1) relay 115. Component 114 is the wire onneting terminal 112 to pole 2, 144, of the DPDT relay 115. Component 121 is the wire onneting the normally open (O) ontat 118, of pole 1, 143, and the normally losed ontat (LC) 119, of pole 2, 144, to the power input side of the 24 Va relay oil 123, of the DPDT relay 122, O ontat 118, and C ontat 120, of DPDT relay 115, are not used. Component 128 is the wire onneting C ontat, 124, of pole 1, 145, to swith 131, of double-pole single-throw (DPST) swith 130. Component 129 is the wire onneting C ontat 126, of pole 2, 146, to swith 132, of DPST swith 130, O ontat 118, and C 50 ontat 120, of DPDT relay 122, are not used. Component 113 is the wire onneting swith 132, to the power input terminal 148, of the solid-state reyling timer 134. Component 135 is a wire onneting swith 130 to the ommon input terminal 147, of solid-state reyling timer 134. Com- 55 ponent 136 is a swith in the solid-state reyling timer 134, between the power input terminal 148, and the swithed output terminal 149. Component 137 is a wire onneting swithed output terminal 149, and O ontat 127, to the fan relay terminal 142, of the air onditioning system air dis- 60 tribution fan. Component 138 is a wire onneting pole 2, 146, of DPDT relay 122, to the 24 Va power terminal 141, of the air onditioning system power supply. Component 150 is a wire onneting the ommon side of 24 Va relay oils, 116 and 123, to the ommon terminal 140, of the Va power supply of the air onditioning system. Component 167 is a wire onneting ommon terminal 140, to the ommon input terminal 154, of the solid-state reyling

11 US 6,431,268 Bl 5 timer 151. Component 168 is a wire onneting fan relay terminal 142, to the single pole double throw swith (SPDT), 172. Component 174 is a wire onneting the SPDT swith 172 to the power input side of the 24 Va relay oil 158. Component 173 is a wire onneting the SPDT swith 5 172, to the power input terminal 153 of the reyling timer 151. Component 155 is a swith in the solid-state reyling timer 151 between the power input terminal 153, and the swithed output terminal 152. Component 156 is a wire onneting swithed output terminal 152, and the power 10 input side of the 24 Va relay oil 158, of the single-pole single-throw (SPST) relay 169. Component 157 is a wire onneting the ommon terminal 140, to the ommon input side of the 24 Va relay oil 158. Component 170 is a wire onneting the power terminal 159, of the 24 Va or nominal Va power supply for the motorized damper 165, to the pole 161, of the SPST relay 169. Component 163 is a wire onneting the O ontat 162, to the power input terminal of the motorized damper 165. Component 171 is a wire onneting the ommon terminal 160, of the 24 Va or 20 nominal 110 Va power supply, to the ommon input terminal 166, of the motorized damper 165. The operation of the omponents of FIG. 1 will now be desribed. Referring to FIG. 1, the present invention is wired in series between the thermostat or humidistat fan ontrol 25 terminal 111 and the fan relay terminal 142, of the air onditioning system air distribution fan, and the present invention is wired in parallel with the thermostat heat ontrol terminal 112. When the fan ontrol terminal 111, is energized, the 24 Va relay oil 116, loses normally open 30 (O) ontat 118, and opens normally losed (C) ontat 119, whih energizes the 24 Va relay oil. 123 and bloks urrent flow bak to the thermostat heat ontrol terminal 112. When the thermostat heat ontrol terminal 112, is energized, the 24 Va relay oil 116, remains de-energized 35 and the 24 Va relay oil 123, is energized through C ontat 119, while O ontat, 118 bloks urrent flow bak to the fan ontrol terminal 111. When either the fan ontrol terminal 111, or the thermostat heat ontrol terminal 112, are energized, the line 121 is energized, and the 24 Va relay oil 123, is energizes, whih loses O ontat 127, whih energizes the fan relay terminal 142, of the air onditioning system air distribution fan. At the same time, C ontats 124 and 126, are opened whih de-energizes and resets the solid-state reyling timer 134. When both the fan ontrol terminal 111, and the thermostat heat ontrol terminal 112, are de-energized, the line 121 is de-energized, and the 24 Va relay oil 123, is de-energized, whih opens the O ontat 127, utting off urrent flow to the fan relay terminal 142. At the same time, C ontats 124 and 126, lose, whih energizes the solid-state reyling timer 134. While the reyling timer 134, is energized, the timer will ontinuously yle through a preseleted OFF delay, during whih time the swithed output terminal 149, and fan relay terminal 142, are de-energized, and a preseleted O delay, during whih time the swithed output terminal 149, and fan relay terminal 142, are energized. If the double-pole double throw (DPDT) swith 130, is swithed in the off position, the reyling timer 134, will remain de-energized ontinuously, while fan ontrol signals from the thermostat or humidistat, through fan ontrol terminal 111, will ontinue operate the fan relay terminal 142, normally. When line 137 is energized, urrent will flow to the power input terminal 153, of the solid-state reyling timer 151, whih will energize the reyling timer. While the reyling timer 151, is energized, the timer will ontinuously yle through a preseleted O delay, during whih time the swithed 6 output terminal 152, and the 24 Va relax oil 158, are energized, and a preseleted OFF delay, during whih time the swithed output terminal 152, and the 24 Va relay oil 158, are de-energized. While the 24 Va relay oil 158, is energized, the O ontat 162, of the single-pole singlethrow (SPS1) relay 169, will lose, energizing and opening the motorized damper 165. While the 24 Va relax oil 158, is de-energized, the O ontat 162, will open, de-energizing and losing the motorized damper 165. Seond Embodiment FIG. 2 is a seond preferred embodiment of the present invention 200 showing a stand-alone ontrol unit, embodiment for prodution manufature, based on eletroni and miroproessor design. The omponents of FIG. 2 will now be desribed. Referring to FIG. 2 omponent 210 is a wire onneting from the 24 Va power supply terminal 230, of the air onditioning system to the 24 Va power input terminal 224, inside the ontrol enlosure 223. Component 211 is a wire onneting from the ommon power supply terminal 231, of the air onditioning system to the ommon input terminal 225, inside the ontrol enlosure 223. Component 212, is a wire onneting from the thermostat heat ontrol terminal 232, of the air onditioning system to the heat input terminal 226, inside the ontrol enlosure 223. Component 213, is a wire onneting from the thermostat or humidistat fan ontrol terminal 233, to the fan input terminal 227, inside the ontrol enlosure 223. Component 214, is a wire onneting from the fan output terminal 228, inside the ontrol enlosure 223, to the fan relay terminal 234, of the air onditioning system air distribution fan. Component 215 is a wire onneting from the outside air damper reyling ontrol terminal 229, inside the ontrol enlosure 223, to the outside air damper power input terminal 235. Component 220 is a light emitting diode (LED), or liquid rystal display, or other indiating means, that is energized upon power appliation to both the power supply input terminal 224, and the ommon input terminal 225. Component 221 is a LED, or 40 liquid ry stat display, or other indiating means, that is energized when the fan output terminal 228, is energized by the ontrol for reyling operation only. Component 222 is a LED, or liquid rystal display, or other indiating means, that is energized when the outside air damper reyling 45 ontrol terminal 229, is energized. Component 217 an be a manually ativated rotary swith or miroproessor equivalent input to allow seletion of the fan reyling ontrol OFF delay time period, whereby, this delay time period begins at the end of the last operation of the air distribution fan or the 50 last operation of the heating apparatus of the air onditioning system. Component 218 an be a manually ativated rotary swith or miroproessor equivalent input, to allow seletion of the fan reyling ontrol O delay time period, whereby, this delay time period begins at the end of the said 55 OFF delay time period. Component 219 an be a manually ativated rotary swith or miroproessor equivalent input, to allow seletion of the outside air damper yle time period, whereby, the yle time period refers to the time that the damper output terminal 229, will yle between, first 60 energized then de-energized, and so on, for as long as the fan output terminal 228, is energized. Component 216 is an on/off swith or miroproessor equivalent input that, when in the on position, allows the fan reyling ontrol and the outside air damper reyling ontrol to operate, and, when in 65 the off position, disables the fan reyling ontrol and the outside air damper reyling ontrol operation. Regardless of the position of on/off swith 216, a fan ontrol signal at

12 US 6,431,268 Bl 7 fan input terminal 227, from a thermostat or humidistat, always passes through to the fan output terminal 228. Control enlosure 223, ontains a printed iruit board with iruit omponents inluding a miroproessor to reeive the ontrol inputs, exeute the required ontrol logi, and 5 produe the ontrol outputs. The operation of the omponents of FIG. 2 will now be desribed. Referring to FIG. 2, the present invention is wired in series between the thermostat or humidistat fan ontrol terminal 233, and the fan relay terminal 234, of the air 10 onditioning system air distribution fan, and the present invention is wired in parallel with the thermostat heat ontrol terminal 232. When the fan ontrol input terminal 227, is energized, the fan ontrol output terminal 228, is energized, and the internal time lok of the miroproessor 15 is reset. When the thermostat heat input ontrol terminal 226, is energized, the internal time lok of the miroproessor is reset. When the fan ontrol input terminal 227, is de-energized, the fan ontrol output terminal 228, is de-energized, and the internal time lok of the miropro- 20 essor begins to reord elapsed FA OFF time. If the elapsed FA OFF time equals the fan reyling FA OFF time, set by swith 217, then the fan output ontrol terminal 228, is energized, and the internal time lok of the miroproessor begins to reord FA O elapsed time. If the 25 elapsed FA O time equals the fan reyling FA O time, set by swith 218, then the fan output ontrol terminal 228, is de-energized, and the internal time lok of the miroproessor begins to reord elapsed FA OFF time, and so on, until either the fan ontrol input terminal 227, or the 30 thermostat heat ontrol input terminal 226, is energized, at whih time the fan reyling proess is interrupted. When the fan output ontrol terminal 228, is energized, the outside air damper reyling ontrol output terminal 229, is energized, and the miroproessor internal time lok begins 35 to reord the outside air damper elapsed open time. If the outside air damper elapsed open time equals the outside air damper yle time, set by swith 219, then the outside air damper reyling ontrol output terminal 229, is de-energized, and the miroproessor internal time lok 40 begins to reord the outside air damper elapsed losed time. If the outside air damper elapsed losed time equals the outside air damper yle time, set by swith 219, then the outside air damper reyling ontrol output terminal 229, is energized, and the miroproessor internal time lok begins 45 to reord the outside air damper elapsed open time, and so on, until the fan ontrol output terminal 228, is de-energized, at whih time the outdoor air damper ontrol output terminal 229, is de-energized. Third Embodiment FIG. 3 is an algorithm of steps for integrating the fan reyling ontrol and outside air damper reyling ontrol funtions of FIG. 1 and FIG. 2 into a miroproessor based thermostat. The algorithm of FIG. 3 will now be desribed. 55 The algorithm starts at 310. At 311 the program heks if the thermostat is alling for heating, ooling, humidifying, dehumidifying, or onstant fan operation. If any of those modes are ative, the program goes to 314 where it heks if fan reyling has been de-ativated. If it has not, the 60 program goes to 316 where fan reyling is de-ativated, if it has, the program goes to 318 where the thermostat provides means for normal ativation or ontinued operation of the air distribution fan. If the heating, ooling, humidifying, dehumidifying, or onstant fan modes are not 65 ative, the program goes to 320 where it heks if fan reyling has been ativated. If it has, the program goes to where it heks if the air distribution fan is energized. If fan reyling has not been ativated the program goes to 330 where fan reyling is ativated, whereby fan reyling ativation starts with the FA OFF time delay, then the program loops bak to 354 through 332. If the air distribution fan is energized, the program goes to 324 where it heks if the FA O time delay has elapsed. If it has, the program goes to 326 where the fan is de-energized and the outside air damper reyling is de-ativated, if it has not, the program goes to 338 where it heks if the outside air damper reyling has been ativated. If the air distribution fan is not energized, the program goes to 334 where it heks if the FA OFF time delay has elapsed. If it has, the program goes to 336 where it energizes the air distribution fan, if it has not, the program loops bak to 354 through 332. If outside air damper reyling has been ativated, the program goes to 342 where it heks if the outside air damper is energized. If outside air damper reyling has not been ativated, the program goes to 340 where it ativates outside air damper reyling, whereby the outside air damper reyling starts with the damper OPE time. If the outside air damper is energized, the program goes to 346 where it heks if the outside air damper OPE time has elapsed. If it has, the program goes to 350 where it de-energizes the outside air damper, then loops bak to 354 through 352, if it has not, the program loops bak to 354 through 352. If the outside air damper is not energized, the program goes to 344 where it heks if the outside air damper CLOSED time has elapsed. If it has, the program goes to 348 where it energizes the outside air damper, then loops bak to 354 through 352, if it has not, the program loops bak to 354 through 352. Although the algorithm of FIG. 3 desribes a partiular flow of logi, other logi paths may be used to aomplish the same funtion. Fourth Embodiment FIG. 4 is a fourth embodiment shemati of an air onditioning system 400 showing an air handling unit 402 with an air distribution fan 406, a supply air dut 410 delivering air to the interior spae, a return air dut returning air from the interior spae to the air distribution fan 412, a heating and humidifying apparatus 415, a ooling and dehumidifying apparatus 417, and an air leaning apparatus 419. Also shown in FIG. 4, is an outside air dut 420 onneting between outside to the return air side of the air distribution fan, for the purpose of draining in outside ventilation air 425, an outside air damper 430 in the dut with ontrol wiring 435. Also shown in FIG. 4, is a thermostat 452, a humidistat 454, a fan reyling ontrol, an outside air damper reyling ontrol 458, that orrespond to the omponents and operation of the preeding figures. Fifth Embodiment FIG. 5 is a fifth embodiment view of the fae of a window or wall air onditioning system 500 suh as but not limited to a Carrier with inorporated outside air damper 510, supply air 512, return air 514, fan reyling ontrol 525, and outside air damper ontrol 527, where the system is mounted over an existing window/wall opening 530. I laim: 1. A fan reyling ontrol for an air onditioning apparatus inluding at least one of: a heating apparatus, a ooling apparatus, a humidifying apparatus, a dehumidifying apparatus, and an air leaning apparatus for providing onditioned air; a fan to distribute onditioned air to an interior spae;

13 9 US 6,431,268 Bl at least one of: a thermostat and humidstat, eah of the at least one of the thermostat and the humidstat for ativating and deativating the air onditioning apparatus and the fan, and further having a seletable onstant fan 5 mode, said ativating ausing a ontinuous fan operation, said deativating ausing no fan operation; a fan reyling ontrol means for periodially ativating and deativating only the fan of said air onditioning 10 system in order to operate the fan for a first time period after a seond time period dependent from the end of a last operation of the fan, wherein the last operation of the fan inludes at least one of: a last operation of said air onditioning system, and a last fan operation initi- 15 ated by the fan reyling ontrol. 2. The reyling ontrol of laim 1, wherein the air onditioning system inludes: a entral air onditioning system. 3. The reyling ontrol of laim 1, wherein the air 20 onditioning system inludes at least one of: a window unit and a wall unit. 4. A fan reyling ontrol, omprising: means for providing onditioned air, the air onditioner 25 means being seleted from at least one of: an air heater, an air ooler, an air humidifier, an air dehumidifier, and an air leaner; a fan for distributing the onditioned air; ontrol means for ativating and deativating the air onditioner means, and for providing a seletable onstant fan mode, said ativating ausing a ontinuous fan mode, said deativating ausing no fan operation; and 10 a reyle ontrol for periodially ativating and deativating only the fan after a preseleted time period, sine the air onditioner means has been deativated, or the fan has been deativated from the seletable onstant fan mode. 5. A fan reyling ontrol system, omprising: means for providing onditioned air to an air spae; means for distributing the onditioned air in the air spae; ontrol means for ativating and deativating the air onditioner means, and for providing a seletable onstant air distribution mode, said ativating ausing a ontinuous air distribution mode, said deativating ausing no air distribution operation; and a reyle ontrol for periodially ativating and deativating only the air distribution means after a preseleted time period, sine the air onditioner means has been deativated, or the air distribution means has been deativated from the seletable onstant air distribution mode. 6. The fan reyling ontrol system of laim 5, wherein the providing means inludes: air onditioner. 7. The fan reyling ontrol system of laim 5, wherein the providing means inludes: air onditioning system. 8. The fan reyling ontrol system of laim 5, wherein the providing means inludes at least one of: a window unit and a wall unit. 9. The fan reyling ontrol system of laim 5, wherein 30 the providing means inludes at an air heater, an air ooler, an air humidifier, an air dehumidifier, and an air leaner. * * * * *

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